The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1172: Kill the two demons (five more pink)

Thank you very much for the cloudy 001 classmates, p. Phoebe classmates, the genius demon classmates, the students flying between the fingers, Mrs. Lu, the book friends 110404195134303 classmates, wqiy2003 classmates, Guling Phoenix classmates, lida666 classmates, Shuangyanyun master classmates, no Students of Sound City, TEN classmates, book friends 08910205917581 classmates, Tao Lezhi classmates, rainjin classmates, wind hunter classmates, swallow little classmates, Blue Devils classmates, Quartet dreams flying classmates, hS classmates pink ticket!


The Tauren screamed, and the big feet went to the ground, and the ground was cracked. Together with the Hutou people, they caught up with the wind and chased them toward Xu Ziyan.

At this time, the monks did not react from the shock of Xu Ziyan's back wings. After a few moments in the past, the captain of the grandson shivered and pointed his finger at the direction in which Xu Ziyan disappeared:

"That... Zhou Yu is... Yaozu..."

Xu Ziyan three people flew very fast, flew to the depths of the blood. With the cultivation of Xu Ziyan, the wing of the wind can only completely remove the Tauren and the Tigerhead. However, Duan Tianya in the early days of Tianxian and Duan Tianhe in the middle of Tianxian did not do this. Therefore, Xu Ziyan did not expect to get rid of the Tauren and the Tigerhead. What she wanted to do was to lead the two demons to an unmanned place and then kill both of them.

This is not a purple smoke whimsy, she has this ability. Because she has the hustle and bustle of He Boxian. He Boxian House was originally the cultivation of the late Tianxian, and now Xu Ziyan has broken through the peak of the late Xianxian, and the knowledge of the gods has also increased. The cultivation of the river in the river is also natural. Now, He Boxian has reached the peak of the peak of the late Tianxian.

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe saw that the Tauren and the Hutou people were rapidly approaching. When they were in a panic, they heard the voice of Xu Ziyan:

"Big brother, younger brother. Can you both drag the time of the tiger head to breathe?"

"Can! Don't forget that we are the son of Jade Emperor. There are still some good things on the body." Duan Tianhe said.

Xu Ziyan heard the news, yeah! How can the jade emperor's son not bring some good things. I thought that at the beginning, she had seen the seal that was released from the end of the world, and the seal of Luo Tianshang Xianwei. In this way, Xu Ziyan’s mood is even easier:

"Good! You can kill the Tauren with a few breaths of time." After that, we will work together to kill the Tigerhead!"


Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe are in the heart. Yes, Duan Tianhe wants to open the fairy that seals his father's spells and kills the two demons. However, he is also very reluctant, but that is the last resort of life. When released, it loses its usefulness. Now I heard that Xu Ziyan actually said that he could kill the Tauren in a few breathing hours, and even Duan Tianya was wondering if Xu Ziyan was a soaring person.

at this time. Three people have already flown hundreds of miles in an instant. Xu Ziyan's gaze swept down and saw a valley below. I will lightly say:

"Let's go down!"


Three figures rushed down the valley below.


Two demons followed.


Xu Ziyan lightly sighed, Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe instantly turned around, and each of them sacrificed three ornaments and went straight to the tiger head. At the same time, Xu Ziyan also took out the second product, and rushed toward the Tauren.

The two demon people of the Tauren and the Hutou people look awkward, and the actions of the three people of Xu Ziyan are too much for their surprise! Xu Ziyan is faster than Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe. The wing of the wind is on display. It was only in an instant that the Tauren’s front was in front of him, and the sword in his hand was like a torn sky, and he screamed sharply to the Tauren.

The Tauren was only slightly stunned and then furious. Swinging the mace in his hand and slamming the past with the sword of Xu Ziyan.

"When ~~"

A loud noise, the mace and the sword hit together. The shape of Xu Ziyan was shaken by the Tauren in the air. However, just as she was shaken off, a fist was extended from the body of Xu Ziyan. With the shape of Xu Ziyan flying back, it was only an instant. With that fist, a figure appeared, but it was the river of Xu Ziyan. Bo Xianfu.


The power of the four-character fairy. The cultivation of the peak of the late Tianxian. Just this punch, it smashed the body of the Tauren.


Xu Ziyan, who is retreating, instantly runs the sword and the gas is determined. The sword of a three-piece fairy power can be transmitted from the body of Xu Ziyan, but it immediately catches up with the **** of the Tauren.



In the roar of the earth. The ash of the Tauren's **** was bombarded.

A few hundred miles away, the Yaozu still stayed in place. The Terran and the Mozu have begun to slowly leave. Approaching the depths of the blood sea. The roar from the distance allowed the three tribes to look up into the distance.

The faces of the Yaozu are a joy, and even the Yaozu cheers up: "Catch up!"

The Mozu only looked at it with a faint look, and then continued to silently go deep into the **** sea, without a half-length change.

The look of the Terran is very complicated, but no one speaks. The captain of the Xue family looked at the captain of the Sun family and snorted, and the captain of the Sun family looked at the other side with a smug look.

A few hundred miles away.

At the moment when the Tauren were killed, Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe also flew to the front of the Hutou people. The two swordsmen stunned two curved shapes to the Hutou people.

At this time, the Hutou people dared to stay here, with a sword in their hands, and flew away from the distance by the force of collision with Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe.

However, his figure has just been separated from the two people of Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe. The sudden soul is a fascination, and there is a sign of wanting to fall asleep.

Not far behind him, he saw Xu Ziyan fluttering, jade flute. The soul sleep chapter is being played.

The Hutou people struggled to struggle with their pajamas and flew. but. With the help of the soul-killing, how can he fly over He Boxian?


He Boxian has crossed his head and turned upside down in the air, punching the head of the tiger head. The Hutou people rushed out of the sword. Welcome to the fist of He Boxian.


The handle knife is just a second-class fairy, which can withstand the hit of the four-piece fairy of He Boxian, especially the repair of He Boxian is also the peak of the late Tianxian.

The fragments of the sword swayed around, but did not block the fist of He Boxian. Still bombarding the past with the head of the tiger head.

The shape of the tiger head flashed, but under the guidance of the soul-killing, the movements were somewhat out of shape. He was bombarded by He Boxin on his shoulder. Although the punch of He Boxianfu was partially resisted by the tiger's sword, the fist still shattered his shoulder.


The tiger head screamed. The sound of this screaming was spread hundreds of miles away. The monks of the three races all looked up. The monks of the Yaozu changed their faces and looked at each other.


One by one, they leaped away from the screaming.


The body of the tiger head who was flying backwards was chased back by Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe. Flying over the river Boss House. A huge fist is instantly enlarged in the eyes of the Hutou people.


The body of the Hutou people was smashed into powder, and even his gods did not have time to run away and were smashed away.

Xu Ziyan thought about it and collected He Boxian. The three people in the air, Huo Ran, looked back and they all felt the slight fluctuation of space.

"Someone is chasing it!" Duan Tianhe frowned.

Xu Ziyan hurriedly said: "Big brother, younger brother. You two will go first, I will lead them in the other direction."

"No!" Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe said in unison.

Xu Ziyan does not wait for the two to open again. Then he said in a hurry: "Don't fight, I have the wing of the wind, flying faster than you, they can't catch up with me."

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe looked at each other and knew that Xu Ziyan was telling the truth. When this time was not polite, he said to Xu Ziyan:

" Take care!"

"Take care!" Xu Ziyan also handed a courtesy: "As long as we live in the blood, we will meet again."

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe nodded heavily, then chose a direction and flew away.

Xu Ziyan looked at the back of the two people has disappeared. This is the way to look back in the air. The fluctuations in space are rapidly approaching. The figure of the Yaozu has already appeared in the vision of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan smiled faintly, and the smile was very clear in the vision of the Yaozu. Turned around, the wing of the wind shook and pulled up a glare. I can't see the trail in an instant. The demon look behind him, and then struggled to follow.

In a flash. Two quarters of an hour passed. Xu Ziyan has not felt the space fluctuation behind him, knowing that the Yaozu who has already chased him has completely fallen. And Xu Ziyan did not always fly straight, but changed several directions in the middle. Don't say that the Yaozu didn't know where Xu Ziyan was at that time, that is, Xu Ziyan flew a dizzy turn.

Standing in the air, looking down, Xu Ziyan found himself seems to have begun to enter the depths of the blood. Under the spread of the gods, it was discovered that there are **** sea creatures around the Tianxian period, ranging from the early days of Tianxian to the peaks of the late Tianxian. However, Xu Ziyan is slightly relieved that these blood and sea creatures are all individually owned by their own territory, not as a group of people in the outer periphery of the **** sea.

The figure fell to the bottom and rushed straight to the **** sea creatures of the early days of the fairy. Nowadays, with the cultivation of Xu Ziyan, it is still the most sure to deal with the monks in the early days of Tianxian.

In the air, the second-class sword has been sacrificed, and the huge power can be shrouded in the early stage of the first fairy. It is necessary to know that the consciousness of Xu Ziyan has reached the peak of the late Tianxian. The **** sea creatures in the early days of the fairy were pressed by the power of Xu Ziyan, and they were trembling, and even the actions became clumsy.


Xu Ziyan transported the sword of water to the great consummation, filled with tiny swirls on the second sword. A sword is inserted into the eyebrows of the blood sea creatures, and the force of the **** sea flows into the body of Xu Ziyan along the sword. Xu Ziyan's operation and refinement of these **** forces.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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