The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1233: Go home

I am very grateful to my classmates, my classmates, nana8214 classmates, book friends 100120210846645 classmates, little love cc classmates, shadow-wind classmates, 玥児涙 classmates, fascinating enchantress classmates, wind man classmates, Yan Ling Qing Zhang classmates , light purple 1985 classmates, Sprite plus tea classmates, Mrs. Lu classmates, lonely fleeing classmates, dark fragrance classmates, classmates, lazy cats 11 classmates, snow dance MM classmates, path children classmates pink ticket!


From this point of view, outside the forbidden land, it must have been completely surrounded by the monks. At this time, it can be said that the competition is against the clock. Xu Ziyan immediately took out the technical materials. She got the treasure house of Zhu Jia and Long Jia. Naturally, there is no shortage of materials for making fairy charms. After the void, I grabbed the pen from the purple smoke space. Then began to make four-character fairy on the stone bed, control the soul!

Although this kind of fairy symbol is only four items, the requirements for the fairy symbol are very high. Because the ability to make such a fairy symbol is not the power of the attribute, but the power of the soul. Xu Ziyan extracted the power of the soul from the sea of ​​knowledge, and began to make it through the pen.

The power of the soul is transformed into a piece of silk through the pen, and continuously draws a mysterious pattern on the fairy skin. Two quarters of an hour later, Xu Ziyan took the pen and spit out a long breath, looking at the palm-sized fairy house above the stone bed.

With a finger movement, the pen will be collected. Puncture your finger, squeeze out a drop of blood, and drop it on the control of the soul. I saw that the drop of blood dripped on the soul of the soul, and immediately swayed a circle of red. Gradually immersed in the fairy. In an instant, Xu Ziyan felt that his knowledge of the sea and this character of the soul had a trace, as if it were part of his body.

Take the soul control character from the stone bed and sit on the bed with your knees. Divide a glimpse of the gods into the wishful bottle of the eyebrows, above the endless ice sheet, Texan Mang is no longer flying around at this time, looking for the end of the ice sheet. Instead, sit on the ground. Running his own fairy power to resist the cold that freezes into the soul.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan looked down on Tu Xingmang, and she was now at the end of her power. Texan Mang is really pitiful. When she was arrested by the hook, her body was searched. She now has no remedy on her body. She can only resist this extreme with the power of the body. Deep cold. However, it has now passed for nearly twenty days, and the body's fairy power is almost exhausted. Her eyes are full of despair. Just under the imprisonment of the hook, I did not expect to be included in a life-saving space.

She had already expected her ending. As long as she stayed here for another three days, she would die and be a real death. She could feel that if she died. The extreme cold here can completely dissipate the gods of their own.

In these days, she did not cry out to ask the purple smoke to let her go, even if she was a slave for life. However, it did not receive the slightest response from Xu Ziyan. After that, she had various curses and Xu Ziyan, and naturally she did not get a response from Xu Ziyan. Then cry again, curse again, cry again...

Until she didn't have the strength to call, this honestly squeezed her last potential, and forced the body's celestial force to resist extreme cold. Where does she know. Xu Ziyan did not respond to her. That is Xu Ziyan completely immersed the mind in the comprehension of the four-character fairy.

Xu Ziyan controlled the Ruyi Aquarius, the temperature on the ice sheet dropped further, and even began to produce an ice flame. In less than a quarter of an hour, Texan Mang’s body swayed. Then he fell to the ground and stunned.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move. The wishful bottle of Guanghua in the eyebrows flashed, and the bottle was tilted, and the starburst was spit out and landed on the stone bed.

The palm of the hand turned over, Xu Ziyan will control the soul of the soul on the top of the top of the star, the brilliance flash, the soul of the control of the soul into the extension of the star of the sea.


Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, and his face showed a happy color. She can feel that there is a soul connection between herself and Texan Mang, and all her secrets are no longer secret to herself. And if you want to destroy her, it's just between the minds.

Suddenly, the face of the purple smoke changed. She found that the heavenly path she had realized in her mind had disappeared a bit. After searching for it, she found that she was sucked away by the extension star.

Is it to say that by using the soul control to control others, after the souls of the two monks have been connected, the heavens that they comprehend will also benefit the controlled person?

Xu Ziyan originally thought that after having the soul control, he could control many monks and work for himself. I am hesitant now. Although controlling a monk, but losing a trace of heaven, but if you control too much, then your own realm is not going to fall?

Xu Ziyan was shocked and immediately abandoned the original idea.

Turned over and took out a four-character chaos Dan into the mouth of Texan Mang, and then took a three-product chaos Dan, began to adjust the interest rate, and resume the consumption of making the fairy.

After an hour, Texan Mang woke up and opened his eyes in confusion, seeing Xu Ziyan sitting beside him. Her eyes became clear, but she was so strange at the moment that she was thinking about her own thoughts. At this time, her heart was full of fear and loyalty to Xu Ziyan, full of thoughts of slavery. However, it was only an instant, even the little bit of strangeness was gone, and the full-minded loyalty to Xu Ziyan.

Some of them feared to climb down from the stone bed, and bent down deeply toward Xu Ziyan, respectfully said:

"See the host!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded faintly. "There is a Luo Tianxian mid-term outside, can you subdue him quickly?"

"Master, are you talking about uniforms? Not killing?"


Texan Mang slightly wrinkled his brow: "Master, it is easy to kill him. If it is to subdue him, it will take some time."

Seeing the look of Texan Mang, Xu Ziyan’s heart is already clear. She said it takes a little time, I am afraid it will not be short. Think about it too, although the repair of Texan Mang is higher than the middle of the Luo Tianshang. But it is not much higher, just a small order, not a big order.

However, Xu Ziyan really did not want Tuo Xingman to kill that. Because she knows through the memory of the sinking that the person outside is the ancestor of the family. If you can control him. Indirectly controlling the hook family will greatly facilitate the control of the flying star as soon as possible.

Although Xu Ziyan knew that he would lose the understanding of the other monks by controlling the soul, but the control of the flying star in the flying star is too great, even if it loses a trace of heaven. She also has to control it.

Looking at the star of the star, I flashed a bit, whispered: "Stars, can you push him to me?"

"There is no problem." Texan Mang’s eyes flashed a sigh of pride. but. Immediately, I was somewhat worried: "Master, will that be dangerous to you?"

Xu Ziyan said with a faint smile: "No problem! You are ready, I will release him!"

"Good!" Texan Mang will be repaired to the peak, giving Xu Ziyan a prepared eye, Xu Ziyan in the heart of the cloud baby gave instructions.

The entanglement of the knees sitting inside the passage suddenly felt the clouds in front of them spread out to the sides, revealing a passage.

And this time. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but move the finger and control the array within the channel. Just in front of the eye, there is a channel that is the same as the original, but it is definitely not the original appearance. Looking at the front of the eye is a straight passage, in fact, it is around the place where Shi Lai and others sit cross-legged.

The enlightened heart instantly became tense, and it was repaired to immediately ascend to the peak, staring sharply at the front of the passage. However, in front of him seems to be a channel without end. This situation made Texan Mang immediately warn. He is very clear about this passage, because he did not know how many times he had been in his life.

And although there is a cloud of air, but in his heart already know that he is actually not far from the secret room. But now, looking up, this channel is completely at the end. obviously a battle.

Do you want to go in?

Don't go in, is it sitting here? Sitting for a lifetime? Retreat is impossible, and now the entire passage is full of luck. Who knows that stepping back, will not fall into the battle.

go ahead?

Will this go into another formation? Looking at the deep passage in front of him, his heart was very entangled at this time. Slightly frowned, thought about it. His eyes flashed. Shouting in the direction of the end of the passage:

"Excuse me, which senior is ahead?"

The descriptive look of Xu Ziyan was very clear. Now that she has opened a passage, she stopped her handcuffs. Sitting on the bed again. The shouting of the hook is ignored. At this point, Xu Ziyan is not in a hurry. The main purpose of her coming to Ascend is to build a family power. but. This matter is really very urgent. Because nowadays, there is no family disciple around Xu Ziyan. For the strength of the Xu family in the mainland, she Xu Ziyan is very clear, not a person can fly in a short time. Therefore, it is only a matter of urgency to establish a family.

What is the preoccupation of the purple smoke?

Of course it is cultivation! Only when her cultivation is up, it will be easy to build a family. Therefore, when Xu Ziyan saw that he was sitting there with his knees and knees, it seemed that he did not come in at all, and he also asked questions, and he was too lazy to take care of him. If you are willing to consume it, it will consume you!

Therefore, Xu Ziyan immediately took out a three-category chaos Dan from the storage ring and began to sit on the bed and practice. Today, her most important thing is to accumulate Xianyuan. Her mood is not a problem, as long as the accumulation of Xianyuan force to the peak of the early days of the fairy, and then to that time, taking four products chaos Dan, hard-breaking broken barriers, you can break through the mid-day fairy.

And taking medicinal herbs, accumulating vitality is different from comprehending cultivation. It can be started at any time and ends at any time. Therefore, Xu Ziyan was not afraid to sneak up and suddenly ran in.


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Title: "Fairy Goodness" Book No.: 2613816


The past life lay in the hospital bed for a lifetime. After the rebirth, Chu Ning decided to

* Stay away from illness, live out, and repair the road*


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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