The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1177: Tianhe died (five more pink)

I am very grateful to the classmates of the East Yu Yu (100), the Cavalry GB classmates (100) for the reward!


The body of Xu Ziyan was a shock. The swords circling in the air were all a meal, and they were almost shot down by the swords of the toughness.

Xu Ziyan re-stabilized the fairy sword in the air, and the magic swords and the other side's swords repeatedly collided, and the air sounded like a sword, and the road Jianguang.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan clenched his fist in the right hand and blasted the shadow of the road. The fist trembled rapidly and reached the limit of Xu Ziyan. A pair of punches and shadows screamed at each other, while the left hand and the five fingers moved together, and the handcuffs were swept, and a water dragon was instantly formed.


The original small water dragon flew into the air, instantly zoomed into a hundred feet long, and rolled toward the onlookers of the onlookers, while Xu Ziyan shouted:

"End of the World, you go first!"

"Sister, you..."

Xu Ziyan looked sharply: "I want to avenge my brother!"

Duan Tianya’s eyes brightened, and he thought about fighting with Xu Ziyan side by side, but looked down at the big brother in his arms and his face was suddenly stunned. He knew that Xu Ziyan would move the small movement and bite his teeth:

"Sister, let me go first! If you can't, you will leave first. This **** hatred is slowly reported!"

When the words fell, the body shape swept, and then followed the water dragon, and went out to the outside.

Nowadays, the water dragons that Xu Ziyan condenses, its power has approached the peak of the late Tianxian, where the monks around can block. All the way to the pressure, and seeing half of it rushed out of the encirclement.

The toughness of the dance reveals anxiousness, knowing that he still remembers the storage rings of Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe. Suddenly swept away. He gave up Xu Ziyan and pursued the past toward the end of the world.

However, a person suddenly appeared in front of him, as if he had swooped over the mountains. It is the Xu Ziyan who displays the body of the cloud.

Dance resistance and rush have to fight against each other. The figure was actually beaten back by Xu Ziyan.


The two-sword sword in the air, hovering in the air, rushed toward the heart of the dance. The sound of the fairy sword broke, and the body of the toughness of the dance was forced to flash sideways. At the same time, the imperial sword slammed his own sword toward the purple sword of Xu Ziyan.

At this moment, Xu Ziyan’s left-handed five-finger was violently swaying the law, and his eyes fixed on the air in the dance, but he slammed his left hand toward the back, and a water dragon suddenly violently, crossed the air. On the top of the paragraph of the end of the world, whistling down the crushed past, followed by the first water dragon to chase.

And at the same time. Xu Ziyan’s lips are slightly open, and she sighs lightly: “Explosion!”

The first water dragon that had already rushed far away burst into a burst, and the time seemed to set off a huge wave in the air, smashing the bodies of countless monks. It’s Duan Tianya. If there is no second water dragon to cover him in front of him, he and Duan Tianhe will also be smashed by the water dragon’s self-destruction. Even so, the second water dragon was also in the low-end, the last power after the first water dragon blew himself, disappeared in space.

but. Now there is no one in front of Duan Tianya, that is, the person standing in the back, and the monks who have not been bombarded by the water dragons are also flying away in the distance, because they found that the purple smoke is moving the left hand backwards. Toss, the third water dragon is roaring.

In this way, in front of Duan Tianya is simply a no-man's land. Duan Tianya looked back at the back of Xu Ziyan, holding his big brother in his arms, his body flashed a few times, and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

The dance is tenacious!

Watching Xu Ziyan release three consecutive days of water dragons. Save Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe. Let him lose the mind of getting the storage ring of Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe, plus the shame that he can't win the purple smoke. Dance toughness broke out all his potential, and his hands and fingers pulled forward a residual image and quickly made a seal. Then put the thumb of the right hand toward Xu Ziyan.

I saw a sudden blood cloud over the sky, and there was a whirlpool. A glimmer of light flashed through the center of the vortex, and a thumb of more than ten feet was revealed through the whirlpool, with a great power to press Xu Ziyan.

The thumb is still far away from Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan feels that he is being pressed and the skin is getting stronger. The clothes on my body were pressed and pressed tightly on your body.

Xu Ziyan immediately realized that this fairy is a top grade fairy, and the pressure of the volley has already broken through the peak trend of the late Tianxian, which makes the skeleton of Xu Ziyan squeak.


Xu Ziyan’s head appeared on his head and slammed his thumb toward the rapid fall of the air. A squirt spurt away, and the second qi sword has already condensed, and the slamming of the first qi sword toward the air slams, followed by the third handle, fourth handle……

With one handle and one handle, a bright purple beam is drawn.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The roar of the roaring sound is deafening, and the source of the eternal force of Xu Ziyan is rapidly consumed.

When the thirteenth qi sword burst, the huge thumb finally vanished.

Xu Ziyan and Wu Ting looked at each other and both sides were very pale. It seems that whether it is Xu Ziyan condensing the sword, or the dance toughness to release the finger scorpion, they are violently consumed by the celestial forces in their respective bodies. Xu Ziyan checked the fairy power in his body, and his mouth twitched a bit, and his heart secretly smiled. After the dance and the toughness of the big battle, the release of the three most powerful water dragons and thirteen handle swords, so that the Xianyuan power within the Dantian is only less than 10%.

The opposite dance toughness is also uncomfortable. The **** is indeed beyond his ability. If it is not his cultivation, it is the peak of the late Tianxian. At this moment, it can't be floated in the air.

So when he saw Xu Ziyan not only resisting his **** attacks, but also being able to float in the air, he was shocked!

However, he felt that Xu Ziyan had reached the end of the mountain, and he did not think that the immortal force in the monk of the late Xianxian peak would be stronger than himself. Therefore, he felt that as long as he issued another attack, he could solve the purple smoke in front of him.

Duan Tianya and Duan Tianhe have fled, and he vented his anger at Xu Ziyan. The last fairy power in his body was mobilized, and a punch was made to Xu Ziyan. At the same time, the fairy sword hovering in the air spurred toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan knows the movement, and the second-class Xianjian has a rapid hovering, welcoming the sword of the air dance toughness. At the same time, the power of three acupoints was turned on. One of the forces of the acupoints condensed a squid and suspended it on the top of her head. A force of acupuncture slammed a punch and greeted the punch of the rhythm. At the same time, use a third hole to condense a water dragon in the left hand.


Xu Ziyan and Wu Ren and their respective fists filled with Xian Yuanli crashed into a piece between the two, stirring up a burst of explosive force to spread rapidly. At the same time, five fingers and one bomb.


The water dragon in the left hand of Xu Ziyan was released, and the wind was known, and the grandeur was overwhelmed, and the roar was crushed toward the dance. The dance was frightened and frightened. He didn't think that Xu Ziyan had so much effort. This is like a poor mountain, as if it is not consumed. How can this be?

However, the fact was that it was placed in front of him. He reluctantly retreated to the rear, but saw that the water dragon suddenly opened his mouth.


Along with a long shout, a torrent of water erupted from the Longkou, like a long river, the vast soup soup rushed toward the dance. It’s just that the dance is tormented in a moment, so it’s not over.


The water dragon slammed again, and the torrent that was ejected frozen in an instant, like a thousand miles of ice, and the dance toughness was frozen in a large hail.

This fairy sorcerer is obviously unable to sleep and tough, only to see his body suddenly shocked.

"砰", the hail turned into a small ice ridge. However, just in the icy moment, a gas sword shot into his chest. During the dance crisis, the figure flashed. However, he avoided the front chest but could not hide his shoulders. The sword was always in, and it was inserted in his right shoulder.

"Burst ~~"

A slap with a loud bang, the equivalent of the three-character power of the power of the sword blew themselves, directly to the dance of the tough body into a powder. The second-class sword in the air circling, annihilating the sword of the gods who want to escape.

Xu Ziyan was in a shape, standing on the head of the water dragon, and his mind was moving. The sword that hovered in the air returned to her hand. The imperial water dragon under his feet chased in the direction of the end of the world.

At this time, who else dares to block Xu Ziyan? Looking at the back of Xu Ziyan gradually with an extremely complicated look.

Xu Ziyan is very tired, tired and unwilling to use the wings of the wind and small movements. However, she is very excited and excited. She did not move and the two big killers, Tilian and Ruyi Aquarius, but also able to kill the monks of the late Tianxian, which gave her a better understanding of her own strength.

After serving a four-pronged immortal, he sat on the head of the water dragon and flew forward. After flying for about a quarter of an hour, I saw it on a mountain, and Duan Tianya was facing it in his own direction.

At this point, the water dragon has already consumed almost the same, the dark blue body has become a bit more transparent, Xu Ziyan waved his hand, dissipated the water dragon scorpion, body shape fretting, has stood behind the end of the world, crossed the end of the world On the shoulders, looking towards the Duan Tianhe lying in his arms.

The broken section of the limbs is discolored like a paper, and there is no life at all. Xu Ziyan looked shocked. He stepped forward and bypassed the end of the world. He squatted beside him, and put a hand on the body of Duan Tianhe. His complexion changed. Opened a force of acupoints, injecting the gas of life into the body of Duan Tianhe. However, soon she suddenly retracted her palms, and some sluggishly looked at the same sluggish segment of the world.

"Big brother...he...dead..."


Recommend a book:

Title: "Shu door first" Author: faint snow, ISBN, 2466278

Introduction: the family name, returning from the counterattack


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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