The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1249: Green dragonfly

The world of thank you does not need time classmates, Luo Luoqi classmates, pearl fan classmates, rainjin classmates, world students in your eyes, Long Ying classmates, Lan Xiaoyue classmates, Ziyan classmates pink ticket!


Time flies, and nine days have passed. During this period, there were several emperors who went to crack the runes, but without exception, they were smashed by the runes above the gates.

All this, Xu Ziyan did not know. At this time, she has completely fallen into the epiphany, and the lines of the pattern are flowing in her sea of ​​knowledge, and the five-character emperor in the soul inheritance gradually becomes more transparent.

When a month passed, there were a lot of people in the immortal division, all of whom died when they tried to crack the lines on the door. Xu Ziyan’s body has fallen a layer of ash, but she is like a statue, motionless.

Another month passed, Xu Ziyan was still motionless. The number of immortals in front of the door continues to decrease. The tribes of the three tribes began to become intolerant.

When the third month passed, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and the complex patterns in the eyes turned. For a moment, it was hidden in the eye. Xu Ziyan broke through the five-character charm.

Looking up at the front, I saw that there were only twenty of the emperors in front of me. I couldn’t help but look surprised. I turned to see the smack on my side and asked softly:

"What about the fairy charmers?"


Xu Ziyan glanced, and said: "These people are really rash!"

"Xingjun, have you realized the runes on the door?"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly and stood up from the ground. Walk towards the door. Be sure to follow you behind. The eyes of the tribes of the tribes once again gathered. Gathered on the body of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan stood in front of the gate, raised his hand and grabbed it, and caught the pen. At this time, the pattern on the door has become very clear for Xu Ziyan, and he did not hesitate to draw a pen on the door.

With the stroke of Xu Ziyan pen. A strip of pattern lights up. The pattern was bright, and the hook was scared, and Xu Ziyan was thrown here to escape. However, the power of the slaves still constrained him to stand in the same place. However, the whole body was slightly trembling.

All the monks saw the light shining above the gate, and they were all frustrated. The sighs of nearly 800,000 monks gathered in one place and echoed in the air. The eyes of the twenty-something fairy charmers were even more disdainful, and the corners of their mouths could not help but squat.

However, their expressions were fixed as they were seen, as they saw the lines above the door flashing and continually increasing. But there was no explosion in their imagination, and even more than imagined that the purple smoke was smashed into powder.

All the monks' eyes are bright. What does this mean? This shows that Xu Ziyan seems to be able to crack the pattern on the door. After a brief excitement, it was extremely tense. Every pair of eyes stared at the pen in the hands of Xu Ziyan, and the breathing became heavy.

The pen in the hands of Xu Ziyan kept on, and the light was still smooth. After spending two quarters of time, Xu Ziyan finally finished the final stroke and collected the pen. Take a step back. The hand is standing in front of the door and staring at the front door.

Above the gate, a series of sparkling striated lines were connected in one place, forming a huge and quaint pattern. Suddenly, the whole door was full of light and dazzling. Then Guanghua dispersed, and the entire door restored its original simplicity.


Nearly 800,000 monks stood up from the ground, and their eyes gathered on Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan stepped forward and pushed his hands to the door.


A soothing sound began, and the door was slowly pushed away. It reveals a dark passage inside.

Xu Ziyan stood in front of the gate. Did not go in. For the unknown, Xu Ziyan is cautious enough. I saw that Xu Ziyan did not move, and he stood honestly behind Xu Ziyan.

However, the tribes behind them began to stir up. Cried to the gate. Waiting until the distance of the five meters, hesitated to stop. It is said that after all, it is the middle of Luo Tianshang. Still have enough deterrent power. However, Xu Ziyan is very clear that this deterrent is only temporary in the face of huge temptation. Therefore, Xu Ziyan walked slowly toward the side of the gate, and the hooks also followed suit.

The tribes of the tribe saw Xu Ziyan and the hooks flashed to the side. Instead, they hesitated and looked at the passages inside the gates. The Terran monks slowly retreated and stood on the side of the hook. After all, since the fairy war, it has been their command, and they have a silent trust in the hook.

The Yaozu and the Mozu looked at each other and looked at Xu Ziyan and Hook. At this time, Xu Ziyan was slightly squatting, and it was completely disregarded. It is natural that with the purple smoke, the eyes will hang down.

The atmosphere was very strange, and the scene that was supposed to be rushing into it became silent. In the end, the Yaozu and the Mozu couldn’t stand the desire of the heart and stepped toward the inside of the hall.

After the demon and the demons walked into thousands of people, Xu Ziyan suddenly moved. She doesn't want to go ahead, but it doesn't mean she wants to go to the end.

The movement of Xu Ziyan, the enthusiasm of the move, followed, and the ethnic monks behind him were also followed.

Although the demon and the demon are not embarrassed, but the definitive repair is placed there, they have to endure the anger in their hearts, watching Xu Ziyan and the hook into the door. However, the human race monks behind them have no such treatment. After the purple smoke and the hooks entered the gate, the Yaozu and the Mozu rushed to rush inside, and the Terran monks also rushed forward. During the time, the gate was crowded. If it wasn’t for the treasures at the moment, the tribes at the door would fight.

Xu Ziyan walked along the passage toward the front. The passage is wide and about ten meters. Xu Ziyan's gaze looked toward the two walls and the top of the passage, and the two walls and the top of the tunnel were all green.

Xu Ziyan tried to release the knowledge of the gods and explored it. The gods had just been released, and there was a hint of joy on his face. This **** consciousness has recovered within the channel and is no longer disturbed by the chaos of the chaotic forest.

Xu Ziyan immediately ran quietly and found that there was only the demon power in this passage. Looking around, it is true that the demon people are picking up, while the Terran and the Mozu are obviously suppressed.

In this way, Xu Ziyan is more careful, spreading the knowledge of God to the surrounding area. However, this passage seems to be endless and unexplored.

Just walking forward, the entire passage has no other sounds except heavy footsteps and more and more heavy breathing. This made the three tribes feel depressed, slowly spreading a deep fear from the bottom of their hearts, and this fear slowly expanded with the passage of time.

Suddenly, there was a scream in the back, and it came to the front with waves and waves. The consciousness of Xu Ziyan has always been concerned with everything around him. Naturally, I know what happened behind. His face was changed, and he took a breath and the door at the back of the entrance was automatically closed.

Nearly 800,000 mansions have stopped, and a mood of turmoil has spread in space. After the last batch of the three tribes who entered the passage, they immediately turned back and wanted to open the door. However, they used all kinds of methods and could not open the door.

Can not open the door, so that the mood of the riots is even higher, but the monks can also suppress the riots, because the purple purple that opened the door is still there, they all pin their hopes on the body of Xu Ziyan, the eyes of all parties Xu Ziyan gathered.

Xu Ziyan turned back and plunged in the direction of the gate. The three tribes in the passage hurried to flash on both sides, giving Xu Ziyan a passage. Xu Ziyan swiftly swept in the passage and came to the front of the gate. The gods instantly enveloped the entire door. After careful investigation, Xu Ziyan’s face suddenly fell. The closure of this gate has nothing to do with the pattern, it should be an ancient institution, except for violence, there is no way.

Xu Ziyan took a step back and took the opportunity to repair it. With the strength of the four-piece fairy, he punched a punch. The door trembled without shaking. So, Xu Ziyan already knows that things can't be done, and he just wants to say something. Suddenly, there was a green light in the entire passage.

At first glance, it turned out that the layer of green on the wall of the passage floated down and turned into a little bit of stars, like a firefly, condensed in the air. Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to take a four-piece defensive charm on his body and put himself in a mask.

The little green light of the stars gave Xu Ziyan an extremely dangerous feeling. Sure enough, in the eyes of the monks, the floating green light condensed into a look of a scorpion. Every scorpion is small, only the size of the palm. These slap-sized scorpions rushed toward the tribes in the passage. These monks only had to touch the green scorpions, whether you were in direct contact or through the fairy in your hand, there would be a green light from the scorpion. The body is directly transmitted to the tribes of the tribes, or transmitted to the tribes through the fairy.

The green light spots are connected in the air into a single thread, which **** the blood of the tribes in the tribes very quickly. Only in an instant, the tribes who were attacked by the body immediately became shackles, and the green scorpions who drew the blood of the three tribes grew up in a circle, and the power was even more fierce.

At this time, the channel has become a mess. The green scorpion has rapidly grown to two feet in the vision of Xu Ziyan. The sound of mourning and the sound of celestial blasting are everywhere in the passage. The tribes of the tribes are already insane. It is simply to release the sorcerers and the fairyware regardless of the situation.

Xu Ziyan immediately made a decision in his heart, the door was closed, and it was impossible to go out from here. The only way is to continue to move forward. Maybe the way out is ahead.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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