The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1196: Use the fairy

I am very grateful to the sea squid classmates 2 (1888), sea squid classmates 28 (99), aspen wood tears classmates (588), silina06282 (99), blue 丫 classmates (100), sea ~\\ (≧▽ ≦) / ~ Lala classmates (100), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (99), memeqweroo classmates (99), Lan Yan confidant classmates (99), we are all Hedgehog classmates (99) to reward!


When the monk in the late Tianxian went to the front of He Boxian, He Boxian suddenly slammed a punch. Just this punch, it is directly poured into the other's body, the monk's **** is blown up.

The two monks who walked in front of the middle of the day, the monks turned around, but in an instant they both felt the wind behind them. Now the body strength of Xu Ziyan is not weaker than He Boxian, and the actual combat power is also close to He Boxian. A monk in the mid-day of the fairy is the opponent of Xu Ziyan. Like the previous monk in the late Tianxian, Xu Ziyan directly poured into the box and shattered the Yuanshen.


The sword of Duan Tianya stabbed the back of the last monk. The monk reacted very quickly, and turned back to the sword of Duan Tianya. Although he escaped the key, he was pierced by his sword by Duan Tianya. He screamed that he hadn't slammed it yet, and there was a pain in his back. He Boxing’s fist had shattered his god.

Xu Ziyan bent over and quickly collected the three people's storage rings, and collected He Boxian, and let the small detachment continue to explore. She turned around with a paragraph of Tianya, and after a few turns, she went to another ramp.

For three consecutive days, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya were both with the help of He Boxian. In this way, the three tribes who entered the body of the dragon were assassinated. Duan Tianya's combat power is rapidly improving. In this constant killing, Duan Tianya deeply understands that today's self is very different from the original one. His combat experience has improved rapidly, and now he has been able to challenge the mid-days in a small step.

Everything in the trophy section was given to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan is poor now! So there is no half-politeness, and a present-day highness, the future Jade Emperor is polite, isn't that stupid? Therefore, Xu Ziyan all collected it. In these three days, the two of them actually killed 368 of the three tribes and met the monks of the Mozu. Xu Ziyan simply accepted the body of He Boxian. Leave it to the West Gate for use.

For this, Duan Tianya proposed a different meaning. Xu Ziyan has a plausible word:

"When the tribes of the tribes found that there were only the bodies of the Terran and the Yaozu, there was no body of the Mozu, which would intensify their contradictions."

Sure enough, on the fourth day, the tribes began to inspire small conflicts. And this kind of conflict has become more and more intense. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya hid up and stopped killing. Xu Ziyan sent ten small avatars. Monitor the situation around you.

Suddenly, the purple smoke smashed from the ground, and Duan Tianya never saw Xu Ziyan so panicked. He lowered his voice and asked anxiously:

"Sister, what happened?"

"We are surrounded!" Xu Ziyan said with some urgency.

Duan Tianya’s heart was a shock, and some flustered and said: “How come? Did we find them?”

"No!" Xu Ziyan said affirmatively: "They should be unintentional. Every group of monks walked different martyrdoms, but coincidentally gathered from where we were hiding."

Speaking of this, I suddenly took a picture of my own brain, and my face repented: "This is a resentment to me. I am going to any martyrdom for convenience. I chose a center passage of ten martyrdoms. They naturally come together here. ”

"What do we do?" Duan Tianya asked anxiously.

Xu Ziyan silently, the gods quickly analyzed the message sent by the small avatars in ten directions. Three of the ten channels are human, three are demon, and four are devils.

Hundreds of monks gathered in each channel to walk together. It seems that they are also aware of the tension in the situation and are afraid to act on a small scale. Try to find a monk that you are familiar with. That is the case, Xu Ziyan also felt that the atmosphere of the monks in those teams was not harmonious through those small avatars, and they were promoted with each other. It can be seen from a certain distance between them.

Thousands of monks in the ten martyrdoms converge toward the middle, starting from the center of the place where Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya are now living.

The most worrying thing in Zi Ziyan's heart is that there is at least one monk in Luo Tianshang in the martyrdom. If these dozens of Luo Tian Shang Xian gather here, it is Xu Ziyan who has a dying.

Xu Ziyan has calmed down at this time and analyzed the possibility that he and Duan Tianya have a few survivors. The result is sad. The only vitality is to choose a direction to rush out when the ten-party monks have not yet gathered here.

Duan Tianya lowered his voice and said: "Sister, are we going to choose a direction to rush out now? With my understanding of this, as long as we rush out, we can definitely get rid of them."

Xu Ziyan nodded, but at this time she had already selected a passage, and she lowered her voice and said to Duan Tianya:

"We went to the fifth martyrdom, where the Yaozu is the highest. It is only the beginning of Luo Tianshen, and it is the lowest of the ten martyrdoms!"

"What?" Duan Tianya was shocked: "What do you mean by saying that there are monks in Luo Tianshang in these ten martyrdoms?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan said with some frustration.

Duan Tianya has some hesitation: "If this is the case, even if we go to the passage that is the lowest, we can't go out! You must know that there is not only one Luo Tianxian, but also hundreds of days or more. Monk!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in the heart, turned his head and looked at the end of the world and lowered his voice and said: "End of the World, have you completely refining the Dragon World?"

"Yes! What happened?"

Xu Ziyan talked with Duan Tianya while maintaining his concern for the ten martyrdoms. at this time. She found that the monks were no longer slamming, but the team within each martyr sent a three-person team to explore the road ahead and back and forth. At the same time as grasping the situation ahead. Grab the front.

Xu Ziyan’s brow slightly locked and said: “Can you remove the monster from the dragon’s world?”

At this time, the monks in the ten martyrdoms were less than a thousand miles away from them. Xu Ziyan’s face has already shown an anxious color.

Duan Tianya heard what Xu Ziyan said, his eyes are a bright light: "Of course, my sister means to let those beasts deal with these monks?"

"Not bad!"

Xu Ziyan nodded. During the speech, the monks of all parties have approached the 800 meters.

"But..." Duan Tianya has some hesitation: "If those fairy beasts are removed, I am afraid they will attack us who are closest to them. At that time, how do we get ourselves?"

Xu Ziyan's eyes flashed, knowing that Duan Tianya's Xiaolongjie is different from his own Ziyan space. I am afraid that he wants to completely control the creatures inside, and it will take a long time. but. Xu Ziyan’s heart immediately had an idea:

"It's okay! We are two times to hide in the river."

Duan Tianya's eyes are bright, Xu Ziyan's brow wrinkles, at this time the monks of all parties have approached the 500 meters in the ramp.


Xu Ziyan snorted and took the lead to fly toward the fifth ramp. Duan Tianya was tightly behind him. Flying over the distance of 200 meters, Xu Ziyan stopped, and Duan Tianya also hurriedly stopped. Xu Ziyan immediately voiced:

"End of the World, open fairy!"

Simultaneously. Xu Ziyan will be released from He Boxian. The section of Tianya has already selected a fairy beast of the Great Luo Jinxian in the dragon circle. He heard the voice of Xu Ziyan and immediately released it.


The fairy was well in the dragon's world, suddenly appeared in a dark space, and the inner fear made it scream immediately.

Just in the scream of it, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya have hid in He Boxian. And He Boxian also turned into a stone-sized stone man, hiding in the corner.

The three outposts of the opposite monks were suddenly forced by the fairy tales of the great Luo Jinxian period, and even sat down on the ground. The fairy beast heard the voice of the monk in front, mad at the dark strange environment, and rushed toward the demon over there.


As with the destruction, the hundreds of demons on the opposite side will be crushed. There is no complete body in an instant. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya were shocked and trembled in He Boxian.

at this time. The monks in the other nine martyrdoms also heard the sound here. One by one speeded up the speed of flying and swept toward it. After the monk killed the monk monk in the martyr, he heard the sound of flying and flying behind him. When I was furious, I suddenly turned and rushed toward the clothes and swept away.


Xu Ziyan is controlling the river behind the fairy beast, and then thinking about it and rushing to the next ramp. I fled in the direction of change, but did not expect this fairy to suddenly turn around. And the speed is extremely fast and the power is extremely fierce. He Boxian was suddenly knocked out and flew out.

He Boxianfu is also a four-character fairy. How can it be forbidden to strike a big Luo Jinxian, almost hit by the beast? Fortunately, the fairy beast is intentional, otherwise it is really forbidden to strike a big Luo Jinxian. However, even so, Xu Ziyan felt that He Boxian was traumatized. I am afraid that at this time, I can't stand the blow of Nao Luo Tian Xian.

Seeing that the fairy beast disappeared without a trace, the space only left its angry beast voice, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya came out from He Boxian, and looked around for a moment, all of them were broken limbs. meat.

Xu Ziyan thought about it and collected He Boxian.

"Sister, Heberfest is not bad?"

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "I can't use it for the time being! Let's go!"

"Well, my sister is coming with me!"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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