The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1251: Holding a gun

I am very grateful to zhouhuo classmates, gk001 classmates, xh38089 classmates, oldandstupid classmates, Longying classmates, silina0628 classmates, Ann ^_^ Jing classmates' pink ticket!


After half an hour, the devil in the magic road burst again, and the 13 figures rushed out from the inside, which is to clarify the five Luo Tian Shang Xian monks and the eight peaks of the late Tianxian. Since then, no monks have rushed out, and nearly 800,000 tribes have entered the gate. Today, only Xu Ziyan and the thirteen monks are left.

Xu Ziyan swiftly flew forward along the passage, and suddenly she paused, and her body was restrained, but her eyes burst into a fine light.

Not far from her front stood a man, closed his eyes, holding a slanting long gun in his right hand, the gun tip against the ground. There is no slight fluctuation in the body, just like a dead person.

However, Xu Ziyan did not dare to regard him as a dead object. Both eyes carefully look at each other's body. In the end, the gaze fell on the rifle in his hand, and the look was a change. The rifle turned out to be a nine-piece fairy.

Will a person holding such a fairy be a dead thing? However, there is no feeling of life in his body. What is going on here?

Xu Ziyan’s mind quickly thought about it and took out the three-pronged sword that Tianhe gave to her. After thinking about it, I took out a piece of the sword and sacrificed it to the air, spurting away to the opposite person.

The sword had not yet reached the other side of the body, and Xu Ziyan’s "explosive" word had not been exported yet, and he saw the other party move. I haven't seen the other side's movements yet, and the gunpoint is on the spur of the sword.


A burst of sound, a piece of fairy sword that Xu Ziyan sacrificed was turned into pieces.


Xu Ziyan was shocked and his body shape quickly reversed. But in front of the flower, a figure is blurred in her field of vision. Only one light is particularly glaring, but it is the tip of the nine-pronged rifle.

Xu Ziyan quickly raised the three-pronged sword in his hand. Pointed at that light.


The sword of Xu Ziyan’s hand was broken.


Xu Ziyan spurted a blood out of his head, and his body shape was a teleport, and he quickly retreated toward the rear. However, the blurred figure in front of him quickly approached Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s body flying backwards in the air suddenly fell to the ground, and his right foot stepped on the ground:

"Step by step lotus!"

The red lotus blossoms everywhere, a lotus flower rushed, and the cover was blurred. The opposite figure suddenly slammed, revealing the figure. The long gun in his hand slammed around himself, and a circle of golden light suddenly burst out and expanded toward the outside, even blocking the red lotus sea, and not only that, but the lotus sea was forced to retreat.


Xu Ziyan's face changed color, at this time she suddenly remembered. The long gun in the other hand is a nine-piece fairy, and his own red and tidy is just an eight-piece fairy, naturally resisting the other's power.

Suddenly, there was an extreme crisis in the heart, and Xu Ziyan quickly rushed to the rear, and at the same time put away his own Lotus. Just as Xu Ziyan moved backwards, the long gun in the other hand suddenly slammed upwards, and a dazzling light rushed toward Xu Ziyan. It was a huge arc, like a sharp knife. Teared open the space. Go straight to the purple smoke in the teleport.

Xu Ziyan's flowing cloud body was unfolded, his body shape became blurred, and he swayed from side to side. There were countless pieces of purple smoke in the passage.


A humming sound. The huge knife smacked apart and was divided into countless knives. There are countless figures in the eyes of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan had no choice but to flip her hands, and the water of one palm stretched out from her hands, forming a round shield covering her body.


A burst of sound, Xu Ziyan's body shape spurted out like a meteor, and a blood was spilled in the air. It flew down nearly a kilometer, fell heavily on the ground, and slid hundreds of meters toward the rear.

Xu Ziyan was like a scattered frame. He rubbed his hands and wiped the blood from his mouth and jumped up from the ground. Looking at the front with horror.

The front of the plane was empty, and the gunman did not know when he had returned to the original place. He still slanted his gun to the ground and closed his eyes. Xu Ziyan carefully retreated hundreds of meters to the rear. Seeing that the person at the end of the passage did not move, it was safe to take the medicinal herbs, sit on the ground, and resume the interest rate.

After four hours, Xu Ziyan's eyebrows moved slightly, and heard the footsteps coming from behind. However, she did not get up and saw the enlightenment from the knowledge of God.

The hook also recognized the Xu Ziyan, who was facing him, and his face was a joy. Seeing Xu Ziyan motionless, look is a worry. At this time, the other twelve monks also saw Xu Ziyan, and they couldn’t help but have a meal. They looked at Xu Ziyan with vigilance. Only the shape of the body accelerated and flew toward Xu Ziyan, and fell to the side of Xu Ziyan, looking to Xu Ziyan. Seeing that Xu Ziyan was still adjusting his eyes with his eyes closed, he stood by Xu Ziyan and looked back at the twelve monks with a warning.

The twelve monks slowly walked to the side of Xu Ziyan, and they all frowned and looked at Xu Ziyan, and turned their heads to look at the end of the passage, faintly seeing a figure standing at the end of the passage.

The four monks in the early days of Luo Tianxian looked at each other. It is obvious that Xu Ziyan is now adjusting interest rates, and it is clear that he will not continue to move forward, posing a posture for Xu Ziyan.

I saw Xu Ziyan’s mouth still have blood, obviously it was injured before. In this passage, except that they have no other monks, it can be determined that Xu Ziyan was injured by the gunman at the end of the passage.

The twelve monks did not hesitate to go forward, because they all saw that Xu Ziyan was only the cultivation of the peak of the late Tianxian. The hearts of the four Luo Tianxian were not only without the tension before, but had some relaxation. A monk at the peak of the late Tianxian can not die under the attack of the other party, but is injured. Then they have to be repaired in the early days of Luo Tianshang, not to be afraid, let alone they are still the beginning of the four Luo Tianshangxian plus eight peaks of the late Tianxian?

Maybe you can kill the gunman and take the lead. If there are any treasures in it, it is theirs.

Twelve monks, under the leadership of four Luo Tianshang, swept toward the end of the passage. When the gunman was approached, the twelve monks tried their best to bombard their own masters. In the meantime, huge powers rumbling in the channel, violently illuminating, hiding the shape of the gunman.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and looked at the opposite side. I saw only a glimmer of light in the tens of thousands of radiances.

All the powers are broken, and only that golden light has spread.


The sound of broken sounds, the body of the eight monasteries in the late days of the celestial 霎 霎 支 , , , , , , , , , , , 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修He fell heavily on the ground and swung backwards.

A vague figure quickly approached, and a long gun in his hand burst into a gun, and he immediately reached the front of the four monks in the early days of Luo Tianshang. The "bang" sounded loudly, and Jin Mang shot, the four Luo Tianshen early The monk was fried into a powder.

The blurred figure of the group retreated backwards, but only returned to the original place in an instant, still posing a position with a long gun.

This time, Xu Ziyan did not participate in the battle. She saw it very clearly. The gunman’s body did not have the slightest vitality. It was completely a dead man’s appearance. Moreover, during the battle, there was no fluctuation in the body, and I could not see what he was doing.

However, Xu Ziyan now knows that his position seems to have exceeded the scope of the opponent's attack and will not attack himself. Then he closed his eyes and entered the interest rate adjustment.

After another hour, Xu Ziyan resumed his cultivation and immediately sank into the purple smoke space, because she found that the water of one palm had disappeared from her body. She was worried about whether the water of a palm was injured.

As soon as I entered the purple smoke space, Xu Ziyan saw a palm of water floating in the fairy river. In the feeling of Xu Ziyan, the water in one palm was injured, but the injury was very slight, and I am afraid that it could be recovered after one hour. I put down my heart, took my knowledge back, and stood up from the ground.

"Master!" clarified the courtesy.

Xu Ziyan nodded and did not speak. His eyes looked at the end of the passage. His eyebrows were locked, and suddenly he felt a move. He remembered that he had collected a dynasty of the Mahayana in the ghost sea on the vast mainland. Into the shackles. Is this gunman a human figure?

its not right! I thought that the Mahayana corpse still exudes the power of the Mahayana period, but the gunman’s body is a bit of power. What is going on?

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kuang Peng and looked at the gunman opposite. A shock in my heart, scattered the eyes of Kun Peng, the eyes were deeply locked. Now she understands that the other party is not a law repair, but a martial art, and it is an extremely rare physical repair in martial arts. It is specialized in cultivating the body. Some of them are similar to Xu Ziyan’s sword, but they are better than swords. Still thorough.

Therefore, there is no temperament in his body, but the body has been cultivated to the realm of the nine-piece fairy. A realm of cultivating the body to the nine-piece fairy, holding a nine-piece fairy in his hand, how does Xu Ziyan go hostile? Xu Ziyan’s heart gave birth to a feeling of powerlessness.

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly moved, and the gunman on the opposite side seemed to have died. Otherwise, there would be no breath of life. In this way, he is really awkward. Then the one who supports his actions should be the gods that are sealed in the sea. His knowledge should be erased by the person who made him, and the command to guard it. And his actions still have scope. If I can destroy his gods, isn't everything solved?

Xu Ziyan took out the jade flute and condensed the sound into a bundle, and played the first chapter:

Soul sleep.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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