The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1191: Early days of the fairy

I am very grateful to a little bean classmate, silina0628 classmate, silina0628 classmate, eryanu classmate, summer aroma RR classmate, eclipse classmate, baby anniez classmate, dark wing ★ star classmate's pink ticket!


A five-wheeled wheel spins out from the body of Xu Ziyan, and she and Duan Tianya circle inside. The five-wheeled one will circle the body of Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya. The bodies of the two men sank into the lake, and at the moment when their bodies were completely sunk into the lake, they could still feel the roar of the three-tailed fox and **** creatures.

After Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya sank into the lake, Xu Ziyan continued to release the five-row wheel while carefully feeling the concentration of Xianyuan in the lake.

The body gradually sank to the bottom, the concentration is getting higher and higher, Xu Ziyan jumped in the heart, she felt two kinds of power. One is the power of the soul, and the other is the power of blood.

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to pull the paragraph of Tianya to swim in the direction of the power of the soul. Gradually getting closer, the power of the soul is getting richer and thicker, and gradually can see a glimmer of light in front. The light is getting stronger and stronger, and there is a hole in the vision of Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya. The light illuminates the hole.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya’s heart are all happy, and they swam out toward the hole. I did not hesitate to rush in.

As soon as they entered the hole, two people fell from the air to the ground. There was no lake in it, it was a dry cave. The cave is not big, and a white dazzling bead floats in the air in the middle of the cave. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya climbed up from the ground and looked up at the beads.

Xu Ziyan reached out and gently pushed the paragraph and said: "Go!"

Duan Tianya looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of gratitude. This road is completely the force of Xu Ziyan and the lack of snow, and it is able to enter the cave. It is completely the ability of Xu Ziyan, and he has no strength at all. but. Xu Ziyan still keeps his promise and gives the soul beads to himself.

what is this?

This is the dragon world!

How can this not be filled with gratitude? Looking at Xu Ziyan’s lips, he snorted and said excitedly:

"Sister, in this world. Except for my father, I only have one of you. From now on, all I have is yours. Even if you want to sit in the position of Jade Emperor, I am willing to give you ""

Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled. "What do I want that position? You still have to refine it!"


Duan Tianya nodded hard and then walked toward the white dazzling beads in the air. Reaching out and taking it down, sitting cross-legged on the floor, looked up again and looked at the opposite Xu Ziyan, and then Zhang mouth swallowed the soul beads. Close your eyes and start refining the soul of the dragon.

Xu Ziyan quietly looked at the knees and sat on the stage of refining the dragon soul beads. After about a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan discovered that the Tianya refining was very stable. Without any danger, he quietly withdrew from the cave and surrounded the body. Five rounds. Go to the richness of the blood.

About half an hour later, in a **** light, Xu Ziyan found another hole. I swam in and went inside and fell into a cave. The same is not a trace of lake water, very dry. In the air in the middle of the cave is a fist-sized blood-colored bead.

Xu Ziyan walked up to the front and reached out and took the **** beads down. His face revealed joy. This blood bead contains extremely strong blood power, which is ten times more concentrated than the **** lake outside the cave entrance. This is definitely the perfect ingredient for alchemy. Even if it is just a drop, it will play a decisive role in refining the medicinal herbs.

Xu Ziyan carefully took the blood beads into a storage ring, and then looked at the cave. Finally, I found that there is nothing else except a blood. I came to the cave and looked at the **** lake outside.

I have already collected this blood. Why is the lake outside the cave still not coming in? She also thought of the same cave that Duan Tianya stayed. It spread the knowledge and went back and forth several times inside and outside the cave. It was discovered that this inside and outside was completely different.

Maybe the walls in this hole have the effect of avoiding water!

Xu Ziyan shook his head. Instead of thinking, I will call out the vines in the purple smoke space. Let him sit cross-legged in the cave, then transform one arm into an ancient vine to tie himself, and then he walked out of the cave and into the lake. So when she does not run the pseudo-five-line conversion exercises, she does not care that she will be floated up by the lake.

Sitting cross-legged in the **** lake water full of blood, began to run the sword to improve the strength of the body. When Xu Ziyan saw this **** lake with a strong blood force, he knew that it had an extraordinary effect on the strength of his cultivation. Therefore, when she collected the blood beads, she immediately invested in cultivation.

The power of the rich blood rushed into her body under the traction of Jianqi, and began to refine the bone marrow. After the refining of the bone marrow, the five internal organs began to be refined. After the five internal organs were refining for a round, the body strength of Xu Ziyan finally broke through to the beginning of the four-character fairy.

Xu Ziyan did not stop, but continued to run the sword and decided to start a new round of cultivation. Nine days later, the body strength of Xu Ziyan was cultivated from the early stage of the Four Pinxian to the peak of the late four-piece fairy. At this time, the body strength of Xu Ziyan was equivalent to the peak of Luotian.

Want to break through the peak of the four-character fairy, to achieve the body strength of the five-character, this is another big barrier. Just as Xu Ziyan was ready to make a full breakthrough, Xu Ziyan felt keenly that the blood power inside the lake did not seem as strong as before.

Even if you absorb more, it will not be this situation! Xu Ziyan carefully examined it and found that the blood force in this **** lake was volatilizing. Xu Ziyan thought a little, and then he understood. The soul beads and blood beads in the lake water have been collected by themselves and Duan Tianya, and they have lost the support of soul beads and blood beads. These lakes will naturally evaporate. I am afraid that it will not take long before the blood power in this lake will disappear. By then, the lake will lose its effectiveness, so the three foxes and the **** creatures will sneak into it.

At this time, I continue to improve the strength of the body. I don’t know if it can be successful. It’s better to hurry up and practice the power of blood, and use the power of blood here, plus take your own medicine, and first make your own breakthrough to the Tianxian period. Can absorb some of the power of blood, so that the yin and yang in the body is more balanced.

Xu Ziyan thought of doing it, immediately gave up the sword and decided to run in the body, and swallowed the second product Chao Dan.

Inside, the second product Chaodan has continuously generated a large number of Xianyuan force.

Outside, the blood power in the lake also frantically poured into her body. The two forces ran through the meridians through the meridians in the body of Xu Ziyan, and violently slammed into the barriers of the Tianxian period.

Once... twice... five times... ten times...

Can't help but say that the barrier of Xu Ziyan is firm. After a full twenty-eighth impact, suddenly, Xu Ziyan only felt refreshed and his body light. There was a broken sound of "咔嚓" in the body. Xianyuan force broke the barrier and went through the big veins in the meridians and flowed into Dantian.


The entire purple smoke space has once again expanded, and the Xianyuan force and the aura of the two realms in the purple smoke space are further rich. Once again, the planet grows and the galaxies increase again. The purple smoke planet is full of vitality. The ancient sword, squatting in the void, apparently swelled, causing a wave of undulations, and then began to smash. Suddenly paused again, and then flew toward the purple smoke planet.


A sword, the ancient sword was inserted in the highest mountain peak among the endless mountains of the purple smoke planet.


The power of the endless void of lightning fell to the ancient sword above the giant peak, and was absorbed by the ancient sword. The whole mountain was covered by lightning, falling from the ancient sword to the bottom, falling down the mountain and falling down from the mountain. Drooping down to the valley. The entire mountain was shrouded in thunder and lightning, forming a thunder mountain.

In the cultivation of Xu Ziyan, it seems that the mine attribute of his cultivation seems to have changed. Xu Ziyan once practiced the thunder and lightning, and cultivated the thunder properties in the body to the realm of Zhongcheng. Now that Ren Lingen has changed, at this time, it has already broken through the early days of the fairy. Xu Ziyan sank into the Dantian and sank to the tiny light spot in Dantian, rushed into the light spot and entered the purple smoke. space.

As soon as she entered the purple smoke space, she immediately felt the change of the purple smoke planet. The gods instantly enveloped the purple smoke planet and discovered the Leishan. She was shocked by the thunder mountain, and also saw the ancient sword above the Leishan, directly above the Dufeng.


The king is on the horizon!

Whole body silver, electric awning!

The power of lightning that fell in the sky touched Xu Ziyan. Her gods are integrated into the purple smoke space, turning into the heavens of the purple smoke space, and comprehending the power of this lightning.

This insight has taken a full nine days and nine nights, and Xu Ziyan has realized the realm of Dacheng. At this point, she really realized the thunder of the fairy world! Power is more than a hundred times stronger than the so-called big lightning that she used to practice.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan withdrew from the purple smoke space, and immediately felt that the blood power in the lake was already less than half of the original, and the blood power was almost one-third left.

Xu Ziyan didn't dare to stay again. It must have been a while. After the blood power disappeared, the three foxes and blood sea creatures above could also dive.

The figure gradually retreated into the cave, and the ancient vine hopes to enter the purple smoke space, and then open the five-row wheel, enter the lake, and swim toward the cave of the end of the world. She remembered the direction of the cave and spread the knowledge. After half an hour, she returned to the cave in the end of the world. Seeing that Tian Tianya still sat on the ground with his knees, trying to refine the soul of the dragon.


To celebrate the New Year, friends and family want to get together, don't know if there is any time for codewords!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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