The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1206: One pair two

I am very grateful to the students (999), 呐丶1眸笑同学(100), cbbca classmates (99), and cheeze classmates (99) for their reward!



Duan Weilin on the side of Xu Ziyan and those monks and monks in the Yuan Dynasty rose from the side of her body and rushed to the monks around, leaving only Xu Ziyan standing there.

Xu Ziyan's gaze tightly locked the position of the center of the air war.


Duan Weitian was standing in the middle of the hand, and there were six figures in the space around him. They each sacrificed the fairy and went to the Weitian bombardment.

Xu Ziyan knows that the place where the war decided to win or lose is not the monk army around the sky, but the seven people in the middle. If Duan Weitian died, Yu Yuanguo also died. If Duan Weitian wins, the encircled monks in front of him are not a problem.


On the occasion of the six fairy wares approaching the middle of the stage, the momentum of Duan Weitian suddenly soared, and the momentum of Da Luo Jinxian suddenly broke out. Wei Ling's momentum made the heavens and the earth discolored, and the clouds of thousands of miles were instantly emptied. The tens of thousands of monks who were in the process of being strangled were forced to sway in the air, and the monks who were repaired as low were directly shaken out.

The six body shapes around him suddenly stunned, and each of them had a shocking color. One of the great monks asked:

" broke through the big Luo Jinxian?"

Duan Weitian did not care for him, and immediately uttered a cry: "Death!"

The cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian was instantly poured into the whole force, and the jade emperor who had made a sound was bombarded. The square right was printed on the cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian. Suddenly zoomed in like a day, and swayed down to the Terran Jade Emperor. The personal jade emperor also hurriedly sacrificed his own right to print, magnified in space, and greeted the fallen seal on the top. but. His rights are only one-fifth of the size of Duan Weitian. This is not because his title level is lower than that of Duan Weitian, but his repair is not comparable to Duan Weitian.


The two powers collided in the air, and the hurricane that swelled caused the entire space to collapse, and the surrounding monks who had been killed had to stop. Flying toward the distance and escaping quickly, is the remaining five Luo Tianshen, the late monk, and the monks, have to transport all their repairs to resist.

This roar! This time I collided! The righteous seal of the personal jade Emperor could not resist the general power of the sky. The sky sounded a series of "squeaky" sounds, and the power of the emperor's jade emperor was blasted, and an irresistible force would be the one. The body of the Terran Jade Emperor flew out and went to the ground vertically, but did not wait to fall to the ground. It was also a loud bang, his body blasted and turned into a powder in the hurricane.

Duan Weitian's big sleeves waved, and the heavenly power of the seal was bombarded with the demon king. The demon king’s arms suddenly trembled and became the body. It turned out to be a golden-winged Dapeng, and fluttered to the distant side. But that day suddenly turned over. Like an endless long knife down.

Silently cut through the body of the golden-winged Dapeng, the golden-winged Dapeng still spread wings, but flying a few meters, the body suddenly split into two halves, a **** rain in the air...

In this way, there are two people in the air, the emperor, a demon king and a demon king. The four great monks looked up and saw the sky in the middle of the Weitian. The four great monks looked at each other. It is almost impossible to know that you want to rush out of this day. The only way out is to kill Duan Weitian.

It’s just that the repair of their four monks is now a big step with Duan Weitian. It is not impossible to defeat the Weiweitian, but the possibility is really small. However, at this time they had no choice but to exchange a look with each other. In the teleport, the figure is coming to Weiwei.

at this time. In the air thousands of miles away, the monks of the various parties were smashed into a group. Xu Ziyan’s gaze was collected from Duan Weitian, and his mind quickly thought about it. I am leaving with the chaos here, or to help them. Shaking his head and laughing at himself, Duan Tianya called himself a sister, how can he leave at this time.

Thinking of the end of the world, my heart can not help but tighten. That period of the earth is just the peak of the early days of the immortals. In such a war, can you survive your life?

The figure disappeared leisurely, and it was already a hundred miles away. Looking at the surrounding shouting and killing the sky, the dense war of monks made her startled. At this time, she also refused to do this, while her body was swept in the air, she tried to release her own knowledge and search for the end of the world.

At this time, Xu Ziyan condensed eighteen-handed swords around his body, flying rapidly in the air battlefield. These eightteen-handed swords are red and purple, releasing the power of the peaks of the late four-piece fairy. Under the imperial concubine of Xu Ziyan, they flew up and down, like eighteen dragons, and the monks who kept up were kept killing. .

Suddenly, in front of Xu Ziyan, an eagle-eyed demon had a giant knife in his hands and greeted Xu Ziyan with a hundred feet.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and a slashed sword greeted the hundred-foot knives. The master of the hundred-foot knives is a peak of the late Tianxian, and the knives have been substantive, like the real Baizhang giant knives from the sky.


Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and the qijian of the peak of the four-character **** detonated and burst into a series of roars. The substantial slashing of the sky, the slashing of the slashing knives suddenly smashed, and it was broken from the tip of the knife at a distance of ten meters from Xu Ziyan. A screaming sound spread toward the handle. Behind the cracked knives, another squid quickly followed. When the other party found a stream of red and purple stunned in front of him, he heard a whistle far away:



The violent burst, the smashed pieces of the sword ruthlessly tore the other's flesh, the other's body in the air sword burst, fragile like thin paper, every sword and cross, is flesh and blood splash.

The whole surrounding is a melee, although Xu Ziyan is flying very fast, but there are still monks who are still struggling everywhere. Flying sword, long gun, square seal, clock, tripod...

Every monk tried his best to sacrifice his own celestial bombardment, the head of the blast, the broken limbs, the screams of horror, the sorrow of sorrow, and the shadow of the fairy world, completely Shura’s killing...

Xu Ziyan condensed two swords, made up the eighteen handles, and searched for the end of the world, while watching the battle over the Wei Tiantian. Seeing that Duan Weitian completely occupied the upper hand, her heart was put down. Duan Tianya’s figure appeared in his vision. At this time, he was alone in the early days of the two monks, but he completely took the upper hand.

The repair of Duan Tianya is the peak of the late Tianxian, and the two monks in the same realm fight, but they have the upper hand, can not help but say that his experience of killing is more and more abundant. Of course, it is also inseparable from the four-factor defense genius on his body, and the three-productive attacking fairy.

Xu Ziyan was surrounded by eighteen-handed red and purple two-color swords, and instantly flew to the side of the end of the world. However, she did not help, but stood in the air and looked at the end of the world and the two monks in the early days of the monks. Duan Tianya saw that Xu Ziyan was standing in the air for himself, and his heart was even more determined. Without any worries, he concentrated all his energy on the two opponents.

The two monks in the late Tianxian secretly complained of bitterness. As long as they look around the body of Xu Ziyan, who is standing in the air, surrounded by eighteen handles and released the red purple sword of the late stage of the four peaks, it is expected that the other party’s powerful . Although the other party seems to have only the initial cultivation of the fairy, it is definitely a deadly threat to them at this time.

The two men looked at each other and wanted to escape from here. And just at this time, one thing that suddenly happened, let them both change their minds.

It turned out that there were two monks in the late Tianxian who saw the eighteen-handed swords surrounded by Xu Ziyan around the body, and the greed was born in the eyes.

Naturally, they did not see that it was an eighteen-handed sword, but that it was a true four-piece fairy. Look at Xu Ziyan, but it is the cultivation of the early days of the fairy, even the late days of the fairy. Immediately, the imperial device in his hand flew over to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes brightened. Since she broke through to the early days of Tian Xian, she has not really played with other monks. In the dragon body, she and Duan Tianya are both assassins against the three tribes. Now there is such an opportunity to test their own strength, how can she give up?

The two monks saw Xu Ziyan's gaze looking toward them, but there was no retreat. Although there was an accident in the heart, the killing was more intense. I just thought of killing Xu Ziyan and robbing the 18-handed four-piece fairy.

The two monks on the opposite side are a man and a woman, and it seems to be a pair of Taoists. On the top of the head of the male monk, a sword was placed on the top of the head.


The fairy mirror that the female repaired the top of the head looked at Xu Ziyan, and a beam of light shone toward Xu Ziyan. Although Xu Ziyan did not know what the function of this mirror was, he did not dare to let it shine. Two fingers circling, the six-handed sword in the eight-handed sword is facing inward, the tip of the sword is facing outward, distributed into a circle, and then rapidly rotates, and instantly forms a rotating disc, blocking her. In front of him, the beam released by the mirror was bounced back.

It was just a second-class peak, and the disc formed by the Xu Ziyan sword bounced back accurately, and the speed of light bombarded it on the mirror.


The face of the fairy mirror broke open a slit, and the opposite woman’s heart was in great pain. She hurriedly flashed her body and collected the fairy mirror. Turning over a handful of swords, and the male repair at the same time sacrificed a long sword, spurred toward Xu Ziyan.

In their view, although Xu Ziyan has 18 swords, she is only the realm of the early days of the fairy. I am afraid that this sword will be the top ten swords of Ziyan.

Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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