The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1248: Comprehend the Five Characters

I am very grateful to the students of Light Rain Sihan (100), Cheeze (100), Tang Tang 8719 (100), and Yu Yu 645098 (100)!


The fire spirit, and the smell of the body of Tilian and Xu Ziyan broke out. The whole sea of ​​fire was slowly weakening, and nearly 800,000 monks who were hundreds of meters away from the sea of ​​fire suddenly jumped from the ground and stared blankly at the sea of ​​fire. I don't know what happened inside the fire.

And Tilian is constantly shining, this situation has happened many times in two months, at this time, Titianlian is breaking through the six-product nine-day fire. And Huo Linger is also breaking through to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. Xu Ziyan raised the fire attribute to the realm of Dacheng, and repaired it to break through the late Tianxian.

After nine days, Tienian became the eight-character fairy, which contained six products and nine days of fire. Huo Linger reached the power of the great Luo Jinxian, and he reached the seven-character array. Xu Ziyan put away the Tilian, the fire sea has shrunk a lot of scope at this time, Xu Ziyan let Huo Linger go to the other side of the sea of ​​fire. After about three days, I walked out of the sea of ​​fire. The sea of ​​fire behind it is slowly disappearing.

Xu Ziyan came out of Huo Linger's body and took Huo Linger into the purple smoke space. At this time she stood by the sea of ​​fire, but the heat of the sea of ​​fire has been able to endure. Looking back and looking at the sea of ​​fire that is about to disappear, Xu Ziyan rushed to the depths of the chaotic forest.

Six days later, nearly 800,000 monks walked out of the sea of ​​fire. Three days later, the sea of ​​fire completely disappeared.

At this time, Xu Ziyan stood in front of a mountain. Looking up into the air, the original huge force vortex in the sky has become smaller. The end of the fall is the foothills of this mountain.

The rich Yuan force hangs down from the foothills like a waterfall, wrapping the whole mountain in it. On the mountain wall facing Xu Ziyan, there is a huge stone gate, which is hidden between the green wormwood. Xu Ziyan came to the front. Looking towards the door, I saw the sinuous pattern on the top, and Xu Ziyan just looked at it and knew that it was not something that he could crack. Just a door. The portrayal turned out to be a five-character fairy, so that Xu Ziyan, the four-character fairy, had no way at all.

It is not an easy task to comprehend the five-character fairy. Looking up at the Yuanli vortex, which is gradually shrinking, Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly sprouted an idea. Isn't it a waste to use such a strong Yuanli?

When I thought of it, Xu Ziyan began to climb towards the mountain. After climbing for seven days, Xu Ziyan climbed to the foothills. At this time, the top of the mountain was so strong that he could not reach his fingers. Xu Ziyan was sitting on the foot of the mountain at the knee, running around, and frantically began to absorb three kinds of strength.

The original strength of Xu Ziyan is not just Xianyuan. In her body there are metallic, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder, and space properties. Therefore, her body does not exclude the demon power and the magic power. And this Qiankun is a very magical fairy, no matter what you are, it can absorb, and then push the accumulation of Xu Ziyan's strength.

Under the mountain, the shadows of the people, nearly 800,000 monks came to the foot of the mountain, naturally found the quaint gate.

Some monks rushed to the front of the gate, and began to push the quaint gate with their arms. However, the door did not move. I used the fairy to go to the bomb, but was bounced and killed by the pattern on the door. This made all the monks honest. It was quiet before the gate. There is no commotion.

Finally, these monks realized that if they wanted to open the door, they had to crack the pattern on the door. Nearly 800,000 monks in the monk were found out, first of all the giant tree and wormwood in front of the gate were removed. All the emoticons were sitting cross-legged in front of the gate, quietly comprehending the plaid on the gate. But no monk came forward to crack it.

Finally, some monks couldn’t help but ask: "Why don't you crack the pattern on the door."

However, it was said by a group of fairy charmers that they were crying coldly: "The patterns on the above are beyond their ability, and they need to slowly comprehend."

This time, all the monks had no way, and they had to sit on the ground and wait for those fairy charms to break the plaid.

The nine-day time passed, and the vortex above the foothills had dissipated. Xu Ziyan’s cultivation has been upgraded to the peak of the late Tianxian. Xu Ziyan climbed down from the other side of the mountain and turned to the front of the gate. His eyes were searching around. Soon she found a hook.

At this time, the front is sitting in front of the Terran monks, and today the Terran has less than 200,000 left to occupy a place. Xu Ziyan bypassed the place occupied by the Yaozu and the Mozu and walked toward the Terran.

When Xu Ziyan walked, no one cares about her. At this time, the tribes have reached a silent tacit understanding. The three parties stopped each other's attacks, and everything waited to open the door and said.

The monks of the Terran saw that Xu Ziyan had come over, only to take a look, but no one would pay attention to it. Here, few people know Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan went straight to the line, which caused the attention of the Terran monks. Several monks just wanted to swear to Xu Ziyan, and the gaze was already seen.

“Teng” slammed from the ground and prayed to Xu Ziyan: “Xingjun!”

The rest of the monks are a glimpse, knowing that the female repairs in front of them are the stars of the flying star, one by one hurriedly bowing to Xu Ziyan. The other two sides of the Yaozu and the Mozu also looked at Xu Ziyan with vigilance, but when they saw that Xu Ziyan was only the peak of the late Tianxian, they were relieved for a long time. After all, Xu Ziyan is not a Luo Tian Shang Xian, giving them less pressure.

The clarified reaction is different, but he knows what Xu Ziyan had before. I did not expect that just a few months have not seen, Xu Ziyan actually reached the peak of the late Tianxian, and the heart secretly:

"No wonder that I felt that I suddenly realized some heavens in the past few days. I thought that I suddenly opened up. It turned out that the master has improved the realm."

Xu Ziyan came to the front of the hook and asked softly: "How is it?"

The whispered softly said: "Now the war of the three tribes can be said to have ended. The strength of the three tribes on the flying star has almost been exhausted in this fairy war. It has become impossible to launch the fairy war. Now the tribe The remaining strength is here."

Xu Ziyan glanced over the nearly 800,000 monks around, and could not help but nodded slightly. I am afraid that after the first war, the strength of the three tribes will be greatly damaged, and it is indeed impossible to launch the fairy war. Looking towards the gate, whispered:

"Do you know that the pattern on the door is unlocked?"

I confessed to the group of immortal teachers sitting in front of the gate: "I still understand there, I don't know when!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "You continue to cultivate here, I will go and see."

The eye that is clarified is a bright light, but he knows that Xu Ziyan itself is a fairy teacher. Because he is looking at Xu Ziyan making the soul of the soul. In the eyes, there is a joy, and respectfully said:

"Xingjun, your subordinates will accompany you."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "No."

When the words fell, they walked toward the door. As she walked, the eyes of the three tribes focused on her. Xu Ziyan walked to the back of the group of fairy charmers and sat down on the floor. He just wanted to open the eyes of the Peng Peng, and took a good look at the pattern on the door, but saw a fairy charmer sitting in front standing up from the ground. There was a arrogant look on his face and he walked toward the door.

His action has attracted the attention of all monks. A fairy teacher looked at him and said softly:

"Daoyou, have you realized the pattern on the door?"

The man nodded and nodded. "It’s just a three-character pattern. Look at the old man to crack it."

Xu Ziyan heard that he said that the pattern on the door was three items, so he was not interested in this. Even a few lines of characters are unclear, and they are proud of this way. I really don't know how to write the dead words.

However, the other monks are different, and one looks at the monk's eyes with all kinds of envy and hatred. The monk was in this kind of gaze gathering. Before he reached the gate, he took out a pen from the storage ring and began to draw on the door.

As the pen in his hand swiped, the door suddenly ignited. All the monks' eyes were bright and their faces were excited.


A loud bang, a light bomb blasted from the gate. In a moment, the fairy charmer was smashed into powder, and each party was still excited and inexplicable. They stood there and their faces looked like a knife. It is fixed in the same way.

Xu Ziyan sighed with a sigh of relief, opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and enveloped the entire door in the eyes of Yan Peng. For a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan slowly closed his eyes. In her knowledge of the sea, all the patterns on the door were presented. Xu Ziyan copied the pattern on the door completely through the eyes of the Peng Peng, and then began to understand the five elements.

While deducting the characters in the sea, it corresponds to the fairy charm in the soul inheritance, and a trace of silk marks becomes clear in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan.

When Xu Ziyan sat, he was completely immersed in the epiphany. I don’t know when I’ve been sitting quietly behind Xu Ziyan’s body, protecting the law for Xu Ziyan. Although Xu Ziyan did not let him come, but as a slave to Xu Ziyan, he was keenly aware that Xu Ziyan entered the epiphany. At this time, he no longer hesitated, and immediately sat next to Xu Ziyan.

The Yaozu and the Mozu saw the action, and they suddenly got nervous. When they saw that they were just going to protect the law for Xu Ziyan, they let go of their hearts. It’s just that they all pay attention to Xu Ziyan one by one, one by one:

"Is this aristocratic star, is it really a fairy teacher?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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