The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1187: Four-tailed fox

I am very grateful to Yunyun for forgetting classmates, ruthless Yufeng classmates, sea ~\\(≧▽≦)/~ lala classmates, Qing Yin classmates, yanz0530 classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, wqiy2003 classmates pink ticket!


"Then why don't you give me a detoxification?" Duan Tian asked with enthusiasm.

"This poison is not fatal, I can get rid of it at any time. In order not to be exposed, I will not detoxify you, oh..."

Duan Tianya is very depressed, but Xu Ziyan has turned to the big hail. The wishful bottle of the eyebrows is reversed again, and the bottle mouth is facing the big hail. The big hail melted instantly, and the ice was absorbed into the Ruyi bottle. Only the frozen snow is left behind. When Xu Ziyan hits a finger, the snow is broken. She walked closer and closed the storage ring that fell from the ground.


Just as Xu Ziyan just straightened up, suddenly slammed, and in her vision of Duan Tianya, she saw a blood-red shadow rushing from the air to the Scarlet Lake.

It will fly here, and look at it, it is clear that you want to cross the great sword that is in the world, and fall directly into the **** lake.


In the field of vision, I saw the giant sword that was in the world. "Cang" slammed into the ground, and instantly zoomed in the air, a giant sword with dozens of feet across the sky, blocking the **** figure.


The **** figure suddenly slammed a punch, which exceeded the imagination of Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya, as if to break this space.


On top of the white giant sword, the power of the thick and powerful lightning was slammed. Going to the other side.

Suddenly, the whole space was full of dazzling white, which made people blind in a short time, and only heard the infinite roar of the sky. Duan Tianya was forced to close his eyes. Xu Ziyan picked up his eyes. The blue strobe in the eye slit, Kuang Peng's eye clearly shows that the red shadow is a **** sea creature, and it is a nine-day Xuanxian late peak.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is shocked. This is the **** sea creature that is said to be repelling their ancestors in the snow gap!

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya stood side by side in the woods. Looking through the mottled leaves, the battle between the **** creatures and the giant sword. Whenever the two bombarded each other and burst into flames, Duan Tianya was forced to close his eyes.

In the air.

The **** sea creatures of the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period, the whole person is surrounded by a blood cloud. Every attack has the potential to break the void, holding a giant stick in both hands, and dancing a mountain stick to the giant sword.

The giant sword violently tens of thousands of thunder and lightning, as thick as a bucket, shining white, and **** creatures fighting in one place.

A **** sea creature. Ten thousand years old sword.

One red, one white.

Entangled in space, stirred up the air and swayed the ground red sand.

Xu Ziyan watched for a while and found that the **** sea creature obviously wanted to get into the **** lake, and the ancient sword stopped it hard to prevent it from entering.

The **** sea creatures are so "squeaky". But the ancient sword did not let it go.

Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief, she already saw that the blood sea creature is not the opponent of the ancient sword. Although the power of the ancient sword is only a little higher than the blood sea creatures, it is just a little bit, and the **** sea creatures are tightly suppressed.

This creature and an ancient sword fought for an hour, and the momentum became more and more fierce, and a black hole was twisted out of the air.

Xu Ziyan is so fascinated that the whole soul has a tendency to ascend. Suddenly, there was a warning sign in the soul, and Huoran turned back. Seen behind them. During the separation of the long grass, nine figures appeared. It is the five Mozu and the four Terran, nine people are the realm of the peak of the late Tianxian, holding a four-tailed fox in the arms of a human race.

Xu Ziyan's nerves immediately tightened. She felt an extreme crisis. The eyes quickly swept away toward the nine monks, and my heart was even more shocked. The nine monks were completely awkward. One of the eyes is sluggish. Only the eyes of the four-tailed fox in the arms of the human race are full of agility.

Suddenly, the spirit of Xu Ziyan was awkward. In the heart of a police, Zhang mouth smashed a sound wave, but it is the sound of Fengming. Instantly refresh your mind.

In her vision, she saw Duan Tianya walking towards the opposite side. Xu Ziyan glanced at the four-tailed fox with fear and thought that it was all caused by it. Stepping forward, I reached out and grabbed the arm of Duan Tianya. Zhangkou poured the sound of Fengming into his ear, and Duan Tianya woke up in an instant.

The eyes of the four-tailed fox in the arms of the individual were sharp, and the five devils and the three tribes rushed toward Xu Ziyan, leaving only one family to hold it in their arms.

Xu Ziyan dragged the end of the world, his eyes filled with anxiety. The monks of the eight peaks of the late Tianxian attacked themselves, and they were definitely not able to cope with the usual cards. Only Bian Lilian and Ruyi Aquarius can cope. However, both the Lotus and the Ruyi Aquarius are too costly, and now her power is only eighty-five.

In the mind, the eight monks had already rushed to her front. Xu Ziyan had no choice but to open the power of the acupoints. The right foot stepped forward and forth, and a red lotus sea spread instantly around her. The fairy power inside the cave was frantically absorbed by the red and the lotus.


This time, Xu Ziyan needs to kill the eight monasteries of the late Tianxian, instead of just being faint. Only by constantly turning on the power of the acupoints can the red and the lotus be absorbed. Only in an instant, forty-eight points of the power of the hole was taken by the red and the lotus.

However, the nine-day blaze of the red and the lotus is also amazing, turning the monks of the eight peaks of the late Tianxian into fly ash.

Xu Ziyan looked at each other and looked at the one person and the other fox.


The hole was opened again, and the red lotus in the sky swiftly flew toward the opposite person and fox.

The eyes of the four foxes finally revealed the color of shock. Looking at the red lotus sea that swiftly spread, the shock in the eyes became a fear. Four foxtails flew into the air from the arms of the Terran monk and quickly fled to the outside. Although it is not flying high by the impact of the ban, the speed is extremely fast.

The red lotus sea drowned the last Terran monk in an instant, spreading toward the air, chasing after the four-tailed fox. The speed of the four-tailed fox was too fast, so Xu Ziyan could not catch up. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s hole was only thirty-six.

In desperation, Xu Ziyan began to close the red lotus. However, just as Xu Ziyan took up the red lotus sea, the four-tailed fox turned over and flew toward Xu Ziyan. And opened a big mouth, issued a very loud temperament, even the red lotus sea shocked a little.

Seeing that the four-tailed fox approached, Xu Ziyan had a weakness in his heart. In the eyes of the blue flashes, I found that this four-tailed fox turned out to be a repair of Luo Tianshang. No wonder you can barely fly here.

Xu Ziyan had to spread the red lotus sea again. The four foxes saw the red lotus sea spread over and turned around and ran. When Xu Ziyan wanted to take back the red lotus sea, it approached again. Let Xu Ziyan's power of the hole be consumed quickly.

Whenever Xu Ziyan wanted to put away the step-by-step lotus, the four-tailed fox flew back. However, when Xu Ziyan extended the red lotus sea, it fled extremely quickly, letting Xu Ziyan see its extreme embarrassment.

Xu Ziyan had such a headache for the enemy for the first time. The other party is the repair of Luo Tianshangxian. Without the combination of Tilian and Ruyi Aquarius, the four-tailed fox can't be dealt with at all. However, the four-tailed fox is not close to Xu Ziyan at all, so even the step-by-step lotus can't catch four foxes, not to mention the wishful bottle.

Xu Ziyan really has a headache, so he has to be dragged to death by the four-tailed fox. In the air, the giant sword is still playing against the **** creatures. Xu Ziyan’s power of the hole is only a poor nineteen.

Xu Ziyan decided to take risks, she could not drag on like this anymore. The result of dragging down is only one dead end.

Immediately, the step-by-step lotus was collected, and the eyes stared at the four-tailed fox that was flying fast. She was ready to take the risk of waiting for the four-tailed fox to pounce on her and use the Ruyi Aquarius to collect it.

The four-tailed fox quickly approached Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s eyes locked it tightly, and saw it rushing to himself, with a hint of joy in the depths of his eyes.

Suddenly, the four-tailed fox stopped at a distance of 100 meters from Xu Ziyan, and a pair of jewel-like eyes stared at Xu Ziyan. A mouth suddenly closed and closed, and a slap in the face of Xu Ziyan attacked.

In Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea, Xu Ziyan immediately condensed a guqin with his spiritual strength, and the guqin played the sound of Fengming, which kept Xu Ziyan awake.

The heart is full of vigilance against the four-tailed fox. The four-tailed fox was so embarrassed that he did not go to his own voice and sent his own voice to himself.

Xu Ziyan moved in the heart, his eyes became blurred, pretending to be a stunned look, crumbling. Stepping toward the four-tailed fox.

One of the four foxes’ eyes was happy, and they continued to open and close, and made a sound of awkwardness. Xu Ziyan and its distance are gradually approaching. When the distance between the two sides is less than ten meters, the nineteen Xuanzangs in Xu Ziyan are all open, and Xianyuan is crazyly transported to the Ruyi Aquarius. At the moment when Guanghua flashed, the bottle tattoo reversed the bottle and turned to the four-tailed fox.

The four-tailed fox’s heart was suddenly vigilant, and with a bang, a four-tailed fox was sucked into the bottle by Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan spit a long breath and sat down on the ground.


When Xu Ziyan sat on the ground, he suddenly slammed from the ground. She stared in shock and stared at the 100 meters away, where the red fox floated in the air, full of fear.


Spring! Let our hearts sway!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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