The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1178: Hope to enter the depths of the **** sea (six more pink)

The sixth is more! The bell has been spelled! What are the votes of my comrades? As long as you dare to continue to vote today, the bell will dare to continue to fight!


"Big brother...he...dead..."

Duan Tianya is like a nightmare, Xu Ziyan’s lips move, and finally whispered, “What about his god?”


Duan Tianya’s eyes left red blood and tears, and red and blood spurted in the nose and mouth, muttering:

"He...when he hurt the god, it will soon be scattered here..."

Xu Ziyan was speechless and silently accompanied the stage. For a long time, Duan Tianya holds a section of Tian Tianhe suddenly screaming at the sky:


The whistling sounds, the eyes of Duan Tianya become crazy, looking at the opposite Xu Zi flue:

"Sister, I want to take revenge! Besides the big brother, I have no brothers anymore, and those people have to die. People in this dragon's world have to die!"

Speaking of this, Duan Tianya looked down at the end of his arms, and his eyes became firm: "Big Brother, I will return to Qianyuan City, I will sit on the position of Jade Emperor. Your wish, I will do it for you, I will lay a big territory for the Yuan Yuanguo, and will drive the Yao and the Mozu out of the Yuan Dynasty."

Three days later.

Two figures in the air broke through the blood cloud and rushed fast. A virtual flight, a foot under the imperial with a purple sword, is the end of the world and Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan, who was flying in the air, suddenly raised his eyes and looked toward the striker. Seeing the distant blood cloud in the sky, a group of black-pressed figures flew in their direction. To be slightly closer, I saw that a figure in the front was fleeing in a panic, and behind him was a group of Terrans and Yaozus who were chasing him.

Xu Ziyan's eyebrows wrinkled. Those who fly in the sky should be monks above the Tianxian period. As far as the eyes are concerned, there are hundreds of those people. Xu Ziyan did not want to fall into trouble innocently, and he greeted the words of the end of the world:

"End of the World. Let's go!"

At this time, Duan Tianya also saw the scene in the distance, and the two people did not say anything. Turn around and run away. A person is in the air, and a man is flying with a flying sword made of purple water.

Flying away for a quarter of an hour. The two looked back and saw the escaped man chasing them tightly. The two men glanced at each other and crossed an arc in the air, changing their direction and fleeing away.

After running for another quarter of an hour, when they looked back, they couldn’t help but blush. It turned out that the person who was chased also changed direction with them and followed them. .

That period of Tianya is now due to the death of Duan Tianhe. All the people in this dragon circle can't wait to kill the light. At this time, they saw that this person had hidden troubles. They wanted to blame the water, and they were involved in the trouble. They bite their teeth and screamed, and the killing in the eyes flashed.


Xu Ziyan gave a light drink and changed his direction again. Duan Tianya bit his teeth and followed him. This time the two people changed their direction for a moment, they immediately looked back, and then the monk who was chased and killed also changed direction and flew toward them.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya are angry!

Xu Ziyan knew that the purple otter and the speed of the segment of the world could not open the monk behind him, and they also found that the distance between the two sides was constantly approaching. What does this mean? This shows that the person behind the chasing, his cultivation is higher than Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya. Then, it can be inferred that those who pursue him are not low.

Xu Ziyan looked back at the black-stricken person who was chasing him, and the silver teeth bite. Extending a hand to the end of the world:

"Catch it!"

Duan Tianya looks slightly stunned. However, I immediately grasped Xu Ziyan’s hand and realized a little in my heart.

"Peace ~~"

The wing of the wind behind Xu Ziyan unfolded, and at the same time, the purple sword of the foot was condensed and the sword of the scorpion "small" spread out and was collected into the purple smoke space. The wings of the wind are light. Floated in the air.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya’s body shape suddenly disappeared in the air, and Xu Ziyan made a small movement. A hundred miles away from here. The appearance of Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya suddenly appeared. Two people looked around and there was no trace of those monks. The two men looked at each other, their faces ugly and long, spit out a sigh of relief, and they identified the direction and flew deep into the **** sea.

When the two flew for less than half an hour, they felt the fluctuation of the space behind them. When the two looked back, their faces were ugly, and the man who was chased and killed fled in their direction. Xu Ziyan snorted and said nothing, grabbed the arm of the end of the world, a small movement followed by a small movement, three small movements, which stopped in the air.

The two peers glanced at each other and landed on the ground, sitting on the ground and quietly adjusting their interest. The two of them thought at the moment, this time we both did not move, see how you still bring people over.

However, just as one hour was about to pass, the two of them looked up and found a little black spot on the horizon, and they were flying towards them.

This time, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya have been unable to suppress the anger!

The two men flew into the air with a bang, and each took out the sword, and the murderous body was released without any disguise. For the monks who have always brought trouble to them, the killings in their hearts have boiled.

The other monk's monk was approaching quickly, but his body shape suddenly slammed because he felt the release from Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya. At this time, the look of Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya’s face was also a glimpse, because with the approach of the person, the two of them also recognized that the person turned out to be the captain of the Xue family.

At this time, although Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya both recovered their appearances, the pair of wings behind Xu Ziyan were too eye-catching, and the captain of the Xue family recognized it at a glance. The heart has already reacted, and the other party must have been easy. Moreover, he was very clear about the fact that the Tauren and the Hutou people who had been at the peak of the two centuries at the beginning of the day were not able to return to Xu Ziyan. I know that Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya must have any cards, and my heart can’t help but be overjoyed. The figure once again flies toward Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya. Call in the mouth:

"Zhou Yu, Zhou Di, save me!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya did not even save his mind, and his killing was even more embarrassing. The speed of the captain of the Snow House was slightly slower. The heart is a glimpse. I knew that I had given up this week’s three brothers and sisters, I am afraid I have been hated by others. Now they have led the chasers to their brothers and sisters, and they don’t blame each other for their own killings.

His eyes flashed and he showed a firm color. Shouting to Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya:

"Two, as long as I can save me, I can take you into the **** sea center!"

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya heard one of them, and the heart is a move. In particular, Duan Tianya, he entered the dragon's world this time, in order to get the soul of the dragon, and the soul of the dragon must be in the center of the blood. However, does the Snow Captain really have a solution? If there is a way. How could it be until now that I want to enter the **** sea center? What about their predecessors?

At this point, the captain of the Xue family was closer to Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya, and also saw the suspicion on the faces of two people. I will swear by the swearing:

"There is absolutely no deception in the next place. If I deceive the two, let me die at the time of the robbery!"

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at each other and believed the other party's words. Converged the killing, waiting for the captain of the snow family to fly to their front. The captain of the snow family fell in front of the two. First paused, thank you, and the eyebrows are full of anxiety. Xu Ziyan grabbed the arm of the captain of the Xue family with his left hand and grabbed the arm of Duan Tianya with his right hand. He did not wait until the captain of the Xue family reacted, and then applied a small shifting technique for three consecutive times, which stopped in the air. Turning his head and looking at the shocked snow captain said coldly:

"What is going on?"

The captain of the snow family looked around nervously and found that there were no monks chasing around, which made a long breath:

"Our Snow House is an alchemy family. After a long time of research, I finally developed a kind of immortality that can mimic the monk's breath to be exactly the same as the **** sea creature."

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya can't help but feel moved. What does this mean? This means that you can mix in the **** sea center without being detected by **** sea creatures.

The captain of the snow family took a nervous look at Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya, swallowed a spit and said:

"But. This kind of medicinal refining is very difficult. We have prepared for a hundred years. We have refining five. And I don't know the specific effect, so this time let me bring it in and try it. If The effect is good, the treasure in the depths of the blood sea is our snow house."

Duan Tianya heard it, and the look on his face asked anxiously: "Have you tried it? How effective?"

The captain of the Xue family glanced carefully at the end of the world, but still said seriously: "The center of the blood sea is surrounded by mountains, and there is a suppression of flight. Unless the repair of Luo Tianshang is not able to fly at all, so, think To get there, there is only one entrance.

After you left, I took four snowy monks all the way to the valley entrance. I arrived there before other monks arrived and arrived there.

After all, there was a lot of fierceness, and we didn't dare to go there all at once. So, I let a Xuejia monk take a medicinal herb first, let him enter the exploration road first. Unexpectedly, at this time, he was rushed by a family of people and a family of Yao, and found this thing. Under their encirclement, except for me alone, the rest of the people were caught by them, and they also sent monks to chase after me. ”

"There are only two families? How can there be so many monks chasing you?" Duan Tianya asked.

The captain of the snow family smiled bitterly: "They are all big families. There are many monks who come naturally to the **** sea. It is not the comparison of our Xue family!"


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Title: "Star Wars Valkyrie"

Author: Smile egg noodles

Introduction: The poem Xiaowen has passed through to the world for two years. Her boyfriend suddenly left from the side. After two months, she encountered various strange things. First, the alien angelic empire invaded the outer colony of the United Nations. When I tried to escape from the planet, I met the enemy of the Angel Empire. This guy also made a deal with himself, giving himself an alien armor and helping him open several bottles into the human bomb shelter. He said that this can protect the human beings of the planet, and can also carry himself back to the inner colonies. But is it really that easy? Will this guy fulfill his promise?

If you want to see a strong woman, abdomen, love, war, interest, realism, pure science fiction, light novels, and later farming, your luck is coming!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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