The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1217: Conspiracy begins

I am very grateful to the students of Dream Poetry 0327, the pink ticket of sapporo classmates!


Xu Ziyan sat on the bed with his knees open, and opened his eyes, suddenly felt a little irritated in his heart. From the bed down, push the door out, walk on the stone path under the moonlight, the wet fairy power flows around, let her heart and lungs refresh. Slowly walk to the small mirror lake in the garden, put your hands behind you, slightly looking up, looking at the round moon in the night.

In the night, under the moon, behind Xu Ziyan.

A black shadow flies past like an eagle, silently falling on the ridge, and looking up at the Xu Ziyan on the side of Xiaojing Lake, a pair of slightly sinister eyes, with a smile.

Xu Ziyan suddenly jumped in the heart, and Huoran looked back. The eyes locked on the roof, but there was no trace. Confusedly licking his eyes, slowly turned back to his head, slightly lowered his eyes, looking at the calm and small waves of the small mirror lake.

Behind her, above the tall ridge, a figure swayed like a mist, and the figure appeared again. Still looking at the back of Xu Ziyan silently.


A sigh sighed from the mouth of Xu Ziyan, and the slightly drooping eyes slowly lifted up, and Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were locked with a trace of ambiguity.

She helped the end of the world, on the one hand, and the end of the world, and on the other hand, she wanted to establish a family in the Yuan Dynasty. In the future, the disciples who had risen up in the mainland on the mainland had a place to stay. But now it seems that this is not an easy task.

Now the situation in the Yuan Dynasty is very chaotic, let alone whether she can successfully establish a force here, whether the Qianyuan Xianguo can be saved is unknown. but. Does she have a choice?

Only Duan Tianya can break through the Da Luo Jinxian, leave the lower galaxies, and enter the Zhongyuan galaxies, and still support the family forces he established in the Yuanyuan Xianguo. It is impossible to go to other fairy countries, and it is very difficult to build power.

And here, there is support for the end of the world. I am not a resource for cultivation. Whether it is for the cultivation of self-cultivation, or for the convenience of the technique and alchemy, at least the resources of the alchemy do not have to be found by themselves, and Duan Tianya will arrange for himself.

Therefore, from that point of view, Xu Ziyan stayed in the help of the Yuanyuan Xianguo is the best and the only way. However, this Yuanyuan fairy country is really... it’s too nerve-racking!

Xu Ziyan slowly put his hands back in front of him. There is already a jade flute in the hands. The jade flute is across the lips, and the whispering sound of the whistling sounds in the night sky, swaying toward the night, with a hint of ambiguity...

Behind her, on the high roof, the figure looked at the back of Xu Ziyan and listened to the flute of Xu Ziyan...

Within the dungeon. It’s cold!

In addition to the dungeon, several figures rushed in the night.

It is the head of today’s Heavenly Temple, Ye Xia, who followed his confidant behind him.

"The Lord of the House!" A rushed one step, whispered: "Don't you say that the Jade Emperor let us put those prisoners without evidence? This small matter, it will do it, why bother to go !"

"Hey!" Ye Xia snorted: "Who said that I am going to release them?"

"That... the Lord of the House..." The confidant face looked blank.

"Jade Emperor let people release tomorrow, I will pack up these gangs today, I will not believe that their bones are hard enough!" Ye Xia's tone is full of cold.

"Booming ~~"

The gate of the Tianzhu was pushed open, and Ye Xia passed the ban on the ban and entered the prison. The sages who guarded the jail inside shouted:

"Give me five spies!"

The singer should have a voice. Immediately from the dungeon, five immortals were arrested, three males and two females.

Ye Xia stunned and swept through the five monks who were locked in Xian Yuanli, and they looked at the corner of the mouth.

"Put them in the captain!"

I heard that I was put into the cap. The five monks of the disappointment changed greatly, and each one shivered with fear. Cried to Ye Xia:

"The Lord of the House, we are, please, please, don't put us in the cap!"

"Let!" Ye Xia waved his hand.

In spite of the crying of the five immortals, the Xianbing arrested five people and threw them on a jade platform. The five celestial officials saw that crying was useless, and one by one smashed toward Ye Xia:

"Ye Xia, you shameless child, you must not die!"

"Ye Xia, I curse you to die, never live forever!"

"Ye Xia, I cursed you when the robbery was killed by the Thunder!"



Ye Xia's face is iron and blue, and he is so angry that the curse of these people can be described as a vicious one for a cultivator. He waved his hand and hit the five characters on the wall of the jade wall. I saw only five masks in the five jade platforms, and the five immortals were covered in them. They were five colors of gold, green, blue, red and yellow.

These five masks have the power of gold, wood and fire, respectively, corresponding to five colors of gold, blue and yellow. At this time, within the golden cap, a burst of golden rushing, condensed countless golden whip, each lash has a barb, and the man inside is smashing.

In an instant, the clothes on the monk were smashed, and each whip was taken down. The barb on the whip would take a flesh and blood. The monk who was locked in the fairy squad was directly drawn in the cap. Every lash not only draws on him, but also hurts his soul.

In the green cap, this time is full of wood power. The male repair inside shivered with fear. At this time, a few seeds fell from the air inside the cap.

"Get out! Go away..." The man repaired his hands and cried, crying in fear: "Get out! Get out..."

However, the seeds still clung to his body, and the seeds fell into his body as soon as they fell on him. Immediately, I saw that the seeds that had hidden into him began to germinate.

I saw that the skin on his body began to swell gradually, and all of them were bulged on top of each other, densely packed.

"砰", the densely packed bag burst open, growing a green bud, full of vitality, the monk was completely a plant at this time, the difference is that he kept on Smoking, sorrowful sorrow. The vitality in the body is constantly being pumped away by those plants.

In the third cap, there was a female repair. She was in a sea of ​​oceans. The water in the cap quickly swung, shattering the clothes on her body, twisting the skin of her body, gradually There is a layer of blood in the pores of the skin, like a blood person.

Inside the fourth cap is another female repair, but here is a sea of ​​fire, instantly burning her clothes into ashes, letting her naked body roll in the flame, mourning.

The repairer in the last cap can only watch as his body turns into a rock from the toe, full of fear and despair.


"I can not be reconciled!"

Zhu Jie, Zhu Jiazi, a handsome young man, his face was distorted and resentful. A man sat alone in the dark house and clenched his fists:

"Because I am blind, I should be sacrificed! Use my life to change the glory of the family? Why? Why? Mother, brother, if not because of you... But I am not willing..."

Zhu Jie, a white robes, now has a lot of pleats, his left hand is weakly placed on the thigh, and his right hand is holding a wine gourd. The age of twenty, full of youthful atmosphere.

"Oh," the closed door was pushed open. A woman walked in with the white moonlight, and closed the door gently, closing the moonlight.

"Just a child..."

She walked to the front of Zhu Jie with some hesitation, and stretched her arms to look at the head of Zhu Jie in her arms, tears streaming down:

"Bitter me!"

Only the woman’s snoring sounded in the room, and the twitching sound stopped slowly, with a hint of hope in the voice:

"Just a child, maybe, as the family imagined, after you and Xu Ziyan had a room together, the purple smoke scruples accepted you, and our mother and child were blessed by misfortune..."

"Is it possible?" Zhu Jie's voice was cold.

The woman’s voice was small and said: “The family is not saying, is this arranged by Fuqin Tianwang? Does Fuqin Tianwang not say that he will come out to be a medium at that time? At that time, Xu Ziyan has already been with you, as the sister of Jade Emperor, she Always have your own reputation?

And Fuqin Tianwang promised to give you a big dowry, presumably that Xu Ziyan, who had just soared, would also be heart-felt, one by one soaring earthen buns. I don’t know why the Jade Emperor recognized her as a sister, but the earthen buns are the soil buns. Although you are a blind man, but a lonely ascendant, can marry into our Zhu family, and is the media of Fu Qin Tianwang, and can get a big dowry, I will be willing to marry me. ”

Zhu Jie’s body was a little trembling, and his eyes filled with tears and said: “Mother, I am afraid! I am afraid this is a trap set by Fuqin King. I am only a victim. And even if all this is finally like Niang’s said, let I licked a dumpling and slept with a soil bun, which was a shame..."

Suddenly he grabbed the woman's hand: "Mother, this thing is not right from the beginning. If it is as the king of Fuqin said, why didn't he directly mention Xu Ziyan to his relatives, but let the children do that kind of thing? Even if it is Xu Ziyan It’s a dumpling, but now it’s the sister of Jade Emperor, the good thing of Sister Yu’s sister, how can it be my turn? What do I think, the family is letting me die.”

The woman’s body was stiff, and after a long sigh, she stopped speaking.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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