The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1201: Three tribes join hands

Congratulations to Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin became the best man!


Seeing the eyes of the three great monks are focused on themselves, Xu Ziyan said with a smile:

"In fact, there is nothing. It is raising some small bugs, and those little bugs will kill the **** bats."

Xu Ziyan, with one hand on his back, smiled calmly: "The two of us almost did not do it, and almost flew behind the little bugs for a while."

She said it was light, but the hearts of the three monks in the late Luotian period were shocked. The other party actually raised some small bugs, and these little bugs were able to kill those **** bats. The three most worrying thing is, is the **** bat in Luo Tianshang’s fairy period also killing with the little bugs?

This can not help but let the devil and the Luofu Jade Emperor feel awkward, do not dare to have a slight contempt for Xu Ziyan. Like the same heart of the king, he did not think that the eagle king who had been adjacent to him had such a hand? In this way, Xu Ziyan has also become polite:

"Eagle King, is that the **** bat of Luo Tianshang's fairy period also killed by the little bugs you raised?"

Xu Ziyan stood up as usual, but smiled lightly: "The little bugs I have raised are not as powerful!" Here, the fingers of the end of the road are:

"The **** bat was released by the Wolf King as a fairy, blocking the entrance to the passage."

The three great monks looked at Duan Tianya's gaze and flashed a glimmer of color. Presumably, the fairy that can block Luo Tianshang should also be four. The wolf king whose reputation is not obvious has a four-piece fairy?

An eagle king with a small bug that can kill the blood-sucking bat group. A wolf king with a minimum of four items. Such a combination is that they have to be treated with caution when they reach the peak of Luotian.

Like Wang Wangguang's flashing light, now here, although he and Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya fight side by side. That is because in his heart, they have common enemies, humans and demons. But wait until you return to the Yao territory? Can my own advantage be like before? Especially the wolf king in front of me. How did you not find it before? Thinking of this, I will try my hand at the end of the world:

"Wolf brother, now we are surrounded by **** bats, but what can you do?"

Duan Tianya is trying to harden the pressure that has been brought around him. To know that his knowledge is not as strong as the purple smoke, but it is comparable to his cultivation, just close to the middle of the fairy. But just around him, he stood in the middle of the three Luo Tianshang's late peaks. Although he did not deliberately release the pressure, but the power of the power that emerged after the war still gave him a lot of pressure. I can’t help but feel a little confused. I am afraid that I will be deposed at this time.

At this time, when I saw Wang Xiangxiang, I showed my sleeves and smiled and said: "There is no way, only Li Keer!"

His gaze touched Xu Ziyan next to him and read the meaning of each other: "This time must be strong, let the three tribes in front of you have scruples about their two people, otherwise don't tell them. If you let They are leading the way and making cannon fodder. This is a real tragedy. Don’t look at it, now that the king and the two are like one. Once the key issues are involved, if they are weak, they will be looked at by the king without hesitation. Used as cannon fodder."

Like the king, the words of Duan Tianya got a glimpse. "Only Li Keer?" Is the other two people really ignorant of the ignorance? Can the **** bat outside be nothing? I looked up and down Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya. I was suspicious in my heart and asked tentatively:

"This...we are now trapped in this complicated channel maze. I don't know how many blood-colored bats there are. Is there any other fairy... If there is no good plan, I am afraid we will..."

Xu Ziyan naturally knows that he can't let Duan Tianya talk to Xiangwang again, and then talk down, maybe he can't stand the pressure and reveal the flaws. I took the words and said:

"Like Wang. This thing is not just a matter of my demon family." Here, the eyes swept over the devil and the Luofu Jade Emperor. Said the hand:

"Now, our three tribes face a common destiny. If we break through the 10 channels, we may all die here. We can only come together in one place, and squat out from inside a channel, and maybe there will be life."

Speaking of this, once again, I said, "Only if our three tribes work together, they will be able to make a living."

The Devil and the Luofu Jade Emperor also had some heartbeats. The Luofu Jade Emperor said with a deep heart: "It’s just that our three tribes rushed out of a channel, who is leading the way? How to cooperate? Who will command?"

In the heart of Luofu Jade Emperor is also willing to work together. In this case, everyone understands the importance of cooperation. However, the question he raised was also the core issue. No one was willing to lose his own strength. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at each other and looked helpless. Under such circumstances, it is probably a tripartite cooperation that may not be able to achieve the desired results.

Xu Ziyan shrugged and gestured to the question. You should discuss the three masters of the three peaks of the late Tianxian, and we will not participate.

The demon king and the Luofu jade emperor saw Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya indicated that they did not participate in this time, and the heart secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If the two of them are also involved, the number of people in the first place is at a disadvantage. At that time, once you have a problem, once you have a big hand to vote, is it unclear?

The like Wang thinks that this is Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya are showing his attitude to him, that is, they both obey their orders. In this way, Wang Wang’s mood was a lot of joy, and I saw Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya both of them with a glance. They stood upright and argued with the Devil and the Luofu Jade Emperor.

At this time, more than a dozen monks of Luo Tianshang were returned from various martyrdoms. And there were eight injuries, and everyone told the situation again. Eventually all the monks present decided to choose a channel to kill. And no longer argue who is the leader who directs the issue.

Because at this time, after all the news was collected, these monks of the heavenly celestial beings knew that their main enemy was the **** bats of Luo Tianshang. As for the remaining **** bats, the monks of the fairy can also deal with them. Therefore, in the end everyone decided unanimously that they were among the crowds of the heavenly monks. If it is a **** bat in the fairy season, it will be dealt with by those monks in the fairy season. When the **** bats of Luo Tianshang period appear, it is their turn to take the shot.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya looked at each other and saw the worry from the eyes of Duan Tianya. Xu Ziyan's eyebrows slightly wrinkled and coughed a channel:

"Everyone, the Wolf King was injured when he was dealing with the **** bats outside, and there were also injured people among them. So, these injured people are different, so it is better for us to work harder."

Speaking of this, I smiled and looked at those Luo Tianshang immortals: "I think those **** bats should be a **** bat that leads a group of fairy celestials in the fairy tales. Generally speaking, the bat king will not gather. They all have their own territory. With those of us who have not been injured, Luo Tianshang, the monk, to deal with a bat king, there should be no problem."

All the monks of Luo Tianshang looked at each other and nodded.

"Notify the monks of each channel to concentrate here, and then we will kill them from a channel!" Like Wang, he grasped the fist and drummed the muscles of his body. The Devil and the Luofu Jade Emperor also issued orders to the Mozu and the Terran respectively.

Soon, from the other nine martyrdom, the tribes of the three tribes came in. Xu Ziyan did not know what method they used, so that the bats outside those passages did not immediately chase them. However, she did not ask, anyway, this is a good thing.

The monks in the fairy season rushed from the ground to the outside of the passage, while more than a dozen monks in the heavens were flying in the air. When Xu Ziyan came to the end of the passage, he discovered how those Luo Tianshang monks blocked those **** bats. It turned out that they used the fairy to collapse the passage and blocked the passage.

This passage is the passage of the Mozu monks, the passage that the demon has traveled to. According to him, the bat king there has been killed by him. Therefore, the monks chose this passage.

Under the command of the devil, the following demons began to block the stones inside the passage and sent them to the back. After spending half an hour, the entire passage was finally opened.


I couldn't see the passage outside. The entire passage was covered with dense **** bats, and the wings were flapping in the air. There was a "beep" in the passage. Like a torrent of water crashing into the cave.

These blood-colored bats in front of us are not just individuals, but they seem to condense into one. Even if the bat in front does not fly, it will be pushed forward by the bats behind. Like a huge rotating column, it hit the cave.

The scarlet wings spread, the dark red eyes swayed, the hurricane slammed the face, and the sharp claws released the cold awns, and the sound of "噼啪" was deafening. The demon king was standing in the air with a sullen face, but there was still no command to make an impact.

The celestial monk in front of him suddenly blasted his most powerful spells and fairy wares, bursting out in the air, and the bats that crashed into the air fell off in pieces, and the ground quickly fell a thick layer.


The monks in front of the Tianxian period began to die, but the monks in the back immediately filled up and completely broke their potential. A fierce battlefield between the tribes and the bats is like a huge meat grinder, and the tribes and bats are dying.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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