The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1245: Confused forest

I am very grateful to the ordinary life students, God Mo Wangdao classmates, loved lxy classmates, cheeze classmates, invited the pink ticket of Yueqing Xuan classmates!


Xu Ziyan threw more than a thousand demons to the solitary smoke of Ximen. At this time, when the solitary smoke of Ximen was sober, he saw more than a thousand demons. After the eyes of the solitary smoke in Ximen, they immediately screamed. :

"Ziyan, how is the quality of the Mozu this time so bad?"

Xu Ziyan’s face was not a bitter smile, and he gave a glimpse into the river and said to him:

"The predecessors of Ximen, you will use it together. I am afraid that this quality is in the recent period, but the number is better."

The solitary smoke in Ximen shook his head and said, "Okay, the number is enough."

When the words fell, they sat in the middle of a pile of demons and began to cultivate.

The speed of the cloud baby is extremely fast. It is only ten days of effort, and it sweeps over the villages of more than 500 Mozu. In these ten days, Xu Ziyan has been swallowing Xiandan constantly, accumulating Xianyuan force, approaching the late Tianxian. The matter of sweeping the Mozu was completely handed over to Texan Mang, and she only collected the Mozu into the Heberfest House and threw it at the West Gate.

In a month's time, Xu Ziyan swept the back of the Mozu. Villages, towns, cities, and all are not missed. When the Mozu of the current line knew the news, Xu Ziyan had left the territory of the Mozu and flew to the depths of the demon territory.

The attack on the demon territory is like the Mozu, and Xu Ziyan also collects the bodies of those Yaozu. Both the demon and the demon's body are good materials for refining, making, and refining. The demon is suitable for the good materials of alchemy. Therefore, Xu Ziyan was stored in He Boxian, and was thrown to the device one, the second. Dan Yi, Dan Er, Fu Yi and Yan Yi, have these large amounts of materials. It is bound to make the grades of these six monks rapidly increase.

The six monks looked at the material like a mountain, and looked at the eyes of Xu Ziyan, which was called a worship! Happy jumping up and down.

In a month's time, Xu Ziyan swept the back of the Yaozu one seven seven eight eight. So the Yaozu got the news, but like the Mozu, they didn’t know what was going on, and how the rear of their own was suddenly attacked, and the loss was too great.

In this way, the Mozu and the Yaozu made a fuss. Since I don't know what happened behind me. But what is certain is that the Terran is doing it. So, they are crazy, and they have launched a frantic attack against the Terran. The two months that Xu Ziyan swept in the back of the demon and the two races were also the two races of the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu in the front line.

The number of monks added by the three tribes is nearly ten million. In the two months of fierce slaughter, the number has dropped sharply. The number of three-party monks adds up to less than three million, which shows that it is fierce. Among the less than three million monks, the rest of the Terran is only about 500,000, which is absolutely weak. Especially the loss of the three major families is particularly fierce. It can no longer be called a big family, and its strength has approached the small family.

The reduction in the number also means the shortening of the front. Less than three million monks were concentrated in one wilderness, and the Terran was attacked by the demon and the Mozu.

At this time, Xu Ziyan felt that he should have appeared. The number of monks and demon monks has been greatly reduced. under these circumstances. Xu Ziyan, the eight thousand centuries, four Luo Tianshen early, a Luo Tian Shang Xian peak, plus himself. It is definitely a force that cannot be ignored.

Now on the front line, there is only one monk who has a description of Luo Tianxian. The Yaozu and the Mozu each have two Luotian Shangxian monks. The rest of the Luo Tian Shang Xian monks have been killed, including Yu Xiao and Hood. However, it is the middle of Luo Tianshang, but the four of the Yao and the Mozu are only the beginning of Luo Tianshang.

The flying star was originally a place of chaos, and the concentration of the celestial force is also general. There is no master here. However, even if this is the case, a censor is not the four monks who were in the early days of Luo Tianxian. Therefore, the Terran is still retreating step by step. Twenty-six seats were lost in 108 towns. The Yaozu and the Mozu did not hesitate to kill the 26 cities.

Xu Ziyan issued an order to concentrate all the power against the four Luo Tianxian in the Yao and the Mozu. There are four Luo Tianshangxian and a Luotian Shangxian late peak, and he himself, Xu Ziyan believes that he can completely kill each other.

A white cloud hangs in the air, Xu Ziyan looks at the melee below. At this time, the two sides are like a decisive battle. Nearly three million monks are killed in one place, and they are alone in the early days of the four Luo Tianshang immortals. Xu Ziyan just ordered Tuo Xingman to attack, suddenly his body shook, his eyes looked toward the distance.

I saw that the air was so excited at this time, Xianyuan Li, the demon power and the magic Yuan force swarmed toward the distance. Two months of fairy fighting, seven million monks died. These monks cultivated the fairy power, the demon power and the magic power dispersed from the body and returned to the heavens and the earth. The spirit between heaven and earth has never been so rich.

As if something finally sensed this strong force, suddenly began to absorb these forces.

The monks on the entire battlefield felt the change of power between the heavens and the earth, and they stopped at the same time and looked at the distance.

The clouds in the sky flow like rivers, gathering in the distance, forming a huge vortex that has never been seen in the distance, falling from the sky and falling into a forest.

All the monks’ eyes are lit up. What does this sky mean? Explain that there must be a high-quality fairy, and even the birth of Xianbao. The tribes of the three tribes gave up the killings and flew to the whirlpool of distant places.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze stared into the distance, and asked slightly to the extension star:

"Stars, where is it?"

Texan Mang shook his head and said: "I don't know, the distance is too far."

"Then we will look closer."

Under the command of Xu Ziyan, the cloud baby quickly flew toward the super huge vortex. Soon, the nearly three hundred monks were left without a trace. Staying close to the huge whirlpool, Xu Ziyan they stayed outside a forest. Xu Ziyan turned to look at the extension of Xing Xing, and when the look of Texan Mang became dignified, he also asked:

"what happened?"


Tu Xingmang spit out a long breath, and his face was extremely dignified and said: "This is the legendary Jedi, the chaotic forest. There are countless monks who have entered here, and most of them have never come out. It is those who come out. The monks are also because they just entered the periphery of the chaotic forest and did not go deep."

Xu Ziyan stood on the cloud gas platform, looked up at the super-rotating vortex in the air, and looked at the chaotic forest below. He was like an ant in front of the huge vortex. The face gradually became dignified. Turned to look at the extension of the star road:

"Have you ever entered a chaotic forest?"

In the eyes of Texan Mang, there is a trace of fear: "I used to go to the middle of Luo Tianshen, and I met a group of ants in it. The ant has a small finger size and I almost died inside."

Xu Ziyan's brow wrinkled, and this chaotic forest is sure to go in and see. What she was thinking at this time was whether she would bring the extension of Xingmeng and these immortals into it.

After thinking about it, she decided not to bring them in. The repair of these monks is not high, even if it is the extension of the stars, this is the peak of the late days of the heavens. Bringing you around can be cumbersome, and more importantly, there is the possibility of exposing your own secrets. You must know that Xu Ziyan has a purple smoke space. It is really an unmatchable situation. He can hide in the purple smoke space. And with Texan Mang and others, they will reveal their secrets. Therefore, Xu Ziyan only made up his mind in an instant, and one went in and looked at it. Turning his head and turning to the star of the star, said:

"Xingmang, you bring these eight thousand centuries, I will give you the cloud baby for a while. After I enter the chaotic forest, if there are tribal monks also enter the chaotic forest, you don't have to. The demon and the demon of the chaotic forest kill me. If the tribes who came in are all entering the chaotic forest, you will leave here and still give me the sweep of the demon and the two who have not entered the chaotic forest. Let me kill the light of the demons on the flying star."

"Master you... in the chaotic forest... really dangerous..."

Xu Ziyan waved his hand: "I have a few in my heart. I am going!"

Xu Ziyan’s figure left the cloud platform and flew toward the chaotic forest. Tuo Xing Mang looked at the back of Xu Ziyan's disappearing under the huge vortex. The cloud gas platform has turned into a cloud, hanging high in the air.

After Xu Ziyan’s body shape entered the chaotic forest, he felt discomfort instantly. It seems that there are obstacles to flying here. Flying towards the depths of the forest, he released his knowledge and explored it. As she went deeper, it became more difficult to fly. However, she finally understood what the reason was.

It turned out that the power here is very complicated. On the flying star, the fairy power and the demon power and the magic power are each distributed in one area. That is because there are three sources of power in the ascending star. The source of Yuanli is a very wonderful thing. No one knows what it is? where is it?

However, the tribes of the tribes are no matter whether they are the Xianyuanli area of ​​the Terran, the demon power area of ​​the Yaozu, or the magical force area of ​​the Mozu. But here, in this chaotic forest, there are three kinds of forces intertwined in one place, intertwined, resulting in a situation of violent riots. It is this kind of violent riot that makes flight very difficult. In the end, Xu Ziyan had to start the wing of the wind, but it still struggled to fly. When he reached one-half of the chaotic forest, Xu Ziyan could not fly in the air again. Had to take up the wing of the wind and landed on the ground.


Rolling the ground to ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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