The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1207: White messenger

I am very grateful to the students who are condensed, the students of Du Jia Xiaobao, the students of Yu Yu 645098, the students of Nanxun, and the pink tickets of the students who fly the raindrops!


The monks of these two monks were wrapped in the power of two people in the late Tianxian rushing toward Xu Ziyan. Unexpectedly, Xu Ziyan did not use their eighteen swords to meet their two swords as they both imagined. Instead, from the eighteen-handed swords around Xu Ziyan's body, two swords were spurted to the other's swords, while the remaining sixteen swords were still surrounded by Xu Ziyan's body, like the sixteen dragons.蜒 hovering.

The two monks on the opposite side are stunned and will be repaired into the sword of the sacrifice. The two of them got the idea that they tried to defeat the two swords that Xu Ziyan had sacrificed, and then they followed them, and they took the two swords hard.


The four-handed sword slammed into one place, behind the two swords, the pair of monks that followed. One hand has already stretched out, just waiting to reach out and grab the two swords that Xu Ziyan was shot. However, the results made both of them stunned. The explosive power and endurance of Xu Ziyan are infinitely close to Luo Tianshangxian. Is it that the two monks in the late Tianxian can kill?

Not only did he not fly the sword of Xu Ziyan, but the sword of Xu Ziyan flew the two swords of them. This is completely out of their expectations. The two swords of the two of them flew high over the heads of both of them, and Xu Ziyan’s two swords were straight toward the throat of both of them. Sting up the past.

The two monks reacted instantly, but the reaction between the accidents was a little slow. The two swords of Xu Ziyan wiped their necks and swept them over. They wiped a trace of blood from the neck and stunned the hearts of the two monks almost out of the chest. The heart has not yet fallen from the throat, and I saw a fairy sword in my eyes. In an instant, they reached the throat of both of them.

One step slow, slow step by step!

One step wrong! Step by step!

In the rapid dodge room, a blood mark was left on the neck of each of them. The shadow of the sword was just flying over the neck, and another sword in the eye flew over. The air sword that flew past was hovering in the air, rushing toward the back of the two of them.

When the fourth sibling was swiftly magnified in their eyes, the two of them began to panic. The so-called difference is a thousand miles. The two monks miscalculated the situation at the beginning, so their mistakes were caused by Xu Ziyan’s eighteen-handed swords around the body, one after the other, continually lasing, and the two of them initially The mistakes made are quickly magnified.

Xu Ziyan is standing in the air. Around the body hovering with a red-violet gas sword, looking at the two eyes coldly, hands to the two:

"Go ~!"

It was the two-handed qi sword that came out of the body and slammed into the throat of two people. This is Xu Ziyan's seven-handed sword, which is shot at the other side. At the same time, the twelve-handed swords that were shot in front also hovered back and spurred toward the other two.

This seventh handle is a sword. Two people can no longer hide.


Two sashes penetrated the throats of both of them.


Three feet of blood arrows were thrown at the throat.


The twelve-handed swords that circling back and forth smashed the body of the two monks who lost their lives, and even the gods of the two monks were annihilated.


The fourteen-handed swords flew back into the air in front of Xu Ziyan in the air, whistling around the body. After each sword, the long red and purple colors are swaying, so that the Xu Ziyan hidden behind the eighteen-handed swords is more blurred and ethereal...


There was a huge bang in the sky, and all the monks in the air were shuddering. Xu Ziyan turned his eyes and looked for it. He saw it in the middle of the sky. A mushroom cloud rises. The four monks in the late days of the heavens rolled up in the air, and a **** rain fell in the sky.

The figure of the four monks flew out, but never returned, but tried their best. Going away from the distance.


Duan Weitian shouted loudly, and the day when the right to print was suddenly violent. Numerous streams of light spurred toward the four great monks.

The two figures fell from the sky, and even their gods were shattered by the streamer. The other two monks are arrogantly smashing their own fairy wares, blocking the bombardment of the Wei Tianquan right, and fleeing.


All the guilty monks have changed their faces and fled to the distance.

"Drink ~~"

Duan Weitian violently screamed and reverberated in the sky. From that power, it became a ray of radiance in the sky, like a meteor shower, hanging down to the outside.

The monks of the Yuan Dynasty retracted toward the center of the sky, and the meteor shower of the sky burst into the air. The sky is filled with the sound of mourning, and the blood of the sky is dense and rainy.

Only in the twinkling of an eye, 10% of the monks died and 60% died. Only about 40% of the monks escaped their lives.

The sky in the air is constantly spinning, shrinking rapidly, turning into a party and printing into the body of Wei Tian. His eyes were astounding, and the monks in the air smashed into the sky in the air, shouting in unison:

"Under the mighty!"

Even the end of the world was stumbled in the clouds, and the look shouted excitedly. In the whole cloud, only Xu Ziyan stood up and looked at Duan Weitian respectfully.

Duan Weitian naturally saw Xu Ziyan standing down and his face was a sinking. But he remembers that Xu Ziyan came out from the dragon body with Duan Tianya, and later helped his side to defend the enemy. Therefore, I pressed the anger in my heart and said faintly:


"Thank you!" The monks stood up from the clouds.

Duan Tianya pulled a bit of Xu Ziyan: "Sister, I will take you to see my father!"

Xu Ziyan looked hesitant, and he still had scruples about a big Luo Jinxian, although he was the father of Duan Tianya. Looking at the eager eyes of Duan Tianya, I finally flew past Duan Tianya to the Wei Tiantian in the middle of the cloud.

"Father!" Duan Tianya flew excitedly to Duan Weitian.

Duan Weitian looked at the eyes of Duan Tianya and became kind, and reached out and patted the shoulders of the end of the world.

"End of the World, don't leave the Lingxiao Temple privately!"

"Yes, father!" Duan Tianya replied slyly, and then excitedly pulled Xu Ziyan over: "Father, this is my sister, Xu Ziyan!"


Duan Weitian looked at Xu Ziyan with amazement. He originally thought that Xu Ziyan was a Taoist after he left the Lingxiao Temple. However, from the eyes of Duan Tianya, he did not see the slightest feelings of men and women. Very pure feelings, a kind of brother and sister. And there is a trace of respect in the eyes. This can not help but make Wei Weitian still a little scared in the strange. He knows what kind of nature is in the end of the world. It is a proud master. When can he see his respect for others from his eyes? too strange...

Looking at the eyes of Xu Ziyan, I couldn't help but look a little wrinkled. The other party is only the cultivation of the early days of the fairy, and even the end of the world is not as good. How can this be seen from the eyes of Duan Tianya, respect and admire? Looking at Xu Ziyan from a sneak peek, asked faintly:

"You are the family?"

Before the opening of Xu Ziyan, Duan Tianya rushed and said: "Father, my sister has just risen from the realm."

“Just flying up?” Duan Weitian looked awkwardly: “How long has it been flying?”

Duan Tianya thought for a moment: "There are half a year!"

"Half a year..."

Duan Weitian’s look was slightly stunned, and he looked at Xu Ziyan with deep thoughts. In the eyes, there was a shock, and I looked back and looked at the horizon.

"End of the World, I heard that you are entering your body with your older brother, your big brother?"

Duan Tianya’s eyes were red, and the story of the dragon was simply told to his father. When I heard that Duan Tianya’s body died, Duan Weitian’s face showed painful color. When I heard that the dragon’s world was earned by Duan Tianya’s body, the eyes burst into a surprise, and the paragraph’s end of the story was finished. Wei Tian stretched out his hand and patted the shoulders of Duan Tianya with a few words "Good!". After suddenly thinking of something, the voice asked:

"End of the World, your brothers have also entered the dragon body after you, have you met them?"

Duan Tianya immediately shook his head. In his mind, those brothers were dead. They will never let them go, but if they say their thoughts in front of their father, the father will never let him do this.

Seeing that Duan Tianya shook his head, Duan Weitian’s heart sank. Needless to say, in his mind, it has been determined that several of his sons must have been killed by the monks who entered the body of the dragon. His eyes glanced at his own hands and shouted:

"朕 has already broken through to Da Luo Jinxian, and there are countless immortals in his hand, but here, in the territory of the Yuan Yuanguo, the sons of the monks have been killed by other countries and foreign monks, well! They are doing well. Since they dare to do something like this, I will kill them."

Da Luo Jinxian's smashing machine, seeing the purple smoke in the heart of a tight, that rushing out of the killing makes Xu Ziyan heart chill. I can’t help thinking about it;

"Is this the power of the big Luo Jinxian?"

At this time, the air swayed, and a figure emerged from the air. The power of the body was better than that of Duan Weitian. Xu Ziyan looked up and saw that it was a white-sold old man. His eyes were shrinking, and the other party turned out to be The repair of a peak of the late Luo Jinxian.

The white-bearded old man looked coldly at Duan Weitian and did not speak. However, that Wei Tian was gazing at the body, and the momentum of his body gradually closed up, and said to the white-bearded old man:

"I have seen the White Messenger!"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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