The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1239: Team expansion

I am very grateful to my classmates, 穆皮岸婲, Zhang Muzhi, cheeze, espflykite, snowy night pistachio, Dongfeng Yu, classmates, moon and night lyrical classmates, plums~~~ classmates, classmates, Liu Buchen Classmates, summer aroma RR students, pink tickets for lhq5878 classmates!


Xiao Yu suddenly stopped crying, looking back at Xu Ziyan, tears still hanging on his face, suddenly straight up, slammed into the front of Xu Ziyan, sorrow:

"Master, as long as you can save my embarrassment, we are willing to serve you!"

Xu Ziyan reached out and gently lifted Xiao Yu, smiling and said: "Let me see first."

Xiao Xiao stood up and no longer had the wildness of facing Xie Ao when he was outside. Xu Ziyan stretched his finger and put it on Xiao’s endless wrist, and his brow could not help but wrinkle slightly. When she opened her eyes again, her brow wrinkled more and more.

Xiao’s endless wounds are really not light, not just the problems of the bone meridians, but even the viscera has serious damage. Looking at the situation in front of me, I can’t wait for three hours.

“唉~~” Xu Ziyan sighed softly and put the finger on Xiao’s endless wrist down. He turned his head and said to Xiao Yu: “The injury of Zun is very heavy. From his current injury, he can’t see three. Hours."

Xiao Yu’s face turned pale in an instant, with the last wish in his eyes, praying and saying: “Is there... save?”

Xu Ziyan nodded in a faint spot: "I try, except for my people, you all go out."

Xiao Yu looked hesitant. In the end, I bite my teeth and took people out. Xiao Wu is not only her father, but more importantly, he is the only peak of the Xiao family in the late Tian Xian. If he loses Xiao, he is endless. The strength of their fairy gang will drop dramatically. Therefore, he had to obey the orders of Xu Ziyan, and it would be good for others to treat your father. Be aware that the Elder Masters are quirky or have a unique approach. What should I do if I am being treated by others?

"Cite, you go to the door and hold your hand, without my order, who dares to kill, kill innocent!"


The body shape of the hook flashed, and it appeared outside the door of the bedroom, and the door behind it was tightly closed. Xiao Yu and others who looked coldly outside. Xiao Yu and others are in a cold heart, and they quickly hold their breath and are careful.

In the house, Xu Ziyan took out a character to control the soul. In these days when I left Iron City, Xu Ziyan made a lot of soul control. At this point, hand over to the side of the extension of the star to control the soul of the road:


At this time, Texan Mang has been familiar with the road, and there is no contradiction. Because he no longer has to worry about his mood falling. Quickly squeeze a drop of blood into the soul of the soul. Refine it. Then I took it and looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan stretched his finger and pointed out that Xiao Wei, who was already in a coma in bed, said:

"Get into the sea!"

Tektronix does not say anything, he also knows that Xiao’s state of infinity at this time is the best moment to break into the soul control. Then he turned his hand and put the soul of the soul into the endless sea of ​​Xiao. After a moment, Texan Mang turned his head and nodded to Xu Ziyan, indicating that he had successfully controlled Xiao Wu. Xu Ziyan waved his hand and Tuo Xingman retreated to the side.

Xu Ziyan stood by the bed and turned to the head of the star: "Go out and let Xiao Yu prepare a bath filled with water."

Tu Xingman immediately turned to the door and pushed the door open. At a glance, he saw Xiao Yu, who was nervously watching. Shen Sheng said:

"Get a bucket and come over."

No, no. Xiao Yu moved to the front door with a bath. Tu Xingman grabbed the tub and returned to the house. He turned the door and closed the door. Then put the tub on the ground and retreat to one side.

Xu Ziyan gave a glimpse of the gods. Bring a jade bottle into the purple smoke space. This jade bottle is a refining fairy, a kind of containment type. That is to say, there is a mustard space inside the jade bottle, which can hold a lot of things.

Xu Ziyan’s sacred knowledge held a bottle of fairy liquid in the fairy river with a jade bottle, and then the purple purple smoke finger in the room moved as if a jade bottle was taken out of the storage ring, and the jade bottle containing the fairy liquid was used. Take it out. Then, in front of the extension of the star, the jade bottle was opened, and the inside of the fairy liquid was dropped into the bath barrel by 50 drops.

Immediately from the inside of the tub, a very refreshing atmosphere was released. Texan Mang’s eyes were fixed on the jade bottle in the hands of Xu Ziyan, and the eyes revealed unconsciously that the child saw the candy. As an old-fashioned celestial person, although he does not know what Xu Ziyan took out, it is definitely a good thing. Vaguely she felt like a fairy tales.

Once I have this idea in my heart, the heart of Texan Mang is ruined. This ruthlessness is really a blessing in disguise. I am afraid that after some treatment by the master, if there is some improvement in the state of mind, he will be able to break through.

"Put him in the tub." Xu Ziyan said faintly.

Tu Xingmang hurried forward and put the endlessness of the bed into the bathtub. Then Xu Ziyan took out a four-character Xiandan and stuffed it into Xiao’s mouth. After that, he pressed one hand on the endless head of Xiao, closed the devastating gas in Dantian, and continuously sent the gas of life into the endless body of Xiao, repairing his viscera, meridians and bones.

Xiao is sitting in the tub and his face is changing rapidly. From the pale and dry color, it gradually became rosy, and the weakened breath became strong. After an hour, Xu Ziyan took back his hand and gave Xiao Xian a feeding of an elixir. Then he sat down on a chair in the room and waved his hand to let the top of the star sit down.

After Xu Ziyan sat down, he took out the Sanpin Xiandan suit and began to cultivate. In these days, Xu Ziyan, in addition to drinking tea daily, only takes time to take Xiandan to accumulate his own fairy power. Others are mainly relying on absorbing the heavens and the earth to cultivate, but only occasionally taking the medicinal herbs at a critical juncture, that is, those monks with backgrounds do not eat elixir like Xu Ziyan like a jelly bean, so Xu Ziyan gets every practice. The harvest is much stronger than the average monk.

Outside, her Qiankun sputum absorbed up a horror. In the meantime, the speed at which she took the drug was even more terrifying. Under the influence of both internal and external factors, her fairy power accumulated very quickly. She firmly believes that it will not be long before she can accumulate Xianyuan to the peak of the early Tianxian, and then she can go to the mid-day of the Tianxian.

Texan Mang looked at Xu Ziyan into the cultivation, and the color of admiration appeared in his eyes. I took a handful of an elixir and put it in the entrance. I gratefully glanced at the opposite Xu Ziyan and entered the cultivation. Her medicinal herbs are all given by Xu Ziyan, and my heart is naturally grateful to Xu Ziyan.

Time spent in the silence, Xiao Yu and others outside were anxious to scratch the heart, and did not dare to move, because standing at the door stood clear. Only from time to time will look at the door with anxious eyes.

One day and one night passed. During this period, Xu Ziyan got up and gave him two times of medicinal herbs. At the same time, he dropped two drops of 50 cents.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, and the opposite of Xing Xingmang opened his eyes, because both of them felt the endless breath changes in the tub. Xu Zi stood up from the chair with a sigh of relief, and instantly came to the endlessly of Xiao, opened the eyes of Xiao Peng, and looked at Xiao’s endless body. He knew that the endless injury of Xiao had been fully recovered, and the fluctuation of his body was explained. His accumulation of Xianyuan has reached the critical point of breaking through the heavens, but it is still a little bit worse in his mind.

Xu Ziyan thought a little, then took out a piece of tea that enlightened the Tao, opened the endless mouth of Xiao, and then stuffed the tea into his mouth. Let the side of the star-studded look hot.

Xu Ziyan and Tu Xingmang returned to the chair and sat down. Both of them looked at the endlessness of Xiao in the tub.

After an hour, I saw only the endless body of Xiao suddenly burst into a dramatic volatility. The fairy power between heaven and earth is coming to Xiao’s endless crowd. Xu Ziyan and Tu Xingmang exchanged a look, and they all knew that Xiao had no breakthrough.

This kind of momentum makes the celestial force between the heavens and the earth rush to the Xiao in the tub, and the look of the standing at the door is a change. Xiao Yu and others also felt the change of Xian Yuanli between heaven and earth. It was only in the moment that Xiao Yu knew that this was a sign of breakthrough. Don’t ask, this must have been cured by the father’s wound, and it’s a blessing in disguise. Luo Tian Shangxian. During the time, her eyes rolled down big tears, and a tired heart relaxed.

In the bedroom, after all the calm, Xiao endlessly stood up from the tub and came out from the tub. “噗通” slammed in front of the extension of the star, and bowed:

"See the host!"

Texan Mangwen said: "The endless, your master is not me, but the star Jun. She is not only your master, but also my master."

Although Xiao Wu is not understood, but under the power of the soul control, the words of Texan Mang are the orders. Therefore, he sneaked in front of Xu Ziyan without saying anything:

"See the host!"

Xu Ziyan nodded in a faint spot: "The endless, from now on, in the absence of outsiders, you can call me the master. Before the outsiders, you must call me Star Jun."

"Xingjun?" Xiao’s face is full of strange colors.

"The owner is a flying star!" said the star of the star.

As a result, Xiao has no idea to understand. However, there is still some confusion in his heart. Heart, isn’t it a joke? That kidding is a man, when did it become a woman?

Xu Ziyan naturally saw the endless look of Xiao, and he waved his hand toward the top of the star: "You said to him."

"Yes, master."

Texan Mang would say that Xu Ziyan’s affairs to Xiao’s endlessness, so Xiaoxiao understood everything. Worried to Xu Ziyan:

"Master, endless must obey your instructions."


Dear comrades, are there any pink tickets? The bell bite his finger and said: "Give me a ticket!"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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