The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1174: Find the devil (two more pink)

I am very grateful to the students (100), the students of Frost (100), and the students of the hidden winds (99)!


With the method of water dragon, Xu Ziyan's action is much faster. When you encounter each **** sea creature, you first use the fairy sword to entangle each other, and then release the water dragon to engulf the blood sea creatures. In just three hours, Xu Ziyan swept away the **** sea creatures of the late 28th. And the meridians have been tempered for a round and began to quench the bones.

Xu Ziyan did not immediately attack the **** sea creatures in the late Tianxian period. Instead, he swallowed the drug in a room for a while, and adjusted his cultivation to the peak. Then it turned to the peak of the first Tianxian. Blood sea creatures flew past.

The strength of the peak of the late Tianxian makes Xu Ziyan very helpless. On the battle, she fell to the bottom. It was the last to make a water dragon, but it was still broken by the blood sea creatures and rushed out.

Xu Ziyan finally understood his own strength. He could fight against the monks of the peak of the late Tianxian, but he could not win. Of course, this means that Xu Ziyan did not show her cards.

After figuring out his own strength, Xu Ziyan no longer wastes time, and when he thinks about it, he will release the He Boxian.

In this way, the **** sea creatures completely fell in the downwind, only a few rounds, Xu Ziyan will insert the fairy sword into the eyebrows of blood sea creatures.

After an hour, Xu Ziyan destroyed the **** sea creatures of the eight peaks of the late Tianxian. The bones have been tempered for a round and begin to quench the bone marrow. Xu Ziyan felt that his own body repair had already approached the four-character fairy from the realm of San Pinxian.

Today, Xu Ziyan feels that his body strength has reached an infinite level close to the realm of the late Tianxian, as long as the other party is not a monk at the peak of the late Tianxian. And it's not a three-piece fairy. You can win without a hole.

Waiting for yourself to break through to the realm of the four-character fairy, is the monk of the peak of the late Tianxian. You can also win by battle. And is there a three-piece fairy in this monk in the dragon? At the very least, Xu Ziyan has not seen it yet. In this way, Xu Ziyan has a lot of enthusiasm, no longer hide his own tracks, and the wind wing is in full swing. Rushing to the sky, she is ready to find Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe.

Xu Ziyan spread his wings to the depths of the blood sea, and the surrounding blood clouds swiftly passed by. Looking into the bottom, I saw a **** sea creature in the late peaks of the fairy tales wandering in the mountains. Xu Ziyan swooped toward the **** sea creatures. Suddenly, the space fluctuated, and a black entangled shadow rushed toward the **** sea creatures from the opposite direction of Xu Ziyan.

Two people found each other in an instant, and the flying body was a meal. Xu Ziyan looked at it. I know that the other party is a demon. At that time, the Mozu also saw that the other party was Xu Ziyan, and also saw the repair of Xu Ziyan, but it was the peak of the late Xianxian. Coldly and coldly toward Xu Ziyan, he did not think that Xu Ziyan dared to provoke himself, squatting Xu Ziyan, the body shape accelerated again, waving the big axe in his hand. Falling from the sky, he rushed to the **** sea creatures.

Xu Ziyan slowly descended from the air, standing on the ground not far from the ground, looking toward the demon who battled with **** sea creatures. The Mozu is a peak of the late Tianxian, at this time is struggling to cut blood and sea creatures.

Xu Ziyan is a bit strange, why the Mozu will kill with **** creatures. It stands to reason that he should not be hiding from **** sea creatures? Moreover, the cultivation of the blood sea creature is not weak, and he is also the peak of the late Tianxian. It may not be easy for him to kill this **** creature.

Turning his gaze to the **** sea creatures, Xu Ziyan’s heart is somewhat clear. Because the **** creature has a three-piece fairy in his hand, as long as the demon kills the **** creature. That three-piece fairy is his trophy. This temptation is huge in the dragon kingdom.

At that time, the Mozu also noticed that Xu Ziyan did not leave, but stood in a place not far from close to watching the killing of him and **** creatures. I couldn’t help but feel angry. He naturally thought that Xu Ziyan wanted to fish and benefit, and by an opportunity to scream to Xu Ziyan:

"I will roll it at once. Otherwise I will kill you!"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and she did not want to compete with the Mozu for the three-piece fairy. A three-piece fairy Xu Ziyan has not been put in the eyes. She has seven items and eight items on her body. As for the **** sea creatures at the peak of the late Tianxian, Xu Ziyan will not care. Here, some are blood sea creatures.

With a decision in mind, I want to pull back. However, when the wing of the wind behind her danced slightly, her heart remembered the solitary smoke in the West Gate of Heberfest. I remembered the sentence that Duan Tianhe said to her:

"From the magic to the fire!"

Since he can absorb the power of blood to cultivate, can the solitary smoke of Ximen absorb the magic power of the Mozu? Finally reached by the magic of life?

Try it! Be sure to try! Anyway, the solitary smoke of Ximen is already terrible at this point. Even if it absorbs some magic power, it will not be worse.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan spread the knowledge of the gods, but only in an instant, there was no other person around. The mind was moved and the body was separated from the river. Instantly flew to the head of the Mozu, the Mozu was shocked and felt the breath of the peak of the late Tianxian, but before he responded, the monk on the head suddenly became a huge fairy. When the hood is down. With a great suction, the Mozu and the **** creatures were absorbed.

After that, the river Bossian House whirls and spins, and instantly shrinks, and enters the body of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan sank into the Heberfest House, and saw that the demon's look was a bit stunned, and the **** creature was just lost in an instant, and once again rushed toward the Mozu. Taking advantage of the demon's distraction, a sword turned the devil into two halves. After that, I looked around in confusion and felt instinctively that the environment here was different from the environment in which I lived.


There was a footstep, and a man with a faint sigh of darkness ran from a distance, as if there was something that attracted him. There was an urgent need on his face. It is the solitary smoke of Simon.


The **** sea creature discovered the solitary smoke of Ximen, and when it screamed, it swooped toward the solitary smoke of Ximen. Xu Ziyan was shocked in his heart, and his heart was moving, and the **** sea creature disappeared in front of the solitary smoke of Ximen. Xu Ziyan was moved to the real water circle of Heberfest.

The solitary smoke of Ximen completely turned a blind eye to the things in front of him, and directly rushed to the side of the demon who was split in two. He circled around for a few laps, then squatted and held the two bodies in his arms with his hands, and sat on the ground. Practiced.

Xu Ziyan can clearly see that the black gas on the body of the demon madly rushed toward the body of the solitary smoke in Ximen, and was quickly absorbed by the solitary smoke of Ximen, and then it was continuously drawn from his body. Black gas, while the body was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than a quarter of an hour, it became a sigh.


The solitary smoke station in Ximen got up and looked up and roared. Looking around, I saw that I wanted to find another such body.

“Is this useful?”

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the gods retreated from He Boxian’s house. After thinking about it for a bit, he decided to temporarily give up his ability to absorb blood and improve his cultivation. Instead, he focused on finding the magic for the solitary smoke of Ximen. Family matters.

The wings of the wind expand and dance in an instant. Flying toward the air, the gods spread out overwhelmingly. On the way, I saw a few **** sea creatures in the late peaks of the Tianxian. Xu Ziyan said nothing, and all of them were included in the real water pool in Heberfest, trapping them inside.

He Boxianfu is a four-character genius. With the cultivation of the peaks of the late Tianxian, Xu Ziyan is completely worried that the seven blood-sea creatures can cause the slightest damage to He Boxian.

There are ten squadrons in the field of vision. The squad is the highest in the late Tianxian monk, and there are eight monks in the immortals.

At this point, the team is walking carefully on the ground. I felt the sky suddenly black. When Horan looked up, he saw a huge Xianfu descending from the sky. For the fairy, they were tantamount to ten ants. It was only in an instant that it was accepted into the fundamental fairy house.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move and released a **** sea creature. I saw that the **** sea creatures found the ten demons, and they rushed past. It was stunned by the real water array in Heberfest, and was released at this time. When he saw the ten demons, he began to take the ten demons.

Xu Ziyan gave a glimpse of the gods to pay attention to the **** sea creatures in Heberfest, and at the same time, he was still flying rapidly around the place. Searching around for the Mozu.

Xu Ziyan's wind wing is extremely fast. It can be said that within the **** sea, no matter whether it is a demon, a human or a demon, no monk can catch up with her. Therefore, whenever she sees the Terran and the Yaozu from afar, she immediately changes direction, avoids going, and goes around searching for the Mozu.

Within the Heberfest House, there are more and more Mozus who have been caught by Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan no longer completely killed the Mozu to the **** sea creatures. Instead, he locked the Mozu in the big array of the three magnates and locked the Ximen solitary smoke in a large array of Fushua. Then whenever the solitary smoke of Ximen absorbs the magic power of a Mozu, Xu Ziyan will call out a Mozu, let the blood sea creatures kill, and then throw the body of the Mozu into the house of the solitary smoke in Ximen. within.

The dragons and dragons are not big, so there are not many monks raised. The Mozu who entered the **** sea this time is more than 5,000. When Xu Ziyan arrested more than a thousand Mozu, her actions finally caught the attention of the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu. Although they did not find what Xu Ziyan did, the Mozu monks were suddenly reduced or discovered.

As a result, the Terran and the Yaozu are also somewhat flustered and more careful. The Mozu was even more alarmed and began to slowly assemble.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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