The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1195: Assassination

I am very grateful to the students of 鸶梦灵, zzkj, pet 乖, elva3, dream poetry 0327, mingliu2056, susantsh0905 classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan's body flashed, and he went out of Heberdant's House, leaving only a sigh. She knew that the sudden madness of the solitary smoke of Simon was because his waking time had arrived. The river Hexianfu was thrown to the body of a demon of the solitary smoke of Ximen. The solitary smoke of Ximen immediately sat on the ground with it, and learned the magic.

Xu Ziyan sat on the ground, thinking in his heart: "Is the solitary smoke in Ximen knowing that it is not the news of the Taoist soul? Oh, but he is crazy again!"

"Sister, where have you been?" The voice of the end of the world sounded.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and Xiaosuo said: "I just went to my body and went to see the solitary smoke in Ximen."

"How is he?" Duan Tianya asked with concern.

The spirit of Xu Ziyan finally reinvigorated: "There is already an hour of waking up every day!"

"Great, how did he do it?"

"I caught some of the Mozu monks to let him absorb the magic, to see if it can be used by the magic, it seems to be useful."

Duan Tianya stunned, and I couldn’t help but feel awkward. I didn’t think that the problem that had troubled the celestial world for hundreds of thousands of years was actually found by Xu Ziyan’s mistake.

Two people no longer speak, Xu Ziyan is pointing to the heart, thinking about the solitary smoke of Ximen, will it be magical? If the Mozu in the Heberland Palace is used up, do you want to dive into the Mozu territory?

She wants to have a brainache here, and there must be a sky on the mainland for the next day. There will be more and more monks flying up the fairy world, and they will never allow things that happen to the solitary smoke in Ximen to happen to other people, especially the monks of Xu family. However, the more you think about it. The more painful the brain is. Long spit out a breath, Xu Ziyan no longer think about it, looking at the end of the world.

At the moment of paying attention to the end of the world, Xu Ziyan suddenly felt the fluctuation of the breath from the body of Duan Tianya. That is the breath of cultivation. Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but stunned. The most genius of the next meta-galaxies is really not covered. So, for a while, is it so fast? Although she can feel that the repair of Duan Tianya has not yet been upgraded to the early middle of the Tianxian, but this cultivation speed is also enough to be fearful.


Duan Tianya spit out a breath and opened his eyes. Xu Ziyan did not praise the opening:

"End of the World, you are a genius! The speed of cultivation is so fast!"

In the darkness, Duan Tianya shook his head and said: "Sister. It is not what you think. I am self-sufficient, but I can't cultivate so fast."

"Then you are..."

"I just killed a brother!" Duan Tianya's tone can not tell the complexity.

"Kill a brother?" Xu Ziyan was shocked.

"Yes!" Duan Tianya gently took a breath: "I have absorbed the repairs of the eleven brothers in the dragon kingdom!"


Xu Ziyan was silent, and he had an understanding of the sudden and rapid improvement of Duan Tianya. He is going to fall into the eleventh hall of the Dragon King, and to cultivate and refine it into his own cultivation. Thus, she also understands that the dragon and the purple smoke space are essentially different.

Your own purple smoke space has become a part of your body and blends with yourself. It can be said that the purple smoke space is Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan is the purple smoke space. The Duanjie of Duan Tianya is not part of his body, but a treasure of his refining. Warm up in your own body.

Therefore, when the body is immersed in the purple smoke space, the purple smoke space becomes a void and is a self-contained. When Duan Tianya enters the border of the Dragon, the dragon's world will manifest itself. Even if the end of the world turns it into a grain of sand, it is, after all, a physical situation, unlike its own purple smoke space can be turned into a void, making people look nowhere. Unless those who are sublime are not found when she breaks into the purple smoke space.

but. Do this for Duan Tianya. She still has some concerns. Then whispered:

"End of the World, do you do this, will it be harmful to the dragons? If you refine the creatures in the dragon, will the dragons collapse?"

Duan Tianya was silent for a while. Thank you, "Thank you, my sister! I won't do that. But my brothers will not let them go!"

For the things between their brothers. Xu Ziyan is not good at saying anything. Then I went silent. Duan Tianya is silent, and both people feel heavy.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya’s eyes flashed a bit, and Duan Tianya’s voice said:

"someone is coming!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, and transmitted the gods out. Soon they caught five monks in the passage. These five monks are monks above the Tianxian period, two in the late Tianxian, and three peaks in the mid-day.

"Five people, two days later, three peaks of the late Tianxian!" Xu Ziyan said.

"What to do?" Duan Tianya passed over.

"let's go!"

Xu Ziyan extended his hand, and Duan Tianya held it. Two people quietly floated in the air and silently swept toward the other ramp. It quickly disappeared into another ramp. After flying for two quarters of an hour, the two men found another martyr to hide.

"Sister, it’s not a way for us to always run away. They will be more and more people. They are so unscrupulously searching around, maybe they will surround us in the middle. We better still kill some, too. Let them be a little scared."

Xu Ziyan heard the words, slightly thought for a moment, whispered: "You also have a reason to say. However, we can not kill, but secretly assassinate, and then take away their storage rings, only throw the body If you find the bodies by others, you will think that some people are robbing the same people. They will be wary of each other and will not easily join hands. So, our pressure will be much smaller. Especially if we will be human The monks of the Yaozu and the Mozu are assassinating themselves, and they will cause suspicions among the three tribes. Maybe there will be a big battle between them."

"Not bad!" Duan Tianya patted his thighs with excitement, and then he said with some dismay: "But it is necessary to secretly assassinate those monks, and still can not let go of a monk. It is still very difficult for us two! To achieve the desired results, you can't use that step by step lotus, so our strength will be greatly reduced. Now both of us are just the beginning of the early days of the immortals, we must know that the three tribes who entered here are probably the lowest. Late Tianxian!"

"Don't forget that I still have a avatar!" Xu Ziyan said softly.

"Right!" Duan Tianya patted the thigh gently: "You have a singular peak in the late Tianxian!"

Xu Ziyan said: "My avatar is already in the early days of Luo Tianshang!"

Once the two made a decision, they decided to act immediately. Xu Ziyan whispered softly: "Yuya, you are very familiar with this place, because after you refine the dragons and dragons, can you completely control the inside of this dragon?"

"No!" Duan Tianya said with a smile: "This dragon is dead, how can I control it? Of course, if it is not dead, I have no chance to refine the dragon. I am here for this." The dragon's internal structure is very familiar, because it has its memory in the soul of the dragon."

"Oh ~~" Xu Ziyan slightly locked his brow and whispered: "So, you can't understand the situation of the tribe's monks in the dragon body?"

"Of course not!"

"Call~~" Xu Ziyan spit out a breath and said: "There is only a stupid way!"

"What is this method?" Duan Tianya asked.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and had no words. Instead, he was summoned to the river Hexian. I saw that the ten toes of He Boxian were separated from the two feet and turned into ten small houses. Then there was a change, which turned into ten small avatars, that is, the size of the toes, floating in the air and swept away toward the ten martyrdoms.

Duan Tianya yelled at this eyes, enviously looking at the direction in which ten small avatars disappeared, and muttered in his mouth:

"Is this still stupid?"

Xu Ziyan squinted slightly, and the scene of the ten small avatars was switched in the gods. About a quarter of an hour later, Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and collected He Boxian, whispering:

"The third ramp, there are three monks. The Terran, a late fairy, two mid-days."

"Can we deal with it?" Duan Tianya is somewhat worried.

"You drag one first, let my distraction kill the late fairy, I kill a mid-day fairy. Then work together to deal with the last one. You have no problem?"


Duan Tianya focused on the key, although I can't kill him, but I can still do it after dragging him for a while. And here is my home, I am very familiar with it.

Two people no longer speak, Xu Ziyan quietly flies in front, and Duan Tianya follows. After half a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya stopped at a turn, and Xu Ziyan passed the voice to the paragraph behind him:


Two people shunned at the corner, and on the other side of the corner, the three Terran monks rushed toward this side. Behind them, close to the ground, a stone man of the size of the toes stalked behind them quietly.

Xu Ziyan quietly released the body of He Boxian, and when He Boxian House appeared, it clung to the wall, as if it was integrated with the stone wall. If it wasn’t for him, even Xu Ziyan could not find it. .

Under the instructions of Xu Ziyan, Duan Tianya followed Xu Ziyan back a bit.

When the two men had just hidden, they saw three figures appearing around the corner. The two monks in the mid-day of the fairy walked side by side, and the monk in the late Tianxian fell behind. The two monks in the middle of the fairy did not find that He Boxian was hidden beside them and swept past it.


Going home for the New Year tomorrow, try to take the time code and upload it to your comrades!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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