I am very grateful to the book friends 121125180033556 classmates (100), Xiaohao-xhsh classmates (100), Yi Yan listens to the wind classmates (100), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100), and the light rain thinks the classmates (99) to reward!


Tu Xingmang and Hooking were sitting on the left and right of Xu Ziyan, looking at Xu Ziyan humblely. Xu Ziyan looked at two people, and knew in his heart that although the two men were controlled by themselves, the two of them were the strangers of the fairy world. Whether it is from repair to experience, or from experience, it is better than yourself.

Xu Ziyan first looked at the gaze and said faintly: "It is clear that when you left the patriarch of your family, you left a sentence for your family:

"Overhead purple smoke!"

When I slammed it, I jumped out of the chair, and “噗通” screamed in front of Xu Ziyan and said with a sigh of relief:

"Xingjun, this old slave does not know!"

Xu Ziyan looked cold and cold: "That is still polite, but that stagnation is to kill the star directly. Your ambition and courage are really small!"

The clarification of the matter has shivered in fear, fell on the ground, and did not dare to speak. Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile:

"Cite, this thing has nothing to do with you, you stand up!"

Seeing that the battle has stood up, Xu Ziyan thought that if he let the hook know his whereabouts in advance, he will gather their strength to encircle themselves when they show up. I might have fallen to this place. It seems that the hook family still despised itself.

Moreover, letting himself save the extension star under the chance of coincidence, it is forcing himself to become a four-character charm teacher, and will completely control the extension of the star and the hook.

However, today for the flying star. In fact, I just controlled a person. Not to mention other families, that is, the family may not be completely controlled. If there is a reverse bone in the hook, don't listen to the order. I am still an overhead star.

Don't forget that the entire flying star is among the one hundred and eight cities in the world. Half of the city owners are hook families. If they don't obey, it's not as simple as flying their own, but with a life-threatening worry.

After seeing Xu Ziyan letting himself stand up, he sat there and stunned, and thought that Xu Ziyan was still angry at the home. I cautiously said:

"Master, don't worry. If you have a slave, you can't chat."

Xu Ziyan looked at the smudge, his eyes flashed and said: "Hook up. Can you control all the monks in your family? I am talking about including those city owners."

I thought a little frowning and thinking for a while, and my face was a bit frustrating: "Master, I have been ignoring the world for a long time. Those people should still listen to me!"

Xu Ziyan knew that he lacked confidence when he heard the tone. The mind quickly thought about it. The dozens of city owners of the hook family must be comforted, and they must have their own brilliance as soon as possible. Nowadays, in this Star Junfu, there are people who are hooked up, that is, the Xianjun in the Iron City is almost always a family. This is very unsafe for yourself. I have to go out for a walk. On the one hand, I can see if I can get the first time to conquer the city owners, and reach some agreements with those who are not hooks. More important is to gather some monks and build a stalwart with their own loyalty.

Thinking of this, my eyes are staring at the line: "Clarify, you will take the Texan Mang to take over the Xianjun of the Iron City tomorrow. Then the Xianjun will be temporarily handed over to Texan Mang."

Xu Ziyan said that there is a turn to the extension of the star road: "Stars, I want you to temporarily control the Xianjun of the Iron City, can you do it?"

Texan Mang proudly said: "Master, what are you talking about for small fish and shrimp? Whoever dissatisfied, I will kill anyone until they kill them."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned: "Stars. I don't object to killing you. But try to kill less. You are killing, who do I use to resist the Yao and the Mozu?"

"Yes, the master!" Tuo Xingmeng responded.

Xu Ziyan turned his gaze again and said: "Hello, you will hand over the Xianjun to Tuo Xingmang. You will leave the Iron City with me, let us go and go!"

"Where?" asked strangely.

Xu Ziyan smiled two channels: "Let's visit those city owners."

The mind is a tight one. Those who are praying for the family will be able to understand things and not anger the master. Otherwise, he would have to disregard the family sentiment and start killing.

When I thought of it, he suddenly remembered the people like Hook and Shen, and then looked up and looked at Xu Ziyan, a look of words and words. Xu Ziyan saw his appearance and smiled and said:

"Cite, what do you have to say?"

"Master... that swells... and the disciples who guard the forbidden land..."

Xu Ziyan’s face was apathetic: “Let me kill!”

"Kill... killing well!"

Although it is very heartbreaking in the heart, but the loyalty to Xu Ziyan has overcome the heartache. Xu Ziyan was too lazy to care for him. He knew that he was under his own control of the soul, and his mind was already not his own, and he waved his hand:

"Well, let's go down. Send someone to clean up my room, and after I have packed it up, let people take me."


After Xu Ziyan saw that it was supposed to be "yes", he still hesitated on his face, and he frowned slightly. Some unhappy said:

"What else do you have?"

I have some embarrassed words: "Master, I think the immortal army of Jagged City is still controlled by me for a while. Suddenly I am going to take control of the predecessors. I am afraid of those in the family... Once I wait for my master and I left. Jagged City, I am afraid that they are angered by the extension of the predecessors, and the predecessors angered and opened the killing..."

Xu Ziyan fell into meditation, and it is not unreasonable to say it. These people, Xu Ziyan, are preparing to send to the front line when they are going to fight with the Yaozu and the Mozu in the future. If during the time of leaving, it would be a loss for him to open the killing ring.

With the hate of Texan Mang’s family, don’t say that those who deliberately want to provoke her, just don’t provoke her, I’m afraid she will find a chance to kill her anger. This is indeed a problem. On the other side, Texan Mang heard the words and said that a pair of eyes screamed fiercely. In her heart, she really thought about picking up the purple smoke and deciding to leave, and found a chance to kill the people who had hooked the house. Although she became a slave to Xu Ziyan, there was no slight reduction in the hatred of the hook family.

The look of Texan Mang naturally escapes the eyes of Xu Ziyan, so the purple smoke is even more worried. I wondered if I would get a character to control the soul, and then control the home to control the city owner of the Iron City. Because she can't leave the hook in the city of Jagged, she wants to take him to see the city owners who are hooked, and it is easy to convince those who are in the city. At the very least, there will be no immediate fighting.

However, Xu Ziyan really does not want to use the soul to control the soul, because it will consume the heavens that he understands, which is of vital importance to his cultivation. Suddenly, her heart was bright, and the most important step in controlling the soul was the final blood refining. In other words, whoever refines the blood can control the slaves. If you let yourself know the use of blood to refine the soul of the soul, isn't it that the consumption is not the heavenly way of understanding, but the heavens that are clarified?

At the thought of this, Xu Ziyan’s heart was relieved. Speaking with a smile, he said: "Cite, do you think that when you leave the city, when you leave the city, you are suitable for the city?"

I thought for a moment and thought for a while: "We have a disciple called the hook net. He is the cultivation of the late Tianxian. I think he can do it."

"Okay! Go call him!"

"Yes, master!"

After slamming the ceremony, he hurried out. It was only an instant, and I went back to the hall with a hook. Because the monks of the hook family are waiting outside the hall, they have not left.

The door was closed again, and Xu Ziyan looked at the net. Seeing that he really was the cultivation of the late Tianxian, the net quickly rushed to Xu Ziyan to see the ceremony. Xu Ziyan waved his hand and let him stand aside. His eyes swept through the hall, and his figure stood in front of a table. Take out the technical materials, grab the void, grab the pen, and start making the soul control.

Soon, Xu Ziyan made a character to control the soul. The pen was collected and waved toward the hook. That sneaked out and rushed to the front of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan pointed his finger at the control of the soul and pointed to:

"Drip a drop of blood on it!"

If you don't say anything, you will immediately drop a drop of blood on the soul of the soul. I saw that the drop of blood fell into the control of the soul, the blood immediately spread, swaying a circle of blood halo, and then immersed in the control of the soul. Xu Ziyan handed over the control of the soul to the hook, pointing the finger at the net:

"Clarify, let him open his mind to the sea, and bring this fairy into his knowledge of the sea!"

I nodded and nodded to the net, and the net quickly came to the front of the hook, and said:

"Old ancestors!"

With no politeness, the condensate said: "Open your knowledge of the sea!"

The net looks awkward, but there is no resistance to the ancestors of their family. Besides, in this case, he wants to resist, and there is no such strength! Therefore, he opened his knowledge of the sea very happy.

Do not say anything, directly shot the soul of the soul on the forehead of the net, and broke into his knowledge of the sea. The eyes of the hook net became blurred, but it was only a moment, and immediately became clear, and worshipped deeply in the direction of the hook:

"See the host!"

At this time, the hook also felt the change of the control of the soul, the face changed slightly, and a wave of sleeves will help the net. If you turn to Xu Zi flue:

"Master, how do I feel that a trace of heaven in my mind has disappeared?"


Look for it again, the comrades turn over and see if there are any pink tickets, don't waste it, vote for it!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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