The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1237: Leaving the Iron City

Urgently seeking a pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan extended his finger and pointed at the crochet net: "Go to him!"

At this time, the eyes of the hook net flashed a glimmer of joy, because he felt that there was a sudden increase in the heavens in his own knowledge. It’s just this kind of heaven, and it makes him suddenly clear about things that he couldn’t comprehend before. I also responded at this time and said excitedly to Xu Ziyan:

"Master, the old slaves also felt that there was a lot of heaven in their own knowledge of the sea. Is that the owner of you?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded, and the star-studded man standing on the side was shocked: "Master, I also got a trace of heaven at the beginning, is it also your master?"

Xu Ziyan once again smiled and nodded: "This is the role of the soul that controls me into the sea. Every time you control a person's soul, the controller will lose a trace of heaven to the controlled person."

Texan Mang and the hooks exchanged their eyes in shock and looked more at the eyes of Xu Ziyan. This is not because they have become the slaves of Xu Ziyan from the soul, but when they got the trace of the purple smoke, they clearly felt that the level of the heavens was very high. At this point, the hearts of the two of them could not help but think:

“Is the master’s state of mind better than the two of us?”

At the same time, there are concerns in the hearts of two people. If in the future Xu Ziyan let them keep controlling slaves, then their losses will not be big! Xu Ziyan naturally saw their look and smiled and said:

"My state of mind is very high, and every time I improve, the two of you will be improved. Because I am improving, the heavens will be given to you. And, even if In the future, I need you to control more slaves. I naturally have the means to make up for the loss in your mind."

Xu Ziyan is really not blowing, because she has Wudao tea. The point of their loss is heaven. Don't say to give them a cup of enlightenment tea, just take a drink and add more than enough.

Listening to Xu Ziyan said that the stars of the two stars were put down. Be sure to turn around and say to the net:

"Check the net. From the future, you don't call me the master. I still call me the ancestor as the original. Our master is Xingjun. However, you only call the star Jun as the main person when there is no outsider. At that time, I still call the Star Jun, understand?"

"Yes, ancestors!"

The hook net is for the words at this time. That is 100% obedience, and immediately bowed in front of Xu Ziyan:

"See the host!"

Xu Ziyan nodded in a faint spot: "Get up!"

"Thank you!"

When I saw the net crawling up from the ground, Xu Ziyan said faintly: "From now on, you are the master of the city. I and the hook, the star is going to be closed. You can handle the big things in the city, can you do it? ?"

"Can!" The net was straight up, and the eyes flashed a hint of joy. This is to take power!

Xu Ziyan turned to the hook and said: "You go out with a hook net to arrange it. By the way, let hope come in!"

I hurriedly nodded and hurried out with a net. And hope is coming in from outside the door, standing next to Xu Ziyan. After about an hour, the hook came back again, and Xu Ziyan walked out of the hall. Said faintly:

"We are going to pretend to retreat, and quietly leave Star Jun in the early hours of the morning!"


Lingyun Mountain.

In an empty valley, Xiao Yu had no smile on his face at this time, but his face was tired and bitter. Behind her is nearly five hundred monks. These monks are the highest in the late Tianxian, and the lowest is also the early stage of the immortals. Behind them are rows of stone houses. Built against the hillside. At this time, many people stood in front of the stone room, not old or weak, children, and looked at the front of the valley with a look of hardship.

Suddenly, there was a dense cloak of air in the mouth of the valley. One by one plunged into the valley. Stopped in front of Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu looked up at the opposite person, his face full of anger. But the eyes are full of helplessness.

There are countless figures in the air, and soon there are more than 800 people. Headed by a middle-aged monk, he was born with great power and his tone was very overbearing:

"Xiao Xiaotou, if you don't hand over your Xiao family's treasure today, don't blame me for killing you."

Xiao Yu’s face was changed. She calmly calmed down and said coldly: “You don’t have to deceive me if you are surnamed Xie. Even if we Xiaojia handed over the treasure, would you let us go?”

"This is why..." Xie surnamed the monk showed a trace of irony: "It is certainly impossible to let go of you completely. However, if you are willing to join us, I can spare you a life."

Xiao Yu’s look is a cold road: “Join you thank you? Are you a slave to your family?”

Xie surnamed the monk smirked and said: "Do you have any way to go to the Xiao family? Xiao Xiaotou, don't force it. Even your father was injured by me, maybe he will die in a few days."

Speaking of this, I dismissed the humanities behind Xiao Xiao with a disdain: "Just rely on your garbage, but also think about resisting it? Quickly hand over the treasure, then loyalty to me. If you don't know how to lift it, today we will Slaughter you."

At this time, in the upper part of the valley, between the white clouds, a fairy boat is slowly moving. In a luxurious room inside the flying boat, Xu Ziyan, hope, Tu Xingmang and the hooks comfortably lie on the chair, each holding a teacup in his hand, revealing the intoxicating color. Because this tea is not ordinary tea, but enlightenment tea.

Xu Ziyan has already left the Iron City for nine days. This fairy boat is the cloud baby. Xu Ziyan naturally drinks tea every day. However, it is hiding in his own room and secretly drinking. However, she stole only the first tea. After drinking the first tea, in fact, there are still some heavens in the tea, so Xu Ziyan will make two teas. And at this time, Xu Ziyan will let hope. Texan Mang and the hook come in to drink together.

These three people don’t know that this is a second tea. Just taking a sip, they feel that there is a heaven. Hope is okay, he knows that there is a tea tree on the purple smoke planet. But this realized tea, he really never drank. Therefore, although he is excited, he is not as excited as the extension of the star and the hook.

The extension of Xing Xing and the description is completely stupid, this time they are completely convinced. No matter how many slaves Xu Ziyan controls, they don't have to worry about the situation of falling. Therefore, every day they are waiting for Xu Ziyan to summon them to drink the second tea.

When the four people were feeling the heavens there, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I hope to sit up straight from the chair.

As soon as the door opened, a middle-aged monk walked in from outside the door and prayed to Xu Ziyan: "Xingjun, Lingyun Mountain, there are two groups of people who seem to be fighting!"

Xu Ziyan is still lying on the chair lazily. However, the eyes are shining.

After Xu Ziyan left the Iron City, she called out the cloud baby. When Texan Mang and Miao Ming saw a cloud baby appearing in front of them, it was a glimpse, the heart, the master called out such a cute thing?

Business, the siberian baby suddenly became a Xianzhou. They were shocked. As Xu Ziyan entered the fairy boat, the two people were no longer surprised, because from the inside, it was a small fairy boat. The fairy boat like this has not been placed in the eyes of these two old monsters. And the two of them found that the speed of the fairy boat was not fast, which made wherein the two of them did not care. That clarifies that I still want to take out my own fairy boat to let Xu Ziyan enjoy.

However, in the days that followed, they directly brightened their eyes.

Xu Ziyan is deliberately making the cloud baby drive slower. She had a plan before leaving Iron City. She has learned from the memory of several people that there are a lot of scattered repairs in the fairyland, and there are countless fairy thieves who make a living from robbing. There are countless forces in large and small.

Xu Ziyan wants to build his own team. Those families that have already formed are simply not expected. Even those small families are focused on their own family. For them, they only exchange interest. However, the different kinds of rituals are different, especially these pirates.

In fact, it is fundamental. These fairy thieves are also scattered. However, it is a strong strength of the concentration of some of the scattered training formed a force. These scattered repairs are all mixed up in the fairy world, or gathered by the monks who are chased by the immortals. It is also a last resort.

If such a group of people can conquer, they will soon form a team of Xu Ziyan. Moreover, these monks live on the edge of life and death every day, and the combat power is not comparable to that of ordinary monks. The reason why they are not the opponents of the disciples of the family is not that their fighting power is not enough, but that their equipment is not good. If they are given certain equipment, they will kill those family monks.

Is there any equipment for Xu Ziyan?

Of course! Don't forget that Xu Ziyan once moved the treasure house of Zhu Jia and Long Jia.

Can the purple smoke be able to conquer these unruly fairy thieves?

Of course! This may be very difficult for other monks in the fairy world. However, it is very simple for Xu Ziyan. Because she has the power to control the soul. As long as the princes of the gangs are planted to control the soul, all problems will be solved.

Taking into account the loss of understanding of the heavens, Xu Ziyan naturally will not personally plant the soul control. Between the extension of Xing Xing and the description of her, she considered it and finally decided to let Texan Mang to control the monks who were conquered. It is clear that Xu Ziyan still has scruples in his heart.


I am very grateful to Yunhuo Tianshen, Lv Xueqin, 丫丫21 classmates, late autumn dream classmates, xh38089 classmates, silent city classmates, God abandoned children classmates, heart 砚 lotus temple classmates, book friends 111017171121010 classmates, I love Xiaoyan Classmates, rain868 classmates, ------- 艹 classmates, leesada classmates, 瞧瞧 classmates, A_bin classmates, ~~ fireworks ~~ classmates, stray dog ​​classmates by the water, oasisw classmates, xsdhuafen classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, lazy Feitian female classmates, Xiaoyiran classmates, big ear cat classmates, Kiki 198 classmates, world students in your eyes, Moining classmates, swearing as red-faced classmates, blooming Xiahe classmates, blooming Xiahe classmates, lida666 classmates, books Friends 120927170647085 classmates, Youyou Linglong classmates, sjx4656 classmates, Yan Yu 645098 classmates, Xing Haiyun classmates, book friends 121125180033556 classmates, Ding Xiaowen classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, Long Ying classmates, silina0628 classmates, june_8306 classmates, condensed classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, hastboy classmates , squid little demon classmates, June box classmates, book friends 081311091013313 classmates, want to eat cats consumption classmates pink ticket! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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