The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1250: Three channels

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Xu Ziyan has a defensive charm, but he does not care about those green scorpions hurting himself. And just now there was a green scorpion attacking himself, and without exception, he was bounced off by his defensive charm. Although the defense of the fairy is also very fast, but fortunately, Xu Ziyan's body is not lacking the four-factor defense.

The gods swiftly swept through the storage ring, and counted the four defensive charms, leaving twenty. The heart is a tight one. She really doesn't know how long this passage is. She dares not to make the slightest stop. A teleport and a teleportary fly toward the front of the passage.

Soon, Xu Ziyan left nearly 800,000 monks behind him, but still did not dare to pause, while patted the defensive charm on his body, and tried his best to teleport toward the front.

On the front channel, a dense palm-sized green scorpion has been gathered, which is a strange demon who has not yet absorbed the blood of the three tribes. I saw the shape of Xu Ziyan's intermittent appearance in the space, one by one, rushing toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan can feel that in the process of his teleportation, a wave of green dice is knocked open by his body, and the defensive charm is rapidly consumed. When Xu Ziyan’s defensive charm is still two. Immediately, she appeared in a circular hall. There is no more green scorpion around.

Xu Ziyan stopped and vomited a long breath, turning his head and looking at the passage behind him in amazement. I saw two large characters inscribed above the passage:


A shock in my heart. The gaze moved to the bottom, and the dense green scorpion was seen at the mouth of the passage, but it was no longer a step forward. This made Xu Ziyan breathe a sigh of relief and knew that the blind people did not know why. Did not dare to walk out of the passage and enter the circular hall.

I put down my heart and turned my head and looked around. Seeing that this is a small circular cavern, there is also a passage in the opposite direction to the green rafter passage. It was just a faint black magic in the passage, but no matter how the black magic gas surged, it did not see it out of the passage. There are also two large characters on the channel:

Magic Road!

Xu Ziyan looked back at the green scorpion channel again, and still had a lingering fear. If it weren't for her many charms on her body, I am afraid that this time has already become a shackle. I don't know the nearly 800,000 tribes. How many monks can finally get out of this passage.

There are only two defensive charms left on the body. Xu Ziyan naturally does not dare to enter the opposite channel of the magical surge. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, took out the material of the tune, and explored the void and grabbed the pen in the purple smoke space. I began to concentrate on making defensive charms.

However, this time she did not make four products to defend Xianfu, but the five-product defense fairy. Today she is already a five-character charm teacher. Naturally, it is necessary to make the most powerful fairy.

After spending nearly ten hours, Xu Ziyan made forty five defensive charms, which took the pen and the technical materials. Standing up from the ground, I looked at the passage of the opposite magical surge.

The gaze reveals a decisive color, and takes out a five-product defense fairy to open on the body, stepping into the magic road.

Xu Ziyan did not start teleporting immediately after entering the magic road, but step by step, carefully walking toward the inside. God's knowledge spreads around, and this time she did not feel any difference on the walls, the ground and the top of the cave. Just around the magical turmoil. Constantly eroding her defenses. Unconsciously, hundreds of meters have been carried forward, and there are still no new discoveries.

Suddenly, the heart moved, God knows. There was a wave of space in the direction behind her. In her knowledge, five figures rushed out of the demon. Stay in the rotunda. It is precisely the Luo Tianshang monk who clarified the four demon and the demon.

It is clear that the four monks of Luo Tianshang rushed out of the demon road, and looked like Xu Ziyan. When I saw the opposite magical turmoil, the look on the face was changed. The five monks only thought about it for a moment, and they each looked for a corner, sitting on the ground and turning to adjust the loss. .

Xu Ziyan no longer cares about the things behind him, but also opened a five-character fairy, and began to quickly teleport to the depths of the magic road.

After two hours, the hooks in the rotunda and the four early monks of Luo Tianshang stood up from the ground, glanced at each other and stepped into the magic road.

Soon after they entered the Magic Road, some tribal monks rushed out of the demon road. They repeatedly clarified the ability to act, and after adjusting the interest, they entered the magic road.

Within eight hours, a total of less than 5,000 monks rushed out of the demon road. These five thousand retreats were the repairs of the late Tianxian or the late Tianxian. After that, no more monks rushed out. Nearly 50,000 thousand tribes survived less than 5,000.

At this time, Xu Ziyan still madly teleported within the magic road. The body's defensive charm has consumed twenty-one. The passage seems to have no end, which makes Xu Ziyan's heart gradually tense.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s teleported figure stopped and, to be exact, she was bounced back by something. That is to say, the strength of the body of her four-piece fairy was not injured, but she was also bounced far away. The body was faintly painful, rolling innumerable heads in the air and falling to the ground.

Looking at the opposite side with horror, it seems that the passage to the end of the passage has reached the Jedi. Because the passage at this time was blocked by a huge round thing.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge spread and explored the round thing that blocked the passage. The gods had just touched the round thing, but saw that the round thing had changed. The two beams suddenly appeared on the round thing, but they were two huge eyes. Then there was a nose under the two huge eyes, and a **** hole like a big mouth appeared under the nose.

This is a huge head and a huge devil.

I saw that the two nostrils suddenly sucked, and the magical gas in the channel formed two black dragons rushing to the two nostrils of the devil's head and was sucked in. After that, the devil's head is a big mouth:


A magic whistle, a strong magical spurt from the huge mouth.

Do not!

That is not magic!

It is a myriad of black beetles, like a net, rushing toward Xu Zi. Under the shock of Xu Ziyan, the meaning of the fire was transported to reach the realm, and suddenly burst into a punch. A sea of ​​fire greeted the black beetle.

The sound of "Ziz" is endless, and countless black beetles are burned into black smoke by the sea of ​​fire. However, the endless black beetle covered the sea of ​​fire and spread like a sea tide.

Xu Ziyan knows that this is not the time to keep the cards, but to the desperate moment. Step forward with your right foot:

"Step by step lotus!"

The eight-product nine-day fire that was released from the eight-in-one and the lotus is everywhere.

On the ground, on the wall, above the top of the cave, inside the space, there are dazzling red lotuses everywhere. The air becomes hot and the flowing red lotus spreads rapidly toward the front. The force in the body of Xu Ziyan is also rapidly depleted.


The red lotus hit the devil's head, and the devil's hair screamed screamingly, and a large black beetle was sprayed out. However, only the red lotus that was rotated in an instant burned into a powder, and the red lotus swirled and rushed into the big mouth of the demon head, only to see that the huge demon gradually began to redden, suddenly There is a channel gap above the devil's head, and a dazzling red is transmitted from the gap.


A burst of sound, like a magma burst, the black devil burst into a burst, a group of red lotus blooms in the devil's blast, through the gap of the red lotus hovering, Xu Ziyan saw a circular hall in front of the opposite side.


Xu Ziyan spit out a sigh of relief, soft on the ground, his face pale. After the upgrade of Tilian to the eight products, the consumption of Xianyuan is not something that Xu Ziyan can consume. It’s just a matter of time, it’s going to be spent in the purple smoke.

The red lotus everywhere spreads like a low tide toward the foot of Xu Ziyan, and disappears instantly without a trace. Xu Ziyan clearly saw that the opposite side was unimpeded, and a rotunda was at the end of the passage.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s face changed, and the magic inside the channel was gathering toward the front passageway. The virtual shadow of a demon head was forming and rapidly condensed.

Xu Ziyan immediately opened a force of acupuncture, and the body shape rushed over like a wind. He rushed out of the passage and landed in the round hall. He turned his head and looked at the passageway behind the middle. The devil's head, blocking the passage. Just not enough to be solid.

Turn your head and look around, this is the same space as the previous round hall. Looking up at the passage in front, I saw an ordinary passage, no magic, no green light. Looking up at the top of the passage, I saw two large characters on it:


Although I can't see the danger in the humanity opposite, Xu Ziyan did not dare to have the slightest effect. Now she has no trace of celestial power in her body. She immediately sits on the ground and takes four products, and begins to adjust her interest.

Constantly taking four products of Xiandan, Xu Ziyan also spent a full five hours to restore his cultivation to the peak. Standing up from the ground, he opened a defensive charm on his body. Still some do not worry, summoned the water of a palm, spread it on his body, turned into a protective treasure. This is the way to go to the humanity.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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