The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1204: Purple smoke shot

I am very grateful to wqiy2003 classmates (999), squid no dream classmates (99), Ziyan classmates (99), cheeze classmates (99), love Yangyang~ classmates (99), want to fly the crying fish classmates (99), Tang Tang 8719 classmates (99), Dan Yu Sihan classmates (99), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (99), Zixin Yiyi classmates (99) reward!


This round saw the morale of the monks. As long as the three monks in the late Luotian era killed the bat king, the bats who lost the king would be scattered, and the monks would rush out.

Is there a problem with the three priests in the late stage of the sacred priests?

Of course there will be no problems! No one will think there is a problem! And there are more than a dozen Luo Tianshang Xianxiu did not do it!


The demon king, the king and the Luofu jade emperor once again rushed to the bat king. This time they did not send out the fairy, but wanted to rush to the side of the bat king, using the fairy in their hands and the bat king close to each other, then The power of the fairy will kill the bat king.

The bat king stunned, and the three kings of the demon king, the king and the Luofu jade emperor made their own fairy into a triangle and surrounded the bat king in the middle, and joined forces to attack the bat king.

The bat king surrounded by the middle, the wings of nearly three feet unfolded, like two sharp long knives, suddenly the bat king whirls rapidly in the air, two wings swaying scarlet awnings, like two rapid rotations The sharp edge of the sword, the three monks attacked.

The Bat King looks fierce. But the three great monks in the battle are very calm. After all, it is a battle of the same order, and there are three on one side of the party, and there is only one opponent. Just wait until the bat king is exhausted, it is the moment of death.

This situation is not just a devil. Xiang Wang and Luo Fu Jade Emperor are very clear, and Xu Ziyan and others who are watching at the side are also very clear. The faces of the monks finally showed a relaxed color. As long as the bat king was forced out, it was not far from the end of the battle.

Outside the dragon. Yu Yuan Yu Di began to send his men to enter inside the dragon. All the way to depict the mark, all the way back and forth, the man returned to report to him. The eyebrows of Emperor Yuanyuan Yu wrinkled tightly. At this time, he already knew that many of his sons had entered the body of this dragon, especially his heirs, the Taizi section of Tianhe, and his most valued thirteenth. When I got there, how could I not let him worry?

However, there is still no useful message to send back. He was able to go in again. He knew that there would still be a lot of monks of Luo Tianxian who came here at this time, without him standing here. I can't keep people who are bad at heart.

In the body of the dragon, in the channel.

The **** bat king and the slaying of the three great Luo Tianshen's late peaks have reached a critical moment. The demon king, like the king and Luo Tianyu emperor locked the bat king in the middle, and the three five-piece celestial bombs constantly bombarded the bat king. The bat king's body has begun to break and he will die.

The demon king, like the king and the Luofu Jade Emperor, released the joyful light. It is those monks who watched on the side also showed a relaxed color.

Suddenly, the bat king’s sharp mouth opened again. Under the shock of the sound wave, the quiet **** bat rushed toward the three monks.

The three masters immediately got into trouble. These celestial bats are not in their eyes, but they can't hold them a lot. And the most important thing is that the three monks' celestial powers are also consumed almost, and suddenly they have added so many blood-colored bats, which really makes them a bit too much. The dense **** bats are like waves, and they are constantly mad at the top three.

The tribes of the tribes look awkward, and no one has to order them at this time. Immediately swarmed away. The bats rushed to the past.

The entire battle group is divided into one level.

At the center is the bat king. Outside the bat king is the devil. Like Wang and Luofu Jade Emperor.

In the Devil, like the King and the Luofu Jade Emperor, there are a large number of blood-colored bats. Beyond the blood-colored bats are Xu Ziyan and other dozens of monks in the heavens, and outside them are massive blood-colored bats. Outside is a tribe of monks. Beyond the tribe monks. Then there are a lot of **** bats, and they only kill in the whole channel.

Xu Ziyan looked around. At this time, the other Luo Tianshen monks, including her and Duan Tianya, the two fake Luo Tianshang Xian are distributed around the three monks, attacking the **** bats against the flying, and trying to intercept the **** bats outside toward the positive. The three monks attacked by the bat king.

Among these people, Duan Tianya is undoubtedly the weakest link. Fortunately, he has the protection of four ornaments, but he is not injured, but the bats coming in from outside are also the most from him.

At this time, the other dozens of monks in the Luo Tianshen period also discovered this problem, and they all looked skeptical to the eyes of Duan Tianya. Xu Ziyan looked back and saw the battle between the three masters in the circle and the bat king. The bat king had a bat coming in to help, slightly regaining a line. However, in the view of Xu Ziyan, it will eventually be killed by the three monks.

Suddenly, the bat king’s eyes flashed red, his mouth opened, and a sound wave emanated from its mouth, swaying outwards in a circle.

The circle of sound waves first swayed through the three monks, and the bodies of the three monks were suddenly stunned, and the eyes were dull. The bat king suddenly violently rotated the direct body, a pair of wings scarlet strobe, as the two sharp edges swayed toward the necks of the three monks.

Just in the moment when the bat king opened his mouth, Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly rose to her alarm. After seeing the three monks' body shape live in the air, with the experience of Xu Ziyan, this must be a kind of sound work for the soul. Time was too anxious, too late for him to think, immediately built a Guqin in the sea of ​​knowledge, played the sound of Fengming.

Sure enough, the circle of sound waves rippled into his own circle, and the surrounding Luo Tianshang were all in the air. At this time, Xu Ziyan also saw that the bat king's sharply hovering body cut to the neck of Luofu Jade Emperor. At this time, it is undoubtedly fatal to lose a Luo Tian Shang Xian late peak.

And the most important thing is that the performance of Duan Tianya has already revealed flaws. If it continues, it is very possible to fully expose it.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape suddenly disappeared, and a teleport disappeared in front of Luofu Jade Emperor, facing the bat king who was rapidly spinning. For the current Xu Ziyan, close combat is her advantage, and the body of the peak of the fourth product is not afraid of the bat king.

The Golden Fist was transported to the great consummation, and the arm shook out the blurred afterimage, but in a flash, six punches were shot. These six punches are not the boxing power of the golden sage, but the fist of Xu Ziyan directly bombarded the wings of the bat king.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The first punch, Xu Ziyan bombarded the wings of the bat king, making the bat king's body shape slow.

The second punch, Xu Ziyan still bombarded its rotating wings, so that the bat king's rotating figure completely stopped.

The third punch, Xu Ziyan bombarded the bat king's mouth, so that the sound waves it emitted suddenly stopped.

The fourth punch, Xu Ziyan bombarded on its front abdomen, and flew out the bat king.

Xu Ziyan’s body shape followed the rushing past, and the fifth and sixth punches were instantly blasted. The six punches ended in an instant, and the bat king was bombarded by the purple smog on the top of the cave.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan thought of a move, the sword that had been hanging above the head quickly shot, and instantly penetrated the body of the Bat King, but the body of the Bat King was also very strong, just stabbed in.

At this time, the three tribes were awake after the bat king stopped the sound wave attack, and saw that Xu Ziyan had the last punch to bat the bat king and flew out and hit the top of the cave. Then I saw the four-piece fairy hanging above the top of Xu Ziyan to the bat king, and then I heard Xu Ziyan scream:



The detonation of the four-piece fairy smashed the top of the cave. This is not the general top of the cave, but the formation of the dragon, can think of the power of the four products.

The body of the bat king was rolling in the air, the blood was scattered and the body was broken. However, after its body shape stopped flipping, it still floated in the air and did not die. The redness in both eyes was more bloodthirsty. When the wings were on display, they rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

At this time, the three tribes, especially the devil, the king and the Luofu Jade Emperor are very clear that Xu Ziyan saved them three. At this point, I saw the bat king rushing toward Xu Ziyan, and immediately unfolded his body shape and greeted the bat king. On the one hand, it is grateful, on the other hand, it is also a shame. It was almost killed by a flat-bred animal. In the face of so many tribes, this face was thrown home.

There are three monks who greet the bat king. Xu Ziyan is naturally happy, and when he is swept, he comes to the side of Duan Tianya and shouts:

"Wolf brother, be careful of your injury!"

The surrounding Luo Tianxian heard what Xu Ziyan said, and his eyes were relieved. No wonder the power of the Wolf King was so weak that it was injured. It seems that the injury is not light!

At this time, the bat king was already at the end of the strong, and was besieged by the three monks of the late Luo Tianshang, and there was no more prestige. At this time, it was resigned. But, which monk will let it escape? Moreover, the three monks of this time were really embarrassed, and they did not want to make a fierce attack on it. It was only a quarter of an hour and finally killed the bat king.

Lost the bat king, those bats smashed. The entire passage made a violent cheer. Like the king, the devil and the Luofu jade emperor flew to the front of Xu Ziyan, arched:

"Thank you!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head and said: "This is nothing, we fight side by side, this is the part!"

Like the king looking to the left and right, said to Xu Ziyan: "Eagle King, what are you going to do next?"


After the year, return to the comrades who come to see the book, don't forget to vote for the pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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