The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1213: Big cleaning

I am very grateful for the quiet ^_^pin book classmates, Lu Fanlei classmates, saivguang321 classmates, cheeze classmates, little witch classmates, exquisite students' pink tickets!


"The ridiculous! Forced attachment!" Xu Ziyan retorted his lips: "I know what I spread? Then you are coming out of the dragons, do you say that from now on, the rumors about the dragons are all spread?" ”

At the beginning of the leaf, I saw Xu Ziyan’s eyes sharp, without the slightest fear, and some drums in my heart. He did not know what position Xu Ziyan was in the heart of Duan Tianya, and felt that his brother was somewhat reckless. However, at this time, Xu Ziyan and Ye Xia completely tore the face, one is more angry than a fire, and does not give the opportunity to insert the mouth at the beginning, so that he can only stand there.

Ye Xia was also reprimanded by Xu Ziyan at this time. Some of them were too angry to become angry, but Xu Ziyan was a shield of the spear of the son, which made him a bit dry and unable to speak.

Xu Ziyan was entangled in the heart of Ye Xia, and he screamed: "Proverbs, rumors, are out of nothing. It is the revelation of some unscrupulous people. They may not know the facts, but they can fabricate the facts to reach them. purpose.

What you have to do is to detect their purpose, and then stalk the vines and dig out the traits of the Yuan Yuanguo instead of sitting in the house for granted. Like you do this, mistaken things, what can you afford this responsibility? ”

Ye Xia Zhangkou mouth, his head just had some anti-taste, but saw Xu Ziyan a robe sleeve. Screamed:

"Hello you!"

The figure is vertical and flies away.

"This..." Ye Xia was so angry that he looked at the back of Xu Ziyan's disappearance and grinded his teeth.

At the beginning of the leaf, he looked at Ye Xia and said softly: "Brother. This purple smoke is accompanied by your knees, and your personal feelings must be good. You should not provoke her first. Please do your best to give your mission to you!"

Xu Ziyan returned to his home without hesitation. He said that after listening to his older brother's words, he also felt that he should make a look to Duan Tianya. Otherwise, wouldn't it make the Jade Emperor look down on himself? Therefore, he was full of energy and devoted all his energy to the scrupulous case. The first is to grab all the party members who had contacted his eldest brother. Not recruiting? Some are ways to let you admit! Then there is a friend of the party feather, a friend of the party feather friend...

The leader who supports His Highness is his embarrassment and leaps. In charge of the Osamu Galaxy, with hundreds of stars. However, Ye Xia did not hesitate to arrest the case and enter the dungeon.

There are also seven Highnesses, and His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness, His Highness, and their supporters, all of them were sent by Ye Xia to send the celestial locks, and they were not allowed to go up and down.

Then there are the relatives and friends of this supporter, friends and relatives of friends and family, and they have been connected to the company. This big cleansing has just been enthroned in the new Jade Emperor. When the Luofu Kingdom and the Yaozu invaded the territory, they began vigorously.

The entire Yuan Dynasty is instantly floating, and everyone is at risk. Many monks did not know because of the vastness of the Yuan Dynasty, but they also let them be bitten out. The two kings of the Yuan Dynasty, one of the kings of the king, is now fighting the Luofu country. Fu Qin Wang, but because he was assisting the Prince, the Prince fell, he was not good at this time.

Ye Xia’s movements are a bit big. Although he caught a lot of monks. But which of these monks did not die and would not bite out friends? Which one is not loyal to his own men? Although these people are forced to speak out under pressure, the dissatisfaction in their hearts is obvious. The momentum of the entire Yuan Dynasty is in a downturn.

A large number of monks have been captured, but the monks of the entire Yuan Dynasty must always be in charge of the monks. Just like the immortal officer who rules the four seasons to take charge of the four-level reincarnation? Do you have to have the magistrate who is in charge of the Japanese palace to take charge of the sunrise and sunset?

However, these immortals are rushed to appoint. Under the hectic, it is inevitable that something goes wrong. Countless galaxies that have jurisdiction over the Yuan Dynasty. There are mistakes in the immortals who are in charge of the realm.

As the saying goes, one day in the sky, one year on the ground.

The heavenly officials are only messed up for three days, but all the worlds are all disasters.

Qinglongxing, for three consecutive years of heavy rain, flooding.

Zhuque Star, drought for three consecutive years, the earth is cracked.

The illusion of Chen Xing, the chaos of the four seasons, the snow in June.

Yutang Star, the sun on the 10th, the sun is like a fire.


Ye Xia’s actions were vigorous and vigorous, but only three days of hard work dug up countless spies. On the first day, Xu Ziyan was still sulking in his home. I didn't know about Ye Xia's action. When she got to the fourth day, she felt the change of the surrounding air machine. It was really shocking to go out and ask.

Her appearance, those monks who had asked her to eat before in the past days, seemed to have seen their loved ones, and they came to visit one by one, asking her to speak to her majesty, and could not check it anymore. Xu Ziyan also feels bad. This situation has the symptoms of destroying the earth.

Xu Ziyan went to Lingxiao Temple but looked for Duan Tianya, but was told that Duan Tianya was retreating. Thinking about it, Xu Ziyan will bite the scalp and go to the leaf summer. Except for Xu Ziyan’s expectation, Ye Xia didn’t have any move against Xu Ziyan this time, but he was very polite to Xu Ziyan. The suggestion made by Xu Ziyan was also politely promised. After Xu Ziyan left, he was gloomy. On these days, he also had a full understanding of the influence of Xu Ziyan in the Yuan Dynasty, and he was jealous of Xu Ziyan. On the surface, Xu Ziyan was very polite, but after sending away Xu Ziyan, he immediately urged his men to take action. He feels that he can get the trust of Duan Tianya as long as he can clean up the things that Duan Tianya explained. I rely on my ability. Xu Ziyan relies only on her face.

Xu Ziyan returned to her home from Ye Xia, and she was very satisfied with Ye Xia’s performance. I thought that this matter had passed, and I announced that I would retreat and begin to understand the three elements.

Before retreating, she had already purchased some of the three attributes of various attributes in Qianyuan City. After continuous research and comparison with the immortality in her own inheritance, she was able to understand the three products in seven days. The next step is practice. Xu Ziyan took out the materials of the refining Xianfu separately, took out the five-character wares, and began to make the three-character fairy.

This production has passed seven days, from the initial 60% success rate to the subsequent 100% success rate, so that Xu Ziyan is satisfied.

Put down the pen and look at the three-character fairy on a table. There is a light on each of the fairy symbols, which maps the flow of the chamber. Put all the fairy charms up, Xu Ziyan is ready to put the pens back into the chaos of the purple smoke space. Then continue to comprehend the four-character fairy.

However, as soon as she entered the purple smoke space, she discovered that the purple smoke planet was covered with lightning and was forming a catastrophe. Xu Ziyan looked intently, but there were many monks who robbed in the space. The spread of the gods was overwhelming, and it was discovered that the two of the peaches and the spring sacred priests who were the highest demon were crossing the clouds. As long as they survived this robbery, the two of them became the Mahayana monks. There are also some tree demon and monsters in the gods, and the cultivation of the creatures above the purple smoke planet is rapidly improving.

At the end of the purple smoke planet, there are also six Terran monks in the robbery, but it is exactly one, two, one, two, one, one, six, six monks. Become a real human fairy.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and she suddenly thought that there was no Huaxian on her own purple smoke planet. The gods swept back and forth on the purple smoke planet, and finally stayed on the criss-crossing river. In the heart of the dark road, I don’t know if this Xianhe has the role of a fairy pool.

After a physique, I fell to the side of the ancient vine hope standing on a mountain, smiling and said:

"Hope, have you reached the peak of the mid-season?"

I hope that I can nod my head and say: "The patriarch, your immortality here is really too strong, I believe that I will be able to break through to the fairy season."

"Well, wow, oh..." Xu Ziyan smiled happily.

When Xu Ziyan’s eyes were swept away, he knew that they should be the earliest to rob, and it was nearing the end. After an hour, six people spent the day robbery. Xu Ziyan just wanted to wave his sleeves and wanted to get them into the fairy river, but suddenly saw the fairy power inside the purple smoke planet madly facing them. Crazy rushing.

Xu Ziyan gave a slight glimpse and immediately divided the gods into six hexagrams and entered the bodies of six people to observe the changes in their bodies.

This observation made Xu Ziyan’s heart stunned. I saw that the aura of these six people was rapidly transforming into Xianyuan, and Xu Ziyan found that the aura of these six people seemed to be in the state of semi-immortal force before the transformation. What is going on?

Thinking a little, Xu Ziyan seems to understand. They originally lived in the fairyland in the purple smoke space, just like the monks born outside in the fairy world. They were originally cultivated in the environment of the immortal world. Naturally, they do not need to refine the fairy pool. As long as they accumulate to a certain extent, they will Will be transformed into Xianyuan.

Hey, this is the learning of reincarnation! Investing in the realm and investing in the fairy world is different!

It was only about two hours, six people completely converted the fairy power, Xu Ziyan called, the six people who just opened their eyes heard the joy, the body shape appeared in front of Xu Ziyan, fell to the ground, Gong Sheng Road:

"See the host!"

"Get up quickly! I didn't think that you six people have become immortals, huh, huh..." Xu Ziyan laughed happily.

Six people stood up and looked very excited. They remembered their original cultivation, and then looked at their own achievements. They looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of worship. Neatly and again, praying for the ceremony:

"Thank you for your master!"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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