The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1200: You have to ask the eagle king

Thanks to espflykite classmates (10000), Shun Shun 666 classmates 2 (99), Yu Yu 645098 classmates 2 (99), sea ~\\(≧▽≦)/~ la la classmates (100), cathyankawai classmates (99 ), cbbca classmates (99), hidden wind traveler classmates (99), light rain thinks classmates (99), Zhang Muzhi classmates (99), late autumn dream classmates (99), sea squid classmates (99), Yan Ling Qing Zhang classmates (99)'s reward!


The otters in the air spread like a cloud, and the demon stunned at the bottom to watch the things happening in the air, followed by a warm cheer. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya, who are standing in the air and looking at the air. The cheers screamed toward the front like the tide of the sea, so that the demons who are fighting with the **** bats are unknown. His eyes are a bit blank.

But when they saw the **** bat at the far end falling down like a broken bridge, behind the **** bats were a group of dense purple otters chasing them, biting the **** bats, and they were there. After they saw the purple otter, there were two monks who exuded the scent of Luo Tianxian in the air slowly, and immediately understood what was going on. When they arrived, they cheered up, like a mountain tsunami. The radiation in the eyes of a pair of demon is all worship.

After half an hour, the purple otter finally drove out the **** bats out of the martyrdom.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at each other and understood each other's wishes. That is to take advantage of this opportunity to escape.


When the two people's minds moved, they saw the **** bats in front of them smashed away. The two of them were in front of each other, and two of them were staring at them in the distance of the dark passage.

These two scarlet spots. Let Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya feel chilly, and a sense of danger comes to mind. Two people have a glimpse of their hearts and no longer move forward.


Xu Ziyan collected the purple water, and slightly turned his eyes into a crescent. Gazing at the front.

The two scarletes gradually approached, gradually magnifying in the field of Xu Ziyan, and a huge black shadow gradually approached. A **** power is approaching.

Xu Ziyan stretched out his finger and a fireball swayed toward the front.


Exploding in the air, in a fire, a giant bat appeared in the eyes of the monks, the whole body was red, and the body exudes the power of Luo Tianshang's late peaks.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at each other. Slowly recede. Xu Ziyan is not a **** bat that can't cope with the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage. She can use Heidilian or Ruyi Aquarius, but in that case, the fairy power in her body will be consumed almost. And there are so many celestial blood-colored bats here, and who knows if there are any blood-colored bats in the heavens? Xu Ziyan still dares to move the fairy that consumes Xian Yuanli?

Underneath them, the demon people are also stupid, and each one trembles to the rear with trepidation. From time to time, I look into the air and Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya. I hope that these two seniors can turn the tide. Where did they know that the two hearts in the air were also tight.

Xu Ziyan turned to the heart and thought about the solution. Xu Tian, ​​who was standing in front of Xu Ziyan, suddenly took out a bead. Xu Ziyan’s eyes were bright and excited:

"End of the World, can you use this bead?"

Duan Tianya shook his head and said: "The inside of the fairy has been consumed, but this bead is a four-piece fairy, still useful."

At this time, Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya have already advanced into the martyrdom, and the demon people underneath will also retreat. Duan Tianya flexed a shot. The bead in the hand fell to the ramp.

"Beep". The bead flew to the mouth of the cave and suddenly enlarged, and the entire cave was tightly blocked.

There is no demon cheering in the passage, because there is no such thing as a demon sure that the bead can block the **** bat outside. Everyone is waiting quietly, waiting for the **** bat outside to attack. The effect produced.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya are waiting quietly, and time passes by in silence. It’s been about a quarter of an hour. There was a roar outside, and it was the bead that was bombarded outside. However, the beads are still moving.


There was a sigh of exhalation throughout the passage, followed by a warm cheer.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at each other and sneaked a sweat in their hearts. I finally got rid of this. There was a smile on the faces of the two men, and they waved their hands toward the demon below, in exchange for the tsunami-like cheers.

The two men flew toward the center of the channel in the tsunami-like cheers of the mountains, but the hearts of both were full of bitterness. It seems that the plan to sneak away is a failure, and only the spirit of fighting continues to cope with the future.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya returned to the center of the passage and found that the two of them turned out to be the first to return. The other nine martyrdoms did not return to the Luo Tianshen monk, and there was a faint roar from the martyrdom. .

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya did not do anything at all, and neither of them consumed Xianyuan. However, the two people were not able to show too chic, chose a place to sit on the ground, and made a revival to restore the fairy power, and slid down.

Xu Ziyan entered the space of Ziyan into the purple smoke space and found He Boxianfu. Some of them were carefully examined. Seeing that the entire Heberfest House was damaged, the gods entered the Heberfest House, and saw the solitary smoke of Ximen still holding the body of the Mozu. A look of ignorance.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, thinking about what to do with this river. Suddenly remembered the array, the pen wicks are placed in the chaos of the air to raise the temperature, if you put this He Boxian House inside will not be repaired?


This river has a solitary smoke in the west of the house, will he be blasted by the chaos?

After thinking about it, Xu Ziyan still removed the solitary smoke from Ximen. Put it on a planet. In the arms of Ximen, there is a body of the Mozu in his arms, and he is honest and unaware of the magical power there. Xu Ziyan only stuffed He Boxian into the chaos of the edge of the purple smoke space.

Within the Heberfest House, there is the knowledge of Xu Ziyan, and all the changes in it are clearly shown in her knowledge. She was able to see that He Boxian was under the warmth of chaos and was being repaired. I can’t help but be overjoyed. Looking towards the inside of He Boxian, I saw that the chaotic gas was in the Wenyang River, and at the same time, it also decomposed the silk xianyuan into the river. The immortal force within the Heberfest House gradually became rich.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is overjoyed, which means that there is no chaotic gas in He Boxian’s house. It is the fairy power, and it is the fairy power that is becoming rich. In this way, the solitary smoke of Ximen can continue to practice in He Boxian.

Xu Ziyan instantly found the solitary smoke of Ximen. When he saw the solitary smoke of Ximen, he still absorbed the magical spirit there, and immediately sent the solitary smoke of Ximen to Heberfest. This is a long sigh of relief.

If He Boxian can be repaired in the chaotic gas, but its interior is not suitable for Ximen solitary smoke cultivation, which will make Xu Ziyan very difficult. Because He Boxian House has always existed in the purple smoke space, the solitary smoke of Ximen exists in He Boxian. Even when he is awake, he will not know that there is a cosmic space outside He Boxian, a world that Xu Ziyan has cultivated. In this way, Xu Ziyan did not care about his biggest secret.

This secret is too big, even if it is a solitary smoke in Ximen, she does not dare to let him know. If He Boxian House is placed inside He Boxian, the chaotic gas will invade He Boxian, and harm the west gate. Xu Ziyan had to give up repairing He Boxian. Only after the solitary smoke in Ximen was removed from Heberfest, it was repaired.

But now, this is not a problem. Therefore, Xu Ziyan took advantage of the West Gate solitary smoke while still holding the Mozu corpse to absorb the magic gas, and instantly took the Ximen solitary smoke into He Boxian.

Then, I looked at the solitary smoke in the west gate of Heberfest. Sure enough, the solitary smoke of Ximen still squatted there to absorb the magic of the Mozu. Xu Ziyan safely took back the gods.

After half an hour, the three holes almost swayed at the same time, and three people were swept from the inside, but it was like a king. Luofu Jade Emperor and the Devil Three monks.

The three monks changed their faces. At the same time, his eyes were locked in the body of Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya, and his eyes were surprised. The three monks of Luo Tianshang’s late peaks spent a lot of effort to solve the problems of their respective passages. They did not expect that there were monks who were faster than their three movements. The eyes of Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya naturally became different.

Xiang Wang stunned a little. Haha laughed and walked to the side of Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya, and stretched out two big hands to pat the shoulders of both of them:

"Ha ha ha.... or we are awesome... hahaha..."

The strength of the Yaozu is really not covered, and Xu Ziyan is still gone. Duan Tianya was directly beaten by the king. There was suspicion in the eyes of the demon king opposite, adjusted the mood, and said with a smile:

"Eagle King, have you not seen the Scarlet Bat King there?"

"Do you mean the bats in Luo Tianshang's fairy period?" Duan Tianya said faintly.

"You have also appeared in the road to the bat king of Luo Tianshang?" the devil asked in surprise.

“Not bad!” Duan Tianya nodded. “So is that over there?”

"Not bad!" The devil's look became dignified. Looking at the end of the world, the heart, the other side of the channel has appeared in the bat king of Luo Tianshang, the two of them can be resolved so quickly, the ability can not be underestimated. The look has become respected a lot, and he said to the end of the world:

"I don't know what means you used, will you quickly kill the bats that enter the passage?"

The look of Duan Tianya’s look, hehe laughed two times, so it’s mysteriously sticking out a finger and pointing to Xu Ziyan:

"You have to ask the Eagle King!"


Thanks to the comrades who are still voting and rewarding me during the busy festival! In the new year, the bell will definitely work harder!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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