The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1202: Luo Tian Shangxian shot

Congratulations to espflykite as the best elder!


The **** bats are not afraid of death, but the tribes of the three races are better at having a fairy, often a monk killing more than a dozen blood-colored bats before they are bitten by dense bats.

Xu Ziyan looked at the brow and locked it. On the surface, the three tribes had the upper hand, but in fact it was not the case. It was necessary to know that those **** bats, although they did not have a fairy, fell in the middle of the battle. However, they are many in number! It is too much! It simply makes people lose hope.

And the bombardment of this **** bat is not a wave of waves at all, it is completely continuous. It was so constantly rushing over, not giving the monks the slightest breathing time, this string has been so stretched all the time, to meet the bat attack from the constant bombardment.

Everyone was thinking about waiting for the attack of the **** bat to come to an end and rushing out as they retreated. However, the time of one hour has passed, and the **** bats have no signs of pause at all, and the emotions of the tribes in the caves are obviously violent. An atmosphere of continued rendering is suppressed in the cave and erupts at any time.

The heavenly monk in the sky feels this danger. If he is allowed to suppress this danger, he may wait until it breaks out, that is, when the monk loses his reason and becomes mad. At that time, let alone these fierce **** bats, that is, without these bats, the three tribes will kill each other in the absence of reason.

The monks of the heavens exchanged a look at each other, and the devil shouted:



The torrent of bats and tribes violently slammed together. A thunderous roar. The two torrents flow relatively rapidly, and the densely packed bats are like a series of fairy blasts that roar and spread from near and far...

A mushroom cloud rises in the air, and countless bats are bombarded. Four scattered, falling, blood is like a rain curtain...

Under the sweep of countless fairy tales, even the blood-colored bats in the fairy season are equally difficult to counter the attacks of the monks. At one time, the **** torrents boiled, fluttering around, the minced meat was thrown, and the blood rain was like a note. Under this intensive bombardment, like the leaves in the gusty wind, the dust was instantly shattered.

The sudden eruption of the tribes of the tribes was too embarrassing, and the intensive shock torrents produced the greatest damage to the blood-colored bats. The continuous torrent of the time was cut off, and the number of dead blood-colored bats was countless. The injured blood-colored bats flew around, which hindered the **** bats behind them, colliding with each other, and it was a mess.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the tribes of the tribes rushed out to the outside. at this time. In the air, the heavenly monks also fell to the ground, mixed in the torrent, and slammed toward the outside.

At this time, there is no such thing as a big war. It is the most direct and rude release of its potential. The tribes of the tribes are very clear that they must rush out of this passage. When they rush out of this passage and collapse the rear of the passage, they will be able to block the **** bats and they will be safe.

but. This passage seems to be endless. The **** bats in front of me are covered with dense eyes. No one stopped and only kept moving forward. However, at this time, those **** bats seem to have reacted from sudden encounters. The attacks on the tribes of the three tribes were even more fierce, and the pace of the three tribes was slowed down.

This time the charge. Xu Ziyan saw very clearly that there were countless tribes of monks who died by her side, and the blood-colored bats sucked up the blood and became a skeleton. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya have opened the four-piece fairy guardian mirror at this time, but they are temporarily disregarding these **** bats in the fairy season. They only occasionally shot and will kill the bats attacked by the monks around the fairy.

Both casualties have intensified, but the bat king still does not appear. At this time, Xu Ziyan did not dare to release his purple leeches. In such a melee, if you release the purple water scorpion, you may be strangled by the spurred sage.

Xiang Wang glanced at the demon king: "Devil, do you really kill the bat king in this passage?"

"Of course!" said the devil, "I killed it by myself!"

Like the king frowned and frowned: "It is reasonable to say that if the bat group has lost the king, they will be scattered, how can it still attack me so deadly?"

These dozens of Luo Tianshangxian are also very depressed, Luofu Jade Emperor said:

“Is there a **** bat king here again, and those bats that have lost the king have been compiled by another bat king?”

The monks heard the words and they nodded. Only this explanation makes sense. At the same time, all the monks’ faces also showed anxiety. They chose this channel because the bat king in this channel was dead, and a bat group that lost the king was not much threatening. However, they did not expect to encounter such a situation after they rushed out of the channel.

Biting his teeth, the monks struggled forward. Everyone knows that today's fighting is just an appetizer, and the war is still behind. If you can't kill the bat king, it's hard to get rid of the steady stream of bats.

For the sake of the present, only the constant killing, the bat king is forced out, only to force it out, that is the real decisive battle.

They must be fast. Under this intensive attack, they are in the middle of the torrent, and these Luo Tianxian also have to deal with the dense **** bats. This kind of infinity, if the bat king is consumed before the bat king is forced out, then it will be completely tragedy. Therefore, at this time, they used the tribe's flesh and blood to go to the road, and they did not hesitate.

The two relative torrents stagnated, and the attacks on both sides were like the tides of the sea, and the waves followed a wave. Whether it is a tribal monk or a **** bat, no one is on the defensive, they are attacking and want to run through each other's camp.

The blood-colored bats rushed down like a storm, and the monks on the ground released a variety of fairy tales and fairy wares. Like a hundred flowers, the **** rain of the sky poured every monk into a blood, and there were countless The monk fell down and was trampled by other monks in an instant.

Xu Ziyan looked at the front and back. At this time, the bats had already occupied the air, like a blood river traversing the heads of the monks. There was no end to it, and it was extended to the cave mouth of the tribes and the tribes were completely pressed. Underneath, the situation of the three tribes is very passive. While dealing with the attack of the bat in the air, it must continue to impact forward. The demon king looked at his eyes and shouted, and the voice rang loudly throughout the passage:

"Kill! Kill this channel! Force the bat king!"

"Kill ~!"

All the monks screamed and screamed, and the sound of screaming and screaming was just beginning, and a sharp voice was heard into the monks of the monks. This kind of sound is very strange, obviously can not hear, but can feel the sharpness of this sound wave, people are all over the body. The actions of the monks were involuntary, and between the moments, the **** bats were in great spirits and fiercely rushed to the tribes. The **** bat suddenly seemed to fall from the sky. Suddenly increased the death of the monk.

Xu Ziyan took a sigh of blood, and a dozen Luo Tianshang had to work hard. However, this can only have an effect on the surrounding bats, and the distant tribes have fallen to the ground in intensive attacks.

"Our again, we will all die here!" Luofu Jade Emperor shouted.

Just as his voice has not yet fallen, a dull voice rang from the surroundings. The countless monks of the "噗通噗通" fell to the ground. The monk who was still alive and alive was instantly turned into a cold body.

"We rushed to the front and pushed forward with the team. The bat king has started to sing, it should be not far from it!" The devil shouted.

Xiang Wang also shouted: "We must be fast, otherwise we will all die here!"

That is to say, the work of these few words, there are no other people around, no one is surrounded by dense **** bats, "overwhelming" covering the bodies of monks, the blood of those monks immediately Being swallowed, it turns into a cockroach. The two sides were completely in a battle, and the ground was constantly thickening. They were all the bodies of bats and tribes, and they mourned the wild.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya stood back to back. Both of them had four ornaments on their bodies, and they stunned the **** bats that flew. The monks who watched a dozen Luo Tianshang flies up from the ground and killed the air in front of the passage. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya originally wanted to mix here, but they did not prevent the sound of the king from rumbling:

"Eagle King, Wolf King!"

He shouted, letting the three tribes around Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya look at them both. Two people bit their teeth, knowing that it is impossible to hide here at this time, the figure is vertical and flies into the air. Opened the four-product defense genius, it was not afraid of those blood-colored bats in the fairy season, and in this dense group of bats, they were not allowed to be seen by others to sneak into the front of the passage.

More than a dozen Luo Tianshang's great masters were mad, but the **** bats in the air did not retreat. The two sides are like the beasts who are vying for food.

A dozen of Luo Tianshang’s singers shot, and the power was different. The large **** bats were smashed into blood. But the **** bats followed suit, causing the bats piled up on the ground to become thicker and thicker.

Duan Tianya followed behind Xu Ziyan and struggled hard. Looking at the circling bats, he said to Xu Ziyan:

"Sister, these bats are endless. We can't do anything compared to those of Luo Tianxian. What should I do?"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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