The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1175: Dangerous situation (three more pink)

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Xu Ziyan also found this problem. She knew that she had to be more careful and acted at least once or twice, otherwise she would be discovered.

Xu Ziyan thought for a long time and decided to take another action to stop. But this last time, you must play a big one.

Flying high in the air, followed by a Mozu squad. Because she overheard, the squad's Mozu received a message and assembled in one direction. Sure enough, on the way, there were continually joined the Mozu, and when Xu Ziyan traced to the ground, he found that there were more than a thousand demons gathered here. Among them, there were three monks in the late Tianxian peak gathering in the middle to discuss what was going on.

Xu Ziyan flew over the sky of more than a thousand people and completely released He Boxian. A huge Xianfu appeared in the air and quickly fell to the bottom. The huge attraction formed a huge whirlpool and the ground. The Mozu on the upper side absorbed into the river.

The release of the He Boxian House was too great, and even the people of the Terran and the Yaozu who were far away could see it, and they were shocked and stunned. If the four-character space fairy is against the heavens, it will take some effort. However, the monks below the realm of heaven are almost invincible. It was only in less than half a moment that all the demons were absorbed.

Xu Ziyan quickly put away He Boxian, disappeared without a trace. After a quarter of an hour, the monks of the Terran and the Yaozu began to fly toward it. They did not know that this He Boxian government absorbed the Mozu, but considered it a treasure. But wait until they arrive here. I found that there is no trace of Xianfu at all.

However, these people did not give up, almost dig the ground here. Finally, he left with disappointment.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was hiding in a cave and was dealing with these demons. She has collected these demons in a large array of three bureaucrats. There are about 3,000 or so demons of the Mozu, and then the order to help the solitary smoke of Ximen is given to He Boxian. When the solitary smoke of Ximen absorbs a Mozu, He Boxian will automatically let the **** creatures kill. Die a demon. Then throw the gaze of the eyes to the solitary smoke of Simon.

After all this, Xu Ziyan came out of the cave and began to search for Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe again.

A huge peak in the sky, this huge peak from the mountainside to the top of the mountain is covered with pavilions, various palaces. It is completely a sect. The two figures are carefully flying upwards.

These two monks are not others, it is Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe. And the two people actually recovered their true colors.

It turned out that after Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe broke up with Xu Ziyan, the two people discussed it and felt that their two people and Xu Ziyan had offended the Yaozu. And the tribes of the Terran abandoned their three people. These people are expected to die in the hands of the Yaozu under the extreme guilt of their hearts.

If they find that the three of them are still alive, their psychology will be very uncomfortable. People's psychology is very strange. It is obvious that they have abandoned others. It is obvious that they are psychologically awkward, but they do not want to see their sorry people living well. Because Duan Tianya and others live better, their hearts will be less comfortable. In order to solve this uncomfortable. They will surely continue to smear the Tianya and others, and blame the three people of the end of the world for collusion with the Yaozu. They are the traitors of the Terran and the scum of the Terran. This is ridiculous, but it is normal. As the Prince and His Royal Highness of the Yuan Dynasty, I have a deep understanding of this.

Therefore, the two of them decided to restore the original appearance. Although this will be recognized by the monks who come in from outside, it is much safer than before.

However, the two of them ignored the killing of their brothers. Even when I arrived at the Dragon World, I did not think about giving up. And think this is a rare opportunity. I thought that there was no guard around them. In their words, the Prince and the 13th Royal Highness have a rare order. This is a rare opportunity for a hundred years. As long as they can kill the Prince and the 13th, they will have the opportunity to sit on the throne of the Jade Emperor. As for whether they can go out from the dragon, they are neglected.

and so. When Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe appeared, they were stared by their brothers. However, although they have more people than Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe, they are not sure that they can kill Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe. In this way, they thought of a way to say to the captains of the 蜃龙界 family that they belonged to. The two men in front of them are the two sons of the outside world, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, the three geniuses, and even the four products. Fairy.

When the captains heard it, they were all greedy. Here are the two families, one grandson and the other. The two captains who took the lead were called Sun Li and one was called Duan. They are all the repairs of the peaks of the late Tianxian. Following the Sun family is the third hall of the Yuan Yuanguo, and the dancers are the seven halls.

At this point, Sun Li has been eager to reach out and point to the end of the world and Duan Tianhe: "You two come over!"

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe looked at each other and both of them had anger in their eyes. Who are these two people? One is the prince of the Yuan Dynasty, and the other is the most genius of the lower galaxies. In the Yuan Dynasty, it was the monks who surpassed them, even the monks of Luo Tianshang, and they were both gracious to them. I did not expect that some people now stretched out their fingers and yelled at them.

However, Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe still resisted this anger, flew toward the front, and glanced at the opposite side. Their eyes narrowed, and the two of them naturally saw the three halls and the seven halls. Some of the hearts were slightly understood, and stopped in the air ten meters away from Sun Li. Duan Tianhe said:

“What is your knowledge?”

Sun Li looked at them two arrogantly and found that the other party was only the mid-day of the fairy and the early days of the immortals. The eyes revealed disdain and said proudly:

"Call out the storage ring on your finger!"

Duan Tianhe glanced at the seven halls and the third hall, and looked at Sun Li again, sullenly said: "Why?"

"Which is so much nonsense, let you hand it over and hand it over! Hey! Don't think that I don't know the details of you. You two are the monks who came in from outside, and they are the sons of the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. But now you have entered the 蜃Dragon world, the dragon has to give me a plate, the tiger has to give me a squat. Hurry to hand over the storage ring, otherwise I will let you die here!"

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe were angry, not only the anger of Sun Li, but also the anger of His Royal Highness and His Royal Highness. They did not think of their brothers, and in such a situation, they would do such a despicable thing. Duan Tianhe’s gaze patrolled back and forth under the three halls and under the seven halls, sneer:

"It's really my good brother!"

"Ha ha ha..." A long laugh, dancing and sturdy body shape and Sun Li side by side: "Sun Li, you don't want to swallow it alone?"

Sun Li hit a haha: "Dance brother, how come? Isn't there two people? We are two of us!"


Duan Tianhe sighed softly. He was not stupid. In front of them were two monks at the peak of the late Tianxian, and there were hundreds of monks behind them. They even stared at them and wanted to kill them. The three halls of the temple and the seven halls of the temple made them both cold.

The two men flew toward the mountain. The space fluctuated and there were two sneers behind him:

"Leave it!"

Two people felt that there were two huge powers coming from behind them, so that two people felt as if two mountains had come from behind.

"Drink ~~"

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe turned back to condense the whole body, and did not dare to have the slightest reservation.


In the trepidation, the figures of Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe flew down the mountain. However, although the two repairs are not as good as Sun Li and Dance, the two are rich. Not only is there a three-piece fairy in his hand, but he also has a four-piece fairy mirror. Therefore, although the two men were embarrassed, they were not hurt.

Sun Li and Wu Ting saw each other although they were embarrassed, but they did not suffer the slightest damage. Two people felt that they had lost their face. The body flies have already flew to the front of the Tianya and Duan Tianhe. The two-piece fairy in the hand also lit up and attacked the two.

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe squatted with the four-piece fairy guardian defense, and the three-piece fairy attack in their hands, although they fell to the bottom, they still insisted.

However, the two people are more and more focused. Although the temporary life does not hinder, but it is entangled by Sun Li and dance toughness, there is no chance to get out of it. And around the four people in the fight, hundreds of people surrounded them and the situation became more and more critical.

The three halls are hidden in the crowd, and their eyes are tightly locked in Duan Tianhe. When I saw Duan Tianhe’s bodyguard Baoguang, I knew that Duan Tianhe had opened the goggles and his eyes were constantly flashing. He knew that there was a fairy on the body of Duan Tianhe who sealed a spell. Duan Tianhe has a body guard and a spell with that seal. If he starts the spell, he will escape from here.

At this time, Duan Tianhe also thought of the fairy that sealed his father's spell. He was very sad. Because that is the only card to save lives. However, nowadays it is surrounded by enemies. If you delay it, you will have a protective mirror and you will not be able to consume it. After all, you are in a bad grade. And the 13th brother is worse.

When I think of it, my eyes can't help but take a look at Duan Tianya. I saw that Duan Tianya is already embarrassed and completely passive. Like a sand bag, it was smashed and danced in the air.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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