The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1227: Forbidden land

I am very grateful to Rain868, accompanied by] classmates, little songs and classmates, condensed classmates, morning and summer 2012 classmates, Wei Feng like floating classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, loved the pink ticket of lxy classmates!


Xu Zi is angry!

A small fairy was so mad in front of her, snorted coldly and walked toward the door. The face of hope is also green! Ok, his face was originally green!

Xu Ziyan’s move, the faces of the sixteen monks were completely gloomy. The monk who had just entered the notice turned around and yelled at Xu Ziyan:

"Stand up, let you wait here, you didn't hear it?"

Xu Ziyan never bothered to listen to him talking nonsense, but he also insisted on not doing it. Just coldly shouting:

"From now on, you are no longer a person in the Star Jun, you can leave!"


Not only did the monk not panic, but he gave a sneer and said with sarcasm: "Who do you think you are? Do you think Star Junfu is yours?"

Xu Ziyan’s face was so able to drip out the water, and he walked toward the door without hesitation. The monk sneered and pushed his hand toward Xu Ziyan and shouted in his mouth:

"Return, wait!"

To put it bluntly, the monk pushed his big hand toward the chest of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan couldn't help it anymore, and she didn't understand why it was. One hand was first detained on the head of the monk, and the soul-hunting technique was performed.

The monk's eyes flashed a trace of incredulity, and even became confused. After a while. Xu Ziyan released his hand and the body of the monk fell to the dust. Xu Ziyan’s face was very gloomy, and the cold eyes flashed in his eyes.

Although this monk has a low status, he has never thought of concealing it. Open your ambitions very arrogantly. He is not afraid of Xu Ziyan knowing that he thinks that Xu Ziyan knows it, and there is no way. Therefore, Xu Ziyan knows a lot about the things of the hook family in this instant.

Xu Ziyan understands in his heart. If you want to control the flying star, you must conquer the hook. However, will the family be surrendered? If you do not surrender, you will only kill. However, the power of the hook family should not be underestimated, if the hook is removed in the flying star. The strength of this flying star is probably greatly reduced. Can it be done in this urgent environment? If the Yaozu and the Mozu take this opportunity to attack the Terran. How should you be good?

Only in an instant, Xu Ziyan made a judgment. It is impossible for the family to surrender to oneself. A family that has been in business for thousands of years is unclear and has been removed from the position of Xingjun. It has undoubtedly become an enemy of the family. Since he has become an enemy, if he is hesitant, he will probably go to the land of death.

The experience of Xu Ziyan on the mainland of the sky. Has made her a courageous person. With determination, Xu Ziyan’s eyes became fierce, and the pace was still not slow, but he was firm.

At this time, the remaining fifteen monks showed tension in their eyes, but there was no fear. This makes Xu Ziyan's heart can not help but admire. There is no loss here is the Iron City. Every monk does not know how many blood wars have gone through. They only have battles in their hearts, but no fear.

Behind Xu Ziyan, a lot of monks in the Iron City were gathered at this time. They don't know what happened. I only know that Xu Ziyan killed a fairy soldier of the Star Junfu. One by one is talking about it.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has approached the fifteen monks. Fifteen monks looked at each other and took out the fairyware in the "cang Lang Lang". They flew over to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan suddenly looked at him. A blue color emerged from the eyes of Xu Ziyan, sweeping toward the fifteen monks. It is the magical power of Xu Ziyan:


Xu Ziyan swept away this eye. The fifteen monks only felt that God was in a coma, and even the body began to shake.


A red and purple gas sword was lifted out, and around the fifteen monks circled, they returned to the head of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan thought of a move, the gas sword will quietly dissipate, turned into a little bit of a little bit, jumping around the body of Xu Ziyan, hidden into the body of Xu Ziyan.

Like a dream, the iron-stone city monks behind Xu Ziyan looked so fascinated and stunned.

Xu Ziyan’s footsteps have not stopped, and he is not slow or slow. He walked through the fifteen monks and entered the gate.


There was a spurt of sound behind the jets, and a burst of blood was ejected from the throats of fifteen monks. Fifteen heads fell from the neck, and fifteen headless bodies collapsed, letting the bustling monks A scream was issued, causing a commotion.

Xu Ziyan stepped into the gate, inside is a wide courtyard, a stone road that allows four people to walk side by side, leading to a huge palace.

Xu Ziyan's knowledge spread out and enveloped the entire Star Junfu. Xu Ziyan’s action at the door was only a moment, and he did not alarm the monks inside. Some monks met on the road, just looked at Xu Ziyan, did not pay attention, what should be done.

Xu Ziyan has not yet reached the main hall, and the gods have captured four monks within the hall. Xu Ziyan slowed down his footsteps, and the gods shrouded the four people in the hall. At this time, the hung and sighed in the middle of the room said:

"Everyone, that Xu Ziyan should have arrived in these days?"

The three people in the first place hurriedly nodded. A young man said disdainfully: "Father, it is just a woman in the early days of the fairy. What is the concern! It will be handed over to the child when you don't believe it."

Hook up and nod, and the look is also a relaxed road: "This time the big brother went to the old killing star to assist the beginning of the leaf. But, the early leaves are just a late fairy, and my older brother is the early days of Luo Tianshang. However, it is a skillful person who has won the favor of the Jade Emperor and got the position of a handsome man. A person who lost in Jupiter, as long as the big brother shows his ability slightly, can easily get the position of the leader of Ye Chu. At that time, we hook The family will become a big family of the Yuan Dynasty.

And what we have to do is to be optimistic about our family and to firmly control the Flying Star in the hands of our family. Xu Ziyan is personally dealt with by me, Got Heaven, you are the position of the city owner, and the Xianjun is firmly in his hands. ”

"Yes, father!" Gou Tian easily responded.

"Hooking, you let the family prepare. The purple smoke is not necessarily a person. If she takes her, the family must do a good job of suppressing them and even killing them."

"Yes, second brother!"

"Hook Valley, you immediately leave the Iron City, go to other cities to make a turn, let your family's disciples prepare, and then talk to the other powers of the city. If they know each other, if you do not know, dare to stand On the side of Xu Ziyan, we will go and kill them."

There are four people inside, one peak in the late Tianxian, and three in the middle of the fairy. Xu Ziyan could not help but smile and speed up the pace. Walking to the front of the main hall, the body transmitted a strong wind, pushed the door open, and carried the door with both hands, and the door behind it slammed shut.

The four people in the main hall looked at Xu Ziyan and hope, and at this time, Xu Ziyan stepped forward on his right foot.

"Step by step lotus!"

The nine-day industry was raging, and the interior of the hall was full of red lotus. The four people are just monks in the fairy season. How can they withstand the nine-day fire of the step-by-step lotus? Only in an instant, it was burned to ashes. However, their four gods were preserved by Xu Ziyan, and a large hand was condensed in the air, and the four gods were caught in their hands, and the step-by-step lotus was scattered. Stepping forward, I sat down on the chair. The four gods in the big hand gradually became dim, and finally they all dispersed, and the memories in the four gods were also mastered by Xu Ziyan.

The eyebrows twitched a bit, and Xu Ziyan’s mouth flicked a smile. Sit on the knees, take out a three-piece chaotic Dan suit, start to adjust the interest rate, and add the Xianyuan force that has just been used to display the loss of “step by step lotus”. After two quarters of an hour, Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair and walked outside the hall. Push the door open and walk towards the right path. I hope that it will follow.

At this time, Xu Ziyan saw a monk hurriedly walked toward the main hall, and his face could not help but smile a little. She knew that this was something that happened before the gate of Xingjunfu. After that, this person came to report it. She did not pay attention to it, with hope to turn the corner of the hall, and walked toward the deep back.

When he turned around, Xu Ziyan came to a courtyard with hope. The gates of the courtyard were guarded by the gates. There were hundreds of monks guarding this small courtyard.

Xu Ziyan didn't have time to waste with them. In the memory of the four monks, she had fully understood everything in the city of Jagged. Surrounded by here are some colluding diehard disciples, who have the secret of the hook.

Xu Ziyan stepped out in one step.

"Step by step lotus!"

The silent red lotus enveloped the small courtyard, and a lotus flower circling. Although it is silent, but that beauty has caused the attention of some monks. I was stunned and looked at the extreme beauty.

However, beauty has always been short-lived. It’s just an instant, the beautiful lotus sea that is noticed in different directions disappears silently, as if it has never appeared before. One by one, the monks look hesitant because they have been warned that they are not allowed to approach, otherwise they will kill innocent people.

Therefore, although they are extremely curious in their hearts, what happened there. However, after all, I didn’t have the guts to check it out, but I didn’t dare to let go of my knowledge. I only continued to look at that direction, and my heart was ups and downs.

At this time, Xu Ziyan stood in front of the small courtyard with hope. Xu Ziyan extended his finger and pointed out a few fingertips on the door, then reached out and pushed the door open, and walked in with hope. With a wave of sleeves, the door was closed gently. Then several fingertips were on the door, and a flash of light flashed, and the original appearance was restored. Xu Ziyan looked up and the courtyard was small, with only three rooms. But there is a small rockery in the courtyard.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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