The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1228: People in the secret room

Congratulations to the comrades on Happy New Year!


Xu Ziyan smiled slightly, and waved his sleeves. The rockery rose from the ground and floated in the air. Xu Ziyan looked at it with a faint smile. He walked to the bottom of the rockery, his right hand slammed his finger and finally took a shot on the ground. I saw a brilliance flashing on the ground. A hole was originally formed on the flat ground. A stone step extended from the hole to the depth of the ground. Xu Ziyan waved his hand toward the hope and followed the steps to the depths of the ground. When Xu Ziyan and the hopeful figure disappeared into the hole, the rockery floating in the air gently fell, covering the hole.

At this point, the entire Star Junfu has been messed up. Because they found the 16 dead bodies at the gate, they immediately notified at the same level, and finally they could not find it! They immediately ran out to inquire about the monks who watched the door. When they heard that the woman who killed the 16 monks and a green robe had entered the Star Jun, they began to search according to the description of Xu Ziyan and hope. It’s up.

This investigation made them panic. Someone saw Xu Ziyan enter the hall and then came out again. More importantly, it was pointed out that before Xu Ziyan entered the hall, the hooks, the hooks, the hooks and the hooks were in the hall. However, after Xu Ziyan left, they shouted outside the hall for a long time. When they finally dared to push the door into the door, they found that the hooks, the hooks, the hooks and the hooks disappeared, and there was no trace. .

When they searched for the Star Junfu, and did not find the traces of Xu Ziyan and Hooking them, some people remembered the forbidden land in Xingjunfu. There was once a lotus seed. then. The monks went to the forbidden place again.

When the forbidden land appeared in their field of vision, they were shocked. It turns out that there are three hundred monks who are stationed here all the year round, but now they can't even find a shadow, and they don't even have a body. In their field of vision. Only the small courtyard stood there alone, a gust of wind blew, and the dead leaves on the ground rolled up in the space, as if it had been desolate for a long time.

Xu Ziyan walked down the steps step by step. It’s about a hundred meters down. There is a passage, and at the end of the passage is a stone gate.

Xu Ziyan went forward, his hands and fingers, and kept printing on the stone door. The brilliance of Shimen continued to flash, and when Xu Ziyan put away his finger, the flashing brilliance gradually disappeared.

Xu Ziyan extended his hand and pushed it gently. He shouted, and Shimen was pushed away. Look up. I saw only one stone bed in the stone room, sitting on the stone bed and sitting on the knee. From the outside, it is impossible to tell how old this person is. Because her hair is already full of beds, she can only be seen as a woman from her body.

The hair covered the face, but Xu Ziyan could feel a pair of cold eyes from the hair, like a spur of two slashes.

Xu Ziyan lived in the footsteps, and a dangerous feeling hit her heart. The gaze of the other party from the hair after the hair has a tendency to rob the soul, so that the soul of Xu Ziyan has been captured. The power of Xu Ziyan's soul is not as simple as the early days of her appearance. Her two worlds are human beings, the soul is superimposed, and she is drinking tea every day. The cultivation is also a sacred sorrow, which is comparable to a general monk. Her soul power at this time has far exceeded the early days of Tianxian, reaching the realm of Luo Tianshang's mid-term, far away from her cultivation, and Xu Ziyan firmly believes that as long as he continues to practice Qiankun, drink tea . The power of your own soul will continue to distance from the monks.

but. It is such a soul repair, even a look at the other side, heart swaying. Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and moved the Qiankun 诀. The heart was shaken and finally pulled back by her, stabilizing her mind. The eyes recovered to the clear and swept away toward the other person's body.

This hope made Xu Ziyan surprised. The other party did not even have the slightest repair, from the appearance, it is completely a mortal. Not to mention the fairy period, or the refining period.

what 's wrong? A mortal who looks at himself will make his heart fall?

Xu Ziyan did not believe it, and did not believe it. Suddenly there was a blue sky in the eyes, and the situation of the woman opposite was clearly presented to her. The look is a glimpse, the blue of the eyes dissipated, frowning slightly, and fell into meditation.

She found that there was no temperament in the woman's body meridians in front of her eyes, as if she were a mortal, but there was a strong sage in her dantian. What does this mean? This shows that the other party has a repair. It was just that people were sealed up and turned into waste. However, in her eyes, she did not find out how she was sealed by air.

Xu Ziyan’s thoughts of dissatisfaction in her heart, her eyes have not failed so much. Once again, open the eyes of Kuangpeng, from head to toe, from the inside out, carefully observe.

While she was watching the other side carefully, the other party was also observing her. A pair of sharp eyes looked like a blade on the body of Xu Ziyan.

Originally standing on the side of Xu Ziyan, a little behind the half-step hope, I feel the pressure of the mountain. When the other pair's eyes pass over his body, it is like a blade. I hope that I will take a step back unconsciously, and the blade feels more and more fierce and follows.

I hope that I suddenly remember that I can't retire, but I should protect my patriarch and I will buy the next step. However, his retreat made him seem to be at the center of countless fronts, making his soul crumbling. I hope to bite my teeth and want to buy a step forward, blocking it in front of Xu Ziyan. However, he only took a half step, and one foot was still suspended in the air, but it could not fall. The whole person seemed to be like the leaves in the autumn wind, shaking with helplessness.

The eyes of hope are full of unyielding, remorse, apology, and so on, looking to the side of Xu Ziyan.

His unyielding is the pride of a monk. His regret is because his cultivation is not enough. His apology is that he can't block the knife.

However, when his eyes fell on the face of Xu Ziyan, all the complicated eyes turned into surprise. Xu Ziyan's look is very natural. Although she frowned slightly, she did not feel a little uncomfortable. Instead, she seemed to be thinking about something.


I hope to spit a long breath, with his understanding of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan's expression, it proves that the other side's eyes will not hurt Xu Ziyan. When this tone was loose, it could no longer hold on. It was lifted up on the foot not only did not fall forward, but backwards backwards. At this time, I hope that nature will not be reluctant, but the footsteps are wrong, hiding behind Xu Ziyan, the pressure immediately disappeared.

The woman on the opposite stone bed was also very surprised. The two men in front of her didn't know each other, but the other party obviously only had the cultivation of the early days of the fairy, but she could not get rid of it under her own mental pressure, especially in front of her. Young women simply do not take their mental power as a matter of time.

The monk who came to the front of the house was repaired but it was much higher than the woman in front of him. However, even then, I can't hold my own mental pressure. Who is this woman in front of me?

She would like to try out the potential of this woman in front of her, but considering her current situation, she will only dare to teach the collusion, but she does not dare to do harm. Some of them depressed their eyes and fell down slightly, no longer taking care of Xu Ziyan. Because she knows that the people who come to the family are coming, but they are asking questions about their cultivation and cultivation. If they don’t speak, the other party will open their mouths.

Xu Ziyan finally found a difference in the other person's body. There is a collar in the neck covered by her black hair. This collar is the key to locking the other side's fairy power. When I first got the Yanshan Soulator, Xu Ziyan also read it. Although the level of the refiner has not increased, the knowledge has actually increased.

At this point, she quickly thought about the information of the refining technique in her mind. Soon she found the name of the lock element in the second product, called Yuanli Lock.

Although I know the name of Yuanli Lock, Xu Ziyan does not unlock it. She doesn't matter, there is a device and a second in her space. So, he sank into the purple smoke space, and summoned the device and the second to ask:

"Device one, two, now there is a Yuanli lock, you two will unlock?"

The two men looked at each other and said excitedly: "Returning to the master, we have just broken through to the two refining techniques. The Yuanli lock refining system is not difficult. However, it is not easy to unlock."

"Well? Why is this?"

"Master, this is because refining the Yuanli lock original embryo is very easy, but the rune of each Yuanli lock is different. Therefore, if you want to unlock the Yuanli lock, you must first solve the rune lock of Yuanli. open."

Xu Ziyan heard it, the mood is a loose, rune this thing, although Xu Ziyan is not very proficient now, but the general rune can not help her. Is there any high-level rune in this meta-galaxies? What's more, she is now a second-class fairy teacher. Since this Yuanli lock is a second-class fairy, the rune should also be a second-class fairy!

Xu Ziyan took back the gods and looked at each other again. From the memory of Gou Shen, she only knows that she has held a predecessor here, and this predecessor was still in custody for more than 5,000 years ago. As for why it is held here, as the history has passed, no one knows today.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan was not able to release the other party rashly. Such a person is dangerous. However, Xu Ziyan also knew that the other party could not hurt her at this time, and then he stepped forward with confidence and walked to the other side of the other side. This stopped and looked at the other side.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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