The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1190: Scarlet lake

I am very grateful to Tang Tang 8719 classmates (999), wqiy2003 classmates (999), then smiling classmates (990), like foggy students (100), light rain think Han classmates (99), do not sweep snow classmates (99) reward!


Duan Tianya reached out and helped Xu Ziyan go to the Scarlet Lake. Xu Ziyan looked down at the ancient sword in his hand, and he no longer gave up on it. A bite, it was taken into the purple smoke space. After that, he separated a glimpse of the gods and explored it in the purple smoke space.

When the ancient sword entered the purple smoke space, Xu Ziyan clearly felt the fluctuation of the ancient sword, which was a shocking fluctuation. Xu Ziyan’s mouth flicked a trace of proud smile, and said:

"You also have a shock time! How? Scared? Will you follow me honestly?"

However, the performance of the ancient sword made Xu Ziyan depressed. After the ancient sword was only slightly shaken, it recovered its calmness and circulated in the void in the purple smoke space. Xu Ziyan can feel that the power of lightning in the purple smoke space is gathering toward the ancient sword, and the power of the ancient sword is slowly recovering.

Shaking his head, I don’t know if it’s a blessing to take this ancient sword into the purple smoke space, and collect the gods from the purple smoke space. Looking at the three-tailed fox in the heart of the lake with vigilance, he went to the Scarlet Lake.

When two people came to the lake, the three-tailed fox in the heart of the lake stopped, holding a pair of jewel-like eyes squatting at the end of the world and Xu Ziyan. Suddenly, his eyes flashed and he found that Xu Ziyan had no ancient sword in his hand, and his eyes looked toward the beach. However, he did not find the ancient sword, and his eyes were very humanized and revealed the color of confusion.

However, it didn't confuse for a long time, and a pair of eyes became very fierce. Approaching Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya approached. Xu Ziyan thought of a move, summoned the ancient sword from the purple smoke space, and held it in his hands, pointing to the three-tailed fox that was approaching.

That ancient sword looks very dissatisfied with Xu Ziyan to catch it. On the hilt, another explosion of lightning was detected, and Xu Ziyan’s hands were thundered and tender, and she could smell the barbecue.

However, Xu Ziyan’s move caused the three-tailed fox on the opposite side to scare back quickly, leaving Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya far away. Seeing the three-tailed fox away, Xu Ziyan could not help but feel the pain in his hand, and turned his hand into the purple smoke space.

The eyes of the three-tailed fox are shrinking, and seeing Xu Ziyan actually able to close the ancient sword. Never dare to provoke Xu Ziyan. Then he retired to the heart of the lake and glanced at Xu Ziyan, which meant to warn Xu Ziyan. Here is my place, you are far from me.

Xu Ziyan naturally will not go to the three-tailed fox to provoke it. And Duan Tianya two people stepped into the **** lake.

Sure enough, both people floated above the lake and could not sink. Two people looked at each other with a tough guy. Sitting on the knees of the knees, he frowned and thought. Looking up at the three-tailed fox at the heart of the lake, two people gently padd the water and stroked toward the lake. Until the distance of one third, I saw that the red hair of the three-tailed fox was blown up, and they were fiercely glaring at the two of them. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya stopped.

After trying again in the same place, still can not dive, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya also have no way. Xu Ziyan glanced at the end of the world and said softly:

"Let's heal first!"

"Good!" Duan Tianya nodded gently.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move. Released the river Hexianfu. Standing next to the two of them, this swallowed a lot of medicinal herbs and began to adjust interest rates. On the side of the paragraph Tianya also took out a medicinal herb, saw Xu Ziyan took a lot of medicinal herbs, and shook his head enviously. Also look at a remedy in his hand, some swallowed down. He also wants to swallow a lot of medicinal herbs. There are enough remedies on the body, but there is no strength of the body! Only depressed into the interest rate adjustment.

Xu Ziyan was really consumed very thoroughly this time, and there was no trace of Xianyuan in the body and in the acupoints. Although she swallowed the second product Chaos Dan from time to time, the time spent was long.

However, there is also a joy in Xu Ziyan's heart, that is, when she is running around, the strong blood in the lake is also pouring into her body. Speed ​​up her repairs to recovery.

Even so, Xu Ziyan spent two and a half days to fill the body and the inside of the cave. More than 30,000 of the second product Chao Dan, she swallowed more than a thousand in this **** sea tour.

When she adjusted her interest, from the blood power in the blood-stained lake she absorbed, she felt that the power of this blood was very strange. It seemed to contain five attributes of Jinmushuihuo, which were complicated. The fusion has formed this strange blood power. Since it is a fusion of the five attributes of Jinmushuihuo, does it mean that if you want to freely enter and exit the Scarlet Lake, you need to combine the five attributes before you can do it?

Xu Ziyan frowned and thought, and his heart suddenly brightened. Since this dragon can become a self-contained body in the body, then it should have the power of space. It is only a lack of wind and light, dark and dark properties, not a complete world. It is only possible to create such a world with only one continent, but it cannot create a universe with a galaxy in its own body.

Here is the essence of the dragon, which contains the soul beads and blood beads of the dragon. In this way, the lake here is also caused by the soul of the soul and the blood of the sacred Yuan, which should also contain the power of the five attributes, no wonder that they have recovered so quickly, this is definitely not just taking the remedy. The speed that can be achieved.

Xu Ziyan fell into meditation, so as long as he can solve the five attributes of the lake, he should be able to sneak into the depths of the lake.

The power of five attributes!

Xu Ziyan’s heart is moving. I don’t know if my pseudo-five-line conversion method can solve this problem.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes slightly and looked at the three-tailed fox in the heart of the lake. He saw that the three foxes were still swimming around, and from time to time they tried to dive deep into the lake and wanted to sneak into the depths of the lake, but There was no success. Turning his head slightly, he secretly looked at the end of the world. When I saw that Tian Tianya had already adjusted the interest rate at this time, he did not consume as much as Xu Ziyan. On the way to the **** lake, there was almost no hands-on, so he resumed repairing earlier than Xu Ziyan. At this point he was frowning tightly, thinking about it there.

Xu Ziyan quietly transported the pseudo-five-line conversion method, and as a result, Xu Ziyan’s body sank downward, and Xu Ziyan hurriedly stopped the sinking trend, knowing that his own practice was useful. Open your eyes, and your mind will move, and you will be taken over by He Boxian.

In this action, she was shocked by the three-tailed fox and the end of the world. Duan Tianya said excitedly:

"Sister, you are awake!"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly and looked at the three-tailed fox of the lake. The three-tailed fox stopped his move and stared at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan looked around helplessly for a while, then locked his brow and sat there. The three-tailed fox looked at Xu Ziyan for a while, and saw Xu Ziyan no longer move, he no longer cares about Xu Ziyan, and continued to look around.

Xu Ziyan sneaked a sigh of relief and shouted into the secret passage to the end of the world: "End of the World, you come over, and I am back to back. I may have found a way to enter the depths of the lake."

“Really?” Duan Tianya’s eyes are bright. After that, I didn't wait for Xu Ziyan to answer, and I floated behind Xu Ziyan, sitting with Xu Ziyan back to the back.

This move shocked the three-tailed fox, and the three-tailed fox stopped again, looking at Xu Ziyan with a puzzled look. Xu Ziyan simply hanged his eyes and frowned and frowned. However, what makes Xu Ziyan depressed is that this time maybe the three foxes are tired, no longer go around looking for ways to sneak into the lake, but directly lie on the lake, and the eyes are not staring at Xu Ziyan for a moment.

In this case, where does Xu Ziyan dare to try to sneak into the lake? To know that she does not know how long it takes for her to run the pseudo-five-line conversion method into the lake. If the speed of her own sneak is slow, then the three-tailed fox does not immediately pounce on herself?

Therefore, she will only wait! Waiting for the moment when the three foxes are negligent. This is an hour, the three foxes are still staring at Xu Ziyan.

Suddenly, the three foxes turned their heads and looked at the beach by the lake. At this time, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya also felt the movement of the lakeside beach. Looking around, I saw the **** sea creatures in the late nine days of Xuan Xian’s peaks swaying from the ground. It’s hard to climb up, but the body swayed violently, and “噗通” fell heavily on the ground.


Xu Ziyan, Duan Tianya and the three-tailed fox all spit a long breath. The three of them are undoubtedly the existence of ants in the eyes of the **** sea creatures. If the **** sea creatures recover even one percent of the repairs, they will crush them three by one finger.

Xu Ziyan’s face changed again. When she saw the **** sea creature on the beach, she gave up and stood up, but her hands were drawn on the beach and climbed towards the lake.

Can't wait any longer, if you wait until the **** creatures climb over, you and Duan Tianya are even more dangerous. Squintingly looking at the three-tailed fox, I saw the three-tailed fox looking at the **** sea creatures crawling on the beach, and never paying attention to himself, and immediately rumored to the end of the world:

"End of the World, hold my hand!"

Then one hand was swept backwards, and it was instantly held by a big hand of Duan Tianya. At this point, Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, and instantly runs a pseudo five-line conversion method in the body.



Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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