The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1247: Refining the fire

I am very grateful to dongguoer classmates, memeqweroo classmates, mingliu2056 classmates, Longying classmates, yanz0530 classmates, and loved the pink tickets of lxy classmates!


Xu Zi smoked and looked at the fire in front of him, not clear. Suddenly in the heart of a jump, this fire Linger is the essence of the fire condensed, is this fire sea has an extraordinary role for Huo Linger? Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated. If Huo Linger is not afraid of this fire sea, does it mean that he can use the help of Huo Linger to get out of this sea of ​​fire? Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan’s eyes screamed and looked at Huo Linger’s screaming:

"Fire Linger, what is going on?"

Huo Linger jumped and said, "This fire sea is a nine-day fire! If I absorb this nine-day fire, my realm will be greatly improved."

"Nine days of fire?" Xu Ziyan looked awkward, and did not be so excited about Huo Linger, asked softly to the fire Linger:

"Fire Linger, I have seen the nine-day fire! I am a nine-day fire on my right foot. It is not so powerful!"

Huo Linger snorted and said: "Master, your Tilian is a good fire for nine days. But it is only a nine-day fire, and this piece of fire is a nine-day fire of nine products. Can this compare? ”

"Nine products in the nine-day industry fire?" Xu Ziyan "teng" jumped out of the ground, remembering that Tilian is only a product of nine-day fire, the step-by-step lotus that has been displayed has been so powerful, if the two lotuses will be the fire of the sea The product was absorbed by the nine-day industry. What effect will it be then?


Huo Linger is so excited, this fire sea is also very helpful for Huo Linger. If Huo Linger can also absorb the nine-day fire, I don’t know what it will grow into.

"Fire Linger, what do you mean?" Xu Ziyan suppressed his excitement. Asked softly.

"Master, I can absorb the nine-day fire here! Waiting for me to absorb the nine-day fire here, my realm will increase greatly! Well, there is also your Liantian can absorb the nine-day fire here. Improve the grade. And there must be a lot of nine days of fire in the sea of ​​fire. That is the price of the baby!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were lighted and he was anxious to ask: “How to absorb it?”

Asked here, Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly moved: “Fire Linger, this piece of fire is very important for me to understand the fire attribute. Do you have a way to let me enter the sea of ​​fire?”

Huo Linger excitedly said, "I can cover you inside, so that you will not be burned by the nine-day fire, and you can also understand the fire attribute. At the same time, you can also release the fire attribute and the lotus. It I will absorb the nine-day fire."

"Great!" Xu Ziyan also jumped up like Huo Linger, and after releasing his feelings, Xu Ziyan asked red and red:

"Fire Linger, if you absorb this piece of fire, will you reach the realm of nine products and nine days of fire?"

Huo Linger shook his head with some embarrassment: "Master, this is not the case. If you have eaten a nine-character fairy, can you reach the realm of Xianzun?"

"No!" Xu Ziyan said, shaking his head.

"So. I can't improve the level of the nine-day nine-day fire. As for the extent to which I can improve, I don't know. Anyway, there will be a big improvement."

Xu Ziyan nodded and agreed with Huo Linger’s statement. The eyes flashed and asked: “Fire Linger, so, we are two advanced to find the nine-day fire crystal, waiting to collect the nine days of fire crystal here. We will go to the nine-day industry."

"Good!" Fire Linger nodded and said: "Master, you are ready."

When the words fell, Huo Linger suddenly expanded. It became a huge fireman. A big mouth, swallowed the purple smoke. Put Xu Ziyan in her stomach. Xu Ziyan sat in the belly of Huo Linger's stomach, surrounded by flames, but under the control of Huo Linger. Xu Ziyan did not feel the slightest heat, only felt warm. Very comfortable.

At this time, Huo Linger has turned into a huge fireman of about five feet, and strode to the sea of ​​fire. As soon as they entered the sea of ​​fire, the fire spirits seemed to know where the nine days of fire crystals were. They opened their mouths and sucked those nine-day fire crystals into the mouth, and Xu Ziyan, who was sitting in his stomach, fell down.

Xu Ziyan also waved constantly, and these nine days of fire crystals were collected into the purple smoke space and placed on the sun star. Seeing that the nine days of fire crystals continue to fall, Xu Ziyan could not help but strangely ask:

"Fire Linger, how do you know where the nine days of fire crystals are?"

"Master, after I entered this sea of ​​fire, I have already integrated this piece of fire and sea. Naturally, I know where the nine days of fire crystals are?"

Xu Ziyan heard the truth. The heart is even more happy, then no longer speaks, but constantly continually collects the falling nine-day fire crystal into the sun star in the purple smoke space.

Huo Linger's harvest is soaring, whether it is a few days of the size of the nine-day fire crystal, or the size of the head of the nine-day fire crystal she will not let go. In this way, Huo Linger has been scraping for half a month, and Jiu Tian Huo Jing has piled up a mountain on the Sun Star in the Ziyan space.

At this time, the voice of Huo Linger was heard: "Master, Jiu Tian Huo Jing has been collected, and I am now refining this nine-day fire."

Xu Ziyan only knows that he has been receiving the nine-day fire crystal in the space of purple smoke, and he does not know where he is now, completely immersed in huge happiness. You must know that Xu Ziyan has always been a poor man after he came to the fairyland. After getting the treasures of Zhu Jia and Long Jia, Xu Ziyan knew that he was not rich.

Because almost all of these things will be left to the establishment of the Xu family. It is these things that are not left to the family. She keeps it herself. She also knows that when she goes to the Zhongyuan Galaxy, these things are nothing, and she is still a poor man. But it is different now. With these nine days of fire crystals, Xu Ziyan is a rich night.

Now the voice of Huo Linger awakens her to happiness, and looks out through the body of Huo Linger. She sees a huge fire lotus in front of Huo Linger, and the magma flows above the lotus leaves. Although she couldn't feel the heat of the magma in Huo Linger's belly, she could imagine the temperature of the monk. Xu Ziyan knows that this huge fire lotus is the source that supports the entire fire sea. As long as this fire lotus is refining, the whole fire will disappear.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, took the fire attribute and Tilian alone, and held it in his hand and said to Huo Linger:

"Fire Linger, and how does Tilian absorb this kind of fire?"

"give it to me!"

One of Huo Linger’s hands reached into the stomach from the outside and grabbed Tilian. The figure was reduced to less than a foot, then jumped to the huge fire lotus, and then placed the lotus on the huge fire lotus. She also sat down in the center of the fire lotus and closed. The fire eye began to refine the seeds of this nine-day fire.

Xu Ziyan looked out at the outside and saw the huge fire lotus. A trace of the nine-day fire was drilled into the fire property and Tilian was inside, and Tilian gradually glowed. At the same time, there are a large number of pure nine-day fires that are drilled into the body of Huo Linger. In front of Xu Ziyan's eyes, Huo Linger's body immediately lit up and rushed into the hot fire.

Xu Ziyan sat in the stomach of Huo Linger’s stomach and began to work. Begin to absorb the fire attribute in the body of Huo Ling. The fire attribute in the body of the fire spirit rushed toward Xu Ziyan. Although these fire attributes are already the nine-day fire after the refining of Huo Linger, they still make Xu Ziyan feel the heat of the unbearable. Although the fire attribute she absorbed was for the nine-day fire that Huo Linger was absorbing, it was a slap in the face. However, the hot temperature is not what the purple smoke can withstand.

Xu Ziyan slowed down the operation of Qiankun, slowing down the rate of absorption. Until she slowed down the speed of Qiankun's operation to the extreme, it made Xu Ziyan feel comfortable. In this way, Xu Ziyan, while running very slowly, absorbed the power of the fire, and spread the knowledge of God in the body of Huo Linger, and realized the nature of fire.

The nine-day fire that rushed into the body of the fire spirit contained the nature of the fire. When the fire spirit absorbed it, Xu Ziyan absorbed it.

A month has passed. Xu Ziyan felt that his understanding of the fire attribute had reached the critical point of breakthrough. For the understanding of the fire attribute, Xu Ziyan was originally a realm of Zhongcheng. Now she has reached the peak of Zhongcheng Realm and can break through to reach the realm at any time. The absorption of the nine-day industry fire also pushed the accumulation of the scent of Xu Ziyan to the peak of the mid-day fairy.

Hundreds of meters outside the sea of ​​fire, there have been a group of monks, races, demon, and demons.

The monks who had been engaged in the tri-family wars had nearly three million monks, and all of them poured into the chaotic forest. In the past they had great fear of chaotic forests. However, nowadays, nearly three million monks have broken into the chaotic forest, and they are brave enough to reduce their fear. Therefore, without the retreat of the monks, they all think that this is an opportunity. Because in the history of the flying star, there have never been so many people exploring the chaotic forest together.

However, in a termite territory, nearly three million monks have died more than two million, and the monks who have crossed the termite territory are now less than 800,000. At this time, they stood at hundreds of meters outside the fire and were stunned.

At the center of the fire, the seeds of the nine-day fire, the huge fire lotus has shrunk to the original one-third. But it is more solid, like a solid. Xu Ziyan, Huo Linger, and Tilian’s body violently fluctuated.

After another month, the sound of the nine-day fire of the seed "啵" disappeared, and was absorbed by Huo Linger and Titian.



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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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