The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1203: Blood bat king

I am very grateful to Xing Haiyun, eryanu classmates, Yu Yu 645098 classmates, jj Xiaojin adults, lost his heart ゙ classmates, wqiy2003 classmates, Lucy Hua classmates, dark fragrance classmates, Ben Xiong classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan said: "You have a protective mirror. It is not a problem to defend. After you push the bat king out, you don't go up and fall to the ground to protect yourself."

"how about you?"

Xu Ziyan smiled a bit: "We can't hide both of us!" When it comes to this, the spirit is shaken: "The end of the world, you can rest assured. Although my sister is only the beginning of the early days of the immortals, but the combat power is barely reached. The level of Luo Tianshang’s early days is only the weakest. So that those who can’t see the flaws in the sky, let’s just kill them and let them do it. I’m just making a little bit of it. Hard, my sister won't take risks."

Xu Zi said this on the mouth, but in his heart he thought: "Yes, picking up the attack power of the fairy, I just barely have the weakest power in the early days of Luo Tianshang, but with the peak of his own four-piece fairy The defensive power is probably the strongest among these celestial celestial beings. If you have a chance to get close to the **** bat and fight close, you may not have the chance to kill the bat king."

Xu Ziyan rushed to the front and thought about it. There is an instant loss in the end of the world behind her. He remembered that when he first saw Xu Ziyan, the other party was only a soaring climber. How long has it been, and it will take a few months, and the other party has become a monk in the early days of the fairy. Catch up with yourself. At the thought of this, Duan Tianya’s heart is a little depressed!

This... Who is the most genius of the lower galaxies?

The forward rush is difficult, and the speed of a dozen or so Luo Tianshang is not fast. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya started late and fell behind. With the rushing forward, it saved a lot of effort.

Like the king, the demon king and the Luofu jade emperor are at the forefront, and the repairs of the peaks of Luo Tianshang's late stage are all released. What are the bats that the **** bats can resist? However, those bats are not afraid of death, and the number is extremely large, almost blocking the entire passage. Duan Tianya saw his eyes flashing and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Sister, if these bats continue to flow, I am afraid we have not seen the bat king, it has already been killed!"

Xu Ziyan is actually very nervous in her heart. This endless bat attack gives people a feeling of powerlessness. Originally, the bat king was forced out by the monks who had been in the fairy season, but did not think that the number of blood-colored bats was too much. If the monk was completely pointed at the fairy, the bat king would not come out, and the monks in the fairy tales would die.

Nowadays, these monks of Luo Tianxian are only attacked in advance. but. This also has a drawback. So consume Xianyuan, I am afraid that when the bat king is really forced out, these Luo Tianxian are also the end of the powerful, how much combat power?

Although Xu Ziyan has concerns, he can't talk to Duan Tianya. I was afraid that he was losing his courage under the panic. I will faintly convey the voice:

"The end of the world, there is only one bat king, and the bat group it controls has its limits. And we have a dozen monks of Luo Tianxian, don't worry."

Duan Tianya nodded. But the eyes still reveal the color of worry.

Xu Ziyan's dark night, the end of the world, with the front of Luo Tianshang immortal to the front to kill the past. After half an hour, these dozens of people finally fell to the front of the tribal monk team and fell from the air.

Those tribes who saw the dozens of Luo Tianshang’s masters finally took out and immediately cheered into a piece. More than a dozen monks of Luo Tianshang were shot at the same time. Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya are also mixed in, and huge powers are brought together. Exploding toward the front.


It seems that the whole passage is over the pear, and the air inside the passage seems to be evacuated.


More than a dozen strong airs roared in the channel ahead, strangling...

The passage in front is empty, and more than a dozen Luo Tianshen monks took the lead to fly forward. The monks behind them were in a strong spirit, and they shouted in the back of a dozen Luo Tianshang.

This situation is only an instant. The **** bats around them began to gather again, and from the front of the passage, there were endless streams of endless bats that filled the entire passage.

Endless bats whirl and rushed over, like a long-blooded dragon, Xu Ziyan stood in a dozen Luo Tianxian immortals, a pair of eyes sewed up, my heart stunned.

The demon king, like the king and the Luofu Jade Emperor snorted, and squatted on the robe sleeves, slid toward the **** long dragon, followed by Xu Ziyan and others, and everyone swayed the law and sent it. Take a full blow. At this time, everyone has only a long, **** dragon in his eyes. No one is paying attention to what kind of power the two attacks from Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya are.


The **** long dragon in front suddenly slammed into a headache, and the whole faucet rose suddenly, and then blasted, the corpses of countless bats blasted onto the walls of the passageway, and the blasting force still consisted of **** bats. The dragon body spread and the sound of blasting was endless.


The monks stepped forward and stood up in the air, like a dozen arrows pointing to the **** bat that was still blasting. At the same time, it once again condensed Xianyuan Li, and the fingers fluttered in the hands, and another wave of powerful attacks came out.


The broken dragon was once again bombarded, and the body of the blood-colored bat fell in the sky. More than a dozen Luo Tianshang’s monks did not care, and rushed into the encirclement of the broken bodies, rushing toward the end of the passage. go with.

Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya followed closely. The gravel in the air was falling all over the sky, and the whole passage was full of blood. The dozens of Luo Tianxian in front are condensing the third fairy power and issuing a fierce bombardment.

Behind Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya are countless monk monks, who bravely followed in. The demon king in front, like the king and the Luofu Jade Emperor kept smashing the celestial singer and smashed a **** passage in the dense bat group.

For a full time, the entire passage was covered by the corpse of the bat, and the Xu Ziyan immediately behind him could feel the three monks of the late Luo Tianshang, and the power of the fairy singer was decreasing. It seems that they are depleted. The fairy power is also very huge. Although they took the drug in the gap of the battle, they still could not add to the rapid loss.

Suddenly, all the monks were in shape.

Because they all heard a sharp wave of fluctuations, the sound that previously caused the blood-colored bat to attack.

All the blood-colored bats suddenly stopped attacking and began to recede toward the rear.

The demon king, like the king, the Luofu jade emperor and the monks of the Luotian immortal also stopped their steps, their eyes narrowed slightly, and the fine man flashed, looking to the front. The monks in the back of the heavens also watched the front nervously, and even the breath was holding, and the tense atmosphere spread inside the passage.

The bat in front of it spreads around, and a pair of huge red eyes are getting closer in the darkness. It is the eyes of a huge **** bat, cold and bloodthirsty.

A pair of wings unfolded, three feet long, and two huge claws were sharp and forced. The breath of the body releases the realm of Luo Tianshang's late peaks.


Standing in front of Luo Tianshang Xian, the first time they showed the fairy. The demon king held a long gun in his hands, and his body was dark and bright. Like Wang’s hands holding a long knife, how Xu Ziyan looks like two ivory, heart, this may be really the life of his life with his ivory.

A square right of righteousness floated from the body of Luofu Jade Emperor, hangs on the top of his head and whirls. All the monks took out the fairy, and even the end of the world also took out the three ornaments, only Xu Ziyan is still a bare hand. Because her second product is not as strong as her body. A Luo Tian Shang Xian holding a two-piece fairy, is this not a joke?

Slightly thought about it, Xu Ziyan runs the sword and temper, and instantly condenses a sword to hang over her head, but she has been paying attention to the opposite **** bat king, and did not find the one hanging above the head. The gas sword is not the original purple, but half purple and half red. It is completely invisible that it is a gas sword formed by the celestial force. It is a real fairy from the appearance. Released the power of the four peaks of the late peaks.

Duan Tianya looked at Xu Ziyan strangely, I don’t know when she had a four-piece fairy. Then look at his own three-piece fairy, if it is not for the understanding of Xu Ziyan, he will never believe that Xu Ziyan is a soaring man who has just risen for a few months.

At this time, the **** bat king was only a hundred meters away from the tribes. The huge body shape had been clearly seen by the tribes, and a pair of red eyes released the flirtatious light.


The demon king, like the king and the Luofu Jade Emperor, quickly pulled out a trace of the shadow, and went to the **** bat king.

A long shot of guns, like a dragon, straight shot at the bat king, stabbed to its abdomen.

Two long knives pulled out a thousand knives, like two lightning bolts, and shot at the bat king's red eyes.

The right of the whistling rotation was instantly magnified in the air, and it slammed into the head of the bat king.

The wings of the blood-colored bats were stretched out, and the body rose slightly. A pair of claws greeted the two swords like the king. At the same time, they slammed their mouths and smashed the gun. At this time, the right of the Luofu Jade Emperor had already fallen.

A feather on the head of the blood-colored bat suddenly detached from the top of the head, flew up, and instantly enlarged, like a feather fan, the right to the air is a fan.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The gunman and the knife were broken, and the right to bounce back and bounce back. The **** bat king also turned over. Only that reddish gaze became more ferocious and bloodthirsty.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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