The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1246: Fire sea

I am very grateful to my classmates for the post-rain season (200), Yu Yu 645098 (100), Mo Ning (100), Tianlong Wang 2263 (100), book friend 121125180033556 (100), Tang Tang 8719 (100) Reward!


As soon as it fell to the ground, the consciousness of Xu Ziyan quickly passed through the body and spread to the bottom. However, the face of Xu Ziyan suddenly changed, and the violent force of the riots actually dispelled the consciousness of Xu Ziyan, and it spread not far. Xu Ziyan reluctantly collected the knowledge of God, and looked at it with vigilance and eyes, and his heart was alert. No wonder this chaotic forest is known as the Jedi of the Ascension. Can not fly, God can not transmit, so suddenly the monk's advantage is destroyed, it is really difficult to survive in this situation.

Xu Ziyan tried to run the Qiankun 诀 to see if he could absorb the riots here. Under this test, Xu Ziyan found that she was able to absorb the violent force here, which made her heart put a little down.

Looking up, I determined the location where the super vortex fell, and then proceeded carefully toward the front. After walking for a long time, Xu Ziyan was strangely surprised that he did not encounter a fairy beast. Not even encountered a Terran, Yaozu or Mozu. Xu Ziyan stopped and looked around in a vigilant manner, and found no danger. This was carefully considered. After thinking for a long time, my heart suddenly shocked:

"Is it because the three kinds of violent riots here make it impossible to cultivate here and absorb the vitality here? But why can I absorb it? Is it because I have a self-contained space in my body. Is it a Qiankun?"

Looking for thoughts, I heard a rustle in my ear. Xu Ziyan stared at him and saw a piece of wormwood vibrating in the distance ahead. It seems that a large piece of things is spreading toward him.

Xu Ziyan instantly turned his hand and took a four-character charm. A flash of brilliance flashed, and a defensive fairy hood covered Xu Ziyan inside.

This action has just been completed, and I saw the wormwood in front of the piece falling down, one small finger size. The snow-white ants completely cover the ground in front of them, like a huge white carpet squirming toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly mentioned the eyes of the blind man, and immediately remembered the white ants that Tuo Xingman said. This should be the kind of ant that almost killed Tak Seng Mang?

This kind of thought has not yet fallen, and the white ants that have been rushing to the sky have already rushed to the feet of Xu Ziyan and climbed toward the body of Xu Ziyan. However, it was bounced out by Xu Ziyan’s defensive hood. Seeing the defensive fairy mask work, Xu Ziyan's heart relaxed slightly. However, it was quickly strained. Because there was a "beep" in her ear. These ants are actually licking the defensive fairy mask of Xu Ziyan, and they are indeed able to smash the defensive mask of the purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a little trembling, and his body was shaking and his face became pale. This is not to say how scared she is, but the scene in front of her makes her feel numb, as if there are thousands of worms crawling around in the body.


Xu Ziyan screamed and ran away in front of him. It is this time. Xu Ziyan did not want to go back, she still thought about going to the depths of the chaotic forest to see.

Just ran for half an hour, Xu Ziyan felt that his defensive fairy mask was worse and the last thin layer was to be broken by termites. Turning his hand and taking out a fairy charm on his body, a brilliance flashed, and the defensive fairy mask restored its strength. Looking at the endless termites, Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and her body shape disappeared instantly. She had already refused to save her strength and used teleportation. If it is not the small movement that can't determine the direction, I don't know if it will be moved there. Xu Ziyan will display a small movement.

Xu Ziyan's continuous teleportation. Time passes by in the teleport. Xu Ziyan's heart gradually became tense. The termite's territory was really wide. She had been teleporting for half an hour, but she still couldn't see the end of termites. The fairy power in her body has already consumed a third. She really didn't know when she was waiting for her body to run out. What would be a result.

The endless whiteness in front of her eyes made her spirit a bit stunned. Xu Ziyan took a deep breath. Forced himself to calm down. While constantly moving forward toward the front, I took out a glimpse of the gods and explored the termites around me. This investigation, Xu Ziyan will be in the heart. These termites have the same three elements of the power of the fairy power, the demon power and the magic power. Although the quality is still weak, there are three signs of integration.

Xu Ziyan has a glimpse of it, it seems that these termites are something that grows in the special environment of this chaotic forest. No wonder they can survive here.

Xu Ziyan has already consumed ten four-character charms, and her heart is anxious, suddenly there is a touch of green at the end of her vision. Xu Ziyan’s heart is overjoyed, which means that the front is the end of the termite territory.

After a dozen teleports, Xu Ziyan finally rushed out of the termite territory, and after rushing out for a few tens of meters, he paused and looked back. Seeing a few tens of meters away, the termite is still tumbling, but no longer thinks about approaching itself.

As a result, Xu Ziyan not only did not relax, but was even more nervous. Being able to make such powerful termites dare to come over means that there are things in front that make termites fear. This can not help but let Xu Ziyan nervously look around.

Xu Ziyan did not dare to care. Throwing hundreds of four-character charms between the waves, they were layered around the Xu Ziyan, and then turned into a symbol to wrap the purple smoke inside. Then Xu Ziyan sat cross-legged and began to take the medicinal herbs to supplement the consumption of Xianyuan. The unknown danger ahead made Xu Ziyan feel vigilant and did not dare to have the slightest intention. Do not add the body of the immortal force to the peak state, Xu Ziyan did not dare to go forward.

After three hours, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes. First, he carefully looked around for a circle. Seeing that there seemed to be no danger, he waved his hand and took it up and stood up from the ground. Once again, I looked at the group of termites dozens of meters away and turned to the depths of the chaotic forest.

Xu Ziyan was very careful. The knowledge here was almost lost, and the danger around him was explored by sight. I walked carefully for about an hour, but I didn't have much to go. Although I didn't encounter any danger, Xu Ziyan felt the changes around him.

The dense forests began to become sparse, and the grass on the ground became much less. Going forward for about an hour, I barely saw a touch of green, surrounded by bareness. The hot wind is coming.

With the deepening of Xu Ziyan, the surrounding environment has become a desert, and even the soil under the feet has turned red. Pieces are cracked.

When Xu Ziyan walked for another half a day, a spectacular sea of ​​fire appeared in front of Xu Ziyan. Although there are hundreds of meters away from the sea of ​​fire, it is extremely hot, and Xu Ziyan has to stop. She feels that if she walks one step further, she will be baked into a person. And Xu Ziyan has been able to determine that this piece of fire is not able to smash it in the past, I am afraid that once it enters the sea of ​​fire, it will be burned to ashes. It is useless to have four items.

This can not help but make Xu Ziyan embarrassed, she did not want to back. However, there is an insurmountable fire in front. Hundreds of meters away from the temperature of the sea of ​​fire, Xu Ziyan firmly believes that even if he uses the four-character fairy, it will only be destroyed by the fire sea. If this piece of fire is extremely small, you can continue to release the four-character fairy. If the scope of this sea of ​​fire is very great, it would be unrealistic to want to pass the fairy charm.

Xu Ziyan sat on the ground and stared at the fire in front. The eyebrows suddenly pick one, and the heart secretly:

"If I enter the purple smoke space, I don't know if I can pass this piece of fire?"

Xu Ziyan thought of doing it, his body shape disappeared instantly, and he entered the purple smoke space, and he was able to go to the sea of ​​fire.

This entered the sea of ​​fire, Xu Ziyan immediately felt that the entire purple smoke space seems to be burning. The temperature in the purple smoke space is rising rapidly, and some small planets in the space have begun to collapse, and the planet in the fairy world has begun to be unstable. In particular, the one on the purple smoke planet, the peach blossom and the spring thirty-naughter, all ran out in horror, the medicine garden began to wither, and the entire purple smoke space was like the end of the world.

However, Huo Linger was excited and jumped in the Sun, but Xu Ziyan did not pay attention to her at this time. She realized that it was not good, and immediately controlled the purple smoke space to escape the sea of ​​fire. After a few hundred meters away, the space in the purple smoke returned to normal.

One, Peach Blossom and Spring Thirty, etc., the face is still a look of panic, looking around. Xu Ziyan lowered a glimpse of God and comforted them, and they recovered their calm. The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan swept through the medicine garden, and the heart could not help but burst into pain. It was only for a moment that the herbs in the medicine garden had some withered, and those herbs that did not wither with it would take some time to recover.

Xu Ziyan retreated from the purple smoke space, and sat on the ground with his knees, frowning deeply, looking at the sea of ​​fire hundreds of meters away.

At this time, she realized that the fire in front was not simple, and the space in her body was still immature. It can be said that it was only a prototype, and it was too weak for the fairy world. However, it is also a self-contained space! What kind of fire is this, can it burn its own space?

When I was thinking about it, I heard the call of Huo Linger from the space of Ziyan. Xu Ziyan thought of a move, and the fire spirit appeared in front of Xu Ziyan. Before she asked Xu Ziyan to ask her, Huo Linger shouted in front of Xu Ziyan:

"Master! Master! We made it!"


Then... robbing a ticket... handing over the pink tickets...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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