The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1232: Four Pinsman

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This situation is difficult for the general fairy teacher, but it is not difficult for Xu Ziyan. Don't say that Xu Ziyan could have been able to fight more and more. The most important thing is that today's Texan Mang has been trapped in the wishful bottle by Xu Ziyan. With the shackles of Ruyi Aquarius, everything has to be simple.

Therefore, the most important thing for Xu Ziyan today is to comprehend the four-character fairy charm.

It doesn't seem easy to see Xu Ziyan's comprehension of the three-character emperor. It is because Xu Ziyan has a deep knowledge of the skills. However, if there is another skill, the technique is also more difficult to comprehend than a product. Every high product has a huge amount of derivation, and it will be difficult to multiply several times. Therefore, Xu Ziyan was afraid that when he learned it, the younger disciples stepped in and set up a large number of formations within the passage. This is the peace of mind to begin to understand the four products of the fairy.

After three more days, the outside of the hook is really unsettled. I couldn’t find a suspense of four people, and I’m going to be unable to come back when I’m in the age of killing the stars. At this time, the family is completely in a state of no dragons, and this state has brought panic to the family. If this is allowed When the panic spreads, I am afraid that I will not use external force and I will be scattered.

What is even more dangerous is that other families have also learned about the disappearance of others such as Gou Shen. Although they are not immediately encircled, they have a little thought.

In the end, a few high-level executives discussed and decided to ask the ancestors. In the early days of Gou’s cultivation, it was not the early days of the Luotian Shangxian, but it was not the peak of the late Tianxian, but the ancestor of the family. Clarify, Luo Tian Shangxian mid-term. Under normal circumstances, it is essential to be unconventional and to practice retreat.

but. When he was very unhappy, he was awakened by the family's juniors from the retreat. After listening to the report, the enlightened heart felt bad.

As a patriarch of the family today, how can he leave the family without a word? And it is not him alone. Also took the other three masters of the family. In addition, hundreds of guardian disciples in the family banned land suddenly disappeared without a trace. There is only one truth, that is, the four people have been involved in the accident, and maybe they have died in this way! And the disappearance of the hundreds of disciples can only explain one thing, that is, the forbidden scene has an accident.

There was an accident in the forbidden place!

This thought made the heart stunned, but it was the secret of the hook. It’s a baby who grows up and can’t do anything. Therefore, it is clear that regardless of those disciples who came to report, the figure disappeared instantly and appeared in the door of the forbidden land.

"See the ancestors!"

When the disciples of the family met the ancestors, they immediately fell down and the mountains shouted. I did not pay attention to them at all. Instead, I stepped straight to the front of the small courtyard.

The law of the forbidden land is hard to beat him, although he is not a fairy teacher, nor a fairy sergeant. However, the family of the squad in this forbidden place has a way to enter.

I pointed out that I had extended my fingers and quickly moved a few fingertips and placed them on the courtyard door. The gate of the courtyard flowed a brilliance, and then the hand reached out and gently pushed open the door of the courtyard. He walked in and walked in, and waved his sleeves, and the door behind him closed again. The curious monks outside were kept outside the door.

Stretch out the big hand and grab it out of thin air. In the air, a large hand was condensed and the rockery was caught. His face is a change, because there is no more way to cover the hole under the rockery, and the hole of a black hole is in front of his eyes.

Be careful to put the rockery aside. Slowly walked to the side of the hole and looked out into the hole.

He didn't know how many times he went in and out of this hole. It is very familiar. However, at this time, he only frowned, and his eyes revealed vigilance, because the fog inside the hole was filled, and even the stone steps could not be seen. Transmitting the gods and exploring them inside the hole.

As soon as the gods entered the hole, the look of the face changed again, and the inside of the hole actually blocked his knowledge. Until now, if he still doesn't know that someone has sneaked in and set up a tactic to stop them from entering the family, then he is a fool!

The figure retreats, the door of the courtyard is opened, and the person is sent to the second-class fairy singer in the family and the second-grade 仙峰仙符师. Soon, two white-bearded old men flew in the air and landed on the ground to face the ceremonial manner:

"See the ancestors!"

I said coldly and coldly: "Come with me!"

The two men did not dare to speak, and immediately followed the entry into the courtyard, and the courtyard behind them closed again. I have brought two people to the hole and said to two people:

“Can you break the array in the hole?”

Two people glanced at the diffuse fog in the hole and said: "Let's try!"

The two smashed down at the edge of the hole and began to study the array here. Two people studied for a long time, and when they stood behind them, the two talents stood up and pointed out the ceremony:

"The ancestors, there are three characters and two flag banners. The second flag is good, but the three products can not be cracked."

I was stunned, locked in my brow, and filled with anxiety. At this time, he did not know if Hsu and others were being pushed here. It is even more worrying about the extension of the star in the secret room, and worry about whether this matter is planned to target the family. However, now the family can't break the array here, can't enter the secret room, how is this good?

"Old ancestors!" The fairy symbolist said respectfully: "In the Iron City, only the family has a three-character sorcerer, the ancestor you see..."

"You are waiting here!"

The shape of the hook disappeared instantly. In less than a quarter of an hour, the shape of the hook appeared again at the entrance of the hole. There was an old man in his hand. It was the three-character teacher of Shijia.

"Shi, you broke the symbol inside the hole, my ancestors I thank you!"

At this time, where did Shi dare dare to resist? This clarifies that it is not reasonable at all, and that if you cultivate yourself to be high, you will go straight into Shijia, and you will grab it and leave, just leaving a sentence:

"My ancestors, please help me!"

Is this the attitude of asking someone to help? But do the people who teach the family dare to speak? Only eyes looked at the arrogant departure, although the face was overcast, but did not dare to speak.

Shi came to his mouth and squatted at the hole and began to study the array. The two people in the hook family were thinking about it. Only when they were hooked, they stood there and locked their brows.

The four-character fairy symbol has to be a lot of people, and Xu Ziyan is quickly deducing in his mind, one after another, but it seems that there is no end, just like the tide.

Time passed by in the deduction of Xu Ziyan and Shi Lai’s break, and it took ten days. Shi Lai and others have already entered the channel halfway. And Xu Ziyan also saw the dawn in the darkness, and the four-character fairy symbol seemed to have only a layer of yarn left, so that she could see the front in a vague way.

Five days later, Shi Lai and others were only ten meters away from the Chamber of Secrets. The hope in the secret room has been able to hear, the footsteps coming from the passage, standing in front of the secret room, staring at the passage with anxiety. Yunbao looked back and looked at the Xu Ziyan, who was still sitting on the stone bed. He whispered and his body shape floated silently into the passage, disappearing instantly in the eyes of hope. In the distance, the fog in the passage is more intense. It is not fog but cloud, even if you can't see the opposite face.

And don't forget, the cloud baby's cloud sea can cut off the monk's knowledge. This cloud baby turned into a cloud and silently spread forward. Unconsciously, the entire passage has been permeated. By the time they were discovered, they were deeply trapped in the fog.

Although the sculpt of the repair is the highest here, there is the repair of the middle of Luo Tianshang, but here he does not dare to move, but he does not dare to attack. Who knows if the attack will trigger an attack? At this time, he completely handed his fate to the three people who were breaking.

The gods quickly rushed out and spread around, looking for three people, such as Shilai. However, his knowledge of God has just come out and his face has changed color.

Of course!


Because he found that his gods could not be transmitted at all, this is the first time he discovered this. Like a blind man, I don't know the surrounding situation. This is a fear of the monks in an insecure environment.

God’s knowledge was imprisoned, and there were no way for the three people to continue to break. However, several people, such as Gou Shi and Shi Lai, were calm people. Although there was a sudden change, the four people calmed down after a short period of fear and sat down on the spot.

At this point, their hearts are already very clear, the situation has completely reversed, and they fall within the trap of the other side. Only careful, do not dare to move.

In the secret room, Xu Ziyan suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of beautiful eyes, sparkling with the versatile pattern, and then gradually hidden into the depths of the eyes, disappeared.

Feeling the fluctuation of the breath of Xu Ziyan, I hope that Huo Ran will look back and see Xu Ziyan coming down from the stone bed, excitedly said:

"The patriarch, you woke up!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and saw the door of the secret room open, looking out the passage outside the door, seeing the cloud baby disappeared. However, within that passage, it was filled with pervasiveness, and naturally it was immediately known what happened.

In the eyes of the blue strobe, opened the eyes of Peng Peng. Looking out into the passage, I saw that there were four monks sitting on the ground less than ten meters away, and the face was carefully. A Luo Tian Shang Xian, a late Tianxian, two mid-day fairy. Xu Ziyan can't help but pick up her eyebrows. She naturally knows that Luo Tianshang was the ancestor of the family in the middle of the immortal, but she did not expect that the ancestors of the family would appear so quickly in front of themselves. She learned from the memory of Gou Shen, but she has been retreating.


Then, ask for a pink ticket! It’s not like the rankings, oh...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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