The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1192: Generate a day robbery

I am very grateful to Silina0628 (1888), Yu Yu 645098 (100), book friend 121125180033556 (100), Hongguo classmate (100), Hidden Wind Traveler (99), Yu Yu 645098 (99) reward!


Xu Ziyan did not know how long it would take him to refine the soul of the dragon. He only sat cross-legged at the hole to protect him.

While checking the situation outside the cave, check your own harvest.

It has become the beginning of the fairy, from now on, that is, without the wing of the wind, she can also go empty. Of course, it would be a horrible speed if the current wing of the original fairy is the wing of the wind.

Xu Ziyan thought that he had been able to kill the peak of the late Tianxian in the late stage of the immortality of the immortals, although it was helped by the body of He Boxian. Nowadays, I am the master of the early days of the immortal, that is, without the Lotus and the Ruyi Aquarius, we should be able to fight with the early days of Luo Tianshangxian!


Heberfest! The cultivation of his own gods is also improving with the improvement of cultivation, so the cultivation of He Boxian should also be improved.

Xu Ziyan quickly sank the gods into the purple smoke space and locked the river. Sure enough, that He Boxian House is now the realm of Luo Tianshangxian. In this way, Xu Ziyan has been able to basically conclude that he has the help of the He Boxian government. As long as it is not the special metamorphosis of the early days of Luo Tianshang, he can definitely win! And no Bian Lilian and Ruyi Aquarius.

Thinking of the Lotus and Ruyi Aquarius, Xu Ziyan thought about it. Now that my own cultivation has been upgraded, and I will use Titan and Ruyi Aquarius, it should not be so bad, right?

I put down my own cultivation and checked my body strength. It has reached the peak of the late stage of the four-piece fairy, which is equivalent to the intensity of a peak in the late Luotian. In this way, when Xu Ziyan meets a peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage, if the other party is bare-handed. Without a powerful fairy, Xu Ziyan can also fight. Although it is because the other party will use the fairy or the fairy to attack from a long distance, the strength of this body Luo Tianshang's late peaks has lost the advantage of attack, but it is resistant!

As the saying goes, if you want to learn to beat people, you must first be beaten!

At the very least, Xu Ziyan has surpassed the same level in beating this aspect. One more life-saving cost!

The magical power has a small movement, breaking the battle, taking the soul, the thunder and lightning, and the instant void painting.

I was bored, Xu Ziyan turned the gods into human figures and went to the depths of the Xianhe to see the water of a palm. She still slept there. I ran to see the fire, and the guy fell asleep again. After thinking about it, I ran to the edge of the purple smoke space and grabbed Yun Linger. But I saw that Yun Linger slipped away from his own hands like a cloud, and turned into a cloud baby's appearance floating in front of himself and said:

"the host!"

"Yeah, are you awake?" Xu Ziyan jumped up happily and looked up and down at the cloud baby: "You are already a Sanpin fairy?"

"Well, master!" Yunbao was happy to take the lead.

"Do you have any skills?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

The cloud baby did not speak, the body shape disappeared instantly, and then there was a faint mist around Xu Ziyan. This mist is naturally generated and silent. People can't find it.

Xu Ziyan is feeling curious. The mist in front of this has turned into a hopeless cloud, and the people who are trapped in it have lost their way. The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan spread out, and the look on his face was changed. Although her gods spread the entire cloud without any hindrance, she still felt different.

I can spread my knowledge. I am free to ride in this sea of ​​clouds, but this is because she is the heaven in the purple smoke space. Nothing can cover her eyes, nothing can stop her god. But she knows that if she is standing here, if she is not a purple smoke, the gods will not be able to penetrate the sea of ​​clouds. In other words, this cloud baby has the function of isolating the gods. And Xu Ziyan can be sure that as the level of the cloud baby increases, the power to isolate the gods will increase.

The surrounding sea of ​​clouds began to rush and converge toward the front of Xu Ziyan, but it instantly condensed a cloud baby's touch. The cloud baby changed again and turned into a fairy boat, and the appearance is still changing. It is a palace in a while, a fairy mountain in a while, a long river in a while, and a variety of fairy beasts in a while. No matter what kind of appearance is vivid, finally, at the request of Xu Ziyan, the cloud baby has become a fairy boat.

The **** of Xu Ziyan's condensedness entered the fairy boat. The fairy boat that the cloud baby turned into was not big from the outside, but it was very large when it entered the interior. The inside of the fairy boat that this cloud baby has turned into has the function of mustard space. The first thing that sees Xu Ziyan's eyes is a wide hall. At the end of the hall is a corridor. On both sides of the corridor are separate rooms. Looking at everything here, I can't help but let Xu Ziyan vote for the five-body of the Yanshan soul's refining level.

Suddenly remembered one thing, Xu Ziyan sat in the chair inside the hall and looked around and asked:

"Cloud baby, how is the defense and attack of this fairy boat?"

The voice of the cloud baby screamed in the empty hall: "Master, my defense is naturally the peak of the three products, and the attack power that can be released is also the peak of the three products."

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but be disappointed when he heard the heart. The defense and attack power of a three-product peak is not as good as oneself, and there is not much help for himself, that is, a means of transportation. At this time, Yunbao learned from her mind from Xu Ziyan's demeanor, and she said with disapproval:

"Master, don't underestimate me. I am here to absorb this chaotic gas, the grade will be upgraded very quickly. I am afraid that it will take longer than you will. You will be able to help you at that time. Besides, my The speed is very fast."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were bright and excited and said: “Really?”

"Of course it is true!" Yun baby's voice was dissatisfied.

"That... try?" Xu Ziyan was really excited. I wanted to let Yanshan soul refine the cloud baby for myself. Isn't it just about refining a fairy boat? What is the fairy boat? It is a means of transportation. If it is fast, it will definitely make your travel life easier.


The cloud baby slammed the ground and started it with a bang. This speed made Xu Ziyan surprised, even faster than his own wing of the wind, almost twice the wind wing. So, this is just to make your future travel a little easier, just to escape is also a more expensive! This is only three products, waiting for the grade after the upgrade, the speed of the cloud baby will be a metamorphosis!

"Great!" Xu Ziyan could not help but praise.

"Master, tell you a good news!" Yun baby's voice is full of pride.

"What good news?"

"I have reached the grade of Sanpinxian. From now on, I can absorb the chaos without sleeping."

Xu Ziyan heard the words for a while, suddenly stunned from the chair and shouted:

"Cloud baby, what you mean is that you can come out to help me at any time in the future, or you can absorb chaos here at any time?"

"Yeah!" The sound of the baby of the cloud sounded in the hall.

"I love you to death!"

After Xu Ziyan jumped back and forth in the hall and vented his joy, this said to the cloud baby:

"go back!"


The cloud baby promised a sigh of relief, and instantly returned to the edge of the purple smoke space. Xu Ziyan walked out of the fairy boat and waved his hand to let the cloud baby enter the chaos of the air to absorb the chaos. Once again, I reached out and grabbed the pen. I saw that the pen in my hand actually reached the grade of five. Satisfied and put the pen back, and grabbed the picture, and saw that the array has reached six products, and the nine gods sealed on the nine points of the map are actually It reached the realm of the peak of the late Xianxian.

Xu Ziyan knows that the power of this array is still very small at this time, because she did not portray the runes on this, but only the power of the nine peaks of the late Xianxian. These nine gods are not pure gods, but have the body. Their bodies are the nine fairy points on the map. At this time, nine small people stand there as if they were living. However, Xu Ziyan knows that as long as he engraves the runes, the power of this array will grow by thousands of times. However, Xu Ziyan did not want to make any kind of runes, because now she is just a second-class teacher. Naturally, she would not engrave a rune on a map.

Xu Ziyan was thinking about it there, and suddenly the whole sky was dark. Xu Ziyan looked up and saw the change of the wind in the sky. Gradually, thick accumulations were formed above her head, forming a huge thundercloud whirlpool and thunder in the whirlpool.

Xu Ziyan was shocked.

This... Is this not a robbery? Who wants to rob?

Looking down at the picture in my hand, I saw the nine little people above the picture. When the heart suddenly felt, suddenly remembered that they sealed them in the map, they were only the peak of the late stage of the distraction, but now it is already the peak of the late immortals. In the past, they have been hiding in the chaos of chaos, and now they have been arrested by themselves. They have been repaired from the realm of the realm and suddenly reached the immortal world.


Xu Ziyan’s heart lingered, and then his heart was overjoyed, even a surprise! I like the heart has the feeling of jumping out of the chest.

Is it... a thunder in your own space? So, after that, Peach Blossoms and Spring Thirties, they don’t have to go outside to rob themselves, just inside their own space? Does this mean that his body space has evolved?

However, how did this suddenly create a robbery?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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