The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1215: Heavenly King

I am very grateful to the book friends 110908074409551 classmates, Fanghua Ruomeng classmates, elva3 classmates, espflykite classmates, egg moms ~ classmates, Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin classmates, the heart of the ice point classmates, sushanwawa classmates, condensed classmates, little witch classmates, Mingyue Qiuqiu classmates Pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan just took the door of the restaurant and saw that the black man was screaming at himself fiercely. When she saw her carrying her hand and came out, she shouted:

"Don't go!"

Xu Ziyan stayed in the footsteps and glanced at him with a squint, and the two corners of his mouth tilted upwards:

"You can stop me?"

"You... don't be arrogant..."


The crowds of the sky fluttered from all directions, but it was only an instant effort. Here, the monks who gathered for more than 100 days to punish the temple were all dressed in black, surrounded by five people in the middle of Xu Ziyan. Cross-browed cold to Xu Ziyan, the body's killing is rampant.

Xu Ziyan's eyes were swept away, and his brows were slightly wrinkled. Most of the monks who had been sentenced to the temple for more than 100 days were monks, but there was a monk in the early days of Luo Tianxian who gave her a slight scruples.

"Gusu, what happened?"

The eyes of Luo Tianshang were swept away by five people in Xu Ziyan. They found that they were only five monks in the fairy period, and that the leading woman’s appearance seemed to be the cultivation of the early days of the fairy, and the eyes were a bit strange.

"They are spies, and when I lock them, they dare to resist!"

The Luo Tian Shang Xian Shi looked at the blood of his mouth. His face was gloomy, his eyes were swiftly swept over the five people of Xu Ziyan, and he finally set his sights on the monk of the peak of the late Tianxian, in his heart. Only the monks of this peak of the late Tianxian can cause damage to their own men.

The corner of the mouth passed a chilly cold, and a finger pointed out at the end of the emperor's late peak monk, and a fierce metal sensational spurt.

Xu Ziyan looked sharply and his body shape changed. Then he stopped in front of the wind and did not use any attribute meaning, and directly hit the past. With the body of the four peaks of his own late stage, he hit the other's finger.


A loud explosion, the other's finger banged away. If it is to fight against the method, Xu Ziyan may not be the opponent of the other side, but set off the defense, Xu Ziyan is comparable to Luo Tianshang's late peak. A punch blew the other's finger, which made it impossible for the early monk in the early days of Luo Tianshen to flash the shock. The monks who had been in the temple for more than a hundred days were exposed to the gloom. This is not to let him re-examine the female repair in front of her.

There was a slight change in the look. He felt that the woman in front of her eyes had a little familiarity and seemed to have seen it before. Suddenly his eyes narrowed. He remembered who the other party was. When he was welcoming the return of Wei Tian, ​​was this woman standing behind the jade emperor?

She... is the sister of the Jade Emperor, Lingbo Fairy!

"You are... Lingbo Fairy?"

Xu Ziyan is sullen. Cold and nodded.

"Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding!"

The face of Luo Tianshang’s face showed a faint color. He knew that Xu Ziyan was a character who was not willing to provoke even their temple owner Ye Xia. Looking back, a slap fan was on the face of the black man who wanted to lock the purple smoke. The slap in the face was not merciless at all, and the black man was turned to the original place for a circle, and “噗通” fell to the ground.

However, at this time he did not dare to have the slightest resentment. He also heard who the other party was, and that was the sister that Jade Emperor personally recognized. I have to lock the emperor’s sister, this is not a sling. Are you tired of living?

Xu Ziyan is too lazy to take care of them. I also know that it is useless to say to these people, and the roots are in Ye Xia. So, just a cold snoring, a sleeve. Take a walk. The four monks did not look at each other this time, and hurriedly followed Xu Ziyan.

It was not far away. Xu Ziyan lived in the footsteps and looked back at the four humanities:

"You can leave!"

The four men looked respectfully on the ground and gave Xu Ziyan a head, and then got up and quickly left. They left the city of Qianyuan invariably and did not dare to stop here. The great grace of Xu Ziyan can only stay in my heart.

Xu Ziyan's face was gloomy again, and his body swept away, and he flew away toward the Lingxiao Temple. After seeing the end of the world, I was worried about the matter and told my worries to Duan Tianya.

Duan Tianya heard it, his face changed. He originally saw that Ye Xia was doing a great job. He also thought that this is Ye Xia doing things with his heart and it is his own good helper. Nowadays, I heard that Yuan Yuanguo has been swayed by Ye Xia, and the result is so serious that my heart is not good. Immediately after Xu Ziyan left, he summoned Ye Xia and smothered him, so that he would stop the unscrupulous arrest of the people, and let the monks who did not have any evidence to be released, and return to the original position of the official.

Xu Ziyan got the answer from Duan Tianya, and this put his heart down. Going back to my home, I saw my housekeeper coming over and handing over an invitation to my hand:

"Fairy, Fuqin Tianwang sent people to send invitations!"

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and reached out to ask for an invitation. He returned to his own room and brewed a cup of enlightenment tea. This slowly opened the invitation and looked carefully.

This look, Xu Ziyan's eyes are straight. The content of the invitation is very simple, that is, Fuqin Tianwang is the east, and she is invited to dinner. But behind it is a long list of guests.

Xu Ziyan did not understand why Futian Tianwang had to make such a big battle. The invitation was gently patted in the hand and frowned and frowned. After two quarters of time, she finally wanted to understand, but I wanted to understand that I wanted to understand, but the corner of my mouth was a bitter helpless smile.

Xu Ziyan analyzed that the monks on the list should be the immortals who have not been involved in the **** case in Ye Xia. Ye Xia’s move was too much, and the Xianguan in the Yuan Dynasty became a scared bird. Presumably they asked for the house of Fuqin Tianwang, and Fuqin Tianwang, because of the death of the Prince, was inconvenient to pray in front of Duan Tianya, and thought of her Xu Ziyan. This time, the meaning of the banquet of the Fuqin King is so clear.

What else is there to say? Although Duan Tianya has already promised to reprimand Ye Xia in front of himself. However, this banquet must also go. On the one hand, it is necessary to settle down the hearts of the emperors in the Yuan Dynasty. On the other hand, this is also an opportunity to expand contacts. Everyone needs a network to do things, and even more so.

Fuqin Tianwang’s hand is standing under a full moon. If you think about it, under the moonlight, his face is half-light and half-dark. A pair of eagle eyes shine under the moonlight, standing behind him with a British A very middle-aged monk, a white robe, although it is in middle age, it is a slogan that can't hide him.

Half-sounding, the white robe of the whispered softly said: "The king of heaven and the gods are wonderful, even God helps us. The prince and his brothers are all dead in the dragon. Now the family has some skills but also the end of the world. One person, the rest of the fear is not enough. It’s just that Ye Xia’s dedication to the end of the world, Daxie took the Xianguo Xianguan, many of us were arrested.”

Fuqin Tianwang smiled and said: "Is there a problem?"

The white robe shook his head faintly: "There is no problem, not to say that those people are very centered on the king, they say that the king has control over them, and they don't care about nonsense."

Fuqin Tianwang said with a smile: "Duan Tianya is still too young and tender. He thought that letting Ye Xia do this would be able to dig out the spies he wanted? Hey!"

"Just... we have to lose a lot of power like this..." The white robe said with some concern.

"No problem!" Fuqin Tianwang said faintly: "Our eyes must be farther away. If you don't say anything else, you can say that the first stage of the family has laid down such a large fairyland, and you don't know how many monks died. And now we want From the section of the family to grab this huge fairyland, how can it be without sacrifice?

Moreover, they have done this to make the Qianyuan country smoldering, which is also of great benefit to us. Losing some people, being able to switch to this result is worth it.

The most important thing is that the non-humans used by Duan Tianya have made such a result. If I take the position of the Jade Emperor in the future, not to mention those old stubbornness, at least those who remain neutral will fall to me. ”

Speaking of this, he smiled and frowned and said: "Unfortunately, the Mozu has never been moved. If the Mozu also began to invade the Yuan Dynasty, then the Yuan Dynasty will have a full-scale war. It is so stressful outside. Next, Ye Xia will make waves in the interior, maybe our chance will come soon."

The white robe thought about it, and his face revealed a hint of incomprehension: "Since Uranus wants to smash the Yuanguo more chaos, why do you still promise those stars, the immortals will come out, and the feast will invite Xu Ziyan, ask her Stop Ye Xia? If Ren Ye Xia Hu is going to go down, it will make the Duan Tianya rebellious, isn’t it better for Uranus?”

Fuqin Tianwang wisely smiled and said: "I can't do that. If I let it go, I might go on. Even if I get the position of Jade Emperor in the future, but Yuan Yuanguo is already a loose sand, and all the stars will be killed by him." Light, what do I take to meet the Luofu Kingdom, the Yaozu and the Mozu? Once the Yuanyuan State is gone, all my efforts are not turned into a void? I have no hatred with Duan, I just want their fairyland. ,Ha ha……"

The low laughter echoed in the space, hovering, and disappearing...

The space has returned to calm, quiet, and seems to be able to hear the sound of the clouds...

"Nothing, what about the situation of the Mozu?"

The white robe hurried back and said: "Returning to the king, the news from the Mozu side, recently they saw that our Yuan Yuanguo had some difficulty in resisting the Luofu Kingdom and the Yaozu. They also had some temptations, and they might be dispatched to attack the US. ""

"This is good!" Speaking of here, Fuqin Tianwang twitched a bit, and some bitterly said: "People will be optimistic about Zhujia, do not let them out of one person, so as not to accident."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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