The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1189: Outer focus

I am very grateful to the bookmates 100120210846645 classmates, who want to fly the crying fish classmates, rained azure _007 classmates, a lot of 1115 classmates, fat cows, classmates, wqiy2003 classmates pink ticket!


Blood sea creatures want to enter the **** sea, I am afraid it is the reason for instinct. These **** sea creatures all need the power of blood to cultivate, and in this **** sea, there is no doubt that the blood of the **** lake is the strongest. However, why did the giant sword block these blood sea creatures from entering the **** lake?

This is a dragon, this giant sword will not be a dragon, right? It doesn't feel like it. If it's not a dragon, it must have been left by the monk who was swallowed up. Seeing this giant sword can take the initiative to intercept the **** sea creatures and themselves, so to speak, this giant sword has a sword spirit.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was shocked. Is this... the congenital fairy treasure that the mountain soul said?

Xu Ziyan’s mind is rapidly turning. If this giant sword is indeed from the outside world, then its owner must be killed by this dragon. In this way, it will hate everything in this dragon's world, and stick to this **** lake, so that no creatures in the dragon's world will enter, and they will not be strong.

Xu Ziyan looked up and looked at the giant sword two steps away, feeling the weakness of the sword.


I am afraid that it is now weak and has no ability to attack. These inches of the sword are just scary. Of course, Xu Ziyan absolutely can't deny the ability of this giant sword to have the final blow, and he can't take it.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan did not dare to play in front of the giant sword.


The Raymond storm above the blade is a long rule. Close to the body of Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya, let them both feel the power of lightning. Duan Tianya couldn't help but retreat, but was caught by Xu Ziyan tightly. She firmly believes that if the giant sword in front of us wants to kill them. They can't run.

But now it didn't kill them two, it's definitely not that it is willing to let them go, but it has to keep the last blow, in case the **** sea creatures that peaked in the late nine days of Xuanxian suddenly came in. The cultivation of two of them is in front of the giant sword. I am afraid that there are two ants, and they are not willing to waste power on both of them.


Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, secretly cheering on himself, try it! Then he opened his mouth to the giant sword in front of him and prayed:

"The ancient swordsman, the next two people have just been swallowed up from the outside world."

The ancient sword fluctuated a bit, and the Leiman on the sword weakened to the inch. Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy, and I feel that my initial judgment is correct. This ancient sword is likely to come from the outside world. So, went on to say:

"The two of us want to go to the lake to see if they are swallowed up. If there is a baby, we don't want to give up, maybe there is still a chance to leave the dragon."

The Raymonds on the ancient sword kept flashing and seemed to hesitate. Xu Ziyan once again said:

"Ancient swordsman. If you are willing to leave, wait until we find a way out, and you can leave the Dragons with you."

The Le Mans on the ancient sword flashed a few more times and eventually went out. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya’s heart were overjoyed, and they gave a deep ritual to the ancient sword. Duan Tianya helped Xu Ziyan to bypass the ancient sword and walk toward the **** lake.

After two steps, I turned to look at the giant sword and saw that the ancient sword still remained intact. The two people really let go of their hearts, and they are supported by the end of the world. Excited to the **** lake.


Haven't taken a few steps yet. There was a sword in the back of the warehouse. Duan Tianya hurried back, and Xu Ziyan was behind him, but he was there. Xu Ziyan showed half a head behind Duan Tianya’s shoulder and looked into the air with shock.

at this time. up in the air.

The giant sword is in the sky.

The sword has grown into dozens of feet, and the sword has released a tens of thousands of people. The thick thunder of the bucket slammed into a **** sea creature in the air, but it was the **** sea creature of the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian.

It turned out that the **** sea creatures had retired, but they did not retreat far, but instead looked at the ancient sword on the beach while healing the other side of the woods. When it was discovered that Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya had crossed the ancient sword and were not stopped by the ancient sword, it believed that the ancient sword had no more fighting power.

What is this waiting for?

It has been waiting for a million years, isn't that waiting for this opportunity?

So, it immediately raised his last trace of energy and flew over to the Scarlet Lake.

However, what it didn't think of was that the ancient sword was killed in awe-inspiring manner. At this point, it wants to regret that it is too late, only to do its best, bombarding the past with the ancient sword in the air.


The sky collapsed and the general infinite loud noise, the body of the blood sea creatures turned upside down and flew out. And the giant sword was quickly reduced to a high person, rolling down to the ground. There is no room for it to fall on the ground, but lying on the beach.

The **** sea creature also rolled over and fell on the red-red beach, completely languishing. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya face each other, and this level of duel makes them both shocked a little sluggish. For a quarter of an hour, the two talents woke up from the shock.

Duan Tianya took Xu Ziyan and ran towards the Scarlet Lake. Xu Ziyan ran a step and looked toward the ancient sword less than two steps away. She is really a little heart-warming, thinking about whether she is holding the ancient sword when she is extremely weak, and then she will slowly settle down with the ancient sword. If she can accept this ancient sword, it is absolutely A weapon for self-defense.

Have the ancient sword of the sword spirit!

The congenital fairy treasure born of the universe!

Xu Ziyan was struggling in his heart, and suddenly a red shadow flew toward himself. It was the three-tailed fox who had been peeking in the woods. It is completely certain at this time that the ancient sword and blood sea creatures have completely lost their power, and the same is true of Xu Ziyan, which is similar to a mortal.

And that segment of the horizon is just a cultivation of the early days of the fairy, even if he is now falling to the peak of the late Tianxian, killing a fairy early is not a problem. However, it instinctively paid special attention to Xu Ziyan, so it was the first to rush to Xu Ziyan. In the midair, the two front paws suddenly turned into Zhang, and they shot to Xu Ziyan.


Duan Tianya held the three-pronged sword in both hands, and transported all his repairs to the peak, infused in the sword, bursting out the Baizhang swordsman, and smashing into the air of the three-tailed fox.


The three-tailed fox flipped in the air, and the three tails fiercely swept the end of the world.

Duan Tianya snuggled up with his four-piece fairy guardian mirror. In the first move against the three-tailed fox, he was not injured, but he was shocked and flew up. He threw the purple smoke and flew out from Xu Ziyan's body. At the same time, the three tails of the three foxes were also swept over the end of the world.


Duan Tianya was taken out, Xu Ziyan turned over and saw that Duan Tianya was taken out by the volley. At that time, he did not think about it. He only thought that there should be a dependency. Two steps on the ground, two hands holding the ancient sword lying on the ground, struggling to lift it up, facing the three-tailed fox that flew toward the air.

The ancient sword seemed to be very disgusted that he was controlled by Xu Ziyan in his hands, and even squeezed his own potential. He made a "squeaky" sound in the hilt, and gave birth to a thunderous lightning, which drove the hands of Xu Ziyan Sanpinxian. A scorching taste.

However, Xu Ziyan endured the pain with a tight grip on the hilt, facing the three foxes.

The three-tailed fox that slammed into it suddenly stunned, and in the eyes of the giant sword hilt in the hands of Xu Ziyan, the lightning was revealed.

Xu Ziyan, while vigorously holding the ancient sword with both hands, slowly moved toward the direction of the end of the world. She doesn't want to leave soon, but can't. Originally, the celestial force was exhausted, and now because of holding a giant sword, and the giant sword has been releasing the inch of lightning, the hands of Xu Ziyan are electric and tender. However, Xu Ziyan also knows that the giant sword at this time is also able to withstand this point, otherwise he will not say that he died, and he has already given her a flight.

Therefore, she is suffering again, and she will never let go. She pointed at the ancient sword and scared the three-tailed fox.

The three-tailed fox was also very afraid of the ancient sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan. As Xu Ziyan followed suit, he did not dare to fight, and he was not willing to leave.

Xu Ziyan finally came to the side of Duan Tianya, and at this time, Duan Tianya also struggled to climb up. With a four-piece fairy protector, he did not suffer much damage. Two people step by step toward the Scarlet Lake, facing the three-tailed fox.

The three-tailed fox looked at the two of them and looked at the **** lake again. In the end, I thought that I would just like to enter the blood-colored lake to hunt for treasure. If these two people do not bother themselves, it will be considered, and they will not be risky. The fox is suspicious. At this time, it still gave up attacking Xu Ziyan because of the fear of the ancient sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan. As the body shape turned, it flew to the **** lake.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya did not dare to relax a little because of the departure of the three-tailed fox, for fear that the three-tailed fox would run back. The three foxes rushed all the way, and soon ran to the lake, leaping and leaping toward the lake.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya’s eyes fixed on the three-tailed fox. I saw the three foxes pulling a red stream of light in the air and falling to the heart of the lake.


Unexpectedly, the three-tailed fox fell into the lake, but the lake was like a flexible net. It just sank down slightly, and then the three-tailed fox bounced and then fell on the lake.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya look a glimpse, this lake can actually make objects not sink! Looking at the three-tailed fox swimming around the lake, where I want to find the secret of the lake. The two men looked at each other and looked worried in their eyes. If the lake could not sink, how to find soul beads and blood beads?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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