The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1218: Poisoning

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This matter is as full of doubts as Zhu said. However, this is something that Fuqin Tianwang arranged, and who dares to resist? I can only comfort myself in the good side. With a sigh, the woman whispered:

"Jie, no matter what you think, only do it with your heart. Otherwise, the mother and your brother, as well as the whole family, will be wiped out by the king of Fuqin. Children, this is the sorrow of the little man. May you no longer care for your life. , uh..."

Within the Zhujia Temple, several old people sat there with a sullen face. The atmosphere was very dignified, as if the air had solidified into one place.

A figure fluttered in silently, and the four people in the house looked up and looked at the man with his eyes open.

"how about it?"

The man shook his head blankly and whispered, "I still can't get out. Our Zhu family has been surrounded by secrets. Although we can't see the people around us, no matter which direction we leave, we will be vigorously Give it back."

An old man in the middle of the temple said, "Can't get out. Don't try again. I am afraid that our actions have already angered the king of Fuqin!"

Another old man stunned: "The patriarch, Fuqin Tianwang trapped our Zhu family. What does this mean? Is he going to take us afterwards..."

“No!” Zhu’s family leader Huo Rong’s discoloration said: “As long as we complete the order of Fuqin Tianwang, we have nothing to do with Zhu’s family. Fuqin Tianwang will only reward us...”


Zhu’s family suddenly swayed: “Don’t say it, I’m in my heart, you’re all going!”

Several people in the ancestral hall looked at each other and glanced out of the ancestral hall. Looking at the elders in the family, the elders retired, and the back disappeared in the night. The Zhu family grew up and sighed, his face full of worries:

"Fu Qin Tian Wang, you are going to kill the Zhu family!"

Zhu’s family’s eyes shed tears. Whispered in a low voice: "Younger brothers, how can I not know that Fuqin is ready to sacrifice our Zhu family? But know how can it be? Rebel? It will only die faster! Now the king of Fuqin secretly surrounds our Zhu family, posing It is clear that we want to destroy our Zhu family. Only he took my eldest son. This is another clear tell me. If I do things well, I will leave a blood for our Zhu family... Brothers, you teach How can I do..."

Get up slowly. Going to the room of Zhu Jie, the figure was pulled down in the moonlight...

Dragon family.

Under the full moon, under the high roof, a young black robe is extremely handsome and stands upright. Long hair flutters gently in the night wind, but it adds a bit of elegance, and the corner of the mouth glides a faint smile:

"Xu Ziyan? Jade Emperor's sister? The real identity is the ascendant from the realm of the world? Beautiful and beautiful, the qualification is excellent? Ha ha... Let me know if you will come to you..."

The banquet on the second day has been noisy until midnight, and Xu Ziyan promised the request of Fu Qin Tianwang. So the guest and the host are happy. Knowing that at midnight, Xu Ziyan was in the protection of his own guard, riding a sedan chair to his house.

Xu Ziyan drank a lot, and at this time he was sitting in the sedan chair. Run Xianyuan to force the body's liquor out of the body. Suddenly heard the sound of the guards coming from the car:

"Who is in front? Stop!"

Immediately after the sedan chair stopped, there was a voice outside: "Zhu ring to see Lingbo Fairy!"

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned. No words. When the captain of the guard saw no sound in the sedan chair, he shouted again:

"Leave away immediately, otherwise you will crash into the fairy and let you die."

The voice of Zhu Jie has some urgency: "Fairy, Zhu Jie gets a pearl of aurora, to offer to the fairy."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a movement, the pearl of Aurora, is a kind of light attribute to treasure. Being able to heal all kinds of physical injuries is not something that Zi Ziyan values. Xu Ziyan is able to understand the light properties through this Aurora Pearl. It is necessary to know that she has no understanding of the light properties.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan was transmitted from the car. Before seeing the outside guard, he stood alone in a youth. Presumably he was the person who offered the treasure, Zhu Jie. When the gods swept away, they knew that the other party was a monk in the middle of the land. For such a person, Xu Ziyan’s heart of caution is also put down a lot. Retracted the gods and whispered:

"Let him come over!"

The guards outside the car flashed out on both sides, leaving a one-person wide passage. Zhu Jie held a jade box on his hands and walked toward the car of Xu Ziyan. He waited until the car, stopped, bent down and lifted the jade box over his head. He said:

"Zhu Jie sees the fairy!"

The curtain of the car rolled up silently, revealing the purple smoke sitting inside. Xu Ziyan did not immediately pick up the jade box in the hands of Zhu Jie, but looked at Zhu Jie in a scrutiny. Half-sounding, said faintly:

"Do you send this treasure to this fairy?"

Zhu Jie looked up at Xu Ziyan, and his eyes showed a bitter color: "Fairy, the father Zhu can be arrested by the Heavenly Temple, and ask the fairy to save!"

Xu Ziyan’s face is full of color. I think the other side is going to save the treasure and save the father. If it is another treasure, Xu Ziyan will not see Zhu Jie at all, but this Aurora Pearl is really very important for Xu Ziyan. After a little thought, he nodded and said:

"Well, I received this gift!"

Reach out for a trick. The jade box in the hands of Zhu Jie flew into the hands of Xu Ziyan. Zhu Jie saw that the jade box had arrived in the hands of Xu Ziyan, and he straightened up and looked at the Xu Ziyan in the car, respectfully said:

"Fairy. This Aurora Pearl has a special point, and I will point it out for you!"

Xu Ziyan squinted a little, and lowered his eyes, his eyes falling on the jade box in his hand. Standing in front of the car, the Zhu ring. The hands hanging on both sides of the body shivered slightly.

Xu Ziyan only slightly paused, and finally held the left hand with a jade box, and the right hand gently opened the jade box with a slit. Just open this slit and radiate a very strong light from the jade box, which will illuminate the entire car.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are bright, revealing a hint of surprise. Slowly open the lid of the jade box completely, a white dazzling bead appeared in front of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan slightly raised his eyes. In the eyes of the blue strobe, deeply attracted by the pearl of the Aurora. In the opposite of her, Zhu Jie gently breathed a sigh of relief, and her eyes were decided.

The light of the Aurora Pearl just passed through the car, and the heart of Xu Ziyan was just attracted to it. From the ridges on both sides of the street, one hundred black men were silently dropped. It was just a stagger, and the fifty guards of Xu Ziyan Give it a kill. After that, the fifty guards disappeared without a trace. On the street, Zhu Dian and Xu Ziyan were left. One sat in the car and stood in front of the car, as if there had never been here. The Guards did not have any assassinations. They were originally on the quiet street, only the purple smoke in the car and the Zhu Ju.

At the moment when the killer appeared around, Xu Ziyan was awake. She just wanted to break the sedan. I suddenly found myself unable to move. God's knowledge immediately sank into the body. In an instant, she discovered that she had been prescribed medicine, and it was a kind of **** drug that made her body strange.

This poison happened too quickly, and she immediately lost her ability to act. The Zhu Yuan outside looked at the light in the car and laughed. Because of the radiance in the car, he could not see the situation inside the car. but. The fifty guards outside were killed, but there was no movement in the car. What does this mean? This shows that Xu Ziyan has been poisoned!

However, where did he know that at this time, Xu Ziyan had used the knowledge of God to take out a detoxification suit from the storage ring, and the body's sinister poison was quickly solved.

In the eyes, the blue is flashing again. She found that the Aurora Pearl is no problem, but there is a layer of crystal powder in the jade box. If it is not Xu Ziyan, using the eyes of the Aurora, it will be seen under the light of the Aurora Pearl. Not the slightest.

At this time, the sinister poison in Xu Ziyan has been resolved by half, but the body is still weak. Zhu Jie grabbed the jade box, and the jade box was caught by him. The dazzling light disappeared instantly, while the right hand grabbed the purple smoke, and the figure disappeared in the night and disappeared.

When Zhu Jie left without a moment of effort, one person appeared from the night. With a wave of hand, the sedan chair disappeared without a trace, and then the monk was also incorporated into the night.

In the night, several figures are attracted by the light here.


Several figures fell to the place where the sedan chair was, and they looked around, but they never found it. They looked at each other and no one spoke. They flew into the air and disappeared into the night.

Fuqin Tianwangfu.

Fuqin Tianwang’s hand was standing in the courtyard. When he saw the white light shining from afar, the corner of his mouth passed a smile, his body shape faded in the space, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Above the night sky, a group of white clouds will wrap the king of Fuqin and pass through the air.

Suddenly, the group of white clouds suddenly slammed into the air. Not far from his front, a black cloud is rushing, and Futian Tian took a deep breath, and a trace of magic gas lingered at the nose. Fuqin’s face changed dramatically, and he suddenly spurred the white clouds to fly toward the black cloud, while shouting:


He has already seen from the other side's black cloud that the other party is from the Mozu, and although the other party is trying to hide the breath, the Futian King feels that the other party is very strong, and 80% of the mind is determined, the other party is the devil.

The black cloud in front of him heard the stern drink behind him, suddenly speeded up and flew away in the distance. The cluster of black clouds was pulled into a long line and slammed into the distance. It is as fast as a black light. Fuqin Tianwang saw that the other party wanted to escape, and his eyes were sharp. At this time, he also refused to hide his identity and chased away toward the black light.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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