The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1238: Method of establishing a team

I am very grateful to the students of Moining (100), Yu Yu 645098 (100), Xiaohao-xhsh (100), and silina0628 (100)!


This hook is too big for the flying star. Almost half of the flying star powers are home to the family. Considering the hatred of the family, considering that they will leave the lower galaxies in the future, they will lose their seat. Can the family still suppress the hooks at that time? Therefore, the hook family must be destroyed. The power they poured out is what the Xu family must master in the future.

With such a plan, Xu Ziyan will naturally rule out the exclusion.

This way, Xu Ziyan has already conquered two groups of fairy thieves. A total of 856 people were accepted. It was not difficult to conquer two fairy thieves with the extension of the two peaks in the middle of Luo Tianshang's late peaks. The leaders of the two fairy thieves also did not hesitate to be planted by Xu Ziyan to control the soul, and became the slave of the extension star.

After that, Xu Ziyan took out the equipment and completely equipped 856 people. Although these fairy thieves are not weak, it is really poor! When I put on such equipment myself, it was grateful to look at Xu Ziyan’s eyes one by one. When Xu Ziyan sent a large number of chaotic dan, the loyalty of these people began to appear.

These fairy thieves are not born to squat, they are willing to be a fairy thief. Who doesn't want to have a proper origin? Who doesn't want to have a backer? Today, their origins and backings have been solved by Xu Ziyan, and they have seen their own leaders respect Xu Ziyan from the heart. At this time, I am not loyal, waiting to be kicked out by Xu Ziyan?

They listened to Xu Ziyan personally, Xu Ziyan is a flying star. To conquer them is to establish a fairy army belonging to Xu Ziyan. This is something they can't even dream of, and now they are so stunned on their heads. For a moment, I was happy to faint.

What surprised Taixing Mang and Hooking was that after more than 800 monks entered the fairy boat of Yun Baby, the space inside suddenly expanded and it was still very empty. This made them both know. The fairy boat of the cloud baby is a mustard space, which can become larger and smaller at any time.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was looking at the leader of the late Tianxian who was lazy to enter the door.

"The two groups of fairy thieves, do you understand?"

They said with respectlessly: "They are two groups of fairy thieves living on Lingyun Mountain. One group is Xiao family and the other group is Xie. The strength of the two groups is similar. And their strength is stronger than ours. Xiaojia's The leader is called Xiao Wuwei, and the leader of Xie's family is called Xie Ao. Both of them are the masters of the late Tianxian. Although they have frictions in the past, they have never been like this, and all the monks have been dispatched on both sides. It seems that A big fight."

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly, sat up straight from the chair and looked at Tu Xingmang and said:

"It seems that we have to go down and see!"

"Please ask the owner!"

Texan Mang and the hook two people respectfully stood up from the chair. Xu Ziyan said as he walked outside:

"Stars, I know, you two will follow me. The rest will stay here. Yun baby. You are hiding in the clouds, don't let people find out."

"Know it!" The voice of Yunbao’s voice came out of nowhere.

Xu Ziyan left the Xianzhou with the hook and the extension star, and quietly fell to the foothills and looked toward the valley.

In the valley.

Xiao Yu’s eyes cracked and he shouted: “Even if you kill us, you will not get our treasures.”

“Hehehe...” Xie Ao said with a smile: “I will know your treasures as long as you or your father’s technique of searching for souls!”

Xiao Yu's soft and beautiful hands are tightly held together, and the sleeves are lightly floating with the breath of the body. A pretty face has been white. But still reluctantly waiting for the opposite of the proud, shouted:

"You are mean! If you are not yelling at my father who was hurt by the fairy beast. Sneak attack on my father. My father was seriously injured. Do you have such great courage to come here today? You are a mean person, today is even It’s hard to be thanked by your family, and we have to pay for it.”

Xu Ziyan just listened to such a few words. It is fully understood. The two fairy thieves had similar strengths, so there was no big conflict between them. but. That Xiao Wuwei should be hurt by a powerful fairy in Lingyun Mountain, and then Xie Ao happened to see it, then attacked Xiao Wu. After that, he led all his men and wanted to annex Xiao.

"Master!" At this time, Texan Mang and Miao Ming looked at Xu Ziyan.

"What do you think?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

I thought about it and thought about it: "Master, I think I should kill the Xie family and then accept the Xiao family."

"Why?" Xu Ziyan asked with a smile.

"Because we can control the people below by controlling the soul, but we can only control the leaders of both sides. These two groups of thieves are now in the same situation, and they are reluctant to conquer them. It is also a trouble later. Xiao family is now at a disadvantage. It can be said that if we don’t shoot, they will be slaughtered today. If we save them at this time, they will return to us from the heart. At that time, we will plant the soul of Xiao’s infinity. In fact, these fairy thieves are naturally included in the owner's bag."

At this point, Xie Ao has become impatient, and his hand waved: "Up!"

His first flight flew to Xiao Xiao, who was opposite.

At this time, Xu Ziyan, standing on the top of the mountain, also waved: "Up!"

Texan Mang and the two figures disappeared instantly.

At this time, Xie Ao's big hand has suddenly grown bigger, shrouded the entire Xiao Yu body, and grabbed it toward her. Xiao Yu wanted to move, but it was completely bound by the wind that Xie Ao grabbed. Unable to move the points, desperate to climb up on her eyes, silver teeth bite, the gods will blew themselves.

Suddenly, a figure blocked her in front of her, only a finger extended, pointing to the big hand in the air.


The big hand was shattered like a soap bubble. Xie Ao’s body is certain, and then “bang”, flesh and blood.

The owner of this finger is the extension star of Luo Tianshang's late peak. Suddenly, the heavens and the earth were dim, and a big palm fell from the sky, covering the sky, and the "bang" slammed down, and the Xie’s monks who had just flew up from the air were photographed from the air and shot into the ground. The whole ground was taken in a few feet, a complete big handprint.

It was just this palm, and all the monks of Xie’s family were photographed as powder.

The Xiaojia monks who wanted to die were looking at everything in front of them. This matter was too sudden and completely out of their understanding. It is just like a dream.

The sky is again sunny and the sun is bright again. It is a slap in the air to drop a figure.


Xiao Yu suddenly awake from the shock, stuttering toward the front of the star and screaming.

In the air, the sound of the clothes plucked in the air, and a beautiful woman in a blue dress with a gemstone fell from the sky.

"See the master!" Tu Xingmang and the stalker.

This sentence directly shocked Xiao Yu and all the monks.

This... So many two great monks actually call this woman a master? What is the identity of this woman? Xiao Yu has an unreal feeling at this time.

Xu Ziyan's body figure fell in front of Xiao Yu, her eyes swept over her body, and she saw that the other side was the mid-term repair of the antenna. A faint spot nodded:

"Have your father been hurt?"


"Take me a look!"

Xiao Yuwen listened to Xu Ziyan’s words, and there was a hint of vigilance in his eyes. However, when she saw the extension of Xing Xingmang and the smattering behind Xu Ziyan, she could not help but show a bitter smile. Do people with such two guards have any intentions for people like themselves?

Suddenly, the eyes lit up and stuttered: " are...Xiandan?"

“Not bad!” I glanced at the nervous Xiao Yu and explained softly: “I just heard your conversation in the foothills.”

"Oh... you please... please!"

Xiao Yu, who responded, led the road with great respect and respect, and Xu Ziyan followed in the back. Tu Xing Mang and Gou Ming also follow the steps. The monks of the Xiao family have flashed a road, looking at Xu Ziyan with respect and respect.

Xing Dan teacher! What a noble profession! As long as I look at the two masters behind her, I can determine the extraordinaryness of this Xiandan division. Will it be the Sanpin Xiandan division? Every monk's heart is thinking in a hurry, the only constant is to look at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of respect.

Under the leadership of Xiao Yu, Xu Ziyan walked toward the stone house on the hillside. The old people on the hillside and still seeing the power of the stars and the hooks, just now, one by one, the flashes of the battle.

Xiao Yu came to the front of a big house, reached out and pushed the door open, then retreated to the side, please let the purple smoke enter. Xu Ziyan nodded slightly and stepped forward.

The space inside is very large, wearing two doors, Xu Ziyan enters the inner room. I saw a middle-aged monk lying on a big bed, with a dry face and a pair of woods.

Xu Ziyan stood in front of the bed, Xiao Yu also walked to the bed, looking at the closed eyes of Xiao Duo, the face suddenly appeared panic color, reaching out and gently pushing Xiao Wudi to call:

"Hey, hey, hey, wake up... ah..."

Xiao Yu saw that he couldn’t wake up Xiao, but he cried out. Suddenly, I rushed to Xiao’s endless body, crying and dying.

Xu Ziyan also frowned slightly. She didn't think that Xiao had hurt this point, and she didn't know that he was dead now. So, I gently patted Xiao Yu’s shoulder and said softly:

"You let me go first, let me see."


Urgently seeking a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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