The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1253: Outside the channel

I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season forever, the pink ticket of Tang Tang 8719 students!


Although Xu Ziyan could not hear the clear voice, he saw from his mouth what he was shouting:

"Master! Master! What is this place? The old slave can't stand it! The old slave has been running here for ten years, but still can't find the end. Where is this? I can't help it... I am quite Can't live... I can't stand it..."

Xu Ziyan’s heart was shocked. She knew that she had entered the endless road for less than three days, but the hook said that he had been running inside for ten years...

what on earth is it?

Xu Ziyan’s heart jumps, is the time here changing? I have been in the past three days, but it has been ten years since I identified the space I was in?


Xu Ziyan couldn't help but yell, because she saw that the eyes of the hook were gradually closing, and the mouth of the big one that had been madly shouted turned into a whisper. Xu Ziyan immediately understood that this is the enlightened soul to collapse. Xu Ziyan fully understands the state at this time. One person runs on an endless road, and one run is ten years, that is, Xu Ziyan will collapse.

"Cite! I am here!"

Although Xu Ziyan knows that he is useless no matter how he shouts, he can see the projected projections, but he may not be able to see himself. But he couldn’t help but shouted. However, in the eyes of Xu Ziyan, I saw that the body of the hook slowly fell backwards and fell to the dust.

The call of Xu Ziyan seems to have been suddenly caught in the neck, sitting on the ground with a butt, and a sense of powerlessness rises in his heart. Xu Ziyan was sitting so dull. His eyes gradually became godless and empty.

Suddenly, the body of Xu Ziyan was shocked, and the empty eyes of the gods gradually recovered.

"I can't do this! Nothing can trap me! As long as I am not dead. There is hope."

Xu Ziyan sat cross-legged, took out the four-character Xiandan to take it, and began to adjust his interest to resume his cultivation. After an hour, Xu Ziyan will be repaired to return to the peak. but. She did not open her eyes, but instead used the small space properties she realized to sense this endless road.

After a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan opened her eyes helplessly. Her understanding of the spatial attributes was still worse. However, this induction did not take much effort. She could feel that the space array here is beyond her understanding, that is, Said that she could not solve this space array.

Xu Ziyan looked around and still was a road without end. The same before and after, there is no difference. In the eyes of the blue strobe, Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng.

In the eyes of Kuang Peng, she saw the superposition of the three-story space, and the description was within the second-level space. Xu Ziyan merged the gods with the eyes of the pupils, and made the magical powers "breaking."


Two blue rays spurted out from Xu Ziyan's eyes, and Xu Ziyan suddenly closed his eyes. Tears flowed from the eyelids.

Her "breaking" supernatural powers did not open up the space array of endless roads, but instead were reversed by the array, and their eyes were very painful. Xu Ziyan took a jade bottle from the storage ring. It was the tears that she left behind, and she dropped two drops in her eyes. After two quarters of an hour, her eyes returned to normal.

Xu Ziyan once again opened the eyes of Kun Peng and carefully examined the space array in front of him. The three-layer spatial array method is superimposed and flows slowly in the eyes of Kuang Peng. With the help of Yan Peng's eyes, Xu Ziyan spreads his knowledge on the space array. A trace of scanning. Inductive to the strength of the array.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan jumped in the heart and she found a weak node. This is what Xu Ziyan has been looking for. She knows how to master the array, no matter how strong the battle. It must also have its weak nodes. Now she has found one. So she left a glimpse of the gods on that node. Continue to scan.

After spending two hours, she found three weak nodes. At these three weak nodes, she identified one of the weakest nodes. If you lock that node, once again release the magical "breaking"!


The magical "breaking" bombardment was on the weak node. In the vision of Xu Ziyan, the weak node broke and a hole appeared. Xu Ziyan's figure flickered, and a teleport entered the hole. Staying in shape, turning around and seeing the node behind him is healing rapidly.

Dissipated the "breaking" supernatural powers, Xu Ziyan felt a bit, the time here really became very slow, and the heart could not help but admire this array of people. Open the eyes of Kuangpeng again, and want to close the corpse, but in the eyes of Kuangpeng, this second layer of space is also a layer-by-layer method. If Xu Ziyan wants to break the array, it is almost impossible to walk to the side of the body. . If you use the "breaking" magical power, then I don't know how to use it dozens of times. I am afraid that I have not yet reached the space where I am hiding. The eyes of Xu Ziyan are tired.

Shake his head and sigh. Xu Ziyan wanted to put God in a key position, so he had to give up the idea of ​​collecting the body. Sitting on the floor, Xu Ziyan slightly adjusted for a while, once again opened the eyes of Peng Peng and began to look for the weak nodes in the third layer of space.

After an hour, Xu Ziyan finally identified a weak node. The "breaking" magical blast came out, and two blue rays bombarded the node. In an instant, the node was shattered and a hole appeared. Xu Ziyan applied a teleport and rushed into the hole, and the broken node healed.

Xu Ziyan, who entered the third floor space, suddenly changed his look. She felt the difference in this space at this time. The time flow rate in the first layer space is normal, the time flow rate in the second layer space is slowed, and the time flow rate in the third layer space is accelerated.

Xu Ziyan can clearly feel the rapid passage of time, which makes Xu Ziyan very nervous. The passage of time is the passing of life, which is not to be nervous and frightened. Xu Ziyan quickly opened the eyes of Yan Peng, spread out the knowledge of the gods, and scanned in the third floor space.

In the rapid search, Xu Ziyan finally identified a weak node, and he did not hesitate to blast the "destroyed" magical power to that node.

Xu Ziyan quickly teleported to the past, rushed in at the moment when the node was just broken, and his feet stepped on the ground, looking at the surroundings with vigilance.

The nodes behind him have healed, the stone walls are on either side, and there is still a passage in front.

Xu Ziyan spread the knowledge of the gods and suddenly found that the gods lost their role here. The operation of Qiankun 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀

Xu Ziyan not only did not have a heartbeat, but spit out a long breath. This situation shows that Xu Ziyan has come out of the endless road.

First, I waved dozens of fairy charms and laid out a defensive array. Then sit on the ground and take the elixir, and begin to adjust the loss of strength. When I was repaired and restored to the peak, I released a five-in-one defense charm on my body. This waved the box and stepped forward.

This time, Xu Ziyan did not fly, and there was no teleportation, but step by step toward the front. Since the situation of the Yuan Lie riot has been restored here, who knows if there is anything like the termites that is fierce?

The surroundings were very quiet, only the sound of Xu Ziyan’s footsteps was “sand”. One hour passed, the road still had no end, and two hours passed, and there was still no change. Three hours passed, and Xu Ziyan’s footsteps suddenly stopped, and an exit appeared in front of her.

Xu Ziyan silently looked at the exit from the 100-meter-long exit, and faintly radiated a hint of coldness from the inside.

very quiet!

Whether it is outside the channel or inside the channel.

Xu Ziyan can even hear his heartbeat.

Suddenly, from the exit, there was a screaming call sign that made Xu Ziyan’s body tremble. The screaming call sign passed from the entrance to the silent passage, circling, and oozing into the human bones.

This sound did not fall, another cry of the call sign came out, followed by the third call sign. These three call signs are definitely not issued by one person, but three different voices. The only thing that is the same is that their voices are full of intolerable pain.

Xu Ziyan's body floated a layer of dense goose bumps, and the scalp was a little numb. I swallowed a saliva, and I already had a four-piece sword in my hand. This was obtained from the Dragon Treasure. He also called out the water of a palm, formed a bodyguard on his body, glared at his eyes and watched the passage with vigilance.


It was a few screams of screaming from the entrance. Xu Ziyan clasped his hands in the sword, and he repaired it to the peak. He stared at the entrance in front of him.

The sorrowful voice of sorrow was gradually deep, weakened, and eventually disappeared. Only a heavy breathing sound was heard from the entrance of the passage.

Xu Ziyan waited for a while in silence, seeing that nothing rushed out from the entrance of the passage, and a tight string in his heart relaxed slightly.

Staying here for a long time is not a matter of childhood. After all, Xu Ziyan still holds the sword and walks step by step toward the entrance of the passage. As the footstep approaches the entrance to the channel, the thicker breathing sound inside is clearer and audible.

Suddenly, the breathing outside the passage stopped. There was a chain of sounds, and then it was silent. Xu Ziyan immediately stopped his footsteps and knew that his footsteps were heard by the people inside. He was very embarrassed at the moment.

Just stopped for a moment, Xu Ziyan took another walk. Things have arrived at this time, always have to face.

Xu Ziyan finally walked into the passageway, even if Xu Ziyan had already prepared, but the situation inside still made Xu Ziyan surprised. Can't help but take a step back and hold the sword in his hand tighter.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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