The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1235: Summon

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The two disciples of the hook family are confused by their faces. In the heart, we are not going to deal with Xu Ziyan. How do you think that the ancestors respected him very much. However, the orders of the ancestors did not dare to have the slightest violation, and hurriedly met. Shi Lai is also a strange look. The hook family has to deal with the things of Xu Ziyan, and the city knows everything. He didn't understand why it was done. However, all this has nothing to do with him. It is just a gift to Xu Ziyan, and there will be no less meat.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and let them follow behind and walked outside the passage. She did not let Tu Xingmang change her appearance, because she knew that there were few people in the hook family who knew the existence of Texan Mang. In addition to the clarification and detainment, the rest of the people, such as Hughes and others, have been killed by Xu Ziyan. Therefore, she is not afraid to expose the extension of the star, so that the home is hostile.

The pedestrian came out of the passage. Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves, and the rockery flew up and landed in the same place, hiding the hole.

Go to the door of the hospital. Xu Ziyan stopped. Make a quick rush to the first two steps, open the courtyard door, and then stand sideways.

"See the ancestors!"

Those outside the courtyard saw the opening of the door and immediately bowed to the ceremony. but. But did not hear the voice of the ancestors to let them get up. I can't help but sneak up and look up. This hope was a surprise in my heart, and my eyes fell on the ground. The esteemed ancestors in their hearts were standing sideways on the side of the courtyard door, slightly bent and a respectful look.

From the inside of the courtyard, there is a swaying out of a woman of all styles, long black hair, white face, a sapphire blue dress with a slender figure.

Older monks are fine. The young Junjies who are hooked up are directly blurred by Xu Ziyan’s eyes.

The whole space was a quiet time, and when I looked around in shock, I saw the appearance of a family disciple. A face will be angry and screaming:

"Don't hurry to meet the star!"

Drinking like this, immediately let all the disciples have been awake from the confusion. I’ve got a roll in my heart. Isn’t this young one awkward. The beautiful woman is the newly-launched flying star? Seeing that one of his ancestors’ faces had turned blue, these people dared to hesitate again and immediately prayed:

"See the star!"


Xu Ziyan said faintly, but there was no pause at the foot, and he walked toward the Star Jun Hall without hesitation. The former Goblin disciple consciously opened a passage to both sides. Xu Ziyan walked in front, hoping to follow the side of Xu Ziyan, behind half a body. Texan Mang and the stalking follow, the two masters of the squad and the sorcerer, and the singer also followed.

The two monks who originally had a family and the one who was the one who was indulged in the law and the immortals, when they saw Xu Ziyan easily put away those fairy symbols and flags. Where do you still know that this woman in front of me is a very clever master and a fairy teacher?

This is too much for the temptation of the monks who are so absorbed in the law and the immortals. The two monks of the hook family naturally refused to let go of this opportunity. I want to find every opportunity to get close to Xu Ziyan, and I hope that Xu Ziyan can point them to them.

If the things like going to the Star Jun Hall are placed before, the two of them are absolutely dismissive. I went back early to delve into my own formation and the fairy, but today. In the strange eyes of the people, the two people are far behind. Going to the main hall of Xingjun.

And the Shira from Shijia is not as eager to go back as it used to be. I even ignored the monks around here who were hooked up, and even followed the Xu Ziyan, and walked toward the Star Jun Hall. However, they are destined to be disappointed. Where does Xu Ziyan have to think about them?

Came to the Star Jun Hall, Xu Ziyan sat down on the first main position. Extension star mans, hooks and hopes are standing in the middle of the hall. Other follow-up Goblin disciples saw that their ancestors were standing there, and they even dared not sit down. One by one, the atmosphere did not dare to stand quietly on the main hall.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze swept across the crowd, and finally his eyes fell on the hooked body, whispering:


"In!" clarified that he was immediately accommodating, and his performance was even more inexplicable. One by one, the secret:

"We don't want to deal with Xu Ziyan? Besides, this Xu Ziyan's repair is not high, just the beginning of the fairy, why should the ancestors be so polite to her?"

Xu Ziyan did not pay attention to those who were hooked up. She was very clear about her plot. She had no reason to let go of the hook. In front of me, there is only a person who has a clear-cut, and who is new to him.

"Cite, you immediately arrange for people to inform the patriarchs of the various ethnic groups in the city, and tell them that I have come here, I am here to wait for them."

“Yes!” replied with respect and respect, then turned and shouted toward a middle-aged monk: “Hook, you are going to arrange this. Nothing is wrong. If any family dares to be sloppy, drag If you don’t come to see the star, you will take the family directly."

The look of the stunned face changed, but when I saw the stern expression of my ancestors, my gaze became firmer. Turned to the position of the main hall.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze swept the people in the hall again. Said faintly: "Stars, clear, hope to stay, the rest of the people to retreat!"

The words fall. Then he squinted. The people inside the hall face each other, and their eyes are concentrated on the body. With a blink of an eye, there is only one word in the eyes:


The monks in the hall quietly retired, but all of them were full of questions. After exiting the hall. I didn’t dare to leave, but I still didn’t understand it. I was so confused, how can I leave? One by one, outside the main hall, whispered in the ear.

At this time, it is clear that the forces in the Iron City have been introduced to Xu Ziyan in detail. There are three large families, four medium-sized families, and eighteen small families in Jagged City. Gou is undoubtedly the biggest family. The two outside are Yujia and Hu. The Shih family is one of four medium-sized families.

The action of the hook family is very fast, and the prestige of the family in the Iron City seems to be very high. In less than half an hour, the two big families, four medium-sized families, and the patriarchs of eighteen small families all arrived. They also met very respectfully. When they met, they were very respectful from the look to the eyes. but. When Xu Ziyan let them sit down, Xu Ziyan still caught the slight changes in their eyes.

Xu Ziyan doesn't care what their heart is ideal. In the early days of a fairy, it is normal for people to look down. I am afraid that if they do not clarify the orders issued, these patriarchs may not face themselves and come to see them. However, Xu Ziyan needs to be strong, even if it is through the extension of the star and the potential.

The eyes glanced over the patriarchs and said faintly: "Cite!"

"At!" I immediately stood up from the chair. Gong Sheng said. His move. Directly let the patriarchs inside the hall brighten their eyes, do not know the ancestor of the family, the first master of the flying star, why is this attitude towards Xu Ziyan.

"Clarify. From today, you are the city owner of Jagged City. You can be the master of everything. If you have something that you can't decide, you can find the star. You can't, you can find me."


Xu Ziyan put his hand on it, let the hook sit down, and then face the extension star: "Stars!"


Tu Xingmang also hurriedly stood up. At this time, the eyes of the patriarchs within the main hall are focused on the body of Texan Mang. Tu Xingmang is very strange to them. They don't know who Texan Mang is, but they know that Tuo Xing's cultivation is far higher than them. As for the extent to which they are high, they cannot see it.

"Stars, when I am not in the Stars, or when I am closed, you are the Star King."

"Yes!" Tuo Xingman hurriedly gave gifts.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand again to let Texan Mang sit down, and his eyes swept through the faces of everyone in the hall again. This time, the looks of the patriarchs in the hall are more respectful. No matter how Xu Ziyan repairs, but Tuo Xing's cultivation is absolutely deterrent, and there is also a clue that I don't know why Xu Ziyan is so respectful.

"You are the patriarch, I am known to everyone today. The future governance of Jagged City will remain the same. Of course, the resources you should hand in will remain unchanged."

"Yes!" All the patriarchs are respectful. No one is stupid. Seeing the current strength of Xu Ziyan, there must be strong reasons. Even if the hook family is obedient, they will be in the first place. Besides, Xu Ziyan did not increase the amount of resources they handed in. Just wait a little while to see.

"Let's go down!"

Xu Ziyan waved his hand, and each family stood up from the chair, bowed to the ceremony, and then retired. Xu Ziyan squinted slightly, watching the backs disappear in her vision. I know in my heart that these people will come together to discuss today's affairs afterwards.

And among them, there may not be people with ambitions, and they want to wait for themselves to compete with the family. They are also good for the fishermen. However, they saw their own strength today, and the respect of their own family, at least not in the short term will not cause trouble for themselves. Moreover, this strength of his own also confuses the other side, so that the patriarchs can't guess what cards they have.

Waiting for all the patriarchs to retreat, Xu Ziyan told him to go out and close the door, and then hope to stand outside the gate to guard. There are only a few purple smokers in the room, and the stars and the three people.


It’s still more than a hundred votes away from the tenth place...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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