The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1199: Guild blood bat

On New Year's Day, the bells greeted the comrades in the New Year! I wish you all the best of luck, happiness, and wealth!


Xu Ziyan immediately made a decision and took a paragraph to fly back to the center. At this time, the monks who were sent by the Mozu and the Terrans also flew back. The eyes of the two monks looked at the Yaozu, and the Luofu Jade Emperor of the Terran sneered:

"Okay! Good plan! Your demon people have secretly led the blood bat army to enter here. Do you want to kill the Terran and the Mozu here?"

Seeing that the Mozu and the Terran monks had signs of hands-on, Xu Ziyan was swept away and swept out from the team of the Yaozu, and sang aloud:

"Stop, our Yaozu always don't understand any intrigues, do things right, how can we do such a despicable thing!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan turned into the appearance of the eagle king. The black robe was even more arrogant and his eyes were sharp. At this time, the violent screams, and the two people and the Mozu suddenly calmed down.

Suddenly, in the Mozu, Luo Tianshang’s late demon king and the Terran Luo Tianshang’s late Luofu Jade Emperor, the figure suddenly disappeared in the space, and instantly appeared in the Xu Ziyan’s left and right, the two monks left and right. One hand was placed on the two shoulders of Xu Ziyan. Although there was no force, anyone knew that Xu Ziyan had been restrained. As long as the Devil and the Luofu Jade Emperor are willing, they will kill Xu Ziyan at any time.


Like Wang Wang, he did not dare to go forward. Because he knows that as long as he has the intention of going forward, the devil and the Luofu Jade Emperor will put Xu Ziyan to death in an instant, and the side of the world will not dare to act rashly. A face has become anxious and has become distorted.

Luo Fu Jade Emperor's triangle eyes stared closely at Xu Ziyan and said coldly: "Not your Yaozu? Then you give us an explanation?"

Xu Ziyan did not dare to hesitate at this time, but did not show the slightest panic. Her heart is very clear, at this time must be calm, anger and panic will cause the other side's suspicion. At this time, my life is in the hands of others. at this time. Xu Ziyan can't help but regret some regrets, and regrets that he is in a hurry to set himself up in danger.

Ugh! I am still too young!

Xu Ziyan glanced at the two monks who controlled the two peaks of Luo Tianshang in the late period, and said faintly:

"Two, even if you kill me. Useful?"

The devil and Luofu looked at each other and locked their eyes on the face of Xu Ziyan. This time, the devil said:

"It doesn't matter if it's useful, if you don't have a proper explanation, you're dead!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "You said it is good, but have you ever thought about why I am so stupid, even ran out alone?"

The devil and the Luofu jade gaze. The two monks looked at each other again, and there was a question in their hearts. Is there any conspiracy in this demon?

"The more you delay the time here, the more we will lose!" Xu Ziyan said calmly.

"Why?" This time, the two monks opened at the same time, and the elephant king behind them also erected their ears.

"Because those blood bats are not brought by our Yaozu, but they have always lived in this dragon. They are attracted by the **** atmosphere here. You can imagine the fairy of the big Luojinxian. The beast is likely to survive in this dragon.

How can the lower galaxies have such a beast? Let's imagine again. If the blood bats that are attacking us outside the hole also have a few big Luo Jinxian period, you are still here because of the time for me, and want to wait for everyone to die here? ”

At this time, outside the ten passages, the tribes of the tribes had already fought with the blood bats. All kinds of fairy instruments and fairy martial arts violently bombarded the **** bats. In the outermost three tribes, they were densely packed in an instant. The blood bat covers the whole body, like a grasshopper crossing the ground, just an instant. When the bats slammed away. Those tribes of the three tribes have only one dry cognac.

The peripheral monks tried their best to kill the blood bats, shouting screamingly:

"Blood bat! A lot of blood bats! Can't stand it!"

The voice came from the outside to the inside, and the monks inside shouted together, and the people who heard it later shouted. Gathering from the ramps to the center like a wave:

"Blood bat! A lot of blood bats! Can't stand it!"

"Blood bat! A lot of blood bats! Can't stand it!"


A large number of blood bats began to pass through the heads of the monks and sniffed the **** smell. Like a **** torrent, the slap of the wings slammed into the cave.

The bottom of the monk was cold and looked up. The whole sky could not see the slightest cave top. Like a **** river flowing over their heads, the tribes of the tribes looked like each other.

The slap of the wings resonated in the ten caves, squeaking and passing into the center. The monks were discolored, that is, the demon king holding Xu Ziyan and the Luofu Jade Emperor also looked discolored. This is what Xu Ziyan said just now. These blood-colored bats have nothing to do with the Yaozu, which is the original body of this dragon. Because, at this time, from the cave passage behind the Yaozu, there was also the cicada of the **** bat wings, and the attacking and mourning of many monks.

The Devil and the Luofu Jade Emperor slammed their hands and said nothing. "This...Eagle King, let us discuss how to resist the **** bats?"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze swept toward the surroundings. The sound of the roaring and the humming of the wings was constantly coming from the ten martyrdoms, mixed with the monks’ sorrowful voice. Xu Ziyan was anxious, and this situation has already linked himself to the fate of these monks. If these three tribes are also dead, there is no living path for themselves and Duan Tianya. Therefore, it is no longer polite:

"There is no good arrangement today, that is, it is impossible to mobilize the three tribes to cooperate. The most important thing at present is that the various ethnic groups must first hold their own holes, and the **** bats must be blocked outside, and they cannot be allowed to enter. After that, think slowly!"

"Not bad!"

At this time, Xiang Wang also flew to the front, Shen Sheng said: "The most important thing now is to repel the **** bats!"

"Good!" Devil and Luofu Jade took the opportunity to break: "We each go back and lead our own people to fight off those bats first!"


It’s just two words, but I don’t know what kind of **** killing? Every monk heard blood and sorrow from these two words!

The monks of the Three Kingdoms’ Luo Tianshang Xian first flew to the caves behind themselves. There are three holes in the back of the Yaozu. At this time, there are four monks in the heavens on the side of the Yaozu. Two are true and two are fake. The fake is Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya. Like the king, Luo Tian was the master of the late peak of the fairy, and entered a martyrdom alone. There is also one in the middle of Luo Tianshang, and also entered the second day of the ramp.

At this point, the remaining Yaozu are looking at Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya, two fake Luo Tianxian. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at each other. Nowadays, it is true that Luo Tianshang is going to be on, not really Luo Tian Shang Xian. Otherwise this identity will be revealed.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at each other, and they all showed bitterness in their eyes. They were in a vertical shape and flew into the air. On the head of the public demon, they stuck to the top of the cave and flew away to the outside.

Xu Ziyan fluttered and thought about it, and he was about to go to the periphery. How is this good? As long as I and the end of the world have been exposed, there is no such thing as Luo Tianshang! I can say that I can barely fool it. How can I say that my combat power is comparable to that of Luo Tianshang Xian, but what about the end of the world?

At this time, Tianya also realized the crisis. Anxiously and Xu Ziyan said: "Sister, what should we do? We will be exposed when we shoot!"

At this time, a large number of blood-colored bats appeared in front of the eyes of two people, just like a **** torrent is being used in their own direction, letting Xu Ziyan’s heart burst into pain, the following demon people are seeing the release of Luo Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya, who are breathtaking in the sky, exclaimed excitedly:

"Predecessors help!"

"Predecessors help!"


Xu Ziyan looked at the opposite bat-like bat, and his heart was slightly relieved. Although the other party was huge, it was some **** bats in the fairy season. Looking at the dense **** bats, the first one in Xu Ziyan’s heart was the purple otter. Because the two creatures' operations are almost exactly the same, Xu Ziyan will summon the purple water in the purple smoke space.


The dense purple otter, like a thick wall, slammed into the opposite **** otter. Xu Ziyan's look changed. At this time, the magic inside the passage was full, and the whole cave was as bright as white. Xu Ziyan found that the color of those purple water ripples faded. Looking at it carefully, my heart is overjoyed, and those purple otters have already climbed to the peak of the peak of the late Tianxian.

Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, and the hand was erected in the air, saying to the paragraph Tianya:

"The end of the world, we don't have to worry!"

Duan Tianya naturally saw the power of this purple otter, and the heart was also loose, and Xu Ziyan stood side by side, looking to the front.

The purple otter and the **** bat slammed into one place, and the screams of the humming and the wings were twisted together, mixing the squeaky sound. The purple otters of Xu Ziyan are obviously higher than those **** bats, and the number is not weak. They are smaller and more difficult to fight. The **** bats are not able to stand up. Soon, a large number of blood-colored bats fell from the air, purple otters spread forward, and those blood-colored bats gradually bite and die.


I am very grateful to Xiaoshi 0012001 classmates, SOi classmates, espflykite classmates, Linglong filming classmates, Ж绫罗Ж classmates, snow night pistachio classmates, Ziyan classmates, chasing daughters and classmates, and the pink ticket of Xianyi floating classmates!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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