The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1193: Encircled

I am very grateful to my classmates, sarah0508 classmates, book friends 121125180033556 classmates, jelly doll classmates, relying on the wind classmates, Xiaojinjin CH classmates, Huang Lili classmates, students who want to eat cats, susantsh0905 classmates, lvle books, classmates, -- -----艹 classmate's pink ticket!


At this time, it was impossible to allow Ziyan to think about it, because the thunderstorm on that day would be bombarded. Xu Ziyan threw the picture in his hand and quickly left his body, paying far attention to the robbery on the Tianshan Mountains. The body shape condensed by the Yuanshen suddenly disappeared, and the heavens that turned into the purple smoke space instantly discovered the origin of the robbery cloud. Locked the peak of the lightning-covered mountain on the purple smoke planet. This robbery cloud turned out to be dominated by the ancient sword!

What kind of ancient sword is this?

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan has almost a feeling of dizziness. Why is there no robbing in the original purple smoke space, but now there is? It turned out to be the reason for this ancient sword.

I thought for a long time and didn't want to understand what the ancient sword was like. Xu Ziyan stopped thinking about it, but turned his attention to the image of the robbery.

After an hour, the fairy ware of Yanshan Soul Refining is not covered, and there is no damage to the catastrophe. Xu Ziyan did not say anything, and immediately put the map back.

I returned to the purple smoke planet again, and I hoped to wait for a while to talk to the demon. I thought about the end of the world, and I retired the knowledge from the purple smoke space. Open your eyes and turn to look at the end of the world.

That period of the end of the world is still not refining, Xu Ziyan looked out of the cave, see the lake outside the hole. Its fairy power has faded a few points.

Suddenly in the heart, she felt the fluctuations from the lake above the cave. Don't think, this must be due to the dilution of the blood power within the lake. Letting its buoyancy be greatly reduced, this led to the three-tailed fox and the **** sea creatures starting to sneak down.

Now Xu Ziyan is already the cultivation of the early days of the Immortals, and has the son of He Boxian in the early days of Luo Tianxian, not afraid of the three-tailed fox. She is afraid of the **** creature. That is a **** sea creature in the late nine days of Xuanxian. If she recovers her cultivation, she is definitely not an enemy of it.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the gods spread away from the cave, and instantly caught two shadows in her knowledge. In front of it is the **** sea creature, and behind the far side is the three-tailed fox. Presumably, the three-tailed fox is also afraid of **** sea creatures and runs far to the side.

The heart of Xu Ziyan is a sinking. Since even the three tailed foxes are afraid, this proves that the **** sea creatures have recovered almost. The **** sea creature was now sneaking into the cave where he and Duan Tianya lived. Although the power of blood is still there, let it dive slowly, but after all, it is constantly sneaking forward.

The shadow of the **** creature is getting closer and closer. The huge power has come to the surface, letting Xu Ziyan spread all over the body. Xu Ziyan gave a glimpse of the gods into the purple smoke space, and came to the thunder mountain above the purple smoke planet, shouting toward the giant sword that was inserted in the peak:

"Predecessors, the **** sea creatures that are fighting with you are coming again!"

The giant sword seemed to be like the yelling of Xu Ziyan, still stuck in the foothills to absorb the power of lightning.

"Predecessors, can you help Ziyan in a while?"

The ancient sword uploaded a wave of fluctuations. Although there is no sound, Xu Ziyan clearly feels the meaning of the ancient sword:

"You are too weak!"

The volatility is full of contempt!

Despised by a sword, Xu Ziyan was very depressed, and the gods quit the purple smoke space, and the heart secretly:

"Hey! I can't afford to see you, it's not in my space. After a while, I will force you out. If you can't make a big deal, then I will give you a thunder." Anyway, you can only bully me. I don’t dare to kill me. Presumably you know that you are in my body space. If I am dead, that space is gone!"

He was smashed there. Looking at the lake outside the cave nervously, she was able to see a shadow moving in her direction, no longer calming down, standing up from the ground. I just wanted to force the ancient sword out of the purple smoke space, but I heard a sigh of relief behind me.

Xu Ziyan hurried back. When I saw Duan Tianya opened my eyes, I couldn’t help but rejoice, and I ran a few steps back. I grabbed the arm of Duan Tianhe and asked in a hurry:

"End of the World, are you refining the soul beads?"

Duan Tianya excitedly nodded: "completely refining!"

"Then we can go out? The **** creature has swam over!"

Duan Tianya smiled calmly: "Sister, let's go!"

When the words fell, and I grasped the hand of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan felt that her eyes were black. When she saw the scene in front of her, she found that two of them had stood outside a colorful mask. It is just outside the dragon's world, but it is not the road when they came. I don't know where in the dragon's body.

In the vision of Xu Ziyan, the direct segment of the horizon stretched out his hands toward the colorful mask. The colorful masks shrank rapidly. When the two breathed, the dragons became a half-fist-sized bead and entered the segment. The body.

The whole body of the dragon has become dark, and Duan Tianya has grasped the hand of Xu Ziyan:

"Sister, go with me!"

Xu Ziyan only realized that his body shape was moving rapidly and spread his knowledge. After half an hour, the light in the gods was seen, but it was the two nostrils of the dragon.

The two stood up and they all breathed a long sigh of relief. In the past few months, the experience in the dragon circle has been like a hundred years of generality, and now it has finally returned, and there is a feeling of being born again.

At this time, outside the dragon, countless Terran, Mozu and Yaozu monks were surrounded. Among these monks, there are many monks of Luo Tianshangxian, and there are even many jade emperors of other countries. All of them are in the realm of Luo Tianshang's late stage, and one is still the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage.

These monks are also helpless here. They have sent a lot of monks to tell them that once they discover the dragons, don’t be busy searching for treasures, but they must withdraw from the dragon and tell them the dragon. Are there any dangers in the world that they cannot cope with? However, none of the countless wave monks they sent did not return. This made them feel scrupulous in their hearts, want to go in, and fear to die inside. Want to give up, and completely reluctant.

In these few days, the forces of all parties finally began to join forces. The monks of Luo Tianshang were discussing to join hands to explore the dragon world, but they saw two people from one nostril of Xiaolong.

Thousands of gaze focused on the body of Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya who came out of the nostrils of the dragon, which made them feel tremendous pressure in two instants.

When two people stepped in a footstep, they stopped at the nostrils. If those outside were exposed to a bad intention, the two of them would not hesitate to return to the body of Xiaolong.

In the air outside, there was a commotion above the ground. Everyone looked at Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya with twinkling eyes, thinking about who the two men sent. Every monk is thinking in his mind, no matter who their two men are, they must force them to explain the situation inside.

Xu Ziyan looked at the outside with vigilance and said, "The end of the world, who are these people? Did your father come?"

Duan Tianya’s eyes were also searching for four, but he did not see his father. The fists couldn't help but feel tight and he could feel the power of those monks. It is not Xu Ziyan and his end of the world can resist!

From the appearance of Duan Tianya, Xu Ziyan can see that there is no father in the middle of the world. When he is nervous, he also has a glimpse of the gods into the purple smoke space, ready to put the ancient sword. Hard out. She didn't want to use the ancient sword to fight with the monks outside. She was not arrogant to that extent. She just wants to resist their attack when they and the end of the world return to the nostrils.

However, at this time, the outside tribes did not move, and Xu Ziyan did not move. She did not want to attack the monks outside because of her own slight movement.

The whole mine is between the steep peaks. It is difficult for the monks to arrive at the immortal period where they can't fly. Therefore, the monks who arrived here are all monks above the Tianxian period. At this time, the monks of the three races stood above the mountains, standing along the ridge and stretching like a dragon. In the sky, there are countless monks who have been repaired as higher monks. They have circled the nose of the dragon and looked down.

In this case, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya can be described as having no way to go to the ground. It seems that returning to the body of Xiaolong became the only way. However, even if they both safely returned to the body of Xiaolong, can they hide there for a lifetime?

"Sister, what do we do?" Duan Tianya said.

Looking at the monks on the ground and on the ground, such a big scene also made some of Xu Ziyan's face stiff, but Xu Ziyan knew that at this time, he must be calm. The more flustered, the more vital it is. So, Philip pressed down the panic in his heart, and preached calmly:

"End of the World, nothing. They are not yet hands-on? Let's see what they are doing? It's really impossible for us to return to Xiaolong's body!"

Duan Tianya was incomprehensible and looked down. But in the face of such a situation, my heart is really a sense of powerlessness.

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan suddenly said: "Here is your Yuan Yuanguo, even if your father did not come, is your father's men watching these aliens and other monks here to deal with you?"

Duan Tianya heard the words and smiled, and said: "Nature will manage! But this is related to the dragons and dragons. Now the tribes and the monks from other countries are probably masters. If not my father personally came, it was his I don't necessarily have the advantage of being a man. I have already recognized a few other emperors in other countries. I have seen them. They have the right to print in their hands. Who is their opponent except my father?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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