The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1212: Traitor

I am very grateful to the 4th (99) of the nightmare of Black Heaven, 2 (99) nowhere, 3 (99), zm2003, (12), 12,125,1800,830,556 (100), and 645,098 (99) ), light rain Sihan classmates (99), condensed classmates (99) reward!


At the beginning of the leaves, the three people felt a pull pulling them from the ground. Under the shock, they didn’t wait to exclaim, but they were bright and found that the scene in front of them had changed. It was no longer a **** sea. In addition, a **** appearance, but in a flower-filled garden, opposite a tall laurel tree, under the laurel tree stood a yellow robe youth.

The three people fixed their eyes and looked at the face, suddenly looking at the face, looking at the yellow robe youth in front of him, eating and saying:

"Thirteen... Your Highness..."

"Ye Chu, Ye Xia, now you are no longer in the dragon world, here is the back garden of the Lingxiao Temple!" Duan Tianya looked at the three people in front of him and said with a smile.


The three people were shocked and stunned, and then they showed a big joy on their faces. At the beginning of Ye’s heart, I looked at the end of the world and asked softly:

"His Royal Highness, our brothers first entered the Dragon Kingdom to find the Prince of the Prince and you. I don't know where the Prince of the Virgin is now?"


Duan Tianya looked up silently, and the first three people in Yechu were also timidly standing opposite the end of the world, looking at the end of the world. For a long time, Duan Tianya suddenly sighed. Whispered to say things selectively. The three people in the early leaves stood there in a sluggish manner. Suddenly, when Ye’s body was shaken, he slammed into the ground and burst into tears. Calling the Prince in the mouth, crying and crying.

However, in the pain, Ye Chu’s heart was full of joy. The prince is dead, and those who are framing the princes are also in the dragon. Now it seems that His Highness 13 has not forgiven those of His Royal Highness, and as a result, he is completely free from worry. Now the thirteenth priest will release himself. At first glance, he will reuse himself. This is too...the mother* is shipped!

I heard that the two people were crying, and the heart of Duan Tianya was even more awkward. The wind twirled through the side and rolled up a piece of sadness. At the beginning of the leaves, the three people stopped crying and squatted on the ground and climbed a few steps. Looking up at the end of the world, weeping and saying:

"Chen to see the Jade Emperor! Prince will go, the future minister is the man!"

Duan Tianya reached out and helped the three people up, and sighed a bit: "Ye Chu, you are my big brother. You naturally know that I didn't want to sit in the seat of the Jade Emperor before, so I have never cultivated my confidant. This time I sat in the seat of the Jade Emperor, but there is no one worthy of trust. You are the confidant of the big brother. I am a person I can trust. So, I will put you from the world of the dragon. Come out, I mean you understand?"

Ye Chuang wanted to make a determination, but suddenly heard a footstep heard. Looking around, it was a woman with a gemstone blue dress. Binocular is a contraction, he naturally recognizes that this woman who is slowly coming is Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan also saw three people in the beginning of the leaf, his eyes were also slightly flickering, and turned to look at the end of the world.

At this time, Duan Tianya also saw Xu Ziyan. There was a kind smile on his face. Calling to Xu Ziyan:

"Sister, you are here. I am having something to discuss with you!"

When Xu Ziyan saw the first three people in Ye Chu, he thought a little about his thoughts. I smiled and said:

"Everything is done by your majesty!"

And it is at this time. Then I saw a monk flying far away, waiting for a distance of about 100 meters from the end of the world to become a walk to the end of the world:

"Your Majesty. Fuqin Tianwang asks!"

Duan Tianya looks slightly changed. He knows that if there is not something big happening, Fuqin King will not come to see.


The monk stepped back, and for a while, the king of Fuqin flew from a distance, and became a walk from the 100-meter section of the Tianya, and came to the front of the Tianya, and gave a ritual:

"The old minister meets you!"

"The king is free!"

When I saw the king of Fuqin straight up, Duan Tianya said with a smile: "Heavenly comes, but something?"

The face of Fuqin Tianwang showed a trace of anxiety: "Your Majesty, this morning, the Yaozu began to make a big intrusion into our Yuan Dynasty, and now has lost a planet."

"What?" Duan Tianya's face changed dramatically.

"And..." He Qinyu’s face appeared hesitant.

"Say!" Duan Tianya's face has completely sunk. From the face of his father, Wang Tian can see that this "and" is not a good word.

Fuqin Tianwang glanced at the end of the world, looking at Xu Ziyan and Ye Chu and others. Duan Tianya slightly frowned and said:

"Say! There are no outsiders here."

Fuqin Tianwang bit his teeth and lowered his voice and said: "Now we have the Luofu State and the Yaozu army in the Yuan Dynasty, and the situation of the Mozu is unclear. But suddenly, a rumor is circulating..."

"What rumors?" Duan Tianya's voice is colder.

"The rumor said..." Fuqin Tianwang bit his teeth and said: "The rumor said that his majesty and the original Prince went to the dragon's body. In order to compete for the dragon's world, his majesty killed the prince..."

"Fart! I will kill my big brother for a dragon dragon..."

Duan Tianya was so angry that he was sullen and sullen. Suddenly remembered that the dragon kingdom was indeed obtained by himself. Although the death of the eldest brother was not killed by himself, he died because of himself. Especially when it comes to the dragon and the dragon, it is indeed on the body... This rumor is also a little bit of aside, thinking of it, Duan Tianya’s heart can’t help but be discouraged.

Xu Ziyan stood on the side and locked his brow. When he saw the eyes of Duan Tianya looking at himself, he whispered:

"Your Majesty, when you have not yet reached the position of the Jade Emperor, you have been slain many times outside. Even when you met with the Prince, you were ambushed by 18 ships. Now you are just on the Jade Emperor. There is such a rumor that there is someone who is swearing."

Duan Tianya was reminded by Xu Ziyan, remembering that he left the Lingxiao Temple. The ambush experienced, the long-lost anger went from the bottom of my heart. His face was like a cloud, his eyes were on Xu Ziyan, and he was the king of Fuqin. Ye Chu and Ye Xia’s body glanced back and forth, and finally fell on Ye Xia’s body, whispering:

"Ye Xia, you are now the master of the temple of heaven, and you will dig out the spies in the Yuan Dynasty!"

"Xie Xia!" Ye Xia looked a glimpse, and then he was overjoyed, he can be said to step into the sky. Immediately stumbled over the **** and expressed his determination:

"Chen will definitely do everything, die and then!"

"Ye Chu. You are handsome, you immediately attacked the demon, and will definitely take back our lost territory!"

"Chen is obeying!" Ye began to fall to the ground with excitement.

"Fu Qin Wang, you are coming!"

If you fall, you should leave first, and the king of Fuqin will follow the paragraph of the world and will be Xu Ziyan. Ye Chu and Ye Xia and his wife are thrown here.

Ye Chu and Ye Xia looked at each other and saw surprises from each other's eyes. Then look at Xu Ziyan, who stood a little frowning, and both of them had a hint of disdain in their eyes.

A woman, just fascinated by the jade emperor. Confused for a while, can you still confuse the world?

The two of them just came out of the circle of the dragon, naturally they did not understand the feelings between Xu Ziyan and Duan Tianya. However, this Xu Ziyan was able to enter and exit the Lingxiao Temple at will, which is very popular with Duan Tianya. In the eyes of Ye Xia, there is a trace of embarrassment. If Xu Ziyan can lose the favor of Jade Emperor, then he will arrange a woman to give Jade Emperor. This is not to further consolidate his position. This will also get more resources for cultivation. Thinking of this, the face of Xu Ziyan is a change, coldly said:

"Xu Ziyan, now the rumors of smashing the shackles are rising everywhere. And the main lord of the lord is willing to inspect this matter. You entered the Snapdragon with the Jade Emperor and the Prince. This is the most doubtful thing about this matter. Let me go!"

Xu Ziyan’s face was astonished, and Ye Chu was equally shocked. However, I immediately knew the younger brother’s mind and thought about whether it was appropriate for my brother to do so. He heard Ye Xia continue to say:

"In the body of the dragon, you follow the Jade Emperor and the Prince, even though the death of the Prince has nothing to do with you, but the Prince died, and your followers are safe and sound, this is sin!"

Xu Ziyan pressed the anger of his heart and said coldly: "Ye Dianzhu, the trip to the Dragon King is extremely complicated, and you have not been to it. The death of the Prince is a sigh, but you can not press this unwarranted charge. Go to my head. And when the Prince died, are you not in the Dragons? Now you are not living well? Does this mean that you are also guilty?"

Ye Xia Wenyan sneered, and sneaked into the nose: "I and my brother have also entered the dragon world. We went in to protect the Prince." But we have never found the Prince Edward. If we find the Prince Edward, how can we Let His Royal Highness be hurt in the slightest?

It’s just that we’re smashing our broken bones in front of the Prince’s Highness. And in the early days of a small fairy, it is clearly the cumbersomeness of His Royal Highness, in addition to clever words, confuse your Royal Highness, what else will you do?

It must be you, in the midst of danger, push the Highness of the Prince to the front, causing the Prince to die.

It must be you, because your Majesty got the dragon and the resentment, and spread the rumors that are not conducive to your Majesty in the city of Qianyuan. Now I have a glimpse of your tricks, do you have to deny it? ”

Because of the relationship between Duan Tianya, Xu Ziyan did not want to add chaos when he was in dire straits, so he had to endure Ye Xia. Nowadays, listening to him is becoming more and more unspeakable, and the anger in his heart has risen to the critical point of the explosion, and his face is full of anger:

"Nonsense, it’s really a villain to be crazy, and your majesty is to let you dig out the spy on the basis of real evidence, instead of giving you the power to bite like a dog!"

Ye Xiawen listened to Xu Zi as a dog, and his heart was even more angry. At this point, he had completely torn his face, and he even shrugged:

"In the early days of a small fairy, in the late days of my immortal monk, in front of the lord of the heavenly priest, I dare to insult me. Do you want to die? Your Majesty’s work in the Dragon’s world is coming out of our brothers. Before, who else knows you? How? Don’t you talk? I’m afraid you only know it? So, not the rumors you spread, who else?”


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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