The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1173: Ontology promotion (one more pink)

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After the **** sea creatures dissipated, Xu Ziyan frowned slightly. Because, she finally found a problem. That is, from the late stage of the immortal to the peak of the late Xianxian, but the **** sea creatures that almost killed the night reached this state.

However, it is easy to upgrade from the late Xianxian to the late Xianxian, because there is no barrier in the middle, no need to break through, just the accumulation of Xianyuan. However, it was different at the peak of the late Xianxian, because there was a barrier in the early days of the fairy, and it was a barrier to a big realm. This requires extremely fast Xianyuan force to be able to open the barriers in the body.

The problem is that it only raised the late stage of the immortals to the peak of the late Xianxian, and let Xu Ziyan kill the **** creatures of the night. This will accumulate to the thickness of the fairy power that can break through the barriers of the late Tianxian, and when will it be obtained. And most importantly, she found that although the power of the **** sea is making up for the balance of yin and yang in her own dantian, it depends on the improvement of Xianyuan's strength, and it accumulates very slowly.

Xu Ziyan stood there slightly frowning, thinking for a while and did not want to understand. I decided to try again to kill a **** sea creature in the early days of the fairy.

In the spread of the gods, I quickly searched for a **** sea creature in the early days of the fairy, and the wind wing behind it vibrated. In an instant, I came to the **** sea creatures, and the spirits overwhelmed the past, offering two swords in my hand, and a sword inserted into the eyebrow of the **** creature.

Running the game. Xu Ziyan slightly lowered his eyes and carefully felt. The **** sea creatures dissipated, and Xu Ziyan also spit out a heavy breath, revealing a trace of depression in his eyes.

It turned out that she discovered the reason for the slow improvement of the cultivation, and the force of the **** sea was run through the body's meridians on a large Sunday. Only a small fraction was absorbed into Dantian, about a tenth of the amount. Three-tenths of the amount was scattered into her muscles, and most of the blood and blood were scattered outside the body.

Xu Ziyan's eyes suddenly brightened, sinking the gods into the body and carefully observing his muscles. There was a hint of joy on his face. However, it is still not certain.

Looking up and spreading around the gods, I caught a **** sea creature in the early days of the fairy, and the wind wing fluttered behind me. In an instant, I came to a nest of blood sea creatures in the early days of the fairy. A sword is inserted in its eyebrows, running through the shackles, while absorbing the power of the blood and sea, while exploring its own internal conditions.

Sure enough, she found that the power of this blood is the most helpful for the monks, not to improve the cultivation, but to enhance the strength of its body. When Xu Ziyan was running around. It is also only one-tenth of the blood of the sea to enter Dantian, and three-tenths of the force of the blood into the muscles, to enhance her body strength. Moreover, Xu Ziyan did not pay attention to this. It was only after this attention that he found that his body strength had reached the middle of the Sanpinxian.

Xu Ziyan squinted a little and thought about it, his eyes flashed with joy. The figure was lifted again, approaching the past with the **** sea creatures in the early days of the next fairy.

This time, after inserting the second-class sword into the eyebrow of the blood-sea creature, she did not run the Qiankun, but operated the sword. Sure enough, this sword is finally shipped. It attracts more blood and force to dissipate into her muscles. Quenching her muscles, making her muscles stronger and more beautiful. Almost 90% of the blood of the sea is used by her.

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed and looked away from the surroundings. This is a careful look. It was a shock in my heart. She found herself at this time seems to be standing in a courtyard. The wing of the wind behind him vibrated and flew up to the sky. His eyes revealed the color of shock.

The lower part is actually an extremely wide courtyard. This is definitely not a place for people, but a family.

This... Xiaolong actually swallowed up a whole family, how big is it!

In the mind of Xu Ziyan, a picture was formed. It was originally a vibrant family, but it was swallowed up by the sudden appearance of the dragon. The lucky one was to fall into the dragon world. Unfortunately, they fell. To the **** sea of ​​the dragons. Presumably, before the dragon died, this place is a Jedi, a place where the monks can not survive. It was only in an instant that a vibrant land became a place of death. In her ear, it seems that the monk's mourning is still echoing. In her vision, it seems as if she can see the fear of the monks facing death.


Xu Ziyan sighed, ancient... It should be a very chaotic, extremely... glorious era! Let Xu Ziyan can't help but yearn for it.

After tidying up the feelings of longing, Xu Ziyan began to lock the **** sea creatures in the early days of Tianxian one by one, killing them one by one, absorbing the power of blood and sea, and running the sword to quench their muscles.

When Xu Ziyan killed all the **** sea creatures in the early days of the Tianxian, her muscles had undergone a round of quenching and began to quench the skin, and the body was repaired with some enhancement.

Xu Ziyan stood in front of a gate at this time. She knew that as long as she pushed the door open, she would enter the interior of the family, similar to the inner court of the Xujia in the middle of the city. There are a lot of **** sea creatures in the middle of the fairy, and there is no **** sea creature in the early days of the fairy.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Ziyan reached out and pushed the door open!


The door opened in front of Xu Ziyan's eyes, and a front yard was seen in her eyes, and there was a stone road leading to the depths of the courtyard. In the courtyard, an old man was holding a broom in his hand and sweeping the floor. The whole body is red and horrible. However, he was unaware of it. He thought that the moment before his death was cleaning the courtyard, so he did not know how many millions of years had passed, that is, he was already dead. Still dancing in the inertia, sweeping the courtyard.


The old man stopped the broom and slowly turned his head to look at the Xu Ziyan standing at the gate. The corners of his mouth are stunned and creepy. Then she was like a fast monster. Rushed over to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not let the body of He Boxianfu come out, but waved the sword in his hand and rushed over to the other side. She wants to try to determine the extent to which she can overcome the strength of her own peak. And when it is not possible to resist, it is not too late to release the river. The key is not to expose the secrets of your own avatar here.

Just played a few rounds. Xu Ziyan inserted the sword into the eyebrow of the old man. A lot more blood than the previous force rushed into the body along her fairy sword. Xu Ziyan was very satisfied with his heart, and he was able to easily kill the **** sea creatures in the middle of the fairy with his own strength.

As a result, Xu Ziyan is more convinced that he has body space, his explosive power, and the release of the fairy power, as well as the monarchs who are far superior to their own realm, who are farther than their own monks. Not as good as yourself. Just don't know where your limits are. Xu Ziyan decided to experience it here.

It took a day. Xu Ziyan killed all the **** sea creatures in the middle of the fairy, including the peak of the middle of the fairy, and the quenched epidermis has ended and began to quench the meridians.

Xu Ziyan pushed open another door and stepped into the center of the family. The gods spread out overwhelmingly. In the knowledge of the gods, there were **** sea creatures in the late twenty-eight centuries and the peaks of the eight centuries. Each **** sea creature had its own courtyard, which made Xu Ziyan happy. This avoids the situation in which she is surrounded.

Xu Ziyan first went to a place where blood sea creatures lived in the late Tianxian. Without hesitation, he kicked the door open, and the figure rushed in. The sword in his hand had been handed out, and his body was followed by the flying sword, rushing toward the **** sea creature sitting in a chair in the house. go with.


There was also a sword in the other hand's hand, which collided with Xu Ziyan's fairy sword. Xu Ziyan’s body shape was later killed, and his right hand stretched out, grabbing the hilt and spreading the body. Attacking **** creatures.

The late Tianxian is the late Tianxian. Its power makes Xu Ziyan feel heavy. After a few breaths, Xu Ziyan actually tied a tie with the other side. This result made Xu Ziyan happy and depressed. I am happy that I can compete with the monks in the late Tianxian. And this is still the case when they don't show their cards. Depressed, if only this is the case. If you don't need a card, how can you deal with the peak of the late Tianxian?

If her mind is known by other monks, she will simply admire her hate and be mad, and she will hate to bite her.

Do you still want to drop?

With the repair of a peak of the late Xianxian, it is not only the same level of invincibility, but also the ability to challenge the late stage of the fairy, you still want to drop? Still want to drop?

Xu Ziyan’s right hand sword is like a smashing day, intensive as a storm, and fighting with the other side. The left finger twitched and created a water dragon in her palm.


A dragon screams, the water dragon in the palm of the hand rushes to the sky, greets the storm, turns into a hundred-foot dragon, turns around and rushes toward the **** sea creature, swallows it in one bite.

The meaning of water is full of Baizhang water dragon, creating a small vortex in the body of the water dragon, and wrapping the blood sea creature tightly inside. Xu Ziyan holds the dragon tail with one hand, and the blood and sea power in the blood sea organism continues to flow. The ground rushed through the dragon's body toward Xu Ziyan's hand, and then entered the body of Xu Ziyan.

The **** sea creatures in the water dragon have just struggled to struggle, and the water dragon released by Xu Ziyan is almost unable to trap it. However, as the force of blood in the body rapidly elapses, the repair of **** sea creatures is also rapidly declining, and the ability to resist is lost, allowing the purple smoke to absorb its blood.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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