The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1188: Ancient sword blocking road

I am very grateful to Lu Fanlei (999), Aspen Wood Tears (588), Hai~\\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦同学(300), Yu Yu 645098 (200), Yu Yu Yusheng 2 (99), 2 students from Cheeze (99), 2 students from Shun Shun 666 (99), 1225 students in Xuexue (100), 1225 students in Xuexue (100), Cavaliers GB (100), Sima Classmates (99), hknt16104 classmates (99), Tang Tang 8719 classmates (99), soul first classmates (99), want to fly love crying fish classmates (99), cocoyinying classmates (99), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (99) , Yu Xiaokai (99), a_yoyo classmate (99) reward!


Xu Ziyan and the four-tailed fox's eyes were paired, and both sides found the other's fear. Xu Ziyan set his mind, only to find that the other side has now lost one tail and became a three-tailed fox. The gods were swept in the Ruyi Aquarius, and it was a foxtail that was frozen in the bottle.

No wonder how many tails the legendary fox has, how many lives there are. It actually abandoned a foxtail instead of itself. And it is because she has to abandon this foxtail, and at the same time it breaks the tail, it also makes it repaired from Luo Tianxian to the peak of the late Tianxian.

However, even the peak of the late Tianxian, Xu Ziyan's heart is not enough, even frightened! Because she has no trace of fairy power in her body at this time. Just like a mortal. Not to mention the peak of the late Tianxian, that is, in the early days of a fairy, she is not an opponent!

However, the fox opposite her does not think so. It was deeply frightened by the means of Xu Ziyan. Therefore, it floated in the air, made a move to escape at any time, eyes fixed on Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan saw the appearance of the red fox. I immediately understood its mind. He made a fierce appearance, tried to straighten his body, and stared at the red fox.

This is completely a situation of two fears. Xu Ziyan is afraid that the red fox will come over. The red fox is afraid that Xu Ziyan will come closer. Both sides have big eyes and are stuck there.

In the air, **** sea creatures and giant swords rumbling in battle...

Xu Ziyan, a silver-bited bite, stepped toward the red fox. She is hard, this is screaming. See if you can scare the red fox away.

Sure enough, the red fox saw Xu Ziyan start to move toward it and forced him to shake his body. Nowadays, its cultivation can no longer be a fairy, but the peak of the late Tianxian. When Luo Tianshang was immortal, he couldn’t beat Xu Ziyan, not to mention the peak of today’s Tianxian.

However, it is obviously unwilling in its eyes. Xu Ziyan gave his injury a painful heart, so that the repair of Luo Tianshangxian, which was hard to cultivate, fell to the peak of the late Tianxian. How long does it take for this to be able to cultivate a tail?

and so. It is not reconciled. With the hatred of the sky, Xu Ziyan was stunned. However, there is fear in my heart, and I will retreat with the footsteps of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan further, it took a step back.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is very anxious, and her heart is also afraid. After she felt that she was flying up to the fairyland, she was still a little too smooth. She felt that she had a combination of Tilian and Ruyi Aquarius, regardless of the level. I didn't think that a fox in the sky could put himself to such a degree. It’s really a small look at the fairy world. She secretly made up her mind in the heart, and in the future, this must be used as little as Tilian and Ruyi Aquarius. These two treasures are too consuming. It’s not that you can afford it today! Do it all at once. It fell to the point of waiting for death.

But at this time, Xu Ziyan still can't stop. At the time of this life, you can't reveal the slightest flaw. Tightly biting, struggling to lift his feet. Step by step toward the red fox. The red fox also stepped back to the rear step by step.

Xu Ziyan saw the red fox still refused to give up, and the eyes of the eyes showed the color of doubt. Xu Ziyan knew that it began to doubt himself. If you approach it step by step, maybe it will be your turn to test yourself.

With his own willpower, Xu Ziyan bit his teeth and flew up and rushed toward the red fox. The fox squatted and jumped to the head and fled to the depths of the jungle.

Looking at the disappearance of the red fox, Xu Ziyan did not dare to relax a little, she was afraid that she had the slightest slack, and the red fox did not go far, secretly peeping at herself. Tightly biting his teeth and standing there, his left hand gripped the arm of the end of the world tightly.

Duan Tianya’s strength from Xu Ziyan’s hand already knows her current situation, I am afraid that it is standing there with willpower at this time. From this moment, Duan Tianya really admire Xu Ziyan from his heart. The most genius of the following meta-galaxies has always been known. He is strong, and at this moment he has the feeling of being cared for by his sister, which makes his eyes become a little moist. At this point, he secretly vowed in his heart:

"Sister, you are my sister! When I boarded the seat of Jade Emperor, mys is yours!"


A quarter of an hour passed, and Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya both breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed their minds.


A ringing sound, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked back at the Scarlet Lake. I saw it on the beach of the Scarlet Lake. The sword was restored to the height of one person and was inserted on the ground. The whole space has returned to calm, and the **** sea creatures of the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at each other, and Duan Tianya helped Xu Ziyan walk slowly toward the beach. Out of the woods, feet on the beach, the two stopped and looked around carefully. Didn't see the **** sea creatures, the two men spit out a long breath, and then looked at the giant sword in the middle of the beach.

At this point, the giant sword has recovered white, and the sword has disappeared from thunder. Quietly standing there. Proud and lonely! However, Xu Ziyan felt weak from the body of the giant sword!


It is weak!

Xu Ziyan sighed with a sigh of relief, knowing that this giant sword and the **** sea creatures had been strangled. It should also be like its own, exhausting its power. Even this giant sword has run out of power, and the result of the **** sea creature can be imagined. I am afraid that it will be exhausted at this time. I hid where I went to recover.

Thinking about it, Xu Ziyan’s heart was relaxed. This nerve is relaxed and the mind is active. There was a burst of joy in my heart.

Nowadays, the **** sea creatures of the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian have been solved by the giant sword, and should not come back in a short time. The red fox was scared away by himself, and the snow was killed by himself. The rest of the monks did not come in. What a good chance! Isn’t the soul bead and the blood bead just two of them and Duan Tianya?

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at each other and both eyes showed joy and excitement. Duan Tianya helped Xu Ziyan walk toward the opposite **** lake. Xu Ziyan quickly took out a large number of two products Chaos Dan swallowed his mouth. The operation of Qiankun 诀 resumed repairs.

After a few steps, Xu Ziyan paused and said softly to Duan Tianya:

"From the big sword, let's not kill us by a sword!"

Duan Tianya’s body was a trembling, but he saw the fierceness of the great sword, and he dared to approach the great sword. He helped Xu Ziyan to circumvent the giant sword far away and head toward the **** lake.

Seeing it is going to cross the half of the beach. Suddenly in front of a flower, the ear rang a "cang", Duan Tianya and Xu Ziyan suddenly stepped back one step backwards. If it wasn't for the help of the end of the world, Xu Ziyan's current state had to fall on the beach.

The giant sword was now inserted in front of the two of them, faintly with lightning currents, seemingly warning Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at the giant sword and the color of fear appeared on his face. The two quietly regressed, staring at the giant sword. I don't know at all about them. Within the woods, the fox, who now has only three tails, is looking out of his head and peering at the two of them and the great sword.

Duan Tianya helped Xu Ziyan to retreat a dozen steps. When he saw that the giant sword was no longer thunderous, he gently breathed a sigh of relief. Duan Tianya looked toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan stretched out a finger and quietly pointed to the left. That means going around and looking at it.

Duan Tianya also quietly nodded, indicating that he had already grasped and supported Xu Ziyan to go to the left. Waiting for a hundred meters away, the two men quietly turned their heads to look at the giant sword and saw that the giant sword was still arrogant and lonely. The two men made each other a look and walked toward the **** lake again.


Light and shadow flow, the giant sword was inserted in front of Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya, and the lightning current on the blade. And this time it will be even worse than the last time. The entire blade has already shot out of the inch, and it is entangled, seemingly warning Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya. As long as the two of them dare to play tricks, they will kill both of them.

Within the woods behind them, the three-tailed fox slammed his head back. After a while, when I heard no sound, I again carefully spread my head out and looked at the sword.

At this time, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya stood in front of the giant sword in horror. The two of them could feel the anger of the great sword. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya stepped back two steps. When Duan Tianya helped Xu Ziyan want to continue to retreat, Xu Ziyan struggled and refused to retreat. Duan Tianya also paused and looked at Xu Ziyan with confusion.

At this time, Xu Ziyan also raised an angry anger, she is angry with her own.

In front of a giant sword, I was scared!

Xu Ziyan is not allowed to escape. In the case of absolute strength, if he is still hard, it is not a strong mind, but a fool! The time to escape is to escape. However, escaping is only a means of survival, but it cannot be fearful. Once the fear is born, how strong is this heart?

Grab the arms of Duan Tianya and stand firmly opposite the giant sword. Looking at the giant sword that flashed the electric mans, the heart turned.

Why did the **** creatures rush into the blood? Why does this giant sword have to block **** creatures?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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