The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1214: You are doing something.

I am very grateful to the two students (999) who are floating in the cold moon, 2 (99) in the dark paradise, and 2 (99) in the sorrowful classmates.


"Thank you for your master!" Six people prayed to Xu Ziyan.

“Hey...” Xu Ziyan said with a smile: “If you let the monks on the mainland know that six of you are now immortals, it’s definitely a sensation. You know, so far, only me, Yanshan Soul, Simon. Lonely smoke and hope that four people have become immortals."

One or six monks listened to the sound, and the eyes released a proud light, which was even more grateful to Xu Ziyan.

"Talk about it, now what do you realize about the exercises I have given you?"

Six people looked at each other and said, "The master, I and the two are now a singer."

Dan Yi stepped forward and said: "I and Dan II are now a product of Xiandan."

Fuyi went one step forward and said: "Master, I am already a fairy."

One step forward and one step forward: "Return to the master, I am a fairy singer."

"Good! Good! Good! Hahaha..." This time, Xu Ziyan was laughing loudly.

At this time, Peach Blossom and Chun San Niang also completed the robbery and came to the front of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan encouraged them a few more words, and passed on the further practice to Dan Yi and other monks. Looking back, he looked at the sword on the thunder mountain. At this point, the great sword seemed to fade in the eyes of Xu Ziyan, and some of the distortions were like a big thunder.

Shake his head. Xu Ziyan left the purple smoke space and returned to his secret room. The successive good news made Xu Ziyan feel a little bit of a surge, and then gave up and continued to comprehend the four-character emperor, and decided to go out. Relax and relax.

As soon as I walked out of the house and walked on the street, I felt the dignity of the atmosphere.

The pace of the monks walking on the street has become very fast, and there is no such thing as the past. Xu Ziyan looked up. Seeing the monks on the street, the look of the monks was dignified, and the eyebrows were locked together.

Looking at a restaurant, I saw a restaurant, Xu Ziyan in the heart of a move, then stepped forward, ordered four small dishes, a pot of succulent, in the window position to self-drink. The ears are erected and listen to the conversations between the alcoholic people in the restaurant.

"Is it heard? Long Dexingjun was also arrested!"

"What? Long Dexingjun has also been arrested? Is this too much?"

"And, I heard that the moon palace fairy was also caught!"

"How come? So how can a good fairy be caught?"

"Now the Yaozu and Luofu countries are pressing hard, the Mozu is also eager to move, and our fairy country is so chaotic, and then continue, I am afraid..."

"Cautious!" A monk's face was solemnly reminded.

"Mom*. It’s the leaf summer..."

"Hey!" There was a sound of the table, and the monks heard the body shaking, staring at them, and saw a black monk standing up from a seat in the corner, sneer at the corner of his mouth:

"You are so courageous, you are so blatant to do the traitor! Let me take a trip!"

A few monks who had just talked about it there stood up in a panic and looked at the black man in fear.

The black man turned a hand and showed a sign, said coldly: "What? You still want to resist?"

Xu Ziyan’s face has become iron blue at this time. She has realized that she has not played any role in finding Ye Xia. Instead, he is intensifying. Nowadays, it has already reached the point where the public grievances are everywhere. If this continues, the Yuan Yuanguo will probably break the country.

If the Jade Emperor is not a segment of the world, Xu Ziyan will simply go away. Completely leave the country of chaos in today's chaotic country. But it is because of the existence of Duan Tianya that she can't care about this matter. The gaze glanced at the black monk. The other party is a peak of the late Tianxian, and there are a total of four monks who have just discussed. One of them is also the peak of the late Tianxian, and the other three monks are also the repairs of the late Tianxian.

If the two sides go to war, the black monk must not be the opponent of the four people. However, at this time, I saw only the arrogance of the black monk and the fear of the four monks. This shows that Ye Xia is the means in this period of time!

At this moment, Xu Ziyan was full of anger at Ye Xia. Strong self-restraint anger in the heart, coldly out of the channel:

"Who gives you the right, can you arrest people at will?"


The black man’s face is very strange and very strange. Since the Heavenly Punishment Hall has changed the head of Ye Xia Dang Dang, the Temple of Heavenly Punishment is more arrogant than the past. The days of the monks who are fined in the temple are also more beautiful than in the past. Whoever wants to catch someone, when will they come out? Gossip.

The face of the black man pulled down and slowly turned his head and looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan's arrival time is short, and she is deeply rooted. Some monks with heads and faces know her, and most of the remaining monks really don't know her.

When the black man’s eyes were swept away, he saw the cultivation of Xu Ziyan. It was only the beginning of an early fairy, and there was a trace of disdain and fierceness in his eyes. He said coldly:

"You also go with me!"

The words fell, and the eyes gazed toward the next four, and said coldly: "Don't think about resisting or running away, here you can't run!"

Xu Ziyan sat firmly in his seat, staring coldly at the black monk, not speaking. The four monks saw Xu Ziyan so calm, and the flustered heart was slightly stabilized. However, still standing there, afraid to sit down.

"What? You have to resist?" The black monk's face appeared fierce.

The four monks glanced at each other. One of the monks looked at Xu Ziyan and his eyes showed a firm color:

"Well, let's go with you. But the fairy has nothing to do with this matter, I hope you let her go!"

His words made Xu Ziyan feel good about him, and he has decided to save these four people. Only her look did not change in the slightest, still staring coldly at the black man.

Seeing that the four people were soft, the look of the black man became more arrogant, and the corner of his mouth groaned and said coldly:

"It’s my business to catch her, do you have the power to ask for conditions?"

When I received this, I turned to look at Xu Ziyan, and I saw Xu Ziyan’s cold eyes, and my heart shook inexplicably. This shaking made him even more angry. This feeling made him very uncomfortable. Under extreme uneasiness, he decided to humiliate the female practitioner who was not aware of the height of the heavens.

"哗啦", took out the lock chain from the storage ring, it is necessary to lock the Xu Ziyan, dragging like a dead dog.

With one hand and one hand, the lock chain will entangle with the neck of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan eyes condensed, flexing his fingers, and a gas sword leaped out from his fingertips.


The sound of a metal crash, the chain of the chain that was coming from the smashed by the gas sword. At the same time, Xu Ziyan hurriedly punched out, this fist condensed the perfection of Jin Zhiquan, and now Xu Ziyan is infinitely close to the repair of Luo Tianshang Xian, where is the opposite of this Tianxian peak can resist?

It was a loud explosion, and even worse, the black monk did not think that Xu Ziyan would resist. This is something that has never happened. Without any preparation, he was swept out by Xu Ziyan, hitting the wall heavily, rebounding and falling to the ground.

The wall that was hit was swaying a circle of brilliance, and then disappeared, it was a carved array. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but secretly nod. The capital of the Yuan Dynasty is different. A small restaurant is engraved with the array.

The black man squirted a blood, climbed up from the ground, looked at Xu Ziyan with a look of the dead, and savagely said:

"Do you dare to resist? You dare to hit me? You have a good thing! You have a big event!"

At this time, the black man did not feel that he was not the opponent of Xu Ziyan. He was injured by a female repair in the early days of the immortal. He blamed himself for not being prepared. Therefore, after he got up from the ground, in the horrified eyes of the four monks, he again waved the chain of locks and took it to Xu Ziyin.


Xu Ziyan snorted coldly, reaching for a hand to lock the fairy chain, the arm was shocked, and the golden meaning was perfect.

"嗡" slammed along the lock chain.


The golden meaning of the great perfection slammed at the end of the chain of locks. The black man only felt a strong force in his hand, so that he could not hold the lock chain in his hand. After instinctively letting go, he found that his hand was actually bombed. hurt. Huo Ran looked up and looked at Xu Ziyan with fear.

Xu Ziyan’s finger touched the lock chain into the storage ring and greeted him coldly:

"Not yet!"

" wait!"

The black man’s eyes clearly flashed in confusion, and he ran out of the restaurant and slammed a signal to the air. It was a fire spell that exploded in the air and showed two big characters:


The fear of the four monks in the restaurant looked at Xu Ziyan:

"This fairy, you can hurry!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head faintly: "The signal of the Heavenly Temple has been sent out, where to escape?"

When the words came out, the four monks were also a stunned look. Xu Ziyan stood up from the seat indifferently and said to the outside while walking away:


"Go?" The four monks looked stunned: "Where are you going?"

"I am going home, what about you?" Xu Ziyan's face faintly smiled.

"Going home?" The faces of the four monks were even more stunned, as if they were looking at a monster and looking at the purple smoke. They really don't know if Xu Ziyan is too strong, or the nerves are too big.

Xu Ziyan shook his head faintly, waved his hand to a piece of fairy crystal on the table, and walked toward the door. The four monks looked at each other and hurriedly followed Xu Ziyan.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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