The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1234: Debut

I am very grateful to Lan Yan Zhiji, 2 students (99), Tang Tang 8719 classmates (100), Xiaohao-xhsh classmates (100), and Yu Yu 645098 classmates (99) for the reward!


Looking at Xu Ziyan where he cultivated, Teng Xingmang and hope to look at each other, his eyes showed a hint of helplessness. Xu Ziyan dared to enter the cultivation, they did not dare! Therefore, the two of them are still gazing at the entrance of the passage, waiting to clarify the rushing out of the passage.

However, where the two of them know, as long as there is action, the cloud baby will first notify Xu Ziyan.

An hour has passed and one day has passed...

To say that the hook is really tolerable, he actually sat in the same place in the day without moving. Although he started shouting for a while within the first hour of the beginning, he didn't even shout and shouted, sitting completely closed.

From the outside, it is very quiet. However, in his heart, this has already collapsed the extreme. A passage was so quietly in front of him, there was no sound around it, but the pressure was getting bigger and bigger as time passed, as if there were countless invisible mountains squeezing toward him. .

However, he still tried to suppress the fear in his heart. He also knows in his heart that this channel in front must be a trap. This time is everyone than endurance. As long as you can hold your breath, the other party will take the initiative. If you can't hold your breath, you will fall into the trap of each other.

So, although the time of day has passed. but. He still forced himself to sit still and not move. Waiting for the other party to appear.

What about Xu Ziyan at this time? However, from time to time, I took a three-product chaotic dan, constantly accumulating the body of the fairy power. Let your own cultivation grow in a glimpse. Looking at Xu Ziyan one by one, the three products Chaodan Dan as a sugar bean to eat, hope is a familiar look, no surprise on the face. but. The extension of the star is different, only to be dumbfounded. What is the identity of this purple smoke? How can I eat medicinal herbs like this? That is the three chaos Dan! This is definitely the top grade medicinal in the lower galaxies. It was the original self, and it was not like this!

His eyes glanced at Xu Ziyan's body. Have looked at the hope. Look at Xu Ziyan again, and look at hope. In the end, I still didn't hold back, and asked for the voice to be depressed:

"Daoyou, what is the identity of the owner?"

I hope to look at her and whisper: "Flying star!"

"I know this!" Tuo Xingmang heard what he said, and his heart was depressed. Heart, I know she is a flying star. But is she not just sealed? I asked her before her identity! I glanced at the look of the wood. Simply ask:

"I asked why the owner has so many remedies!"

I hoped to look at her with disdain and said faintly: "What is strange about this, the patriarch, she is the singer!"

"Oh, the original owner, she is Xiandan, ah, I said how she... what? What did you say?" Texan Mang suddenly stunned, staring at hope with a shocked look. The face is unbelievable.

I hope to swear and say: "I said that the patriarch is the singer, what can be strange!"

Texan Mang is silent, and constantly calculates in his mind: the age is less than forty-nine years old, the cultivation of the early days of the immortals, the fairy ware, the fairy symbolist, and the celestial master. This...owner, what else does she have? What else can't you do? My master is so powerful.

Texan Mang is excited, really excited! Looking at Xu Ziyan secretly, my heart is full of awe.

Three days passed, and Xu Ziyan still ate Xiandan without hesitation. Accumulated the power of the fairy in his body. And to her to continue to take the three products of Xiandan, the accumulation of Xianyuan force is very fast, and now it has exceeded the early days of the fairy, gradually approaching the middle of the fairy.

but. The inside of the channel is unsettled. And he suddenly remembered a very serious question. That is why the other party has never heard a voice? Do they have any conspiracy?

Inevitably thought of the extension of the star. Is it... The reason why they did not show up is that they have not yet rescued Tak Seng Mang?


I was excited to take a shot on my head. It’s stupid to be straight to yourself. What is the repair of the star-strand? That is Luo Tian Shang Xian's late peak. If the person who entered here at this time has already opened the lock of the extension of Xing Xing's Yuan Li, so that the extension of Xing Xingmeng restored the repair of Luo Tianshang's late peaks, how could they not come out? To know that he is only the mid-term cultivation of Luo Tianshang, and that the extension of the star mans is the peak of the late Luo Tian, ​​if the extension of the star mans recovered the repair, the break will not come out to find their own revenge. Where does he know that today's Texan Mang has become a slave to Xu Ziyan from the soul, and there is no order for Xu Ziyan. Where does she dare to act on her own?

However, when he thought of the extension of Xing Xing, he could not sit still. When I was determined that it was because Tuo Xingman had not been unlocked, it was very likely that the person who entered it was trying to solve the Yuanli lock, and he could not sit still.

Must go in immediately! You must find a way to stop the other party's actions.

With a sigh of relief, he stood up from the ground and walked toward the front channel. Although the heart is anxious, it is still cautious.

When he stood up, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes. Yunbao has already passed the news.

"Stars, it is necessary to come in!" Xu Ziyan said softly.

Tuo Xingmang’s heart was a shock. She didn’t find the hook to start the action, but Xu Ziyan was a bit of a break, letting her be more awed by Xu Ziyan, and immediately prepared herself, standing on the side of the passage. , hidden up.

In a short while, a figure appeared from the passage. The secret room appeared in the clear vision, and the door of the secret room was opened. He could see a woman sitting on the stone bed. I just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the man is a star, and has not been rescued. However, in an instant, his heart was raised. Because he suddenly found that the person sitting on the stone bed at the knees was not a star.

At this time, his sweaty hair suddenly erected, and a crisis passed from behind. Without any consideration, the sculpt figure suddenly rushed toward the stone room in front, and the arms slammed and then slammed into the palm of the back of the star.


A loud noise.


A stream of blood spurted out of the mouth of the hook, and the body shaped like a meteor rushed toward the end of the stone room. The hook is still in the air, and both hands are caught in the purple purple claws like the eagle claws. He thought that as long as the woman on the stone bed was caught, she could threaten the extension of the star. Instead of looking back, he has now decided that the person who attacks himself from behind is Texan Mang.

Looking at the Xu Ziyan sitting on the stone bed, as if he was scared, he was motionless, and there was a trace of embarrassment on the face. Seeing his hands are only half a meter away from Xu Ziyan, but suddenly found Xu Ziyan's eyebrows flashing brilliance, a treasure bottle highlighted, the bottle mouth turned, facing him. I haven't waited for him to react, and his body shape disappeared out of thin air.

At this point, Texan Mang also flew in and saw the situation in front of him, the look on his face was changed. She knew where the hook went. When she thought about the ice sheet there, she couldn't help but make a nap.

Xu Ziyan looked at her sly look, could not help but smile. From the stone bed, the technical materials were taken out, and the emptiness was caught. The pen was caught and the soul control system was started.

After two quarters of time, a soul control is completed. Xu Ziyan collected the pen, and then separated a glimpse into the Ruyi Aquarius. Seeing this at the moment, as the original Texan Mang, he flew in the endless ice sheet. Xu Ziyan sneered a sneak, and his heart was moving, and the temperature inside the wishful bottle space dropped rapidly. It was only an hour of time, and it was frozen and fainted.

When the mind was moved, the frozen fainting was removed by Xu Ziyan and the bottle was thrown over the stone bed. After that, it was a palm of his hand, and the character of the soul was captured into the sea of ​​knowledge. Then he took out a fairy and stuffed him into his mouth. Then he sat on the other side of the stone bed and continued to take the medicinal herbs, accumulating the fairy power.

After an hour, I opened my eyes, like the original extension of the star, with a brief confusion, but only for a moment, immediately jumped from the stone bed to the ground, and bowed toward Xu Ziyan:

"See the host!"

Xu Ziyan nodded in a faint spot: "From the future, when you are no one, you can call me a master. However, I call him a star before the person."

"Yes!" Be clear and respectful.

Xu Ziyan took two storage bags from the storage ring and threw them to Tu Xingmang and the hook: "As long as I work hard for me, I will not treat you badly."

The two men took the storage bag with both hands and swept them inside with the gods. They saw that there were a hundred four-character immortals. The two people’s hearts are a joy, and they hurriedly prayed to Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you for your master."

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “Let's go out!”

Xu Ziyan took the extension of Xing Mang, and made clear and hope to go out of the stone room and go to the passage. While walking, waved to collect the symbol and the flag. The channel in front of the eye restored its original appearance.

After walking less than ten meters, Shi Lai and other three people appeared in front of them. The three men panicked at the people who appeared in front of them. When they saw the entanglement behind Xu Ziyan, the hanging heart was released. I hurriedly stood up from the ground and marched toward the body.

"I have seen my ancestors!"

I wondered where I dared to squat in front of Xu Ziyan, and hurriedly glanced at them with a sullen face and said: "This is Feishengxingjun, don't hurry to meet!"


Looking at the urgency, this pink ticket... that's oh... if there are comrades in the hands of the comrades, throw it at the bell!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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