The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1252: Endless road

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The whistling sound of the pharynx swallowed toward the opposite cockroach, and the cockroaches clearly felt discomfort, and the closed eyelids shook a few times. Then it returned to calm.

Xu Ziyan music chapter conversion, blowing the soul to lead the second chapter: soul explosion.

In the vision of Xu Ziyan, the opposite side of the eye can be clearly seen, and the pair of eyelids are beating vigorously. But still stand straight, the long gun in his hand does not move.

Xu Ziyan music chapter turns again, playing the evil spirits to lead the third chapter: the soul.

The opposite cockroach suddenly opened his eyes. It was a pair of godless eyes, but gradually revealed a hint of color, as if recalling something, and thinking of nothing. The figure swayed and seemed to be very painful, but the body that had already died could not feel the slightest pain. The whole situation looks very different.

Xu Ziyan played the third movement of the soul-stricken spirit over and over again: the soul. The opposite side suddenly opened his mouth and made a "hehe" sound, which seemed to be very painful. It was the gaze that was revealed to be very confused. After a while, it showed a fierce color. Looking around, I saw Xu Ziyan in the distance, my feet moved, but I stopped at the same place.

He seems to feel the threat of Xu Ziyan to him, and wants to kill Xu Ziyan. But in the knowledge of God there is an order that does not allow him to leave the scope of the obedience.

Xu Ziyan also felt the hesitation of the other party, and the extreme crisis hit her heart. Xu Ziyan immediately played the last chapter of the ecstasy, and it was the most powerful chapter: the soul.

The hesitation is subject to the imprisonment of God, this hesitant moment. Giving Xu Ziyan a chance, he was originally subject to Xu Ziyan's annihilation of the soul, and the three movements of lethargy, soul explosion and soul have already confused the gods who had been imprisoned. Now the temperament of this soul rushes into his sea of ​​knowledge, and his knowledge is instantly overwhelmed.

Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath and put down the jade flute in his hand. Continuously playing the four movements of the soul-killing, so that Xu Ziyan has just recovered and repaired half of it, which is why the other side's knowledge is not strong enough.

Xu Ziyan knew that he was very lucky to win this time. On the one hand, this cockroach on the opposite side has a fixed range and does not attack itself. Otherwise, I am afraid that I have been killed by the other side. On the other hand, it is the reason for this embarrassment itself. Refining is also an extreme in the martial arts category. They only pay attention to the cultivation of the strength of the body, and do not cultivate the gods. This result is doomed to their body is very strong, but the gods are very weak. This has caused the strength of the body to reach the strength of the nine-piece fairy, which is equivalent to the Emperor. However, his gods only reached the realm of Luo Tianshang.

This is a weakness though. But not everyone can take advantage of it. Only a monk with a soul attacking ability like Xu Ziyan can pose a threat to physical training.

Xu Ziyan was very relieved at this time, and the cockroach had already been solved. At this time, in addition to the traitor, there was no one else in the passage. The jade flute was collected, and the four-character elixir was taken into the interest rate adjustment.

After two hours, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and stood up from the ground. His face was full of joy and walked toward the cockroach at the end of the passage. Xu Ziyan could not be upset. It is necessary to know that there is a dragonfly with the strength of the nine-piece fairy standing in front of her. And there is a long gun with a nine-piece fairy.

Standing in front of the cockroach, Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Yan Peng and looked forward to it. This careful examination, Xu Ziyan discovered. This cockroach is afraid that his cultivation will not reach the strength of the nine-piece fairy when he was alive, because in the eyes of Xu Ziyan. She clearly saw that his body had been refined, that is to say. Refining by the refiner. The body that was not originally a nine-piece fairy was passed through a refiner, adding some materials, and refining it into a nine-piece fairy.

Transmitting the knowledge into the sea of ​​knowledge, seeing that there is no trace of knowledge in his knowledge of the sea, it is empty. Xu Ziyan was overjoyed and knew that if he could separate a glimpse of the gods into the sea of ​​knowledge, and then refine the sea of ​​knowledge and become the master of the sea, this 傀儡 can become his own avatar. However, this takes a long time. Xu Ziyan decided to wait until he left, and immediately searched for a place to refine it.

His eyes fell on the rifle of the nine-piece fairy, and he reached out and touched it. Then he took the rifle and took it with force, but the rifle seemed to merge with the scorpion. Not only did the rifle not be taken back from the shackles, but the scorpion was also brought together.

Looking at the embarrassment that was raised by himself, Xu Ziyan shook his head silently, and when he thought about it, he took Qi Lian with a long gun and took it into the purple smoke space.

Looking up outside the passage, I saw a round hall outside the passage. Xu Ziyan stepped out of the passage and made it clear in the back. After entering the round hall, there was another passage on the opposite side of Xu Ziyan. Looking up at the top of the passage, three large characters are engraved above the passage:

"Endless road!"

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and did not understand what the three words "endless road" represented. However, it has already arrived here and only continues.

Stepping into the endless road, a faint passage extends toward the endless distance. Xu Ziyan stood in the channel and extended his knowledge to the outside. Until her gods extended to the limit, they did not find anything dangerous, and did not find the end of the passage.

Taking back the knowledge of God, Xu Ziyan walked toward the front, and he followed it. Surrounded by silence, only two people's footsteps echoed inside the passage, oscillating back and forth. A passage extends forward, with stone walls on both sides.

After about an hour, Xu Ziyan looked back and saw that the entrance was no longer visible. There was only a long passage, and then looking back, it was also a long passage, giving Xu Ziyan an illusion. Today she It is not clear that it is the front, and that is the rear. The front and rear passages are exactly the same, the ground, the stone walls, and the top of the cave are exactly the same.

Xu Ziyan suddenly flew up and swiftly flew toward the front, and the air only heard the sound of clothes and looting. The stone walls on both sides quickly flashed back in the vision of Xu Ziyan, and the passage in front seemed to be endless.

After two hours, Xu Ziyan suddenly stopped. Looked back and forth, his face became very ugly, and the cloak behind her was also an ugly look. Because Xu Ziyan looked around before and after, the surrounding scenery was still exactly the same, as if the flying of the two hours of his own time was in the same place.

Xu Ziyan took out a fairy sword and took a trace on the wall. Then she flew forward again. Every time she flew for a quarter of an hour, she stopped to mark a trace on the stone wall. So after she flew for three hours, she stopped and looked carefully at the stone walls on both sides.

There is no nick on the stone wall, which proves that she is not here. However, this makes Xu Ziyan have a feeling of suffocation. In the middle of the room, Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped. She found that there was no behind her, and she hurriedly looked around. Where there were traces of the stalks, the gods quickly spread out, until the extreme, and no evidence was found. trace.

Xu Ziyan took a sigh of relief, she has never been so helpless. As if she was abandoned in the tunnel of time and space, there is no past, no future.

I took a few deep breaths and forced myself to press the emotions of my impetuousness. Because of the relationship between the control of the soul, there is a slight connection between Xu Ziyan and the hook. However, Xu Ziyan has been sensing for a long time, but he has not been able to detect the whereabouts. This makes Xu Ziyan’s mood heavy.

Xu Ziyan looked up at the front of the endless road, his body flickered and unfolded. A teleport followed by a teleport, teleported nearly a hundred times, and consumed one-third of the body's celestial power, but the endless road still has no end.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s body shape was a joyful color on his face. There is a figure in her right front that is constantly flying.


Xu Ziyan shouted excitedly. To know how happy it is for Xu Ziyan to see a human trace on such a quiet, endless passage.

However, it was as if the call of Xu Ziyan was not heard, and it was still flying as vigorously as it was. Xu Ziyan moved a moment and chased him behind him, shouting at him:


The hook still seems to have not heard, and swiftly flies.


Xu Ziyan shouted again, and the hook was still flying.

Xu Ziyan reached out and took a clear shoulder, but saw his hand actually worn from the body of the hook. Xu Ziyan took the hand back with amazement, and the hook in the eye was still flying.

Xu Ziyan does not stop, but she never screams. At this point her eyes were full of shock. It has been understood in her mind that it should be inhaled into another space without knowing it. This endless road is a multi-space superimposed array space. The enlightenment in front of us is simply not the ontology, but the projection of the space in another space.

The smuggling of the fly suddenly stopped, and suddenly turned back, as if Xu Ziyan was a face-faced face. However, the eyes of the hook are all crazy, and there is no trace of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan shouted at the close-knit, but there was no reaction at all. Xu Ziyan clearly saw a sweat in the middle of Luo Tianshang’s mid-term, but his face was full of fear. Suddenly, I saw the screaming and shouting. Although Xu Ziyan could not hear the clear voice, he saw from his mouth that he was shouting...


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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