The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1194: Transfer

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The two of them were here, and the monks in the sky exchanged their eyes for a long time. Finally, the monk in the late days of Luo Tianshang asked:

"The following is the end of the world?"

"Not bad!" Duan Tianya got quite a spine, and replied arrogantly: "There is Luo Yuguo Jade Emperor?"

"Ha ha ha..." Luofu Guodi emperor laughed: "It is the Emperor, it really is a sage. Come over, you and my uncle!"

Duan Tianya shook his head slightly and said faintly: "Here is my motherland, I don't know who is coming, my father knows?"

The look of the Jade Emperor of Luofu is a stiff, and instantly, like the spring rain, the pros:

"Your father is retreating, so I am not going to bother with him."

Looking at the face of Duan Tianya, the Luofu Guo Jade Emperor also knows that the euphemism is not as good as it is at this time, and he smiles kindly:

"Yin, it is said that you are the first to enter the dragon, but you enter the dragon world?"

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya’s situation were shocked. The heart is really coming. Duan Tianya immediately shook his head:

"No, I have been lost in the body of the dragon, and I have been in it for a long time. I walked out in confusion."

The entire outer space is a stagnation, and all the monks' eyes are sharp and sharp, focusing on the body of the segment. Duan Tianya’s heart suddenly felt the pressure of the mountain. Struggling to straighten the spine, Xu Ziyan knows that he can't stay here again. The monks outside can't let them go. I immediately said to Duan Tianya:


The two figures quickly retreated backwards, and the two men held their hands tightly in the air. Sure enough, just as they both retreated, countless attacks bombarded them. Two people have long anticipated that there is a segment of the world, refining the dragons and he is very familiar with this dragon. At the moment of retreat, Zhang Ziyan flew into the snoring channel of the nostrils to the mouth.

The celestial forces that gathered together slammed into the nostrils, and the hurricane overflowed within the nostrils of the dragon. Infinitely exploding toward the surrounding area, fortunately, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya have entered the passage from the nasal cavity to the oral cavity, and have not been bombarded. However, the remaining small waves that poured into the nasal cavity to the oral passage also made the two people feel uncomfortable and fell heavily in the mouth of the dragon.

Although the two men were embarrassed, they were not injured. After all, the power of the gathering is bigger, but it does not destroy the body of the dragon. It was twisted and twisted by the passage of the dragon's nose into the mouth to almost all the power. and so. As soon as the two fell into the mouth, they immediately climbed up and held their hands, and darted toward the depths of the body along the esophagus of the dragon.

Not to mention that two people fled in the body of Xiaolong, the monks outside saw that there were finally monks coming out of the body of Xiaolong, and they were very skeptical that the dragon kingdom was obtained by Duan Tianya. What are you still worried about at this time? After hesitating, he was found to have been killed by others. Wouldn’t he regret it?

So, in the sky. on the ground. All the monks madly flew toward the two nostrils of the dragon, and swept and searched the body of the dragon. Everyone's heart is full of impulses, one is the impulse to get the dragon.

The body of the dragon. Duan Tianya took Xu Ziyan and stopped in a cave. Two people in the dark looked at each other's dark eyes, Xu Ziyan said with some worry:

"End of the World. We entered this cave. If it is blocked inside, how is it?"

Duan Tianya blinked and said: "It doesn't matter, my sister, there are a lot of martyrdoms here, just like a labyrinth. It is very difficult to block us."

"Where is this?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

"This is a capillary of the dragon!"

Xu Ziyan heard the voice silent for a while, this cave is so big, it is just a capillary! However, such a purple smoke will be relieved. Say the paragraph to the horizon and sit down:

"Let's take a break!"

"it is good!"

Duan Tianya sat with Xu Ziyan on the floor and asked: "Sister, we can't stay here for a lifetime, what should we do next?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly and said softly: "I don't know, we both think about it!"

When the words fell, the two people were silent and fell into thinking.

Half a ring, Xu Ziyan did not think of any good way, can not help but be discouraged, feeling a little annoyed. Suddenly remembered the solitary smoke of Ximen, he sank into the river. When the gods swept away, the heart was shocked. The nearly three thousand demons in this period were actually absorbed by the West Gate solitary smoke by nearly a thousand demons. Xu Ziyan eagerly followed the attention of the solitary smoke in Ximen. At this time, Ximen’s solitary smoke was holding a magician in his arms, and Xu Ziyan discovered that the repair of the solitary smoke of Ximen had reached the ground. The peak of the late Xian.

The body of the demon in the arms of Ximen’s solitary smoke quickly smashed and became a beggar. The eyes of the solitary smoke in Ximen opened, and the eyes were flashing. The spirit of Xu Ziyan was a shock, because she saw Qingming from the eyes of the solitary smoke in Ximen.

Is it... he woke up from the madness? By the magic of life?

"Western predecessors?" Xu Ziyan screamed at the West Gate.

"Who?" The body of the solitary smoke in Ximen suddenly trembled, his eyes squinting toward the surroundings, shouting with a trace of fear:

"Who are you? Where is this?"

"Western predecessors, you... wake up?" Xu Ziyan exclaimed excitedly.

"You... is it purple?"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was full of joy and his body flashed. Then he entered He Boxian, standing in front of the solitary smoke in Ximen, looking at him with surprise.

The solitary smoke of Ximen stood up and looked at Xu Ziyan incredulously. In my mind, I flashed a scene of my past, and Xu Ziyan’s scene on the mainland. In fact, the two people did not have two years respectively, but it seemed to be a hundred years in the past. A pair of tigers actually shed tears.

"Zizi... Are you flying?" The solitary smoke in Ximen suppressed his excitement, but the voice should be a little trembling.

Xu Ziyan nodded. Seeing the solitary smoke of Simon, who is now in front of himself, and thinking of his glory in the vast mainland, his eyes can not help but be moist. The solitary smoke of Ximen gently closed his eyes, waiting to open again, and the calmness of the eyes has been restored, and asked softly:

"You saved me?"

Xu Ziyan nodded: "You... is it alright?"

The solitary smoke in Ximen shook his head and said: "No, I have an hour of waking up every day!"

Speaking of this, I laughed and laughed at myself: "In fact, this is already good. I can have a time to wake up every day. I am afraid this is also your credit for Ziyan? Where is this?"

"Here is He Boxian!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes brightened and excitedly stepped forward: “The predecessors of Ximen, do you know the origins of your screaming screams?”

“What is the origin?” Ximen’s lonely smoke looked at Xu Zi’s flue: “This is what I found in the mine...”

Having said that, he also felt that he was wrong, and his eyes were full of anger, and Xu Ziyan said:

"Ziyan. Is it someone who harms me?"

Xu Ziyan nodded, and briefly told the reason of the incident to the solitary smoke of Ximen, and told him the story of the magical life that the monk of the legendary Zhongyuan galaxy had said. After listening to the solitary smoke in Ximen, he stood there quietly, his muscles on his face changed, and he was ashamed of anger for a while...

When the look of the solitary smoke in Ximen gradually stabilized, Xu Ziyan explained to him the reason why he gave him the cultivation of the Mozu, and then speculated that:

"Western predecessors, this way, this method of absorbing magic is correct. Now you have absorbed a thousand or so demons. You can already have an hour of waking time. If you continue, will you be awake? It’s longer, and it’s completely awake?”

The solitary smoke of Ximen thought for a while: "Ziyan, is this screaming screaming a kind of demon?"

Xu Ziyan slightly locked his brow and thought about it and said: "It should not be. If it is the practice of the Mozu. We can't cultivate it at all. This should be like the legend. It is a combination of the cultivation of the Mozu." It has created a kind of practice that the Terran can cultivate. Since this method combines the methods of the Mozu, it is natural to use magic..."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said something confused: "I don't know, I want to wait until you are fully awake, that is, waiting for you to practice screaming to a certain level, you should understand what is going on with this practice. child!"

The solitary smoke in Ximen was a bit frustrated, and he went deep into Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, the old man thank you! This great grace..."

Xu Ziyan hurriedly shook his head and stopped the solitary smoke of Ximen. He reached out and said: "The predecessors of Ximen, this is no longer the case. When you were on the mainland, have you not helped me many times?"

The solitary smoke in Ximen laughed and said: "Well, don't say this!"

As if when he returned to the mainland of the Cangwu, the flamboyant Ximen solitary smoke. When the laughter is gone, the solitary smoke from Ximen asks softly:

"Now the vast mainland is good? How about Tiancheng? How about Yuer?"

After Xu Ziyan whispered the solitary smoke of Ximen, what happened on the mainland of the sky was told to the solitary smoke of Ximen. The look of the solitary smoke of Ximen changed with the complaint of Xu Ziyan. Finally, after listening to the ending, I spit out a long breath. Whispered in a low voice:

"I didn't expect so many things to happen!"

"Senior Simon, after you ascended, but I heard the news of the mountain spirit..."


The solitary smoke of Ximen suddenly raised his head and stared at the red eyes. His body was black and lingering, his face was stunned, and his eyes fluttered toward Xu Ziyan.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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