The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1208: Catch people

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The white messenger just nodded slightly and said faintly: "Duan Weitian, these monks invaded your Yuanyuan country, you shot them to kill them, the old man naturally said nothing. But if you take the initiative to kill your country, If you don’t want to kill anything beyond your sphere of influence, don’t blame the old man for shooting!”

Duan Weitian's face was on the iron, and his fists were clenched. But he also knows that it is not the guardian opponent in front of him just after he broke through to Da Luo Jinxian.

For the look of Duan Weitian, the white messenger naturally looks in his eyes, but he does not pay attention to it, but continues to say faintly;

"Duan Weitian, you also know the rules. After breaking through Da Luo Jinxian, you will be given a month to handle your private affairs. After January, please enter the Zhongyuan Galaxy."

When the words fall, the white messenger's figure is slightly sloppy, and disappears from the space.


Duan Weitian spit a long breath, his face full of unwilling look. Standing in the clouds with a negative hand, the unwilling look of his face gradually disappeared, and then became dignified. Turning to look at the side of the side of the world, the voice said:

"The end of the world, from this moment. You are the Jade Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. This is the right seal, you take it to refine."

When the words fell, a piece of right was printed from the body of Duan Weitian, and he slid in front of him. Duan Weitian's hands caught the right to seal, and the gods who left him inside were forcibly taken back, and now he handed it to the side of the world.


Duan Tianya looked at his father in front of him and forgot to send the right to print. Duan Weitian smiled kindly. Putting the right to the hands of Duan Tianya, the look on his face was also dignified, and said seriously:

"End of the World, although you refining the right to print, you can use the right to repair the peak of the early days of the immortals, you can use the right to print a Luo Tian Shang Xian late peak monk bombing. But, you are killing only the general Luo Tian Shang Xian late peak The monk, and the consumption of you is very big. If you encounter Jade Emperor of other countries, or the demon king and the demon king. They also have five ornaments in their hands. At that time, it is you who are vulnerable.

Therefore, after I went to the Zhongyuan Galaxy, the Qianyuan Congress became a relatively weak period. You have to grow up as soon as possible. Only when you are strong can you be able to stabilize. We are now returning to Lingxiao Temple. On the road, you will seal your rights and return to the Lingxiao Temple. I will pass on the position of the Jade Emperor before the immortals. ”

"Father, let's go now?" Duan Tianya asked inexplicably.

Duan Weitian's gaze was full of murderous look at the dragon below, faintly said: "Father now less than a month, there is no time to spend here. Who knows when they will come out? Forget it, These accounts will keep you with them and we will have a lot of things to do."

Duan Weitian's figure fell to the bottom and landed on the aerial platform, followed by Duan Tianya and Xu Ziyan behind him. There are also some monks who are also flying here.

The vain aerial platform was overwhelmed. After a while change. It became a magnificent fairy boat. Going to the Lingxiao Temple of the Yuan Dynasty, flying behind it, thousands of fairy boats crossed the air.

In the body of the dragon, the three tribes are separated and continue to search for different martyrdom. Only this time they became cautious. I am afraid that I am getting a fierce thing here.

As time went by, the hearts of the three tribes gradually became happy. They found that they did not encounter any fierce beasts, and at the same time they were happy, and their hearts began to become distressed. Because they started to get lost. The monks who had entered the body of the dragon had signs in the road, but when they fought against the blood bats, they all rushed out of a passage. If you want to get to the original mark quickly, you can only return the same way.

But are they dare?

After returning from that passage, they faced only the remaining nine passages that were sealed by them. There were a lot of blood bats there. How dare they go back? The passage from which they left was the passage where the Mozus gathered, so the happiest monk here. They continued to keep markings and searched around.

This matter has been less than a day in the past, and the Terran and the Yaozu have realized the seriousness of the problem. If the situation continues, it is not just that you can't find Duan Tianya and Xu Ziyan, that is, they have to be trapped here. The Terran and the Yaozu immediately made a decision to start searching for the Mozu, and let the monks of the Mozu lead them out and leave the dragon. They felt that they had come too hasty this time and were not prepared enough. Waiting for you to go back and prepare, then come back and explore.

Because the Terran and the Yaozu arrested the Mozu, the tribes gathered again. In the face of the anger of the Mozu, this time the Terran and the Yaozu were not angry at all, and they also handed over the Mozu in good condition, and only one request was made to take them out of the dragon. If the Mozu does not agree, the Terran and the Demon will immediately join forces to annihilate the Mozu.

After they walked out of the dragon, the three tribes could not help but change their faces. Beyond the entire dragon, the mines were quiet, completely without the noise of the time they entered, and the tribes of the three tribes disappeared without a trace.

The tribes of the demon king, the demon king and the Luofu jade emperor seemed to think of something, and their eyes looked around. Looking over the spot, I saw that there are only a few sacred soldiers in the mine, and there are not many, that is, the number of normal guard mines.

Just as they were surprised, they saw a figure that stood out from the patriarchs left behind by the Yuan Dynasty and flew toward them. The monks looked at each other and saw that the other party was only a monk in the late Tianxian. The look on his face was somewhat relaxed. Even some of the monks’ faces showed a disdainful look, and the eyes looked coldly and swept away. The monk of the Yuan Dynasty.

When the monk of the Yuan Dynasty flew to a distance of about a hundred meters from the tribes of the three tribes, he suddenly stopped his body and took out a jade ball from the storage ring and threw it into the air.

The jade ball in the sky burst into a ray of light, forming a light curtain. On the light curtain, Duan Weitian replayed the scene of the Dalu Jinxian smashing Luo Tianshang's late peak monk.

In the eyes of the public, Duan Weitian's power was released only through the image, but the devil, the king and the Luofu jade emperor were as immersive, and their faces changed color. I exchanged a look at each other, and all of them saw fear in the other's eyes and conveyed the same meaning:

"Duan Weitian broke through Da Luo Jinxian!"

And just as they were shocked and lost their hearts, the monk of the late Tianxian of the Yuan Dynasty suddenly shouted loudly:

"Congratulation to the three tribes!"

After the sound came out, the monks of the Yuan Yuanguo who stayed here immediately sang in high:

"Congratulation to the three tribes!"

The sound gathered in one place and went straight into the sky. Every monk’s face has a faint smile on his face. The smile was not respectful, but instead it was sarcasm. Where is this tribute, clearly is to catch people!

But what can the three tribes say? Who knows where Duan Weitian has broken through to Da Luo Jinxian? If you wait for someone to be a little bit swaying and angering Duan Weitian, then you are not looking for death. Therefore, even if it is like the king, the demon king and the Luofu Jade Emperor saw the sarcasm of the face of the monk Yuan Guoguo, and he was only able to endure himself, and his body shape rose to the sky, and he slammed his sleeves and instantly left.

One monk went to the sky, and the monk was only passed by the monk in the late Tianxian, but no one dared to glance at him. The smile on the face of the monk was slowly spreading. Until the last laughter, he laughed, and the whole monk Yuan Yuanguo, who stayed in the mine, laughed in unison. Let the tribes of those tribes who have not yet flew far away, but they can only helplessly slap their sleeves, speed up their flight, and hate to stay away from this place.

At this time, in the fairy boat of Duan Weitian, Xu Ziyan quietly sat in his room with his knees and grasped the time to practice. At this time, she is already the cultivation of the early days of the fairy, and the second product Chao Dan has had little effect for her. Therefore, she is taking three products Chaos Dan at this time. After the experience of the dragon and the dragon, I saw the power of Duan Weitian, and she felt that she was still very weak, which gave her a sense of urgency and seized all the time to invest in cultivation.

In another room, Duan Weitian and Duan Tianya and his son were sitting opposite each other.

At this time, Duan Tianya has already printed his rights, and it is not far from Lingxiao Temple in Qianyuan City. Duan Weitian looked at the son sitting opposite, with grief and joy. The sad thing is that this time, the Dragon King was born, and he died several sons, even the Prince was fallen. Fortunately, my favorite son can not help but break through the peak of the early days of the fairy, and got the dragon.

At the same time, he also has some concerns. He is worried about Xu Ziyan who came back with Duan Tianya. Especially after listening to Duan Tianya’s remarks about Xu Ziyan, this kind of worry became more and more serious, and even gave Xu Ziyan a hint of killing. However, he can also see his attitude towards Xu Ziyan from the look of Duan Tianya. It is a kind of respect and also contains some dependence.

Duan Weitian suppressed the hint of killing in his heart, and said with indulgence: "End of the world, you mean that the fighting power of the purple smoke exceeds her level of cultivation, can it be more challenging, and win over the battle?"

"Yes!" Duan Tianya admired nod.

Duan Weitian silently, just staring at the opposite end of the world. Duan Tianya was somewhat unnatural by his father, and he asked:

"Father, you..."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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